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Video: How to create custom Matterport tool buttons with Openhaus17534

Heber City Utah
Carson private msg quote post Address this user
Happy Friday y'all! The Openhaus team just made some fun updates to Matterport tool buttons, and we'd be super interested to hear your feedback.

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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Congrats on the new Openhaus features. [Openhaus for Matterport Service Providers]



Transcript (video above)

Carson Clement: Everyone Carson from Openhaus and it's time for a much-needed product update video for Openhaus Pro. It's been a long time, probably several weeks since we've actually created a product update video.

We've just been so busy and we have lots to talk about. We're only going to talk about three major updates, but there's so many bug fixes and just other minor updates that we need to catch you up on to that it's a little overwhelming. We've been building a lot, writing a lot of code and just working hard over here for you.

I'm going to talk about three major updates and I'm going to do it using this real simple home tour. You can actually check this home tour out at It's a recent project that we helped out with and it's just an incredible space and we loved the way it turned out. It also uses three of our new product updates.

I'm really excited to tell you about it today. The three major product updates that we're going to talk about today are one, the shape and size of videos. You can change that. Number 2, you can change every color of every button, every element on the page however you want. Number 3, you can actually have what we call a helped guided tour.

We're trying to think of a better name for that. As I show and explain this new feature, please think of ideas and send us your ideas for what we should call this. But without further ado, I'm going to make a quick video showing you each of these elements, but I would love for you to tune in later.

We're actually going to be diving in deeper to each of these new features because there's lots more to talk about, but I just wanted to show them to you today. First of all, you can see this video in the top right corner up here. Let me move myself so it's not so distracting. But this video in the top right corner up here, you've never seen that in an Openhaus tour.

You've probably, hopefully never seen that in any other Matterport tour in general. But this video is circle shaped and we love it, it matches the other elements on the page. It's really comfortable. It's something that you guys have actually asked us quite a bit about. You can now have four different video shape options. Number 1, is circle.

You can have circle video shapes. Number 2 is square. You can have your videos be square. It'd be the same dimensions there that you're seeing up here, but square. I can show you these different options in just a minute. You can have your videos be portrait, like a portrait. You're videoing vertically on your phone. Or you can have your videos be landscape, which has the same dimensions as portrait, but just sideways. Those are your options.

I'm actually not going to go and show you, I really want this video to be quick. But anyways, you will be able to see inside of your Openhaus portal these different video options and what they look like. The other update we have on videos as well. It's not on this tour, but I'll show you what it would look like. Let me mute this. You can actually choose to start your videos expanded now. This is what expanded it looks like in your portal and your styles page, you can actually choose to have this be the default setting.

When you come and visit this tour, the video would start this size expanded. This is what is default. But if you have a need, a client wants the video to be bigger to start, that's a new option as well. That's update number 1, new video options for shapes, which is really cool. I just love how these circle videos look on these tours.

Then the ability to actually make these videos start expanded or start collapsed. Update number 2, I should say, you can see in this tour the buttons are different. That is because we've given you now the ability to basically change the color of any element on the page individually. It's pretty powerful. Like literally every button you see here, you could change the color up. Not only can you change the background color, but you can also change the icon color on these buttons.

A lot of you have asked, hey, I have a client that has a white color as their primary color and I'm having a hard time using that primary color on the styles page. Well, now it doesn't matter.

You can change every element you want. It can have white background with black icons. It can have this pretty blue we see with a slightly lighter blue, you really have full control over the colors that you choose inside of the styles page, which is so awesome because we want to give you more and more control. You can see there's several different colors on here, but they all cohesive and look good together.

I'll also show you here inside of your pop-ups, you can change the button colors, etc. It's not just that the action buttons on the page, but we're trying to make it so like literally every element on the page on your tours and the pop-ups, etc. You have control to change the colors and styles up.

More control even then this is coming. Just wait until you see our new tagging feature. It's going to be a lot of fun. That's product update number 2, full control over the colors of all your buttons and can make these experiences really on-brand, and really fun.

To me, this tour we're looking at right now is probably the most beautiful Matterport 3D tour experience I've ever seen. I know I'm biased, but we really love how this new feature set and it applied on this tour turned out. Product update Number 3 is really exciting for us. It took us a long time to figure out the best way to go about this.

But we're excited about the initial version that we've just released. You can see up, I want you to pay attention to the top-right up here. Watch as I navigate throughout the space, so watch up here. As I'm walking into different areas of the home, you can see it says I just entered the laundry room. Now it says I just entered the dining area. Now it says I just entered the kitchen.

You get the point? You can now tie videos to the location you are at in the space. This is important because watching the video and navigating the space might be done at a different pace. If I'm standing in this kitchen and I've looked at the kitchen, but the person is still talking about the kitchen in the corner.

But I want to move on, but I want to hear what they have to say about this different area and navigate to, well now you can sync the video to that area. Let me show you how this works. If I click over here, you can see it says I'm entered the kitchen. Now I've entered the dining area. Un-mute first. If I click sync video.

FEMALE_1: The dining room is adjacent to the kitchen.

Carson Clement: Is that magical?

FEMALE_1: It's natural to have our friends?

Carson Clement: Let me go over her.

FEMALE_1: Follow her at Jean-Michel design.

Carson Clement: You just enter the living room.

FEMALE_1: This living room is a far cry, beige farmhouse scene.

Carson Clement: I think that it's magical, we're super pumped about this new feature. It's just going to make navigating the space and having narrated tours so much better. This is just Version 1, is pretty simple, but we are very pumped about it.

I just think it's a magical experience to be able to have this guided tour. She can be talking to me about this face here, but if I'm ready to move on, I've moved on to this back porch. What tells me all you entered the back porch? Let's think of the video to that section where she's talking about that.

FEMALE_1: Deep prioritized, but our favorite power-clashing designer DePito made the most of this back porch.

Carson Clement: It's so awesome. I don't know. I just think it's magical. We hope you do too. This feature is actually not yet available in the portal.

But it will be very soon. If you have a client that wants to use this like right away, we can actually help you do it before it's available in the portal right away. Please let us know and we can help you do it in more of a manual way. I hope you can tell.

We're really excited about this new guided tour feature. We're trying to think of a nice name for this guided tour feature. If you have any ideas that come to mind, please let me know.

But that's said, it's hard to keep these videos short, especially when there's so much to talk about. I said this is going to be quick. It's been 10 minutes.

I'm going to cut it off before I just keep rambling. But watch out for more videos that dive deeper into each of these features and these updates that we just talked about because there's more to discuss and digest. As always, please let us know what you think, let us know if you have any issues with these new features we just talked about.

Carson Clement: Thanks for using Openhaus Pro and just being part of the community.
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