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'Openhaus' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Openhaus platform stopped working? 360pointsofview 2 8 monthsBuster6070 (259): Did you get any response yet? If not here's some contacts I've dealt with when asking for support. Christian Adams, not sure his title Carson Clement - Head of Development
Captur3D vs MVL vs? fotoguy 4 1 yearSkeeter (425): Try iGuide. One processing fee and that's it.
How to add eCommerce integration to Matterport tours Carson 2 2 yearsMeshImages (3038): When I first tried the Openhaus E-Commerce-Integration with my Shopify website, it was an absolutely magic experience! You can place 100s of products by simply adding the pre-created Mattertags to the tour. All data is already in the tags, amazing! I placed 150 products in about 1 hour. And congrats, Carson, the new checkout option with the contact form looks absolutely phantastic! A check in-store-availability feature could be a great...
Adding Music To A Matterport Tour? Carson 3 2 yearsrzphotoman (1837): I've been adding music and more to all my Matterport tours for the last 4 years with and as a WGAN member you get a FREE basic account plus the Unlimited plan is only about $25 per month.
Video: How to Add Custom Branding to Matterport Tours Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Here is a quick tutorial for anyone looking to add custom branding to their Matterport tours Openhaus Pro
Video: How to Tag Matterport Tours Faster Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Matterport's tagging feature can take a lot of time but we've made it tagging a space super easy, check out the video below Openhaus Pro
Changing the colors of a Matterport tour? Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Looking for the best way to change the colors in your Matterport tours? Openhaus pro makes it super simple to quickly adjust colors of every element in your Matterport tour, check out the video below Openhaus Pro
Pre-made themes for Matterport Tours Carson 3 2 yearsCarson (302): Thank you so much for your kind words! It's awesome that you've been following our journey and are impressed with the innovations we've brought to Matterport tours. Your feedback means the world to us, and we're committed to continuously enhancing the user experience, especially for consumer-facing tours. We're absolutely stoked about the positive impact our custom-designed Mattertags and seamless space connections are making! And we want to...
Easily Customize your Matterport Tours Carson 3 2 yearsCarson (302): Yes, we can help set that up for you with your Openhaus tours
WGAN-TV Training U: Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV | Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates for all Your Clients' Tours! | Guest: Openhaus Co-Founder Christian Adams | Episode #190 | Thursday, 1 June 2023 | | @christianadams Transcript (Video Above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: -Hi all, I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the []. Today is Thursday, June 1st, 2023, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5. We have an awesome...
WGAN-TV eBook: Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV | Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates for all Your Clients' Tours! | Guest: Openhaus Co-Founder Christian Adams | Episode #190 | Thursday, 1 June 2023 | | @christianadams Transcript (Video Above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: -Hi all, I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the []. Today is Thursday, June 1st, 2023, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5. We have an awesome...
WGAN-TV Podcast: Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV | Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates for all Your Clients' Tours! | Guest: Openhaus Co-Founder Christian Adams | Episode #190 | Thursday, 1 June 2023 | | @christianadams Transcript (Video Above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: -Hi all, I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the []. Today is Thursday, June 1st, 2023, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5. We have an awesome...
WGAN-TV Transcript-Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV | Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates for all Your Clients' Tours! | Guest: Openhaus Co-Founder Christian Adams | Episode #190 | Thursday, 1 June 2023 | | @christianadams Transcript (Video Above) [00:00:02] Dan Smigrod: -Hi all, I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the []. Today is Thursday, June 1st, 2023, and you're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5. We have an awesome...
WGAN-TV | Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV | Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates for all Your Clients' Tours! | Guest: Openhaus Co-Founder Christian Adams | Episode #190 | Thursday, 1 June 2023 | | @christianadams Hi All, Watch WGAN-TV Live at 5 (5 pm ET today, Thursday, 1 June 2023) above: => Openhaus Themes: Pre-Built Matterport Overlay Templates for all Your Clients'...
