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Matterport Classic PricingPro3

Matterport Pro3 Camera is Nice... Unless you Have a MP Classic Cloud Plan17378

Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
Early MP adopters still getting the short end of the stick...

Matterport Support Page
Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Good find! (Wish it was better news!)

WGAN Forum related discussion:

Can you transfer Pro3 scans to other MSPs with Classic accounts?

Post 2 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for raising this up man!

Wow what a slap on the face!
Is matterport so not confident about is growth of new subscribers such that
us early adopters, proponents for MP, get stiffed like this and MP needs to milk the 'older generation' too?

Very distasteful Matterport!
Post 3 IP   flag post
ittam private msg quote post Address this user
You are being phased out. Somewhat like Uber and Lyft drivers. The moment they have full autonomous cars, no need for drivers.

VHT will likely get the new Matterport cameras!
Post 4 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @ittam
You are being phased out. Somewhat like Uber and Lyft drivers. The moment they have full autonomous cars, no need for drivers.

VHT will likely get the new Matterport cameras!

And, Matterport Capture Services on Demand.

Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
Nobody seems to be able to get ahold of Matterport Customer Service. But they found time to reply back on my comment on Facebook with an explanation .

@aerialpixels Quote:
Originally Posted by aerialpixels
@Shakoure - Is matterport so not confident about is growth of new subscribers such that
us early adopters, proponents for MP, get stiffed like this and MP needs to milk the 'older generation' too?

"Pro3 and our new platform capabilities were built specifically for customers who need greater scalability and richer functionality to market and manage their properties"

Apparently, classic plan customers have zero need for greater scalability or richer functionality.

This company needs to get dog piled by real estate photographers like we did in the past when Matterport would make an announcement in Januarys. Their stock is in the tank and we need to exploit why and be included with forward thinking. The CEO offering a beer to an agent adopter isn't going to cut it - it didn't work.

Post 6 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
@VTLV ...Bravo. Well said. I own a bit of Matterport stock (at a loss) and keep a close on their numbers. If they want their NASDAQ graphs to climb, they'd listen closer to the folks on the ground. You're right in pointing out that their capture photographers understand the market better than they do, particularly those of us who have been with them before the restructure. But in their minds, they seem to care only about squeezing as much honey out of their "worker bees" as possible while at the same time send out their "elite" workers to eat into our market. Where's the loyalty? If it's to their large corporate stockholders, that obviously hasn't been working well.
Post 7 IP   flag post
twinmoons private msg quote post Address this user
Mike, you really hit the nail on the head. Matterport couldn't care less about their service providers. They have always been trying to push us out and convert us to a cheap labor force for their capture services. Their marketing materials for service partners were outdated and useless to start with, and that whole program got thrown by the wayside when they actively started competing against us.

I still can't believe that to this day we can't even export a full resolution panorama from our tours that WE CAPTURE. We're supposed to own our data. Why is there no lawsuit for this?

Once they introduced their new rip-off plans, I knew the day would come when they would introduce a new camera and do exactly what they're doing now.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab from Matterport Blog | 30 August 2022

Hi All,

I could imagine that Matterport anticipated the blow-back from Matterport Classic Pricing Plans: its early adopters and longest clients (but failed to take positive, honorable action).

Matterport could have embraced its early adopters and longest clients to be among to purchase the latest and greatest from Matterport. Instead, it will continue to endure painful discussions like this in the We Get Around Network Forum: the largest public forum/community for all things Matterport with 91,000 posts among 16,000 topics since August 2014 (1 September 2022).

I could imagine that potential new Matterport customers - Google "Matterport customer feedback" or something similar - and end up reading customer feedback like this and start to have second thoughts.

In this age of social media, key influencers, word-of-mouth on steroids, Matterport might have hugged its early adopters/longest customers rather than slapped them.

It's time for Matterport leadership to enable the Pro3 to work with Matterport Classic Pricing.

