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WGAN-TV | AEC Team Meetings Inside Your BIM Models, powered by SuperViz | Guests: SuperViz Co-Founder and CEO Russ Rive and SuperViz Head of Sales Marcelo Franco | Episode: 157 | Thursday, 18 August 2022 | SuperViz website @SuperViz | 14-Day SuperViz Free Trial

WGAN-TV | AEC Team Meets Inside Your BIM Model powered by SuperViz

Hi All,

Imagine architects, engineers and construction contractors meeting, presenting and collaborating inside of a BIM model: a space that does not (yet) exist.

Watch WGAN-TV Live at 5 on Thursday, 18 August 2022 for:

=> WGAN-TV | AEC Team Meetings Inside Your BIM Models, powered by SuperViz

My guests will be:

1. SuperViz Co-Founder and CEO Russ Rive and
2. SuperViz Head of Sales Marcelo Franco

Russ and Macelo will demo how an AEC team can meet inside of a:

1. BIM model
2. CAD file (such as Revit, SketchUp and SketchFab)

Topics Include

1. Save Time and Increase Engagement - SuperViz supports BIM remote collaboration with integrated immersive video conferencing in browsers with no downloads and just a couple clicks
2. Share pre-build designs - Share your SuperViz link with collaborators and ‘teleport’ them to meet inside your project.
3. Access 3D tools during meetings - Includes Wireframes, Floor Plan, Reset View and Measurement Ruler.
4. Make meetings efficient - Shared view options and avatars ensure everyone’s on the same page during virtual discussions.
5. Empower your team’s decision-making process
6. Anticipate decisions and avoid rework
7. Meet, record and share

Note: Russ and Marcelo were my guests on WGAN-TV Live at 5 that aired on Thursday, 30 June 2022 for the show (below):

=> WGAN-TV | Meet, Present and Collaborate Inside Your Matterport Tours powered by SuperViz

Want to get started with SuperViz today?

1. Start a 14-Day Free Trial
2. Schedule a SuperViz Demo
3. SuperViz Pricing (scroll down)

Questions that I should ask Russ and Marcelo?



SuperViz Links

1. SuperViz website
2. SuperViz on LinkedIn
3. SuperViz Co-Founder and CEO Russ Rive on LinkedIn
4. SuperViz YouTube Channel
5. SuperViz Direction of Marketing Áine Kmen (@AineSuperViz)
6. SuperViz Head of Sales & Customer Success Marcelo Franco (@Marcelo)


WGAN-TV | Meet, Present and Collaborate Inside Your Matterport Tours powered by SuperViz | Guests: SuperViz Co-Founder and CEO Russ Rive and SuperViz Head of Sales Marcelo Franco | Episode: 151 | Thursday, 30 June 2022 | SuperViz website @SuperViz

Video: SuperViz Recording During WGAN-TV Live at 5 show (above). Video courtesy of SuperViz


WGAN-TV | AEC Team Meetings Inside Your BIM Models, powered by SuperViz | Guests: SuperViz Co-Founder and CEO Russ Rive and SuperViz Head of Sales Marcelo Franco | Episode: 157 | Thursday, 18 August 2022 | SuperViz website @SuperViz

Transcript (video above)

Dan Smigrod: - Imagine architects, engineers and construction contractors meeting, presenting, and collaborating inside a BIM model: a space that does not yet exist. How is that possible? Stay tuned.

Hi all. I'm Dan Smigrod, Founder of the We Get Around Network Forum. Today is Thursday, August 18th, 2022.

Dan Smigrod: You're watching WGAN-TV Live at 5. We have an awesome show for you today: AEC Teams Meeting Inside Your BIM Model, powered by SuperViz. Here to tell us about that is, Russ Rive, Co-Founder and CEO of SuperViz and Marcelo Franco, Head of Sales for SuperViz. Hey Russ, thanks for being back on the show today.

Russ Rive: - Yeah, thanks for having us, Dan. It's always a pleasure.

Dan Smigrod: - Marcelo, thank you for being back on the show. Super excited to have you and learn all about the SuperViz meets BIM and CAD files. Russ, before we jump into today's demo, how about just an overview of SuperViz?

Russ Rive: - With SuperViz, we create a tool that makes it really easy for you to virtually meet inside of 3D spaces with the sense of presence; as if you were there. To have a productive on-site meeting.

Whether it's inside of a 3D BIM model, whether it's inside of a [Matterport] reality scan, whether it's inside of a 360 degree render; the idea is to create this virtual teleportation tool for productive meetings and remote virtual spaces.

The biggest company that I'd founded was into remote automation of web services. Then we moved on to creating immersive experiences in the real-world. Think of it as putting virtual layers of the real-world.

Then when virtual reality came around again, we decided to explore this a lot and try to create experiences.

We can take the real-world into virtual environments and make it easy for people to stimulate and simulate in-person meetings as if we were there together. For today, we really want to explore the area of architecture, construction and build-outs using SuperViz as a way to remotely meet inside of projects in all phases of that.