Matterpod Episode 11 — "You Can Create These Amazing Experiences" Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Hey WGAN Friends! Openhaus Pro just released a new Matterpod episode last week with Mykal Bush. If you haven't had a chance to look at it, I'll share it above!
Openhaus Pro Product Update !! Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Many other great updates coming during the next two weeks (:
Who likes memes? Carson 2 2 yearsPhilly (86): I've checked into openhaus a few times, but it just kind of irks me that you claim simple pricing, no hidden fees, yet hide them behind a sales lead form. I'd love to think of ways to sell your product and apply them in the real world, but can't even do that without knowing how or what your charge. "Give us your info and we will tell you what we want you to pay" is not very enticing to me.
Currency Support from Openhaus Pro Carson 4 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): @MeshImages Thank you for sharing your Matterport tour integrated in the Openhaus Showcase Player. Fun to see how you are using the Openhaus features - such as video, navigation icons, custom MatterTags and currency support. Best, Dan
Matterpod Episode #9 Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Hey, We Get Around Network friends! Last week our team had a conversation with Ahmed Attia from NAV3D. I'll share below for anyone who is interested in listening :)
Video: Matterpod Episode 8! Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Any MSP's in Colorado?! Meet Ken Cruz from Mile High Creative. He highlights what he has learned throughout the pandemic as an MSP in the Matterpod Podcast episode 8.
Utilizing Openhaus Tags Carson 3 2 yearsCarson (302): @meshimages very insightful to know what makes you interested in using Openhaus for tagging. Thank you a million for the comment!! Just so you know... tagging is about to see a fun update. Coming soon!
Matterpod Podcast: "Nobody wants a Matterport tour." Carson 10 2 yearsGerhard (1484): @johnwheatley I have a client who I scanned about a year ago, and the tour has around 500+ views ( Multinational company ) now their marketing and sales staff swear they are using the tour (s) every day ( 120+ for their locations ) I uploaded one to their Google my business three months back and got a report from Google about a month ago that in the last two weeks they received just over 160 000 views of their Virtual Tour on Google Business....
What Matterport related podcasts do you listen to? Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Hey everyone! As an msp myself, I am looking to consume more content about Matterport-related topics. What are your favorite YouTube channels and Podcasts to learn about all things Matterport? Openhaus Pro recently released "The Matterpod" if anyone wants to listen in.
Do you have retail customers? Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): If you work with retailers now or plan to in the future, I highly recommend checking out Openhaus. The dynamic syncing is incredible for e-commerce, and the final product is as pretty as can be. Openhaus for Matterport Service Providers
Openhaus — How to Create Custom Mattertags Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): everyone! If you want to create custom Matterport MatterTags for a specific client / project, this vid is for you. Openhaus | Openhaus for Matterport Service Providers
Any luck selling Matterport eCommerce Retail Shopping Cart experience? Carson 3 2 yearsCarson (302): Hey @shakoure! Good thoughts. I agree with you. From what I can tell, most brands are still very much in the "research" and "discovery" stages of all things 3D commerce. A handful of early adopters exist, but most are sitting on the sidelines trying to figure out if they need to take part in that world, and if they do... to what extent and with what medium? Also, brands are creating immersive experiences for different...
Anyone live in Utah? Carson 5 2 yearsCarson (302): @dansmigrod haha you'll have to come visit! @vtlv, all good! Best of luck down South. @ziffman76, I live in American Fork. My number is 949-303-5040. Feel free to shoot me a text!
Openhaus Pro Podcast — Greg and Tracy Welch from Step by Step 3D Carson 4 2 yearsGETMYVR (1940): I'm always looking at the local market and 98 plus percent of agents still are not using 3D tours. So the opportunity all across North America is still in its infancy. Matterport is the gold standard, and I'm very content as an ambassador for their platform.
The Future of Commerce with Matterport Technology Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Will retailers and publishers begin to adopt 3D technology like Matterport more widely? What would motivate them to do this? Hopefully, this convo with an SVP at Buzzfeed can give you a few ideas of how they think about the future of content and commerce. Enjoy and please share your thoughts!
