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Pivo Pod Demo/First Look at Pivo 3D with Pivo Pod Black for Virtual Tours16165

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Pivo Pod Demo/First Look at Pivo 3D with Pivo Pod Black for Virtual Tours Video courtesy of @Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | 4 January 2022

Hi All,

San Francisco Bay Area Hopscotch Interactive Founder Emily Olman discusses:

Pivo Real Estate discussion begins at: 1:43


Transcript (video above)

Emily Olman: Hi guys, it's Emily. Happy new year. Starting off the new year actually on my deck, I decided it was time to use a different kind of infrared than the one I usually use, which is my infrared grill and talk a little bit with you guys at the same time about some of the new stuff that I've gotten in the last month or so for virtual tours because this is one of the things that I've been meaning to do, but over the holidays I didn't have time.

The grill is now at 450 so I'm going to get started. I'm going to put this stuff on there. But also I have a bunch of stuff here that I want to share with you. Let's see. I want to know how your holidays have been. We are currently in a quarantine just because of some exposure during the break and a lot of us are in the same boat.

This is my chicken shawarma that I decided to make so that we would have some good food to eat while we are just waiting for it to be healthy and safe for everybody to go back to work and play. That is going to cause there probably like, I don't know where would you think like 15 minutes a side? I don't know. These grills that you get with infrared, they are really good but they take a little longer.

I'm just going to let that cook with the lid on for a little bit and then we'll talk about Pivo, because that's the thing that I've brought out and I wanted to illustrate. Check it out. While that cooks, I'm going to unbox the camera case or the carrying case for the system. Pivo's awesome. I met these guys in November at AWE and they did send me this case, so I did not buy this. That's cool. T

That's really nice that I got this to test out and I did see them demo it for me at the show and we took a video there. But as you all know, I'm way more into my own hands-on. The other items that they sent me are the smart mount which goes onto this, which is the I got the people black, which is the business edition. It says, "Like a cameraman, but just way better." This whole case, this whole set can be bought for about $400.

I'll have to check the exact number. But what you do is you take your Pivo pod and you have your interchangeable mounts. The one that I'm going to demonstrate for you first is going to be the one with the iPhone because I think that's the one that most people will be using regularly. Here's my Pivo black, this was the case and then it came with a controller. I hope I have the controller.

I might not have the controller with me, but there is a remote control is really important and there's a charging cable. Those are the two things that you're going to want to use in order to operate this effectively. Let's fire up their tripod or their monopod because this is one of the things that I was the most excited about when I saw it at AWE. I think I'm excited about it because you can see what I'm recording on right now.

I've got a modified, it's the Bushman Claremont V2 monopod which I talk about a lot because I really like that one. It has counterweights at the bottom of it. Then I even wrap it with additional weights like exercise ankle weights. I find that they're nice and easy to travel with, a little less bulky than a big 10-pound sandbag. Then you can arrange them how you want. They're really flexible and they come pre-filled.

A lot of the sandbags these days are ones you can get off of Amazon, but then you have to fill them yourself. I feel like that's just so much work, so I don't like doing that, I don't want to do that. Here's this tripod and it looks like really it does expand up to 63 inches, 160 centimeters, and it folds down. As you can see like in this configuration, it's flat, which gives you a lot of stability. That is really cool.

I think that this tripod, it feels like it's really stable. I love that wide base. If you're not using a 360 camera then having the wide base like this is really nice and you can always add additional weights down here. I think it's $79 for this. Then you can put your Pivo pod on it. This, you can operate with a Ricoh Theta Z1 so you can use this for your Zillow tours or your Matterport Tours. If you're going to do that,

I would probably, I'm just assuming that we can, yes. We can put this tripod in another configuration. It can go just like our standard tripod where it's up a little bit more like that. That will help your Nadir be patched a little bit better and I bet you can even go one-click higher. But, that is only for on the tiniest stairs and I would proceed with absolute caution because the stability with this extended all the way up.

That is shaking my friends. So the wider the base, the more stability, I would definitely be careful. I have lost two Ricoh Theta cameras or busted them because they've fallen over and weren't weighted properly. Anyway, don't do it that way, learn from my mistakes. I'm going to put this here, and if we turn this on, I'm just going to show you a little bit about how this works here.