From before you actually start building in the early design phases of meeting in that 3D model through to when you start rendering out the spaces; to when you start doing scans of the construction; to when it's finally done and presenting it, and just this whole ecosystem.

Creating a really simple almost if it was a virtual teleportation machine for productive meetings, where being there together matters.

Dan Smigrod: - Sounds awesome.

Russ Rive: - Yeah.

Dan Smigrod: - What spaces that don't exist are we going to visit today or perhaps what file formats?

Russ Rive: - We have a couple ones to show today. We have a couple of integrations with SuperViz. We also have an SDK that's going to be launching so people can integrate into any spatial content.

But today we'll start off with showing a photogrammetry drone scan of an urban environment so you can meet in that using a SketchFab integration.

Then from there we'll move into a Revit file so we can start having meetings inside of the design phase of these projects. Which is useful for the architects, but also useful to bring stakeholders and even people that typically didn't participate early in the process, like plumbers and electricians to try and create it. Really walk through the space and identify issues before the build-out starts happening.

Then we'll get into 360 degree renders. Once people agree on the space, we start rendering out the spaces so as to be able to meet and walk around these spaces, rendered in almost photo-realistic styles so you can really get a feel of what it's going to be like.

Again, remotely meeting inside of them and then getting into digital twins. A Matterport integration allows us to then go and scan a real-world place.

It may be the construction that's ongoing that you want to remotely manage or maybe the apartment or the real estate location is finally ready and you want to sell it, so you scan it and then start having sales meetings inside of it. We'll go through all these ecosystems, these steps of a construction phase.

Dan Smigrod: - That sounds awesome. I believe one of the integrations that SuperViz does is with Autodesk Forge. It sounds like nearly any CAD file format that an architect or an engineer or design professional would use is supported by what you're about to show.

Russ Rive: - Yeah, we did choose Autodesk Forge because that is compatible with so many different file types. It currently supports around 60 different file types, including SketchUp, Revit, and many different types of very popular 3D files.

It's as simple as just taking your project file, dragging it into the SuperViz browser app. It'll render it out and you can start creating meeting links to meet inside of it.

Dan Smigrod: - Awesome. Take us through your demo.

Russ Rive: - All right, that's okay. What I'll do is I'll share my screen here. One second. Let's see here.

Dan Smigrod: - While Russ is setting up, you can always go to Sign-up for a 14-day free trial or set up a one-on-one with a member of the SuperViz team. I see your screen.

Russ Rive: - Great. As you said, is a great place to go and take a look. There's integrations, examples of the things we've done. What I've done here is, I'm meeting with Marcelo, who's also on the call with us in the presentation.

Basically what I've done is very similar to say, a Zoom link or Google Meet link. I've generated that, sent it to him and he simply clicks it and comes on in. I'll show you how to generate that in a bit. The first integration that we're using here is an aerial drone scan that was then uploaded into a platform called SketchFab.

Through our integration with SketchFab, you simply put the share link of that model into SuperViz and generate a meeting link. You can see we can really walk around this 3D model of an urban area.

Russ Rive: - Well, this is a point cloud drone scan. I'm not sure what the word file format they end up using because SketchFab also supports many different formats. But basically, they uploaded their file to SketchFab and that renders out the 3D image.

I'm now meeting inside with Marcelo. You can see he's in here with me, we can have a regular web conference experience as you'd expect, but at the same time, we're in the space together so I can see where he's pointing at.

We can follow each other. I'll get into that more in the 3D model space once we get in there. But you can see his pointer as I move, say, inside the model or to a different spot.

Say I want to go into the street here. If I say, "well, come to me," I can say, “gather all.” He'll pop up right next to me and you'll see exactly where we are. This becomes more interesting as I am going to say the 3D model.

This is an example of us meeting inside of a, say – an environment before we even start the project, just get an idea of where the building is going to be built, looking around it. It's a nice way to get those scans into the system. While I'm in a meeting, I can actually change different types of projects as well.

Marcelo Franco: - Russ, let me just make a quick comment here because I think people are only seeing your screen share.

But from my side so you guys understand, I have my own perspective. While Russ is navigating through the project and having his way to look around, I can navigate freely and go to a different location.

I'm not sharing the same view that Russ is viewing right now. I have my own view. I can say, "Russ come check this construction site right here" and he can jump directly to me. I think it's worth mentioning that as well.

Russ Rive: - Exactly. I can say jump to where Marcelo is, and it takes me straight to where he is, and now we're looking at the same location. We turned the real-world and these designs into an almost a video game experience.

Bringing the Metaverse to day-to-day productivity for getting things done in the real-world and designing for the real-world. From here I can take us, for example now, let me take us to an example Revit file.

I'm going to go ahead and load a Revit file now. That will load for both sides. You see that I'm in the meeting and able to change projects so that I could create a new meeting. All my projects in my SuperViz workspace are accessible to me in this meeting. Now it's loaded up the Forge viewer from Autodesk and we're actually inside a 3D file together.