Post 9 IP   flag post
twinmoons private msg quote post Address this user
I don't see any other reason, besides greed, why the new camera can't work with a classic plan just like the BLK360. Just charge us the processing fees for each space. If it worked with a classic plan, I would be buying two of them today.
Post 10 IP   flag post
aerialpixels private msg quote post Address this user

Post 11 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
I really don't miss my 300 Scan Classic Plan at all. Too much brain damage.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
@Expertise ...I love my classic plan, I'd be paying 5x or more if I had "upgraded."
Post 13 IP   flag post
twinmoons private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Expertise
I really don't miss my 300 Scan Classic Plan at all. Too much brain damage.

To date, despite the fact that we have way more than 300 scans on our classic plan, our costs would be more than double if we were on the new plans.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
5 times you say? That's surprising to me.

How many active spaces are you carrying now?

How many do you process per month?

Do you charge hosting?

Obviously, everyone's business is different.

I found that we scan/process a lot of spaces, and most can be archived after 60-90 days. The exception would be model homes we do for builders, which stay live. But once we started charging for hosting that became a non-issue.

We're currently carrying about 175 scans.

The biggest headache for me with the Classic Plan was deleting scans and than inevitably getting a call 6 months later from someone who wanted that scan "reactivated".

Originally Posted by Shakoure
@Expertise ...I love my classic plan, I'd be paying 5x or more if I had "upgraded."
Post 15 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
@Expertise - ".... 5 times you say? That's surprising to me."

I gotta hear the math on this one. Are you going over or under on this one?

I recall going with the over on this topic 3 years ago with a 200 scan classic at $1,000 would cost $7,400 on the new pricing.

Any reason to hang onto more than one classic plan

Would you enlighten the Classic Plan Folks here with the following?

How many active models are you carrying now?

How many models are you paying for each month?

How many models do you process per month?

What do you charge for hosting?

@ittam is spot on with this one. There's a political angle being played here with Classic Plan. Photographers vs Photography Companies.

Post 16 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
This is devolving nicely.
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user

Post 18 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
Here's How:

...A NEW Plan with: Business @125 spaces = $3,228/yr OR Business Plus @300 spaces = $7,188/yr.
...A CLASSIC Plan with: Basic @100 spaces = $499/yr OR Business @300 spaces = $999/yr.

Now, if you're uploading about 12 new models every month, then your annual cost is still less on a Classic plan. But if you're doing 15 spaces per month, then maybe the New plans make sense since 15 new models per month is already $3420/yr. But the downside for some is that you'll likely run over your limit on the New plan (there are no overage solutions).

Ok, so back to Classic. Now, if you're over 100 spaces in Classic Basic (or 300 spaces for Classic Business plan), pay $19/monthly for an additional 50 spaces. So, to be on par with the 300 spaces for the New Business Pro plan ($7,188), keep your Classic Basic plan (of 100 spaces), keep adding increments of 50 spaces at $19/monthly (for every 50). When you reach 300 spaces, you would be paying only $1,411/yr... 5x less! That's $76(extra 200 spaces) x 12(months) + $499(original license).

Yes, you also have a $19 processing fee per upload, but it's a small enough cost that you can pass it on to the client.

See Price List for Classic Cloud Plans

Now if you want to archive a client's space, simply have them get a free account and archive it on their plan. If and when they want to reactive the model for public viewing, they can then upgrade to a starter account for $9.99/month (up to 5 spaces). Or, you can host it for them at cost.

See "How to Transfer a Space Between Organizations"
Post 19 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
This stuff is complicated. Your mileage may vary.

@Shakoure -I like that you're thinking and breaking stuff out.

I'm not sure if it is worth my time/effort to explain scenarios where a Classic Plan may not be the free ride that some think it is.
Post 20 IP   flag post
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Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
I hope MATTERPORT is tuning in, until they allow Classic Plans to buy the new MP3 camera, I'm out. A contract is a contract but slamming out early adopters as everyone else has said, is a little disrespectful to say the least. I hope they amend the rules.
Post 21 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I wonder if Matterport is providing a higher quality mesh that likely requires more processing time and more storage space for every model processed with the the Matterport Pro3 Camera? [If so, Matterport should say so on the Matterport Pro3 Camera support page.]

If that's the case, does that affect your thinking about Matterport enabling Matterport Classic Pricing Plans to use the Pro3?