I do have a little bit of battery, and I have my iPhone here next to the grill. I'm glad that it's not too loud so you can see what I'm doing. This was exactly the thing that happened on my very first shoot as I was using it for real estate and I was like, wait a second, like I have to hide from it and I have to start it, but I didn't even have the remote control with me. I forgot the remote control.

So make sure you always have the remote control with you. You have to have that. Otherwise, this can be very cumbersome and then you're showing up in the shots by pressing Start. That's not going to work. Let's first review it for just like your Pivo. There's so many apps. I don't even know where to start to be honest. Maybe I'm going to go into maybe Pivo cast.

I think that might be the one and so it says, "Make sure Bluetooth and location are enabled on your Smartphone in order to pair Pivo connect." I think it should work because yeah, it's connecting, pairing successful. We're going to try casting this. I'm going to tighten this up. Let's put the camera. I'm going to do it vertically like social media style and tighten that up. Let's just start a call.

Well, I don't know which call to start, but let's just see what happens. Let's do cast. That would be casting to my computer. I'm not near my computer so I can't do that. Again you get to watch me learn so that you can do it better the first time. Let's go back to just Pivo plus maybe this is the one where you get to just play and have it follow you. Yeah, I think so. I'm going to take a video here and let's see if it'll connect with the device.

I have a vertical. So this will be good for an Instagram video. Maybe I'll move this closer so you can see what's happening. Right here you can see it's connecting, it's pairing. It didn't find it. We're going to retry. Maybe I just didn't close that other app properly. Yes, I didn't close that other app properly. Here we go. Did you guys see that? It's already following me, so this is cool.

I'm going to go to stream and see what happens. It says, streaming, select when you want to stay the center of attention. I'll stay the center of attention for now, for the sake of this video. It says streaming, go. I don't know where it's streaming to, so we're just going to take a guess. But now watch what happens as I'm moving around. Now I am streaming on this thing and it is going to follow me.

It's using face detection and it's going to follow me around so I have to then show you. Look, check it out. Here's my little Pivo case. Pivo Black. It's following me. I have to walk a little slowly otherwise it will freak out on me. This is really cool because now, let's say I wanted to do my little food blog or food Vlog, it zooms in and it's amazing. I just feel like this is what it's meant for. It's really intended for a social media thing.

I don't know if you can see that camera moving but I certainly can. Again, my impression is that there is some really cool software here behind the scenes that is zooming in and I'll post this. It's zooming in, it's following my motion, it's detecting my face. It's really like having a cameraman to record my video and to show people what I'm doing. It's like, hey, I'm in the middle of making this chicken and I'm outside over my deck.

This is what the Pivo Tour was designed to do and to perform. I'm going to just shut this down for a second and we're going to switch over to the other use case that I think is really interesting and I'll show you guys what I do when I'm using the Pivo Tour, which is the one for real estate. Stick around. I'm back here with the Pivo. I'm going to show you the Pivo Tour which is different than the app I just showed you with Pivo+.

The streaming and the video and photos that you can do, it's really different and I'm excited to share with you. Let's just start from the beginning again. I've already shown you guys how this can be used for influencers or for social media folks, and I do think that it is pretty awesome. You start with your tripod and you can use the tripod that it comes with. It comes with the case.

I think you can get this full kit for about $399, which is awesome. Then you can put your phone here. Remember that I did a video last year. Maybe it was in 2020 so that's a year ago and I was telling people, you can DIY Zillow 3D Home tour. What I did is I said, just hold the phone. I illustrated how you go in a circle like this and show people how to do it by trying to stand still but there's so much room for user error in that and it rarely works easily the first time.

It's great for DIY and it's an awesome tour for you guys to do very inexpensive 3D tours or ThreeSixty Tours, but this is a huge upgrade on that and it's slow, which is one of the things I found out, but I want to show you why I still think it's cool. I've got my phone here and I'm going to go into a couple of different apps. The Zillow 3D Home Tour is not yet native with this, which means it doesn't pair right away.

It's screen recording now, and if I go into my Zillow 3D Home Tour and open that app, and I can do a new virtual tour, use an iPhone, then I will Add On a home address reader. Search again, add home address reader. Once you stick it in the device, you have to be careful because it's already hard to use the touchscreen once it's there.