This is really cool. Now we're actually walking through this space together. I'm going to go and get myself into a first-person walking environment here so I can actually walk around the space, and I can find Marcelo is in here as well with me.

Say I go ahead and click on him so I can find exactly where he is. Walk around, he's right here behind me probably. Let me see. There's Marcelo.

You can see he's in here with me. And as you can see, this is a good example, a good moment to point out the custom avatars.

You are able to go in and customize your avatar, make it look like yourself. It really adds again to this feeling of being there together.

But also we want to make sure we keep the webcam because nothing really substitutes the webcam for body language, for ease of use, for understanding, just the way we talk and use our hands and so on. In the space we have the avatars flying around with these laser pointers and being able to point at things.

But at the same time we have a very familiar web conference experience.

Here I'm moving around as I would in any 3D model. It's interesting, we got all the features from Forge as well here.

As we're walking around, I can invite, say, the electrician or the interior decorator and just have them come in here with us, I don't need to be an architect. I can just understand walking around this, this was a video game and it also includes all the BIM model information. If I select any object here, I have the full properties of all these objects here too.

We can really explore this at an architectural level and look at the different properties of everything. There's a couple of interesting features here. We can do things like measure. We can explode it.

We can look at the layers. Basically what the things you'd expect to see inside of a BIM viewer for your architectural flyers. Really cool here. It really turns it into a video game using the arrow keys, we can walk around the space.

I can do things like have Marcelo follow me, and this works throughout all projects that can activate the Follow Me function. What this does, Marcelo has its own point of view. We can look where you'd like to view. But as I walk around, he's walking with me. We can do a guided tour here.

But again, it's not a screen share, he's not forced to look where I'm. He can see my laser pointer as I can see him. You see how he sees his mouse pointer with his name and the laser, he sees mine as well.

To him, it looks like Russ with Russ' laser pointer. If I point to the door knob here, he'll know that I'm pointing at the door knob and we can discuss this. We can measure things. We can really discuss this project by walking around it together. I'm going to go ahead – there's many features. Maybe I should just use this opportunity to go through a couple of the features inside of the tool.

As you can see on the bottom here we have a toolbar as well that will appear in all the projects that SuperViz is meeting inside of. The first object we have here is: Change Projects. That opens up my project menu on the side, and here I can change between the projects on the fly as we need to.

Easy for me to go ahead and say, "now let's take a look at the renders," which I'll do in a second. "Let's look at the 3D model. Let's go back to the reality scan." "Let's compare the design of the 3D model to what is actually happening in a construction site right now and walk around that" and maybe bring the owner in who might be international to come in and actually goes through this with us. The next button over is the Record Button. What this does is what you'd expect it to do.

Basically, record our meeting, and this goes into my recording library, which I'll show you a second when we go into the back-end here. It advises Marcelo, hey, Marcelo recording the meeting using it accepts and now we're recording this. What's really nice about this recording is that it's recording my point of view of the entire meeting.

If we have change requests, if we point at things, if we make decisions, I not only have the voice in the webcam, but I have the context of the pointer and the mouse as well. If I say to Marcelo, "let's talk about the font on this door over here" you can see where I'm pointing. We can approve this. He can point at it. He can say, "yes, approved or no, let's change it." All this gets recorded.

It's a contextualized recording of what's happening. Afterwards I'll save this and send it to you Dan so that we can then share it with everyone. It just goes into the library.

The recording continues throughout everything. If I'm changing projects, all that stuff gets recorded, the whole meeting can get recorded and saved for later reference. The recording has ended and been saved for us.

Then we have classic video conferencing style tools that you would expect. The settings where you can choose your microphone and your camera, your speakers, all that stuff setups are really simple, muting and unmuting, turning on and off my camera, things you would expect from videoconferencing.

We also have a text chat here, so you can go ahead and chat, send messages, you can send web links, file links, all that stuff. Screen-share.

Even though we're inside of a 3D environment with videoconferencing, I can also say, "well, let me just bring up my PDF for my architectural software quickly," hit the screen share and be able to share my screen.

Next up we have the meeting link, so very easy if you just want to invite someone else, maybe there's someone else that is coming to the meeting. You can take that, send it to them by email or chat and they'll come in and then leave the meeting of course.

Inside the webcam side of things, if you take a look here, you'll see I have options to say follow, and I can choose to follow me or have everyone follow Marcelo. As the host, I can choose that anyone can follow anyone in this meeting, I can even give control as host to someone else. If I also want to go see where Marcelo is.

I'm going to go and just go all the way over here and then Marcelo says, "hey, there's something interesting that I'd like to show you." To jump to where he is, I simply click on his webcam. It will take me to where he is. You can see his mouse pointing right here. Nice to see you too. We are in here together, so it is very easy to move around, arrow keys to move around.

Anyone can do this if you just simply click on the webcam with someone to jump to exactly where they are and see what their pointer is pointing at.

