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AndroidCapture AppiOSiPhone 11Pro3Questions

Question: Does the device used to capture/upload a model affect quality?18119

lifestyle72 private msg quote post Address this user
I currently use a Matterport Pro 3 paired with an Iphone 11 pro to run the capture app. I am looking to switch to an android device for reasons unrelated to Matterport but I wanted to know if switching devices will in any way affect the final product after processing or does it matter?
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DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
I would say no. But I just went through this shooting a cruise ship in Dec. My new Pro 3 was using my older i pad and after 187 scans the app kept crashing I wound up using my i phone 13 pro to finish and then before the next ship I bought a new i pad pro 16g Ram 1 tera bite storage and all went as planned after that.
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WGAN Forum
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Welcome to the WGAN Forum.

Switching Capture to Android from Apple will not affect the final product after processing.

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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Please do start another topic to share your Pro3 shot cruise ship tours.

Enjoy your weekend.

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FilmDP private msg quote post Address this user
Not that the final product would be different, but I asked Matterport tech support if a new and faster processing iPad will speed things up during capture, and they said the newer faster processor iPads will effect the speed of the render in the iPad after each capture. It is not speeding up the camera, just the processing within the iPad after each capture. In other words once the capture is done and the iPad is crunching the incoming image to the time you could open the image on the iPad to make sure it looks correct. I was using a Pro2 camera and a older Intel processor iPad. So after Matterport tech said yes, I bought a new iPad Pro 11" with lots of memory and M2 processor. And this does speed things up. I can't tell you how many seconds faster, but I certainly know it is faster, and happy I upgraded to a new iPad. I just got a Pro3 camera, and on my first test, things just move right along. Shooting is quite a bit faster now.... very happy !!
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
As @FilmDP has already mentioned you cannot beat a rotation speed of a camera by switching to a more powerfull device. So the only improvement you will get by switching to something more powerfull is an amount of time for data transfer and alignment.

I do not know if Wi-Fi in newer iPads is anyway better but I doubt it is much better than in 2020 models. The only way to transfer data fast is to be as close with your iPad to a camera as possible.

As for alignment speed iPad Pro 2020 can transfer and align a next progressive scan in about 7 seconds and that the only time you can improve.

However if you jump spots and go to a different side for a new scan than a previous one you force the app to start looking at all data because it won't find any alignment in an area you scanned before that new scan. This I bet can be improved in speed with a more powerfull more RAM device. More ram will simply let loading bigger chunks of data in it to search where new scan belongs and should be aligned to.
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