Video: How to add a contact form to your client's 3D tour Carson 5 2 yearsRealtyMediaMx (105): Hi @tosch, why there's no pricing on your web?
Video: How to do a Matterport of a small bathroom DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsGamelLarry (189): Great tip. That's how we do small rooms as well. It also keeps blank areas under the camera.
Video: Openhaus — a quick tip on how to scan small spaces Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Scanning a small space can actually be tricky. Most of the time it seems like the only option is to take a scan right in the middle of the room... but here is one other option to consider. Do y'all have any other tips?
Openhaus Playlist: Highlights from Pretty Cool Homes Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): From time to time the Openhaus team has the opportunity to visit some pretty cool homes. We've recorded a few videos to highlight some of our favorite ones. If you are in the mood to check out some pretty homes, check out our YouTube playlist.
Video: How to create custom Matterport tool buttons with Openhaus Carson 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): @tosch Congrats on the new Openhaus features. [ Openhaus for Matterport Service Providers] Best, Dan Transcript (video above) [00:00:01] Carson Clement: Everyone Carson from Openhaus and it's time for a much-needed product update video for Openhaus Pro. It's been a long time, probably several weeks since we've actually created a product update video. We've just been so busy and we have lots to talk about. We're only going to talk...
An example of a Matterport tour enhanced with Openhaus by Saad Abdullah Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Loved this space that was customized by Saad Abdullah. Saad does quite a bit of Matterport business in Saudi Arabia, and is a great friend. Check out his space and let me know if you ever need a good contact in Saudi Arabia. Happy to connect you with Saad. [openhaus][/openhaus]
Openhaus Pro Podcast #4 w/ Florian Wagner Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Listen in to a great conversation between Florian Wagner of Mesh Images and Carson Clement as they chat about how Florian got started with Matterport, the amazing Matterport Cloud, the Pro 3, and much more.. Enjoy!!
Video: Florian Wagner (MESH IMAGES) - Openhaus Pro Podcast DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsMeshImages (3038): Thanks for posting, @DanSmigrod! You are always perfectly informed, what’s going on in your network 😎
Real Simple Home 2022 is Live!!! Carson 4 2 yearsMeshImages (3038): Congrats, impressive presentation! Great sync of the video presentation with the different rooms. And I also like the multi-product-tags! How many products are shown in this tour?
Matterport "SKINS" — Do you use them?! Carson 10 3 yearsnorthernWIld (22): I'd like to use them more, though I find the terms of use to be disagreeable.
How-To: Add a Client’s Logo to a Matterport Tour Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): TRANSCRIPT: In this video, I'm going to show you how you can add your client's logo as well as their custom branding to their Openhaus tour. To do so here on the left hand side, you'll notice under where it says client, there is a client selector dropdown box. Here you can select which client you want to begin customizing their styles for. For this demo, we're going to...
Video: How To Add Client Accounts Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): TRANSCRIPT: Hey there wanted to show you the manage client accounts page. So if I scroll down once i'm in my dashboard scroll down and you can see this client account section i'll click manage client accounts here and what you can see is it will list all of the client accounts that my portal account has access to and that i'm managing. The way you can think about...
Video: How to add Video to your Matterport Tour Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): Hey all, Here is a quick little tutorial on how to add video to a Matterport tour using Openhaus Pro: --- Transcript Here is how to add a video to your Matterport tours. Sometimes Matterport tours can be a little unromantic. What I mean by that is walking around a 3D space in silence is not that great of an experience. It's not that engaging. It's a little awkward. You can actually add videos to have...
WGAN-TV Podcast Episodes: Shopping DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN.INFO/search-shopping Plus ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: eCommerce | Shopping | | Openhaus | Retail VR |
Where do y'all find new business? Carson 10 3 yearslilnitsch (5803): Had an organic lead though my website yesterday that I am going to walk today for a Mixed use building with 30 apartments and several retail spaces Also, had a great little birthday party for one of my builders which these types of events are always great networking opportunities
Lead Generation & Matterport - how to do it? GETMYVR 6 3 yearsGETMYVR (1940): Many great ideas, and thanks to Peter at Zuant reaching out too.