The idea is to make it really easy to navigate. You don't have to be an architect to navigate SuperViz. You can call in stakeholders like designers, plumbers, electricians, the guy that's going to fabricate the stickers on these doors, you can bring them in and say, "look, this is what I'm thinking" and they would just use the arrow keys.

You can just activate the follow me. They can also have an immersive experience. We find that customers also like to use this tool to include stakeholders and vendors early in the process that typically only start getting involved later so they can catch these ideas and issues early.

Let's keep going here. We've gone from the urban drone scan 3D in SketchFab into an Autodesk Revit file, and put it into the Autodesk Forge.

Now let's go ahead and go to the next thing. Let's say we want to watch the renders of this environment. Let me find a project here that has the 360 renders. Let me see where that is.

Marcelo Franco: By the parkside Carvoeira.

Russ Rive: This one here.

Marcelo Franco: Yes.

Russ Rive: Now we have the 3D model going. Now we may need to start doing realistic renderings of what the space is going to be looking like. This is a full 360 tours creator where you can upload renders, floor plans, hotspots, all that stuff.

You can see it load straight into the floor plan. I'm going to go ahead and jump straight in. Again, this is all syncing with Marcelo as the host, I'm controlling the experience. What you're seeing is happening on my screen.

It loads the same environments for him and he has his own point of view to look around. Now we're meeting inside the 360 degree render. We've gone from the Revit or the SketchUp or whatever CAD file you're using into the 360 render as the project is moving along.

Because start really getting a feel for what this project is going to look like. In this phase, we can start doing things like adding hotspots. We can start doing walkthroughs. For example, here, another button appears on the bottom here, where I can go and view the other scenes that are inside the scene.

I can open up all the scenes and do all the walkthroughs. If I want to go back to the floor plan, jump through from the menu here. I think this is even the integration with Street View. One second, let me just load up here. We also have integration with Google Street View, so if you want to, you can go straight to the address as well.

Straight from Google's environment, you put any address and we can meet on the street outside to see what this environment is looking like. Really easy to teleport to these places and walk around. Let me jump back into one of these spots over here. We'll go back to where I was. I'm going to go ahead and click here.

You can see once we're in the 360 degree render, we can also activate the edit mode, this little slider over here where we activate the edit mode. Edit mode lets us add scenes, change scenes, add portals, walkthroughs, but we can also add hotspots. Hotspots are basically pins that we can place, tags that we can place around the scene.

Then we can open up different types of media. We can add images. It will just open up a window with a different image. Maybe it's a close-up render, or a photo of a reference, web links that'll open up a new tab for someone.

Then they could link to cloud drives with PDFs, link to a checkout for a product if they would like to buy it.

Basically any web link you can go ahead and put inside of that.

Text notes, audio recordings that I can drop in or record on the spot, add a video as well, so it'll open up and play a video, maybe it's an intro video that I'd like people to see in the space, and then seeing is to create these portals that you see here. Portals are what you'd expect them to do.

They basically walked through with arrows on the floor. Or if they're up in the sky, it's because it's more of a sphere of the next room, and it'll take you over to the next place.

This is a built-in feature for SuperViz to be able to upload custom 360 degree renders and build a really walked through experience and host meetings inside of that with their people. Let's keep going.

Now that we've done the SketchFab integration to be able to see drone scans or any 3D model. We've gone through the CAD model, we've gone through renders, and now let's take a look at what the project looks like in the real-world.

This could be for either to monitor how the construction's going, maybe ongoing and you want to do [Matterport] of the environment, putting a digital twin.

In this case, we've integrated with a platform called Matterport, which is probably one of the leaders in this area, which is really easy for you to scan it. You can also engage us to scan for you, if you'd like. Let me bring that up.

Now we're just jumping straight into a reality capture. The Matterport platform was used. We can go into reality. Again, this could be the construction.

You can do remote construction site management. In this case, the apartment is ready, and we're walking through a Matterport tour right now, and you'll see Marcelo's here with me as we are walking through this environment.

We're walking through and discussing it as if we were there together. It's really getting all the phases of what you would do in the property development, real estate, architecture space; from the design – early design – through to rendering, through to aerial scans, meeting on the streets through actual scanning of the reality.

SuperViz is a tool that lets you go ahead and really meet virtually in all these places as if you were there together. We are just taking the idea of Matterport but bringing it to real day usage, a productivity tool to get things done.

Russ, thank you for that demo and Marcelo adding your commentary as well. What's the sweet spot for SuperViz plus BIM or SuperViz plus CAD?

Russ Rive: There's many use cases. Maybe, Marcelo, you would like to talk about a couple of other real-world cases that you've had customers use this for?

Marcelo Franco: Sure. Of course. As an example, let's say for a real estate developer, that we have some practical use cases. It's even on the Matterport website, one of the use cases we've done with the company [Kallas Group].

They can use the SuperViz to discuss all the stages of the construction. What they did starting on the pandemic when they couldn't meet anymore in person, they had to keep going, they had to keep building all the buildings that they used to do.

