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'eBlasts' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Urbanimmersive: New Archiving Feature for your Tours is now available! DanSmigrod 1 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31577): eBlast received Wednesday, 11 September 2024 --- ...
Marketing eBlast Examples from Real Estate Photographers DanSmigrod 3 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31577): eBlast received 24 June 2024 from Austin Real Estate Photography Owner Operator ...
Matterport Showcase Loading Issues | 12:45 PM ET Tuesday Oct 25, 2022 DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): eBlast: 2:38 pm ET Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Matterport Scheduled Maintenance 10 pm ET Thursday, 12 October 2022-4 Hours DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): eBlast received 6:47 pm ET Wednesday, 5 October 2022 Hi All, I wonder what will be new/different after this Matterport scheduled maintenance? I could imagine Matterport will have something new to sell since this maintenance affects: 1. Matterport Shopping Cart 2. Matterport API 3. Matterport Cloud 4....
Matterport Updates Platform Subscription Agreement/Privacy Policy 1 Oct 22 DanSmigrod 8 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Looking forward to reading your conclusions ... Dan
Matterport eBlast: Introducing Matterport Pro3 DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): ✓ Matterport offers stitching services as a paid service I recall other WGAN Forum discussions tagged Pro3 also discuss the above. Dan P.S. WGAN-TV Live Events: goes live 1 pm ET today (Wednesday, 7 September 2022): (in 5 minutes) ✓ WGAN-TV | Apple Event Watch Party with You and Other WGAN Forum Members
Matterport Offers 6-Hour Express Turnaround on B&W 2D Schematic Floor Plans DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): eBlast received Wednesday, 8 December 2021 @Chemistrydoc Thanks for letting us know. That's fast! Happy holidays, Dan
COVID-19: Examples of eBlasts/Newsletters from Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 9 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31577):
EyeSpy360 Adds Video Recordings to EyeSpyPLAY and Background Music DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31577):
Video: NavVis VLX Live Demonstration (and Tour Examples) DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Introducing NavVis IVION Core | Video courtesy of NavVis YouTube Channel | 22 April 2021 From the NavVis YouTube Channel: Introducing NavVis IVION Core, the reality capture platform for laser scanning and AEC professionals. With all the existing features of NavVis IndoorViewer, such as point cloud downloads and virtual measurements, NavVis IVION Core offers both a refreshed look together with new features...
Matterport Contest to Award 12 iPhone 12 Pros: Holiday Themed Matterports DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsrodrigocastillo (126): Nice! Looking forward to see some of those tours. It's a shame its restricted to US-residents only. Was looking forward to submit under "Best portrayal of 2020" Good luck to everyone and hopefully someone from this Forum win it :)
Matterport & Project Habitat leeverdon 5 4 yearsbriangreul (684): I got the email this morning and asked them: 1) Which space they wanted access to... 2) When they would let me be an MSP or MSS..... From what I read in the email I envisioned Roomba meets Matterport. It just wanders around and scans on it's own. Maybe they FedEx it to customers and screw all the photographers.
CupixWorks: Search and navigate digital twins by BIM Room name in SiteView DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Newsletter received Tuesday, 3 November 2020 CupixWorks | Request Cloud Connect License ( CupixWorks | Read More
COVID-19: Examples of eBlasts/Newsletters from Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 23 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): received Monday, 2 November 2020
How a full-service architecture firm positions the use of Matterport DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31577):
Why is the 'we-get-around' forum so incredibly spammy on email? Rust 8 4 yearsRust (22): Hi @DanSmigrod I have to admit that when I speedily clicked the unsubscribe button originally, I wrongly assumed the resulting load page was a ‘unsubscribed successfully’ page. But it was actually a ‘manage email notification page’ which needed another step to unsubscribe. So in summary : my mistake! :(|)
Upcoming changes to Matterport face blurring (21 July 2020) 3dshowcaseuk 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): @Queen_City_3D I added your suggestion to the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ "Wish List" for Matterport Workshop Dan
Ben Claremont: Inside scoop on the XPhase Pro S: 25 lens, 200MP 360 camera DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): XPhase Pro S: The 134MP, 25 lens 360 camera! | Video courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel | 10 June 2020
Explaining the difference between a virtual tour and a slide show jacobpmac 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, And some - like - call "it" a VR Tour! That's from the discussion: ✓ Publish Matterport to Partners ( is working. is not) This "it" conversation could make your head spin! :cool: Dan
Ben Claremont: How I Score New Virtual Tour Clients DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): received Sunday, 17 April 2020 -- Ben Claremont: How I Score New Virtual Tour...