Let's just say I'm in a single-family home and on floor one, and we're going to start with a new room or area. What I had done before was I had held this in my hand and moved around, but instead, what I'm going to do this time is I'm going to take my remote control. If you get this part of it, just this little device, it's $199. I think you might even be able to get less expensive versions of this.

You might check if it's still going for even less. Watch this, I'm going to push the button, the two arrows on the left, and that rotates it around. Let's look at the time. It's 10 after. I am going to rotate this device. Normally I would be getting out of the way, but since I'm just showing it to you guys right now, I'm going to stay still. You have to keep holding the device.

What I found is that it will make it through almost an entire rotation. But it won't make it through an entire rotation. You have to keep holding it then you can let go. You might have to hold it down for a few more seconds. This is still under a minute. It's going pretty fast, but I think you should calculate there being about one minute per rotation. Yes, exactly. You can't see it, but I'll show on the screen recording.

Basically, there's still like 15 little bars, little blue lines left. I'm going to just keep going and boom, it's done. Now, I'm going to just do balcony, but I want to pause it so it doesn't keep going. I'll just do balcony and it's processing and I'll say done. The thing that I learned was that since it's not native, I can use this remote control, but there's things that just aren't calibrated right, but this is a huge upgrade over doing it with a broom handle or just holding it and trying to keep it level.

That's really hard to do. If you're going to do Zillow Home Tours, but you don't have the money for a 360 camera and you don't want to go all-in on getting a full setup. I think that this with a very simple tripod. This one is only $79 with Pivo. I think it's a really good deal and I think it's a great way to have really clean tours. I did notice that, and I will probably show it in the video, but I noticed that the Nadir patching was very big.

It was like big black areas, and so that was visible to me. But most of the research shows that only 1% of people look down or look up on your 360 content, so I almost wouldn't be afraid of that being an issue and you should still just try it and see what you think. We did a panorama so we could actually complete this tour with one panorama or we could keep going.

I'm going to finish that and then it will just keep it private and then we can look at it later. The next thing to show you is the Pivo Tour software. I'm going to go over there. Is it Pivo tour? Let's move it into I have to close the Pivo Live app. Now it knows that it did that and I'm opening up Pivo tour, new update. Update now I'm going to skip that because it should still work. I'm going to go into create tour.

I'm going to set it to private. I don't want it to be public and create tour. Again, like before, I need to connect it, so make sure all your other Pivo apps are connected. While it's connecting, maybe I will flip the chicken because you guys found that I was in the middle of cooking when I got out here. That's looking good. It's hilarious that I decided to grill and make this little video today.

I feel like why the hell not? It's a new year, do whatever the hell you want to do. Now it says introducing 3D capture beta. Yes, I want to capture a 3D, when I first got this, I was really only able to do it with the 360. I did a home tour using Pivo and I didn't have the remote. It was really hard, I'm not going to lie. I wasn't super excited about it because I struggled. But now it says, yes, I want to capture 3D.

I think I saw this when I fired it up about two weeks ago. I'm going to say yes, I wanted to capture 3D and we're going to see what happens. People were rotate two times for each point, please wait till it's finished. Start capturing with your remote control or by clicking the Capture button. Again, Pivo did give me this device. They gave this to me to test and to demo and to share with you guys.

There was a really great roundup of a virtual tour software done by Ben Claremont about a month ago, maybe a little bit longer ago now, but he had mentioned Pivo tour and I was like we've thinking it's like I've never used that one. How do I try it? What I can tell you is that it's up and coming in the same way that my report started without even having floors like you couldn't go between floors.

I think that Pivo is in its infancy and they are making a ton of sales on the influencer side. Stay tuned because all of that money is going to be recirculating back into the company and into investments on things like growing the real estate side. I think there's going to be more to come. You don't expect everything in the beginning because it's in beta. That's when you should be trying it so that you can get good at this stuff before everybody else gets good at it.

Tell us your capture height to measure distances within your tour, the height should be consistent throughout the tour. I think it requires one measurement. I'm just going to say that it's so like if I'm 5'4 ish, that's like 165 centimeters. Let's just say it's 150 centimeters, maybe, give or take. I honestly don't know, but we're just going to say that. Are you using the guide map? Yeah, I am. I'm using the 3D guide map.