They used SuperViz to get people collaborating remotely and they saw how powerful that would be. What they do today, they start using SuperViz on BIM models, on 3D CAD models, and they upload different types of files, so FBX, IFC, GPL, I think it's the other one as well.

They bring everyone together in the meeting and they start to talk about everything that is working or not inside a model.

After that, they have the 360 renders where they can document everything from the construction. They upload through our hotspots all the technical assets that they need, hydraulics, electrics and everything that they need. Even the people from the construction site, they can hop into a SuperViz project because they have a license to hop in there.

They can check the documentation while they are in the construction and even call a meeting if necessary to discuss anything with someone that's in the office. They don't need to call them on the spot or they don't need to drive there.

They can simply jump into a meeting and discuss the project. The next stage, they use the Matterport feature to see how the construction is going. They do all the management of the construction using Matterport.

At the end they use Matterport like a digital twin of the apartment ready as it is to show clients and prospects and everything. It's pretty interesting.

Dan Smigrod: While you're going through that example, Marcelo, I was checking off what some of the benefits seem to be. Hopefully, we'll be in a post-COVID world here. But that said, I think when I was hearing about saving airline tickets because all those people didn't need to fly.

That was saving airline tickets and hotel rooms, so a large savings in terms of travel. I was also hearing that it was possible to collaborate quickly by meeting up virtually rather than figuring out how to coordinate everybody's schedule to meet up in person. Are there other benefits that come to mind of using SuperViz plus BIM?

Let me just bring one up from the same client that we have. What they did, it's something that we can measure a certain amount of savings, but it goes a lot beyond that. Because there's a theory in civil engineering that shows that the most recent stage you get a failure or maybe a mistake in the project during the construction phase, the cheaper it will be to fix it.

Some fixes that they usually find during the construction process, it would cost them, I don't 5x. But now that they're finding the issues meeting inside a BIM model even before construction, during the modeling stage, they are saving tons of money because if they do that after the building is delivered, for example, they would spend 125 times that issue to be fixed.

The savings came up to $15 million a year, including on 20 buildings that they used for the research. The ROI is impressive. It's a 400 percent ROI with everything like SuperViz, Matterport camera, the BIM modeling, and all the assets they need to turn that into a virtual collaboration tool. It brought an ROI of 400 percent, so it's pretty impressive.

Russ Rive: I think it was 400 times actually, Marcelo. It wasn't just 4x. It was ridiculous. It was 400 times and not 400 percent.

Marcelo Franco: True.

Russ Rive: The numbers almost look surreal, so we ended up diving into it. It's just the idea that you can start calling people that are going to be working on the project into the design phase much earlier and catch these issues in the CAD phase where they were previously caught in the actual putting cement on the floor phase so that this cost savings is just so huge.

Dan Smigrod: I think what I'm hearing is rework, which is a big bugaboo in the construction space, is a tremendous opportunity to save a ton of money.

Probably a ton of frustration is if you can catch it in the BIM model versus I guess, Russ, maybe you're collaborating in the BIM model and you see, "oh, we thought that wall was going to work there, but now that we can see the site lines as we're walking through the space, we see that there really is a problem with that wall."

If you could catch not putting that wall there or removing that wall is way better than when you're pouring the cement or after it's been constructed.

Russ Rive: Yeah. Because previously what would happen is the architects use these CAD tools and maybe a couple of engineers, but there's so many more people involved, there's so much more specialists like someone that really knows carpets or someone that really knows air conditioning ducts.

They are not really that involved in that stage. Sometimes these things don't happen. You can start calling people that typically weren't dealing with the CAD file to really early stages to get their inputs, to get ideas and how to optimize. That's the real value.

Dan Smigrod: I want to frame that for a second, Russ, if I may, because I think what I would call that because I'm a visual person, but looking at a blueprint or a floor plan, I simply can't visualize things. My impression was if you could send the link to that floor person or that air conditioning person, it's not hard. It's super-easy.

It's just what you do every day. You click on a link and now you're immersed into space and you're walking through the space and you can literally see there's a problem where you put the air conditioning ducts, but I couldn't see that looking at a blueprint.

Russ Rive: Exactly. You nailed it. It's just this idea of having immersive, personalized on-site experiences inside of the design phase with all these different stakeholders and vendors is just a huge value-add and just the basic value that you normally get out of a video conferencing being able to be anywhere anytime, but brought to 3D space.

A general value add that people are already experiencing through video conferencing, which was a huge leap in productivity without being to travel. We're bringing all that now to the last frontier, which is the physical world, the 3D space.

Really take to environments of design and real-world locations. Take all the advantages, the place that you could use video conferencing, except when you really have to be there together. Now you can do that too virtually.

Dan Smigrod: Maybe you could speak to that a little bit. I would imagine during the pandemic, a lot of people moved to Zoom and were sharing their screen. What's the difference between using SuperViz plus a BIM model in video-conferencing versus Zoom plus sharing your desktop?

Russ Rive: There is a very big difference between watching a video on YouTube and being somewhere. Sharing a screen is very much like watching a video. You can only see where the camera is.