Openhaus Pro Podcast for Matterport Pros Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): Hey all, To give you guys even more Matterport related content, we are starting a new Podcast focused on all these Matterport, metaverse and 3D capturing. Aaron Rice of the Virtual Reality Collaboration Lab (VRCOLAB) is our fist guest, we would love to feature as many members of the WGAN community as possible so if you're interested, please reply. We'd love to chat with you.
Openhaus Podcast Profile: MSP (and Real Estate Agent) Aaron Rice (@VRCOLAB) DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): VRCOLAB Founder Aaron Rice profiled by @Openhaus Co-Founder Carson Clement | Video courtesy of Openhaus YouTube Channel | 4 August 2022 Hi All, Nice Openhaus Podcast interview with Balitmore-based Matterport Service Provider (and Real Estate Agent) Aaron Rice (@VRCOLAB) and Openhaus Co-Founder Carson Clement. Includes a discussion of how Aaron is leveraging Openhaus to help leverage...
ONE thing you wish you could change about the Matterport Experience? Carson 7 3 yearschristianadams (27): @MeshImages There isn't a formal place for the masses to submit dev requests, but if you use Slack, we'd love to open up a direct channel with you so we can talk with you directly about ideas, updates, features, etc. Or if you prefer email, we can do that as well.
How To: Adding White Label Domains for your Tours Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): White label domains enables you to use YOUR OWN domain or sub domain to deliver a Matterport tour to your clients. This makes tours appear native to your company website, and allows for greater brand consistency. Check out the video to learn how
Bottlenecks in your Matterport Workflow? Carson 3 3 yearsCarson (302): Wow, yes! Well said. I think the ability to make quick edits like that inside of the capture app would be a game changer. @fathom3D, do you mainly service clients in the real estate industry, or elsewhere?
Learn how to make money and charge for Matterport "overlay" features Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): [openhaus][/openhaus] Happy Monday! I've spoken with many MSP's in the WGAN who are unsure how to make money or charge customers for "overlay" features. Example: This Wednesday [20 July 2022], I will keep my schedule open from 10am - 5pm MST to share info on this topic, answer questions, and help you however I can. If you'd like to connect,...
Proximity Based Tags in Matterport? Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): Hello all, Do you have a matterport scan with tons of tags? It can start to feel kind of cluttered. Now you can de-clutter with Proximity Based Tags. With this feature enabled tags will auto populate as visitors navigate around your tour and only display tags in their immediate area. Openhaus Tags vs Matterport:
Matterport + Openhous Platform + Shopify Shopping Cart eCommerce Example DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsMeshImages (3038): @DanSmigrod Thanks for sharing, Openhaus created some metrics! (This screenshot is already 6 days old, sorry for posting late)
Adding E-commerce layer to Matterport Tours? Carson 21 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): @MeshImages Thank you for sharing your (great) use-case for Matterport + Openhaus = shopping. Please let us know when you sell your 1st art this way. Do you have any Shopify clients that is now using the Matterport + Openhaus integration? Or, not yet? -- Openhaus has done a great job integrating a shopping experience within the Matterport tour. Please remember me when you are rich and famous :cool: Dan
Matterport — Baby Steps into the Metaverse Carson 5 3 yearsWingman (4414): None, because Matterport has not been created for 3D so they cannot built a good 3D model. You can hover use it to collect some 3D data and then manually clean & fix it. Sure it is faster than doing it from a scratch but still should cost a few 1000s to build a clean 3D model with realistic textures from a Matterport tour and Matterpack.
MATTERTAGS: Why aren't you using them? Carson 6 3 yearsMeshImages (3038): @tosch Great example, this looks very good! I also like the persistent shopping cart :cool:
How often do you use Mattertags? Carson 7 3 yearsWingman (4414): 100% for venue tours, others barely ask for them even when I give them 1-3 tags for free.