Matterport Links In Constant Contact Eblast JMEPhotos 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Other than a screen shot of a Matterport digital twin that links to Matterport 3D Tour, what are other ways to include a Matterport 3D Tour in Constant Contact (or similar eNewsletter) service? A WGAN Member writes (below). Dan -- Hi Dan, Hope you and your family are staying safe and doing well... I am still a bit confused on how I can add a Matterport tour to my Constant Contact eblast. Because of the virus we have been doing...
Matterport Coronavirus (#COVID19) DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Grab: Matterport website | posted on on Friday 20 March 2020
Matterport jumps on the Coronavirus bus leonherbert 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): @leonherbert It's likely that we all agree that Matterport needs to champion creating demand: whether it is VRBO owners, real estate agents or general contractors. Obviously, as Matterport Service Providers, we would prefer that Matterport create the demand with the call-to-action to engage a Pro. On a tactical note, I am super-surprised Matterport would use that geeky, spider-web artwork to (try) to communicate an immersive, walk-around...
360 Camera Processing Fees for Matterport Classic Cloud Plans VTLV 19 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): @virtualpro Well said! Hi All, Matterport Classic pricing applies to Matterport customers that have accounts on or before Wednesday, 8 May 2019. Some related WGAN Forum Discussions ✓ How to game the new Matterport Pricing ✓ How to Succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing (for Users and Matterport) ✓ Why I will stick with Matterport Classic Pricing ✓ 11 Reasons to Keep Matterport Classic (Old)...
Matterport Updates Privacy Policy | Wednesday, 18 December 2019 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31577):
Matterport Cloud to See Refresh to Prep for AI Meets Smartphone 3D Capture DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsHome3D (4192): While I share concern about marketing efforts which undercut the work and contributions of professionals using MP technology, I also rest easy in the knowledge that even a system as fast, easy and even free as Zillow's 3D Home has been used so little. This evidences that the simplification of virtual tour production has had little impact on the work of MSPs. I provide many visual marketing services, HDR photography, videography, drone...
Zillow 3D Home: a Newsletter eBlast Promotion Example DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Grab of eBlast Hi All, Worth noting: ✓ Must buy additional service for the...
Matterport Notice Reaching Capacity ron0987 13 6 yearsleonherbert (903): @DeeJ You made my day Dee, I'm feeling loved again :)
Matterport: Upcoming Improvements to Account Management and Billing DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, I received this Matterport eBlast today (Tuesday, 12 February 2019). Dan
Matterport to Google Street View Publishing Launches 1 October 2018 DanSmigrod 11 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Matterport newsletter today (Friday, 28 Sept. 2018) includes this reminder (above). Best, Dan
Question of the Day: Do you send newsletters to Clients and Prospects? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Monday, 24 September 2018) is: Do you send newsletters to Clients and Prospects? (If so, please share ...) I will kick it off with a newsletter that I received this morning (below). .... Best, Dan
Public Beta: Place 360º Views in New Matterport Workshop Week of 4 Sept 18 DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31577):
MP Betas>360Placement, Face Blurring, BLK360 DanSmigrod 15 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): @Metroplex360 Wrong Matterport Product Team implemented Face Blurring. Nice that they took the initiative. Right idea. Wrong implementation. This needs to be a Matterport Workshop feature: not a Matterport Capture feature. CUPIX nailed it. Matterport should follow their lead. Dan
Matterport Showcase 3.0 Beta: What's New DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsVTLV (2910): I found the break up of tools to be a little interesting with details photos and videos all having separate tags. My concern today is I made a couple edits and re-uploaded the tour a couple times. However, my spaces did not show the current uploads pending. This scan took 7 hours to upload last night. Somewhat nervous wondering if the edits actually loaded. Previous scans with multiple completed uploads show like before. How are your run...