The camera moves too fast, you didn't quite pick up on that, but if you're a specialist and you can look around wherever you want, it gives you that freedom of getting a feeling of being there. You really feel the space.

While you can look anywhere you'd like to, you can stop the camera wherever you'd like to. It's night and day.

One is watching a video of someone that's guiding it and maybe even hiding something. Salesperson sharing the screen is choosing where to look and not to look. Freedom to look around has nothing to do with screen-sharing.

Dan Smigrod: Before we move on to a back-end demo, I just wanted to ask a little bit more just on benefits. Saving money, saving time, reducing rework, maybe saving frustration, perhaps having an easier time collaborating. Are there other benefits of SuperViz plus BIM?

Russ Rive: SuperViz is a super-power. All of a sudden you have this power to be able to call someone into your design and meet inside of it. It just opens up almost a new way of thinking about remote collaboration.

Whereas previously this was the one place that you couldn't really be there together. Now, we're bringing that to even that aspect of meeting inside these spaces.

Along with that comes all the advantages and cost savings and things you'd have from video conferencing, but at the same time, all the advantage of cost saves that you have of productive meetings inside these spaces that can catch problems early, that can catch good ideas early and have them incorporated. Really, the domino effect of all those advantages just really adds up.

Dan Smigrod: And where did all this come from? We're looking at this amazing experience of SuperViz meets BIM meets CAD meets Matterport. What was the impetus? How did you end up here today?

Russ Rive: The vision actually for SuperViz has been pretty consistent since the beginning. It's just what it's become and how we've found our way through the world. It's where any company starts. It's a series of iterations on customer feedback and just going along and really building something that someone wants.

Well, the birth of SuperViz was with the second coming of VR a couple of years ago, maybe five, six years ago. We had a lot of experience creating immersive experiences in the real world and then we saw the opportunity to bring the real world into the virtual world using virtual reality.

We created a very simple application at the time. It was an application in Unity that we built to put a photosphere into it and meet inside, and the idea was that let's quickly build that up and see what it feels like.

Put it on a network. It doesn't feel like you're there, but it was 70 percent real. It started as a VR application, it was a VR application. We were like, well, that's pretty powerful. SuperViz went from VR.

Then we realized, well, we too ahead of the time, that people aren't really buying the VR goggles, and for everyone to have VR to be able to use SuperViz would really limit us to be able to help as many people as possible.

We rewrote the entire thing on WebXR so it can run in a browser. Now there's no software to download. Literally, it's like a Google Meet link.

You send it to someone, it loads the platform, it loads the content, it loads the avatars, it loads the browser, loads the webcams. You look at SuperViz now, what it looks like, that's what you always thought it would be, but the incarnation is a series of iterations and feedback loops to where we are now.

The future, from here we go, our end-vision is still the same thing. The idea that you really can be anywhere virtually with people with a sensation of presence, but at the same time always with the idea of to learn something, to solve something, to produce something. We're not trying to recreate the social experience.

People talk about the metaverse. Most people talk about this idea of escaping reality to have social experiences in the metaverse. We see it as bringing the advantages of metaverse to the real world, get things done so we can go out and socialize in the real world.

Dan Smigrod: It is interesting looking at your demo because I feel like it's the book that I just finished reading.

Russ Rive: There we go.

Dan Smigrod: The Metaverse, and it sounds like SuperViz meets BIM meets CAD meets Matterport.

Dan Smigrod: The technology, I'm not a tech person, I'm geeky, but it sounds like I can use SuperViz on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, and VR, and not load any software. It runs all in the browser.

Russ Rive: It runs all in the browser, exactly. You can run it. – The VR experience, we haven't really put much effort into it recently just because the usage has been so low, and because it's such a productivity app, people want the keyboard, they want the mouse, they want the webcams, which is really something that the headsets are not there yet.

Russ Rive: The future vision of SuperViz is that it's compatible. Whatever these devices are, we want to bring this experience to them and so we will keep developing on it.

As an example, we are releasing next week, by the time this is out, it's probably already been released, the SuperViz SDK. That's going to allow any company with spatial data to be able to integrate SuperViz experiences into their tools.

Dan Smigrod: September 2022?

Russ Rive: Exactly. That's really exciting. It becomes the back-end for returning any single player 3D experience into a multiplayer virtual metaverse experience through a very simple SDK. We want to enable people to do this on their platforms.

Dan Smigrod: Just to ask you one more question about the devices before we move on to a back-end demo.

I think of Revit files as being big files. CAD files can be pretty big. If you're running it on your desktop, I get it that that works, but if I'm on a smartphone in the field, is it a thinner level of data being pushed so that my phone actually works?

Russ Rive: Firstly, we integrated with Autodesk Forge because they do a really amazing job at making it run in a browser. There's a lot of black magic that they're doing that just simplifies the model and makes it running.

However, if you take a highly detailed model of the Empire State Building with all the pipes and all the bathrooms and all that stuff rendering, it's not going to work. It's not going to run. Typically, what people do is we serve limited on a file size which is a rough estimate on the size of what the limit is going to be.