Post 22 IP   flag post
twinmoons private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Hi All,

I wonder if Matterport is providing a higher quality mesh that likely requires more processing time and more storage space for every model processed with the the Matterport Pro3 Camera? [If so, Matterport should say so on the Matterport Pro3 Camera support page.]

If that's the case, does that affect your thinking about Matterport enabling Matterport Classic Pricing Plans to use the Pro3?


If that's the case, they can just charge a higher processing fee.

Also, we currently have more than 400 active spaces in our Classic plan. Matterport lists their highest new plans as supporting a maximum of 300 active spaces. I have contacted Sales asking if there is an option to host more than 300 active spaces and what the cost is and have received absolutely no response.
Post 23 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by twinmoons
If that's the case, they can just charge a higher processing fee.

I could imagine that the challenge is spending developer time on their legacy plan. Seems like Matterport should simply embrace its early adopters (likely candidates for Pro3) so that the Community has nice things to say about Matterport rather than beating them up publicly every time Matterport Classic Plan Members are treated as second class citizens.

Originally Posted by @twinmoons
I have contacted Sales asking if there is an option to host more than 300 active spaces and what the cost is and have received absolutely no response.

That's amazing that you have not heard back from Matterport Sales!

Congrats on the 400 active spaces in your Matterport Classic plan.


Post 24 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

I created this Google Sheet when Matterport first announced its new pricing:

Matterport 2019 New Pricing versus Matterport Classic Pricing - Annual Hosting

Post 25 IP   flag post
twinmoons private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @twinmoons
I have contacted Sales asking if there is an option to host more than 300 active spaces and what the cost is and have received absolutely no response.

That's amazing that you have not heard back from Matterport Sales!

Congrats on the 400 active spaces in your Matterport Classic plan.



Thanks, Dan. Yeah, I even specifically said that we are interested in purchasing two new Pro 3 cameras. Still nothing from sales. Very surprising.
Post 26 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
I can't imagine MP not mentioning an upgrade to the mesh coming from the Pro3 as that would be a big selling point. But IF there's actual improvement there, I hope it does away with some of the artifact/parallax problems that our models frequently suffer from.

Funny tid-bit... On the dashboard for my Classic account, I get a sales popup for the new Pro3. If they truly wanted to respectfully sell to Classic account holders, you think they'd at least give us a discount or some incentive. But nope. Not even a thank you for our early help in building their initial inventory.
Post 27 IP   flag post
twinmoons private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Shakoure
I can't imagine MP not mentioning an upgrade to the mesh coming from the Pro3 as that would be a big selling point. But IF there's actual improvement there, I hope it does away with some of the artifact/parallax problems that our models frequently suffer from.

Funny tid-bit... On the dashboard for my Classic account, I get a sales popup for the new Pro3. If they truly wanted to respectfully sell to Classic account holders, you think they'd at least give us a discount or some incentive. But nope. Not even a thank you for our early help in building their initial inventory.

Frankly, I think they resent us. When they were rolling out their scanning services and told us original service partners that we would have a chance to be part of that, I never received any info. I contacted them numerous times and all I got was an autoresponder saying they are still working on the program. It's quite obvious that they want to eliminate us service providers altogether and just turn everyone into Matterport drones so that they can maximize their profits.

Out of curiosity, are any of you folks part of their scanning services network? Do they even pay a decent rate for the scanning?
Post 28 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by twinmoons
Out of curiosity, are any of you folks part of their scanning services network? Do they even pay a decent rate for the scanning?

I could imagine that Matterport Capture Services On Demand providers are under non-disclosure (even to say that they are part of the program.

You may find helpful:

CHEAT SHEET: 80+ Companies Seeking MSPs to Shoot Matterport/HDR Photos Gigs

Post 29 IP   flag post
twinmoons private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Originally Posted by twinmoons

You may find helpful:

CHEAT SHEET: 80+ Companies Seeking MSPs to Shoot Matterport/HDR Photos Gigs


Good point. Yes, I'm sure they have had to sign NDA's. BTW, I don't think I ever received the message with the password for the cheat sheet. Can you please message me that? Thanks!!
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