Matterport Cloud Workflow Improvements DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsleonherbert (903): Better metrics would be fantastic. Metrics we have at the moment are about as insightful as a blank wall :)
Firmware Update #6 for Fast Capture Beta DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, From the Matterport newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018. Dan -- Matterport FAQ: Fast Capture Beta Join Matterport Faster Capture Beta
Matterport Maintenance 9 pm-12am PDT 9 May18 DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, From the Matterport newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018. Dan -- Status Updates
Matterport: Ask the Matterport Experts Live! DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, I :heart: that Matterport now offers a live webinar to ask for help. Here's the link to the Thursday, 3 May 2018 Ask the Matterport Experts Live webinar. (Below is from the Matterport User Newsletter today (Wednesday, 25 April 2018). Learn something cool from this webinar or have follow-up questions, feel free to crowd-source the answers among the WGAN Forum Community. WGAN-TV would be happy to simulcast Matterport Experts...
Matterport Showcase 3.0: An Update 25 Apr 18 DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, The following is from the Matterport User Newsletter today (Wednesday, 25 April 2018). Your thoughts? Dan --
Matterport Email Targets Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsdouglahu (11): You really see this as a threat? I see this as an opportunity. The average Realtor is 57 and female (NAR stats). You think they want to learn the system? You can use this to initiate a conversation with agents and improve their production. Yes, I did purchase a MP 2 Lite, but only to recruit agents to build up a brokerage. I have an inside angle tho, my daughter's company is one of Matterport's largest clients. So to think this will eat into any...
Video Capture to Google Street View (Beta) DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): --- Hi All, We covered this in a previous WGAN Forum discussion a while ago, but it is so important, I want to share it again. As promoted in the Google Street View Trusted Newsletter (April...
Google Maps Street View Trusted - eBlast DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, A WGAN Member received this eBlast today (Tuesday, 3 April 2018) from Google Street View. Dan --
Do You Send eNewsletters to Clients? Share? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Can you post a link to one of your newsletters? Best, Dan
A Matterport Email Targeting Agents DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsRPOceanic (215): Already spoken to this lots. Even if Real Estate agents were inclined to dive into this- and most, most definitely are not..... it just doesn't add up for an agent in terms of time/money invested and lost focus. With the cost of a camera, ancillary gear, hosting fees, learning curve, time spent on shoots, post production, keeping up with new developments.... the only way it remotely makes financial sense is making tours for a LOT of listings....
Matterport Marketing --> Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsKentoBlanco (22): They kept referring to the use of the Pro 2 ... how much of what they are demonstrating is not available with the pro 1 model?
News - Matterport to Charge for Overage Metroplex360 11 7 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @Helen that’s the only way that remotely makes sense to me.
Matterport Webinar for Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsVTLV (2910): Thank you @DanSmigrod! I was on a call with a lead when the webinar started yesterday and missed a good chunk of this. Catch up time.
Email Marketing Example from Matterport Pro DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Are you using email marketing as part of your business development strategy? I frequently receive special offers via email from this (below) Matterport Pro. Your thoughts? Got an example to share? Please post here too. Happy holidays, Dan --
Matterport Client Newsletter Wed 6 Sept 2017 DanSmigrod 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, From the Matterport newsletter today, Wednesday, 2017. Dan
Matterport Webinar: 3D, Facebook and YouTube DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Screen Grab: See this web link for this webinar notice. Hi All, I received this webinar notice from Matterport ... Date: Thursday, 16 November 2017 | 11 am PT / 2 pm ET) Attract More Home Sellers with 3D, Facebook and YouTube Learn to leverage Matterport's 3D Showcase to win listings and remain competitive...
Matterport Newsletter Thursday, 24 Aug 2017 DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsmori (819): I really wish they would concentrate on needed and urgent updates instead of looping gifs.
