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How to View YOUR Matterport Spaces Offline1561

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport sent the following email to its clients at 11:11 am EDT Thursday, 7 April 2016.

Feel free to comment ...


Introducing 3D Showcase for iOS  

Dear Matterport Customer,

We’re pleased to introduce 3D Showcase for iOS, our new app for iPad and iPhone that lets you take your Matterport Spaces anywhere, with no wifi required. By making your Spaces available offline, and adding convenient search and sort features, you can walk into any presentation with confidence that your Matterport Spaces will be high-res and lightening fast.

Features so you can present with confidence

Same immersive 3D Showcase

3D Showcase for iOS gives you and your users the same immersive virtual experience, right from your iPad or iPhone. You can still see all three views, play Guided Tours, and see Mattertag™ Posts within each Space.

The difference? No cellular or WiFi connection needed!

Take your Spaces offline

3D Showcase for iOS lets you download copies of your Matterport Spaces locally on an iOS device, for viewing even when you have no internet connection.

Download the Spaces you need, and be confident that they’ll be available for you wherever you are.

Search, sort, and stun your clients

With convenient search and sort functionality, 3D Showcase for iOS lets you pull up relevant Spaces right when you need them. All your content is at your fingertips.

Access Matterport Featured Content

In addition to viewing and downloading your own Spaces, you and your clients are able to access and store a public gallery of Matterport Featured Content - interesting Spaces created by other members of the Matterport community.

Use them to show clients the breadth of applications for Matterport, or just browse some of our most mind-blowing Spaces from around the world.

Download 3D Showcase for iOS today, to take your Spaces everywhere!


Please note you must be connected to WiFi or a cellular network to download Spaces.

To learn more, read our blog and download the 3D Showcase for iOS User Guide.

Copyright © 2016 Matterport Inc., All rights reserved.
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Matterport Inc.
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Sunnyvale, CA 94089

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Post 1 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
Very nice. Just installed it, downloaded one space. With the app, it only added about 200Mo for a property about 1500sqf.

Great addition!
Post 2 IP   flag post
360Verbeelding private msg quote post Address this user
Wauw this is fantastic. The realy listen ar MP.
I just installed it and it works great.
Now you can backup as well i think. Need to find that out but the file must be somewhere kept at my Ipad.

Grtz Rene.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Cabrahams private msg quote post Address this user

Just curious. When I downloaded the app, to access my models to download to mobile from the cloud I had to obviously log in.

How would you present this to clients for them to be able to access their models? So they download the app and then what? That explanation seems to be missing from the Matterport email blast or am I just missing it?

Any idea?


Post 4 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
I believe this is for us, service providers, not clients... Although they would probably like it! But then, once the model is out there, we have no more control over it whatsoever. Anyone would be able to use the space (ex: a competing agent can use the space once the listing contract expires)...

Post 5 IP   flag post
Cabrahams private msg quote post Address this user
Well that's what I had thought except they write:

In addition to viewing and downloading your own Spaces, you and your clients are able to access and store a public gallery of Matterport Featured Content - interesting Spaces created by other members of the Matterport community.
Post 6 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
Charlie, if you download and install the app, you will see a few spaces ready to download to your ipad. They all come from the featured gallery that you can also find on the Matterport website.
I don't think you can add your spaces there easily (you would probably have to go through the submission process to have your space be amongst the featured projects).

Post 7 IP   flag post
txgreg66 private msg quote post Address this user
Agreed, thank you Matterport for saving bandwidth on my hotspot! Tours downloaded, Listing presentation here I come!

Greg S
Realtor® eXp Realty

Originally Posted by Cabrahams
How would you present this to clients for them to be able to access their models?

This is the private/public setting function which is inadequate and really needs to be addressed.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Cabrahams

Just curious. When I downloaded the app, to access my models to download to mobile from the cloud I had to obviously log in.

How would you present this to clients for them to be able to access their models? So they download the app and then what? That explanation seems to be missing from the Matterport email blast or am I just missing it?

Any idea?




Great question about enabling your client to use the app to display the Matterport Spaces that you created for him/her.

While the Matterport 3D Showcase for iOS User Guide does not include "how to" instructions, I imagine that if you invite a Client to Collaborate in Workshop, then they would be able to sign in to the Matterport 3D Showcase app and view the folder(s) that you enabled the collaboration.

That said, this is a cumbersome process at best.

I could imagine either:

1. an invite via email link that you could send that would enable a client to open/save the model within the app

2. a Workshop invite setting to enable permissions by folder

How else might Matterport enable permissions?

Post 9 IP   flag post
Columbia, MO
Showcas3D private msg quote post Address this user
any idea of when an app for Android users will be available?
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @DaveFahrny
I just downloaded the iOS app to view my Virtual Tours off line. This is Awesome 🎯 ! This app will be a very helpful Tool. I was getting ready to meet a title rep for lunch and show him some of my completed scans. Perfect timing.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
We have just been doing some testing of the app and yes you can send "collaborator" rights to your agents for there particular scans and they can download them into their own personal login for the MP app. Its a bit of a convoluted process but for special agents its a great sales tool!