Video: Matterport | Virtual Reality Retail | The Future of Retail DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): Matterport | Virtual Reality Retail | The Future of Retail | Video courtesy of Maximum Solutions Corporation YouTube Channel | 11 May 2022 WGAN Forum Related Discussions 1. Transcript: WGAN-TV-Matterport Brand/Shop Experiences powered by RETAIL VR 2. Transcript: WGAN-TV How to Add a Shopping Cart to Matterport with Openhaus 3. WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Retail VR | Openhaus | eCommerce | ...
Customers asking for Matterport Customization Tools for branding? Carson 3 3 yearsMeidansha (832): The tours I make tend to be sold through a big advertising firm. They prefer if the tours have the same pattern everytime, so the amount of customization I can do is limited. The reason is that when dealing with big companies as final end clients the decision to make a tour is made by a large number of people and surprises can lose the contract. We started using mpembed as it was a cheap solution that had what we needed. That is a menu for...
WGAN-TV Training U: How to Add a Shopping Cart to Matterport with Openhaus DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): Openhaus website | Openhaus for Matterport Pros website Openhaus iOS App Video: Openhaus Shoppable 3D Experiences with Openhaus Co-Founder Carson Clement | Video courtesy of Carson YouTube Channel |...
WGAN-TV eBook: How to Add a Shopping Cart to Matterport with Openhaus DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): Openhaus website | Openhaus for Matterport Pros website Openhaus iOS App [issuu][/issuu] WGAN-TV eBook: How to Add a Shopping Cart - and Live...
WGAN-TV Podcast: How to Add a Shopping Cart to Matterport with Openhaus DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast WGAN-TV Podcast (Audio/Video) #142: How to Add a Shopping Cart - and Live Shopping Events - to Matterport Tours powered by Openhaus | Guest: Openhaus Co-Founder ...
WGAN-TV>How to Add a Shopping Cart/Live Shopping Events to Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): WGAN-TV: How to Add a Shopping Cart - and Live Shopping Events - to Matterport Tours powered by Openhaus | Guest: Openhaus Co-Founder Carson Clement | Episode: 142 | Thursday, 21 April 2022 | [podbean][/podbean] WGAN Forum Podcast #94 Carson (@openhaus_carson), Thank you for being my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5. Enjoy your weekend, Dan
Transcript: WGAN-TV How to Add a Shopping Cart to Matterport with Openhaus DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): Continued from above ... --- [01:06:41] Dan Smigrod: I want to pick up on what you're describing because my initial impression of Openhaus from the lens of a Matterport Pro, "oh my gosh! this does three amazing things: 1) First, as you were, I think, about to say, 'if you've ever added MatterTags in quantity and worked with a client, you know that that has been a total nightmare," so a problem or challenge that Openhaus solves for...
WGAN-TV>How to Add a Shopping Cart/Live Shopping Events to Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): Openhaus website | Openhaus for Matterport Pros website Openhaus iOS App Video: Openhaus Shoppable 3D Experiences with Openhaus Co-Founder Carson Clement | Video courtesy of Carson YouTube Channel |...
Matterport Powers New Experiences for Retailers and Consumers DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): Matterport Media Release --- Openhaus Reduces Time to Produce Shoppable 3D Experiences by 90% with Matterport Developer Tools | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 15 December 2021 | Transcript [podbean][/podbean] Matterport Powers New Experiences for Retailers and Consumers Retailers turn to digital twins to reach consumers virtually while...
Video: Matterport Digital Twin Shopping Experience powered by Openhaus DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31592): Openhaus Reduces Time to Produce Shoppable 3D Experiences by 90% with Matterport Developer Tools | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 15 December 2021 Video: Matterport Digital Twin Shopping Experience powered by Openhaus Hi All, Speaker Carson Clement Co-Founder Openhaus Waco, Texas Your thoughts? Dan Transcript (Video Above) Carson Clement: Openhaus is an app where...