That was the mount that comes with it. The circular one, not the phone adapter. You don't want that one? Yes. Cool. I'm liking what I'm seeing. It's like it's asking about floors and let's just see what happens. Don't move the Pivo. I'm going to be in the way, please keep your distance and stay out of frame. I can't help that. The best thing to do is just to stay still for illustration purposes.

I can hear it taking photographs it's probably doing this similar to the Matterport. Now I'm noticing some shake. I'm out here on the deck. Now it's about 44 percent done. It's taking a lot of photos. Since it's 50 percent done, it's already gone around. But I think that that 50 percent processing is what it's talking about, not 50 percent done with the photos.

Then it rotated a little bit back is going again, so I don't know what's happening. It's getting the point clouds. Now it's using lidar built-in in my device, in my iPhone to do the measurements. It's taking the first spin around to do the photos. It's calculating the geometry and the distance now in a separate scan. This is the first time I've seen them done independently. Most of the time.

I feel like when I see this, they are paired and and that's 100 percent done. I can actually see you guys would be able to see when I post this like what my deck looks like right now. Probably my kids stuff on the floor. I'm going to say that that's going to be good, but let's try moving it into a second location. Like let's move it back here.

See what happens if I do a second one. Maybe from here you'll be able to see that there's a little bit of a visual. I don't know if it'll be detecting here, but I'll do the second one, I'll stand back in my same position. What we're hoping is that it will stitch it together so that moving from one location to the next, that the camera will align and align the images using photogrammetry.

But also it is going to be assisted by that 3D mesh layer that's being created right now with the lidar. I can hear it clicking and I probably could have used this remote to start it. I'll do that next. Here's that 50 percent mark. It's going to probably go around. Then now getting ready for that 3D scan and I can't see the point cloud. It looks so bad ass.

Now the point cloud is not detecting obviously like where the range is going to be limited. For example, like it's not detecting all the way to my neighbors wall of their house. Anything beyond these posts on my deck are just going to show up as black there. There won't be any data there. It's spinning around. It's going, it found its start position and it has actually already aligned.

We have alignment between point 1 and point 2. Let's go one further out. These are really close together. I think you'd probably be able to do the scans further apart and I'm going to call them scans because these are scans, it's just a little bit different than you're used to if you're a Matterport photographer. Let's see what happens. This is my Pivo guy.

Let's see if I can start it. I'm starting it around but I'm going to stop it because you know what it's not doing, it wasn't starting the recording. If I press the plus button in the center, the big button, it actually started it. The plus button in the center on this remote did initiate that first rotation of the 360. It's going now. I think it's working but I don't hear it clicking. There it goes.

Maybe it had two place itself already in the space before it went. It's done. I was talking so I couldn't hear it. I bet that this chicken is almost done. We are almost done with our video for today and our last demo and now it's scanning. Let's talk about the speed. It's slow. Matterport. Maybe a rotation is 30 seconds. That's going to include your data. You can move, you can set it up, it will align in the background.

I think this does the same thing. The cool part is that I'm using the features of my iPhone that it was built with and that it can use. The lidar is something super exciting and I love using the LiDAR. I feel like anytime you can find a use case for it that is new, that is innovative; then that's awesome. I don't know that I will be outfitting my team with these when we have Matterport.

But if I was like really growing the team and trying to scale things and I didn't have to buy more than the Pivo tours and a Z1 camera to be able to do Matterport. I mean, I guess I guide but Pivo and a 3D tour. I wanted to just do it as inexpensively as possible. I do think that there is potential here and again as the software gets better as the technical side of things improve, that will be great. We cannot download the point cloud yet, so we can't use it for that. There are no floor plans.

I think schematic floor plans can't be ordered yet. You can just switch floors, but you can see, you can illustrate the floor is but you can't actually measure them. Maybe that's changed now that we've got 3D scanning. Because other companies like Cupix do enable us to get those schematic floor plans by using lidar in iPhones and in iPads. I have high hopes for this. I think it's early, I think that it's good to get one.

I think it's really good for you to be vlogging and doing more videos. I'll probably experiment with that more because I think that's super fine and you can do it by yourself. For virtual tours, like I was saying, it could be an interesting way to go if you're looking for a way to save money and you want to offer something new. Anyway, I think that's about it. I think lunch is ready. I finished my tour. I finished my cooking.