Matterport Newsletter-Thursday, 10 Aug 2017 DanSmigrod 8 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I shot the best tour I've ever shot after the upgrade. Nothing went wrong, 360 Views looked great. Prediction for Workshop: Snapshots will be 'always on' while navigating the tour so that we don't have to swap between snapshot and navigation modes.
Example of an eBlast by a Forum Member DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @VTLV I think @DougTse is fighting back and riding on the wave from the withdrawn pilot proram in his own market. He's flipping the situation -- and I'm pretty sure the $149 offer is a ploy to provide 2 options that he can live with either way -- except that the Realtor is likely to pick the Pro-2 for $50/more. Doug, if he owns 2 cameras, may have decided to let the Pro-1 be manned by another person too -- scaling with two different...
Matterport Newsletter | 28 June 2017 DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsdtavres (106): The last item in the NL about Rachael Ray reminds me of VidTaggr - - the ability to 'tag' scenes in videos - which could include links to products.
360 Pano Downloads, Teaser Videos, SQFT Metroplex360 Jump to first page37Jump to last page 8 yearsJC3DCX (823): Have done it already a few days previously and it works 100%, :-) Just the time to upload, wait for the model and then download the 2x vids and 1 gif. just change something small on the model and then you'll be able to upload again,
Matterport Newsletter Sent Wed (7 June 2017) DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Here is the newsletter that Matterport sent to its customer today (Wednesday, 7 June 2017). Dan ---
Matterport Newsletter 17 May 2017 DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Matterport sent this newsletter today (17 May 2017) to its clients. Feel free to comment. Dan ---
Matterport Newsletter | Wed., 26 April 2017 DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, Matterport sent this newsletter today (26 April 2017). Feel free to comment below ... Dan ---
Matterport: 1of23 Top Tools for Marketing RE DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): Thanks for the share @DanSmigrod :)
New! Download Matterport Statistics to .csv DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @DanSmigrod MatterStats has closed shop, sorry. Matterport's update is nice as MatterStats featured CSV export -- however, the automation that made MatterStats useful is something that we still would benefit from Matterport to implement.
Matterport: Metric-Chinese-Japanese-Spanish DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Matterport sent the following eblast 6:30 pm ET today (Thursday, 16 February 2017) to its clients. [Newsletter] Go Global with Matterport Feel free to comment. Best, Dan ----
Matterport WebVR + Google Daydream VR Viewer DanSmigrod 9 8 yearsUserName (586): @DannyBasting - I used to do that when I first got my Gear VR. My first mobile VR experience was seeing Cardboard Street View on a Gear VR using the plastic snap method. Then I graduated to the Package Disabler and finally to the Samsung Mobile browser. The Oculus startup screen does not appear when you use that browser. Even using that browser is slower than simply putting your phone into a Cardboard headset that plays immediately....
Matterport Newsletter: Easier to Find Stuff DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Matterport Support Team sent the following eBlast to its customers 7 pm ET Friday, 3 February 2017. Feel free to comment below. Best, Dan --- [Newsletter] Redesigned Help Center | Top Real Estate Tools
Matterport CoreVR free until 30 June 2017 DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): As I mentioned in this thread, Here's my suggestion (MATTERPORT... ARE YOU LISTENING?).... Make the Core VR free indefinitely to users who have a Professional or Business plan. That way you (Matterport) are getting more MSP's away from $49/month hosting plans and into $99 or $149 hosting plans. I would suspect Matterport would make more money that way, and Professional and Business Plan users can work with the VR option to pad their bottom...
Matterport Newsletter | Wed 7 December 2016 DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Matterport sent the following blast today, Wednesday, 7 December 2016. Feel free to comment below. Happy holidays, Dan
How Redfin Promotes its Use of Matterport DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsMadHusband (46): @CharlesMcKenna Best I can tell they stated the initiative in 2014, and at that time stated that a "3d walkthough" would be provided with each listing, but I guess it hasn't been pushed really hard to possibly now and maybe only in certain areas? Here are two Redfin agents listing that has no sign of matterport: ...