Also we have tested to see what happens when you download the scans into the app and then delete them from your account........ they stay downloaded in the app! I was totally shocked and surprised by that!!! So potentially you can have your agents download the scans you have done for them and if you no longer want to use them yourself then you can delete them from your account and not have to host them anymore!
Post 12 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
I haven't used the collaborator privileges at all yet, so please excuse my ignorance.

Could you allow someone to be a collaborator to download their model on an app for them to keep a permanent record of, and then deny them the privileges afterwards?

I do have some prospective customers who said they'd only want a scan done if they could keep a permanent record of the scan and this may be a "work around" to somewhat allow that to happen.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Steve3D private msg quote post Address this user
I think it would be great if you could just have the contributor use the iOS app and not have access to the account online.

Not just a "viewer" as in the web account for a contributor but just an iOS viewer ONLY.

This would be great when you have many clietns (realtors) who could benefit from your 3D tour service.

Matterport are you listening?
Post 14 IP   flag post
smcclell private msg quote post Address this user
Lovin this!

It would be great to see the ability for clients to keep models that are deleted on our accounts but stored on their Ipad to be "reinstated" online. It would open up the rental market where people don't want to pay for the scan all the time they need to lease but you could scan once, they keep the scan when it is rented and then you host it again when they are looking for another renter.

EDIT* Was their a cap on how many collaborators we have?
Post 15 IP   flag post
360Verbeelding private msg quote post Address this user

great job, this could be a glitch that MP didn't want us to know or something they didn't know themselve.
So now we got a backup. If somthen there must be a way to savely store this file to a external device for seve keeping.
And if this is possible maybe we can host our own files.
Would be great. Lets dig a bit deeper.

Heppy scanning

Grtz Rene
Post 16 IP   flag post
sid private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Dan,

Is it possible to deep link to the 3D Showcase app from another app? What I'd like to do is tap a button in my own app that will automatically launch the 3D Showcase app. This is preferable to closing my own app, then tapping on the 3D Showcase app icon to launch it.

Here is some info on deep linking in case you are not familiar with it:


Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Matterport Spaces run in webGL. As long as your app enables this, then the Matterport model will work both as a link and iFrame.

I encourage you to ask Matterport Support the same question, before building an app, based on my answer.

Please let us know what they say and please share your app, when ready.

Post 18 IP   flag post
sid private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for the info. Yes, we've been able to view models via iFrame. But as far as I know, that method requires a highspeed internet connection, which is why we're interested in the offline viewing. Presumably the offline viewing will load faster and be smoother.

I'll try asking about this issue to Matterport Support as well. Thanks.

Post 19 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Ah! Off-line.

That's a great question for Matterport Support. Please let us know what they say.

For iFrame, you do need an internet connection. Before Matterport's new app, we have been doing demos using 4G our 4G on my iPad rather than relying on a client's public Wi-Fi.

Post 20 IP   flag post
PeterMatterport private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Steve3D
I think it would be great if you could just have the contributor use the iOS app and not have access to the account online.

Not just a "viewer" as in the web account for a contributor but just an iOS viewer ONLY.

This capability is now supported in v1.1 which just got released to the App store. You do have to type or copy/paste the 11 character SID or full URL in to the search box.
Post 21 IP   flag post
yguo private msg quote post Address this user
@sid @DanSmigrod

I look forward to your solution. I think it would be great if you could download each model as a standalone application to PC/Mac OS. So users can play and walk.
Post 22 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
We use the Matterport iOS Showcase app all the time for offline demos.

How about you?

Post 23 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Many of you have discovered the Matterport iOS Showcase app so that you can demo Matterport anywhere at anytime without an internet connection. (That said, you do need to download your show and tell models when you DO have an internet connection.)

Another great use of the iOS Showcase app is enabling your client to show off the Matterport Spaces 3D Tours that you created for them - and do this (thankfully) without having to be a collaborate on your Matterport account.

Here's How

1. Client downloads Matterport iOS Showcase app on their iPad (or any iOS device)

2. Email your client the 11-digital Matterport Spaces 3D Tour ID number (see bold in this link) ...

3. Your client launches the app, and selects the "search" magnifying glass in the top right corner ...

4. Your client does a "copy and paste" of the 11-digital Space ID into the Search bar ...

5. Once the Space shows up, your client taps on the "Cloud" icon to download the Space to the iPad


Matterport Spaces were formerly known as Matterport Showcases. Sometimes we still refer to Matterport Showcases when we mean Matterport Spaces so that when we say Showcase we are referring either to the Matterport app or the Matterport Player for Matterport Spaces. Got it?

In the Matterport Support Knowledge Base, see the Matterport iOS 3D Showcase App Guide for addition info. The screen grabs above are from this Guide.

Show of hands. Clear as mud?

Post 24 IP   flag post
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