I think 2022, even though, we're still in quarantine right now. We've got our blackened shawarma for lunch. It's a beautiful day, so things can be a heck of a lot worse. I wish you guys all a very happy new year. Thanks to the guys at Pivo for sharing this equipment with me. I did not demonstrate the camera mount.

Here are the iPhone mount, but I think you get the idea. I'll definitely include some links. If you want to check it out, you can take a look at their website and don't forget to subscribe and to like if you enjoyed this video, I really enjoyed doing them and here's to a great 2022, thanks.
Post 1 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod I am going to try and make it to the discussion, I bought a Pivo Black and activated a paid acct, I cannot get my first model to upload. That attempt was made Dec 24, I have ran into several issues. The first upload once it reached 100%, screen went blank and then the next screen appeared it started the upload again. I was not sure but I believe this time I got a message saying upload complete. After a short period of time I checked my file and found two models in the private section for the same model, no big deal. But once I try to open either model nothing is there. I contacted customer support and cannot get a response other than "what are you trying to do"? Then the two models in my private folder are gone and now I cannot get customer support to respond on what do I do now. Trying to figure out the best avenue to resolve the issue.

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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Can you help @ron0987 ...?

Much thanks!

Post 3 IP   flag post
Pivo 360 Tours
San Jose, California
PivoRealEstate private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ron0987
@DanSmigrod I am going to try and make it to the discussion, I bought a Pivo Black and activated a paid acct, I cannot get my first model to upload. That attempt was made Dec 24, I have ran into several issues. The first upload once it reached 100%, screen went blank and then the next screen appeared it started the upload again. I was not sure but I believe this time I got a message saying upload complete. After a short period of time I checked my file and found two models in the private section for the same model, no big deal. But once I try to open either model nothing is there. I contacted customer support and cannot get a response other than "what are you trying to do"? Then the two models in my private folder are gone and now I cannot get customer support to respond on what do I do now. Trying to figure out the best avenue to resolve the issue.


Hello @ron0987 We are sorry to hear that you are unable to upload your Tour.
We forwarded your issue to our technical team, they will get back to us within few hours and we will be able to solve your issue this time for sure.

Thank you for using Pivo and Pivo Real Estate. Please make sure to tag us if you have other questions or issues we will try our best to solve them.

Have a wonderful day!

Pivo Real Estate team.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Pivo 360 Tours
San Jose, California
PivoRealEstate private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ron0987
@DanSmigrod I am going to try and make it to the discussion, I bought a Pivo Black and activated a paid acct, I cannot get my first model to upload. That attempt was made Dec 24, I have ran into several issues. The first upload once it reached 100%, screen went blank and then the next screen appeared it started the upload again. I was not sure but I believe this time I got a message saying upload complete. After a short period of time I checked my file and found two models in the private section for the same model, no big deal. But once I try to open either model nothing is there. I contacted customer support and cannot get a response other than "what are you trying to do"? Then the two models in my private folder are gone and now I cannot get customer support to respond on what do I do now. Trying to figure out the best avenue to resolve the issue.


Hello @ron0987 please check your private messages section we requested more information to be able to share them with the technical team to solve the issue you had with uploading your tours.

Thank you!
Pivo Real Estate team.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
I hear good things about this "Matterport" thing. Easy to use, super reliable and consistently high quality tours.

Seriously, guys.
Post 6 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport is great and when it works which is most of the time it's great. But I have had the app crash and a few other issues while doing scans. I am always looking for backup system just in case. Also looking for away to host models that can be hosted on clients own webserver, which you cannot do with Matterport.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Pivo 360 Tours
San Jose, California
PivoRealEstate private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Expertise
I hear good things about this "Matterport" thing. Easy to use, super reliable and consistently high quality tours.

Seriously, guys.

Hello @expertise
Thank you for reaching us!
Indeed, you can create unlimited 3D tours, 3D Dollhouse, 360 captures and many more with the help of our Pod Black and the App called Pivo Tour by using just your phone!

Very easy to use and you can scan the spaces around you and create high quality 3D tours within few minutes.

You can also share the link to the Tours you've created with your clients with just once click.

Please visit our website to learn more about Pivo Pod Black and Pivo Tour.
Post 8 IP   flag post
ThinkLab private msg quote post Address this user
@Expertise yes and the Matterport hosting is super cheap, and their sales people don't call your customers or scrape your tours for contact details. But the best is you own the data with Matterport and nobody else...
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