Matterport CoreVR is Now Live in 3D Showcase Metroplex360 2 8 yearsUserName (586): Thanks. One new Gallery model worked fine. However, the Venice Beach model appeared to load but stalled when the progress bar reached the end. I exited the Matterport Showcase app, went back and now it say the Venice Beach model may be corrupt so I can't view it. Maybe trying to delete it completely might help -- I'll try that. I'll also try another model to see what happens. It's handy having the gallery right there in the Gear VR.
Matterport Product Suggestion Survey 4Q2016 DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): The following email was sent by Matterport Support Team on Tuesday, 29 September 2016. Dan --- Help us prioritize product development! Don't forget to give us your input! Here’s your chance to tell us what to focus on next. Your input will help us prioritize product development efforts to align with your most important...
Using Tours for Advertising Listings jencoates 3 9 yearsjencoates (13): Thank you, jen
Matterport Newsletter: 1 September 2016 DanSmigrod 11 9 yearsaerialpixels (457): I am no hardware expert, but was wondering... isnt the bad stitching an issue with the BACKEND MP servers/hardware/software which does the stitching, and shouldnt have to do with the firmware of the camera?
Matterport Workshop Support Chrome and Edge DanSmigrod 5 9 yearsVince_MccrayT (5): The reality is that Firefox will lag behind Chrome by 6 months to a year, requiring extensive pollyfills. Edge will be missing so many APIs you won't be able to support it however hard you struggle. You'll be forced to abandoned the utopia of "run everywhere" yet again, and declare Edge (along with Safari) are the new IE6.
Matterport Maintenance 5-9pmPDT 19 July 2016 DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): The following email was sent to Matterport 7:12 pm EDT Monday, 18 July. Dan ---- Dear Matterport Customer: We will be conducting scheduled maintenance on our Space Statistics server on [Tuesday] July 19, 2016, from 5:00 to 9:00 pm PDT. During this time, all Matterport Spaces and 3D Showcases will remain viewable. If you login to your Matterport Cloud account during the maintenance period, you will be unable to view your...
REDFIN eBlast: 3D Walkthrough Lets Buyers... DanSmigrod 6 9 yearssuncoastskyview (178): I've found that most realtors do not want to tie up several thousand dollars in equipment to do the time consuming, tedious work of scanning a property. It's easier for them to call us.
Auto-Populate Fields in Workshop Saves Time DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsfranmts (181): Wow, I thought about this 2 days ago and it got implemented today =] We are doing dozens of scans for 1 client and it was starting to get boring to fulfill the same again and again.
How to View YOUR Matterport Spaces Offline DanSmigrod 24 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Many of you have discovered the Matterport iOS Showcase app so that you can demo Matterport anywhere at anytime without an internet connection. (That said, you do need to download your show and tell models when you DO have an internet connection.) Another great use of the iOS Showcase app is enabling your client to show off the Matterport Spaces 3D Tours that you created for them - and do this (thankfully) without having to be a collaborate...
BDX New Home Ad Questions VTLV 1 9 yearsVTLV (2910): Are any agents/builders approaching you about BDX Builder Ads? I came across an ad this week offering Matterport service for builders. Take a look. (It's a PDF) I am curious about your thoughts on the following: How do you like the ad? Is this in line with your...
Matterport Refines Tours & Boost Engagement DanSmigrod 7 9 yearssshannon (43): I love the new "Default Hero Image" but I'm disappointed that once you set the Start Location, than that replaces the Hero image. I'd love to be able to keep the new dollhouse hero image as the thumbnail/loading image, and then have it zoom in and start with the start location that I've chosen. Surely they could add this as an option instead of forcing the start location to be random!! =(
Matterport Improves Outdoor Color Accuracy DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): The following is the text of an email (5 February 2016) from the Matterport Team. It's re-posted here in case you want to comment about this Matterport announcement -- Your Matterport Spaces will now have improved color accuracy Dear Matterport Customer, This week we released an improvement to our vision processing pipeline that enhances the overall color accuracy of panoramas in your Matterport Spaces by improving automatic...
