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Pivo Real Estatex

'Pivo Real Estate' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
What has your experience been with InsideMaps? ron0987 2 3 yearsBrokerBruce (281): I've had good experience with the company and the product. I sold my Matterport Pro 2 a couple years back. Main reason was their cost structure was just getting too much for me. My only negative is the rotator is a bit lightweight. Dropped mine and it had to be repaired but they took care of it quickly at a reasonable price. The new Axis system for Matterport looks interesting. Don't know how the pricing on that works. But overall I think Inside...
Virtual Tour Platforms that Bundle with a Motorized Rotator for Smartphones DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @lilnitsch Thank you. I just revised the list to include it. Dan
Video: How to Do a Zillow 3D Home Tour Hack with Pivo Pod Black DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): Thank you @DanSmigrod for the detailed transcript to the introduction of Pivo Black and Pivo Tour. We would like to seize the opportunity and say thank you to @Hopscotch for the detailed video. We hope that this video is helpful to the community members who are interested in Pivo. Pivo Real Estate Team
Pivo Pod Demo/First Look at Pivo 3D with Pivo Pod Black for Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 9 3 yearsThinkLab (387): @Expertise yes and the Matterport hosting is super cheap, and their sales people don't call your customers or scrape your tours for contact details. But the best is you own the data with Matterport and nobody else...
Matterport 3D Tour versus Pivo 3D Tour versus Zillow 3D Tour by @lilnitsch DanSmigrod 17 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): Hello @lilnitsch Regarding your question about privacy and if we can blur things captured by and seen in the Pivo Tour. The answer is yes. it's true that the option is yet to be available now but it's possible and our team are working on it. We hope this helps. Thank you!
CES2022>Consumer Elections Show | 5-8 Jan 22 | See 3D/360 Cameras/Platforms DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): ✓ 3i Wins CES 2022 Innovation Award with Pivo Pod X (for Pivo Real Estate)
3i Wins CES 2022 Innovation Award with Pivo Pod X (for Pivo Real Estate) DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): Thank you @DanSmigrod for sharing this milestone for Pivo and 3i Inc. Indeed, Pivo Pod X a new project by Pivo (3i Inc) has been nominated and won the CES 2022 Innovation Awards. For all the members of WGAN who are currently at CES or planning to be there tomorrow. We are delighted to invite you to join us and learn more about our products and connect with our staff at #CES2022 Central Hall of Las Vegas Convention Center, booth #18845...
Video>Make Money from Metaverse-Which 360 camera for virtual tours in 2022 DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Make Money from Metaverse: Which 360 camera for virtual tours in 2022? Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel | 4 January 2022
Transcript: WGAN-TV-Intro to Pivo 360 Tours with Pod Black for Real Estate DanSmigrod 11 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Open thread to view post.
Looking for a last minute Christmas gift? Jonathan_Klein 1 3 yearsJonathan_Klein (167): Looking for a last minute Christmas gift? Pivo has you covered! Our portable hardware and innovative software make creating professional quality content easy, letting you share videos, 360° and 3D Tours with ease. So why wait? Give the gift of creativity this Christmas! Offering 30% off for a limited time exclusively at...
Real Estate Agent's Choice : Pivo Pod Black - WGAN Community Special Offer PivoRealEstate 1 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): Pivo Real Estate : Capture 360 Tours, upload them and engage with buyers and sellers all at once! Important Announcement ! Pivo is offering a special discount to all We Get Around Network Community Members. Up to 10% OFF if you order now the Standard Pack Black :cool: Hurry up the offer is up for a limited...
WGAN-TV eBook | Intro to Pivo 360 Tours with Pod Black for Real Estate DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): @DanSmigrod Such a great and detailed e-book from WGAN team :) to facilitate the " Introduction to Pivo 360 Tour with Pod Black for Residential Real Estate " to everyone. Featuring 3i Inc. (Pivo) Director of Business Development Doron Kasmi and 3i Inc. (Pivo) Business Development Part Team Lead Amanda Oto. The show took place Thursday, 11 November 2021. You can watch the full episode (#125) Pivo Real Estate Team
WGAN-TV Training U | Intro to Pivo 360 Tours with Pod Black for Real Estate DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Gold Sponsor --- WGAN-TV Training U Free Course | Introduction to Pivo 360 Tour with Pod Black for Residential Real Estate | Guests: 3i Inc. (Pivo) Director of Business Development Doron Kasmi and 3i...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Intro to Pivo 360 Tours with Pod Black for Real Estate DanSmigrod 11 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @lilnitsch Thank you for creating – and sharing with the WGAN Community – the three (3) tours above of the same house. I started a new WGAN Forum discussion with your tours here: ✓ Matterport 3D Tour versus Pivo 3D Tour versus Zillow 3D Tour by @lilnitsch Best, Dan
WGAN-TV: Intro to Pivo 360 Tours with Pod Black for Residential Real Estate DanSmigrod Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Introduction to Pivo 360 Tour with Pod Black for Residential Real Estate | Guests: 3i Inc. (Pivo) Director of Business Development Doron Kasmi and 3i Inc. (Pivo) Business Development Part Team Lead Amanda Oto | Thursday, 11 November 2021 | Episode 125: | @PivoRealEstate @ThinkLab @remaxvictory @jarednelson1 @Wingman Did the @PivoRealEstate team answer your questions (video above)? Other questions (or...
Question of the Day: Are you attending 2021 NAR Conference 12-15 Nov 2021 DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsPivoRealEstate (109): Pivo Real Estate team will be so happy to see WGAN Community members who are attending NAR Conference & Expo 2021 in San Diego. Come talk with us at Booth #811 to find out all the ways Pivo Real Estate can improve your business! You can also let us know you'll be there! And reserve your Pivo Real Estate Pack today and pick it up at Booth #811. Learn More >>
3i Inc. (Pivo and Beamo) Raises $24 Million in Series A Funding Round DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): 3i Inc. Media Release --- Grab: Pivo Real Estate: for creating 360 Virtual Tours (New) Beamo Pathfinder 360 Camera for Enterprise Digital Twins | Video courtesy of 3i Inc. YouTube Channel | 29 July 2021 Beamo - Make digital twins 10x faster...