We want people to export the pieces of the puzzle that they want to discuss. We want to optimize it. But in general, if you're doing a single-family house or you saw the ones we showed today, all that stuff runs really smoothly on any device.

Russ Rive: iPad is amazing. Like any reasonable model, if you're doing, say, a single-family home or any of the models we showed you today, any of that thing on that scale is going to run super well on iPhone, on an Android, a laptop, an iPad, a tablet.

That's no problem. If it runs on your computer and it's not a super-fancy computer, it's going to be fine. If you are an architect that has a monster gaming machine to run your model and it only runs on your computer, we're not going to be able to do magic and then make that run smoothly on an iPhone. Keep that in mind.

Typically, what people do is they would export parts of the model. They'll say, we really want to discuss this floor of this building. They'd export that, put it into SuperViz and have a meeting inside of it.

Dan Smigrod: We experienced the front-end, but how are you making the magic happen to share a space as a SketchUp file, a Revit file, whatever CAD file it is?

Russ Rive: - Well, the good news is there's hardly anything to it. It's really, really simple. Here's an example.

I've logged into an account in SuperViz, and here's my dashboard. These are the projects that I've imported and I'll show you in a second how I import the projects. I can have different workspaces.

Normally people will just have the one workspace.

Dan, I'll just go down the menu here. Save your projects, then you have your team management, so you have multiple people that can come inside and these are basically people that can host meetings. Can they add people? Can they manage projects?

Can they just host meetings? You come into your recordings so you can see all the recordings that you've done through these meetings.

I'll see all the recordings that I've done, Marcelo will see the recording he's done, admins will see the recordings everyone has done. Here we go. Here's the one we just did earlier today. It's just very simple. I can just go ahead and click "Play".

You'll see here it is. Here's the recording we were doing earlier. It's already in my dashboard.

Dan Smigrod: - You can export that as an MP4 file?

Russ Rive: - Yeah, I just downloaded here and it goes right down so I can edit it, I can highlight it, I can voice-over it, and send it to my customers. I can also actually just share straight from here, I can say share, make this a public link.

I don't even have to download it, and I can send this to a client and they'll just copy this link and they'll be able to take it and run it as if it was a YouTube video. No one is going to guess the URL because it's got a very encrypted URL key so it's pretty safe to send that.

It's not like you can search for them and you can share it with anyone. Then the last one is the settings here, and this is just my workspace settings. In this case it is called projects demo.

Then also what I can do is on the other side, if you take a look at my profile, this is where I can see my profile, change my name and so on. I can edit my avatar. This is fun. I can go in here in this case with the avatar I was using.

You guys didn't see my avatar because you were looking through my eyes in the demo, but this is what I looked like to Marcelo, you can go in and edit that and change my shirt, my eyes and hair color or that stuff.

You can go in and edit your avatar and how you'd like to experience it. Then logout. But most of the time you spend is in the dashboard home, which is what we have here. These are the projects that are already created in my dashboard.

Now to add a project again, it's really, really simple, just click "Add project" you choose what is the type of project you'd like to add, Matterport, SketchFab, a 3D CAD model, a 3D tour builder where you can put your renders. For example, if I wanted to add a Matterport file, I would just copy the link of my Matterport project and I'll be able to send it in.

Or I could say SketchFab, same thing, copy a link, 3D CAD model, I would just drag it in. You can see here we have credits for that because you have to convert them, but it's many credits. Typically people don't go past these credits.

Then the last one is to create a 360 degree rendered tour, and I'll give it a name. Then from there I can go ahead and drag my 360 renders from my desktop straight into the project, start adding the links and do that stuff that I showed you.

Really simple. Then they appear here in your dashboard. I've already added a couple of them. Here's the city we were seeing. The floor plan with 360 renders is this project. Say I want to create a meeting in any of these.

Just go to this first one, I just say, click on the webcam, start an instant meeting. It'll just create a meeting on the spot, you'll see it will start up. It has a meeting here. I copy the link and send it to someone straight away.

Or I can say, let's start it for later, this is nice if I want to schedule a meeting, it just generates a link for me.

I copy the link, send it in a calendar, and invite the person who clicks it. Again, the person that receives this link doesn't have to know anything about SuperViz. To them the experience is the same as joining a video conference.

It will look like they're joining a Google Meet meeting and then they'll be in the meeting. Then there's the last feature here, which is a pro feature, which is to create broadcast meetings. Now, it's typically our meetings. Regular meetings support up to 16 participants which means 16 avatars, 16 webcams, which is a pretty large meeting for an on-site meeting.

Typically people don't have 16 people on site meetings, but we let people do up to 16. But there are use cases where someone might want to; like what we're doing today. We want to broadcast to many people, maybe it's an internal company presentation.

Maybe someone would like to show the project with someone else or a whole team, but they want the idea of a presenter and an audience. In the broadcast meeting, what that does is it creates two links.