Free Matterport VR Showcase App for Gear VR DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): It is fantastic, there's nothing like it. The images on my Note 4 with the Gear are not super sharp but you soon forget that as you get lost in the incredible world of VR. :D I'm hooked I just hope I don't get sucked into VR a world and never want to come out again.:eek:
Increased Saturation/Contrast; Reduced Glare DanSmigrod 5 9 yearsDennis_N (91): This update came just in time as I scanned a house on a rainy day and I was wondering how much the dark weather conditions would affect the scan. Also in one of the scans, the camera was head to head with a low hanging lamp and i thought it was going to show up awful in the 3D showcase. The lamp showed wonderfully with zero glares, and the windows were brightened as if it was a nice weather outside. Very happy with the result.
Matterport VR Showcase + Samsung Gear VR DanSmigrod 9 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @Jamie Upon my original inquiry I was told: "At present, a typical model can take up to two weeks of calendar time to convert to VR. Though most models are converted a bit quicker than this. Larger orders of 5+ models may require additional time." That was back in mid-October. It wasn't until early December that I put in my request for the VR conversion at which time I was told, "since the launch of the GearVR this past week,...
MP Adds Metric Measurements & UTF-8 Support DanSmigrod 3 9 yearsNoel (94): Yes, Thanks for Metric. I did try, last week but it dropped back to imperial when I exited Workshop. Should it lock to Metric?
MP to Sunset Classic Workshop-->New Workshop DanSmigrod 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): The following is the text of an email (6 January 2016) from the Matterport Team. --- Improve efficiency by editing Spaces in new Workshop Dear Matterport Customer, Today, Classic Workshop was removed from All Space editing functionality is available within our new, improved Workshop. We are excited to offer expanded functionality and streamlined workflows. Click below for additional resources on transitioning...
Explore! Matterport Curates Best Of Gallery DanSmigrod 4 9 yearsIPM (34): I made it into the historic section. Old church in Hawaii,_Hawaii)
Matterport Workshop 2.0 - How to Use Guide DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsjudysmithre (95): Thank you Dan!
Soon: Collect Measurements and Label Rooms DanSmigrod 3 9 yearsron0987 (3469): To All Matterports, Peepers and even you Canon user, I hope you all have a great THANKSGIVING. :):):):):):):): beer::beer::beer::beer::beer::beer: Ron
Matterport User Group eBlast-Special Offers DanSmigrod 23 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Hi All, This Saturday, 7 November 2015, we will email the Matterport User Group Forum Newsletter to 670+ Members in 40+ countries. The newsletter will include special offers not posted to the Forum. To receive free Monthly Newsletters ... Not a Member? It's free to join the Matterport User Group Forum by 4 pm EST (Atlanta) Friday, 6 November 2015: Click Here Thanks, Dan
Enhanced MP Support to Keep You Scanning DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): As Matterport sends eBlasts, I post them to separate threads like this, in case MUG Forum Members want to comment or discuss ... Comments? Discussion? Dan ----- The following is the text of an email (3 November 2015) from the Matterport Team. -- Enhanced support to keep you scanning Dear Matterport Customer, In our ongoing effort to better serve you with quick and complete support solutions, we’re glad to announce our...
MUG Feedback: Matterport's VR Beta App DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): @Queen_City_3D Wi-Fi only is fine. See Buy Matterport Gear and Acessorories link just below the map to make sure you buy exactly the right Galaxy S6 and Gear VV. Best, Dan
Matterport eNewsletters (First:9 March 2015) DanSmigrod 1 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): This Matterport eNewsletter was sent on Monday, 9 March 2015. It's possible that the link will expire, so please: For past editions, please click here. To subscriber subscribe, please click here.
Matterport + .GIF Work-Flow Recommendation DanSmigrod 1 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31577): Do you have a Matterport + .GIF work-flow recommendation? Instead of using a text link (to 3D Showcase) in an eBlast, we'd like to suggest our client use a .GIF (to the 3D Showcase). In addition to the eBlast, where else might the .GIF of a 3D Showcase be useful ...? Thanks, Dan