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9 Reasons Why Pro3 Should Work with Matterport Classic Pricing (But Won't)17278

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Video: 124. Leaked: Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Scanner 1st Reported by WGAN Forum; Reseller Likely Jumps the Gun | Video courtesy of | Thursday, 11 August 2022

WGAN Forum Podcast | Episode Number 124

WGAN-TV Live at 5: Matterport Ecosystem Town Hall (27 February 2018)

9 Reasons Why Pro3 Should Work with Matterport Classic Pricing (But Won't)

Hi All,

Long time We Get Around Network Forum readers that are on Matterport Classic Pricing plans are likely wondering, "Will the Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Scanner/Camera work with my Matterport Classic Pricing plan?"

Don't count on Matterport offering its long-time customers - with Matterport Classic Pricing - compatibility with the Matterport Pro3. I could imagine that Matterport will require anyone that wants to use a Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Scanner/Camera to upgrade to the new pricing announced in 2019.

I would like to be wrong. I hope I am wrong.

Unfortunately, Matterport has never been laser-sharp focused on its customers. And, it's likely that the all new Matterport C-suite executives will not remember the too-many-to-count-times that Matterport has offended its best customers memorialized in these WGAN Forum with these tags:

1. Class Action Lawsuits by Matterport Service Partners
2. Commentary
3. Dystopian
4. Matterport Kerfuffle
5. Matterport 2019 New Pricing (Current Pricing)
6. Matterport Ecosystem
7. Sneaky
8. Transfer Gate
9. Trust

Let's just pick one post that to represent the tug-of-word between Matterport and its longest customers:

An Open Letter to Matterport CEO Bill Brown [now former CEO]

It's actually in Matterport's best interest to enable Matterport Classic Pricing customers to be able to use the Matterport Pro3 LiDAR Camera/Scanner.

I can think of at least nine reasons why this makes "cents" from Matterport's perspective because legacy Matterport's Classic Pricing clients will:

1. add value to the Matterport Capture Services On-Demand Service (scale faster)
2. add value to other Capture Services On Demand platforms (that use Matterport)
3. increase processing charges (Matterport Classic Pricing)
4. increase size of scans (more charges for Matterport Classic Pricing)
5. increase the use of Matterport in AEC including Matterport in Construction Documentation
6. create a new category of scanning: outdoors for elevations
7. avoid a public flogging in this and other Matterport related Forums (save your PR spin misters)
8. avoid potential Matterport customers not going forward with Matterport because they see unhappy customers
9. Early adopters to Matterport are likely to be early adopters to the Matterport Pro3

What are your thoughts? Should Matterport Pro3 work on Matterport Classic Pricing Cloud accounts?


Dan Smigrod
Founder and Managing Editor
We Get Around Network
WGAN-TV Live at 5
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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
I believe if Matterport wants to sell accounts that any and all supported camera's should work on said Paid accounts.

Now, I could see room for them to add a new more "Commercial" type account to directly cater to folks shooting AEC or industrial type models. But, the verbiage in the bullet points for the new device are clearly aimed towards folks shooting Residential & Retail in my opinion.

I believe it would be incredibly short sighted of Matterport to not allow folks to purchase and use this new device with a Classic Plan however, Matterport has shown time and again that they don't care to hear much from the early adopters. Only, time will tell though.
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RealtyMediaMx private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod I'm afraid about the same, they're gonna left us out of the equation, history with them never lies. 😔
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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport should take the chance to harmonize the contractual situation with the introduction of the new Pro3 camera.

One Business Model for all Matterport users.

To reach this, I could imagine the introduction of a new classic vault on new plans, where the classic plan users can store their Pro1 and Pro2 models for classic plan pricing or maybe for a slightly higher rate (25 USD for each block of 50 spaces). Every Matterport user can move spaces to this classic vault if they pay the additional processing fee (like in classic plans). Pro3 scan in the classic vault may cost 50 USD for small models (<100 positions) and 100 USD for large models - just as an example.

I’m currently on a classic plan, but I would definitely switch, if a business model like this would be offered.

Furthermore - some of my old Pro1 models could definitely be improved with a Rescan with the Pro3 camera. A Pro3 rescan of some Pro1 models would give my clients a much better tour experience with better image quality, much better dollhouses (for future features) and in some cases with reduced hosting fees, for example when I can pack 10 combined Pro1 models into one large Pro3 model.

The question will be, what’s the lifecycle of old Pro1 scans with the introduction of the much better quality of Pro3 models.
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