One link is to the participants, the presenters, and the other link is to the audience. What that does is the presenters click on the link, they get webcams, they get avatars, and they walk around.

The audience, they come in. They don't get webcams or avatars, but they have the same first-person experience as anyone else, they can move around as if there were ghosts in the room. They can move around the room, they can look at things, they can walk around on their own, but the host can activate the follow me.

The host can say jump to. All those up to 230 people can be walking around as invisible participants inside this meeting. Even the audience has their own point of view. They also download the model that all can look around. It's as if they were ghosts in the room walking around.

They can all communicate in the chat. If they need to ask something or do something in the chat. But that broadcast mode allows you to present a SuperViz meeting to up to 230 people, which is a pretty exciting feature that we just released.

The next set, that's pretty simple. Basically you add your projects to your dashboard, click "Create meetings" in the leading link and that's it. You come on in it.

Dan Smigrod: - On the broadcast, I believe I heard up to 230 in the audience. How many presenters?

Russ Rive: - Sixteen.

Dan Smigrod: - You could have up to 16 presenters and then everyone else can be looking over the shoulder.

Russ Rive: - Exactly. Presenters get webcams and avatars.

Dan Smigrod: - Is there anything else on the back-end that you wanted to show us?

Russ Rive: - That's it. It really is pretty simple. That's pretty easy.

Dan Smigrod: - That's awesome.

Dan Smigrod: Are there features that are coming soon that you wanted to talk about? You talked about the SuperViz SDK which will be released in September 2022 that will enable other companies to integrate the SuperViz experience within their solution.

Russ Rive: The SDK is the big release we're doing now. The avatars just came out, which is really exciting.

Russ Rive: We also have a couple of interesting things happening along the lines of total custom branding, white labeling. So if there's larger customers that would like this to be under their domain with their brand, maybe service providers – that's also a really interesting feature a lot of people have been asking us for.

Then there are many different things in the roadmap that Marcelo keeps asking engineers to build. They will be going based on just how much demand it is based on each feature.

But again, the long-term vision and we're always building towards this is to create a really, really easy way for people to meet inside of remote spaces, whether they are virtual as in CAD or whether they are real as in digital twins [Matterport] to create and simulate on-site meetings, to get things done, to learn things to solve problems.

You bring this idea of the metaverse to helping humanity do things.

Dan Smigrod: - Question I haven't asked you that I should ask or a topic that we should be covering?

Russ Rive: - I don't think so. Once you've heard me say it 10 times, the concept is pretty straightforward.

I think the magic is in how we've made it so simple. The idea is interesting and it's easy to make something that's really complicated. But I think what I'm really proud about is just how easy it is to use SuperViz.

The idea of the way we monetize, the way we do the pricing for SuperViz is that it's as if it was video conferencing. It's a monthly fee per person that can host meetings inside of their projects. There is a reasonable limit on the number of projects you can have in your dashboard but you can go ahead and extend that as well.

Because we want everyone to go ahead and try it. We give a full feature with a14-day trial so people can come in, use the tool as much as they'd like, full feature for 14 days to really kick the tires and see if it really does all the things that I've shown you.

Dan Smigrod: - Go into: Sign up for a 14-day free trial. If you still have questions or you want a one-on-one demo, you can sign up for that as well with a member of the SuperViz team including Marcelo.

Dan Smigrod: Marcelo, is there anything else that we should be talking about?

Marcelo Franco: - I think you covered it all. I think the main idea is to get this concept of – Spatial content: where you would like to meet that the spatial content is the subject, then SuperViz is the right tool for that because then you can be anywhere from virtual to [Matterport] reality capture digital twins. That summarizes basically everything we have spoken for the last 50 minutes.

Dan Smigrod: - Awesome. Marcelo, thank you. Thanks for being on the show today. Russ, thank you for being on the show.

Russ Rive: - Thanks Dan. Thanks for having us, always a good time.

Dan Smigrod: - Thank you. We've been visiting with SuperViz Co-Founder and CEO, Russ Rive and SuperViz Head of Sales Marcelo Franco.

We will publish the show in the We Get Around Network Forum and we'll take out all the challenges that we had today. Again, that's my fault with WGAN-TV Live at 5 with all the technology we have.

When you have a SuperViz experience, it is actually super-easy, super-fast, and super-reliable. I'm Dan Smigrod Founder, the We Get Around Network Forum, and you've been watching WGAN-TV Live at 5.
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Originally Posted by @AineSuperViz
Hi! With Black Friday just around the corner, we’re offering WGAN forum members half off SuperViz starter or pro subscriptions for up to one year.

Use WGAN_BF2022 before Nov. 30 to claim the discount.

SuperViz provides immersive video conferencing with customized avatars for meeting inside Matterport digital twins, 3D CAD files, Sketchfab 3D models, and our SuperViz 360 Tour Builder.

To redeem, just create a free trial account at, click upgrade, then enter coupon code WGAN_BF2022 and payment info before Nov 30, 2022.

There’s no ongoing obligation and you can cancel any time. Let us know if we can help with any questions.
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