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Advice needed: Scanning roofs (for commercial roofing company)15494

JonnathanAlgarin private msg quote post Address this user
I have a potential client that will require weekly documentation of the roofs progress.
These are large commercial roofs like schools, colleges, office buildings, etc.

My questions and concerns are:

Does Matterport support scanning large roofs / open areas?
These roofs are most of the time larger than 15K sqft

I have looked into Cupix but I am not a huge fan of their quality and editing process, although I do like the idea of simply walking around with a helmet on my head and scanning the entire roof in minutes.

Also, does anyone have any advice on pricing jobs of this scale? Considering having to do it weekly.

This is a multi million dollar company so I am not scared to charge a lot but also want to offer a deal that would make sense for them to include me in all of their future projects.

At the moment this is the rate I'm considering:

$500 + .15 cents per sqft (no contract)
This includes hosting

The deal I was thinking about offering with a 1 year contract is
.15 cents / sqft (this would be charged weekly or per job)

I am using a Ricoh Theta Z1 but will likely upgrade to the Pro 2 if this deal is agreed upon.

Thanks in advance!
Post 1 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
I'm curious to hear other opinions but I don't think the PRO 2 is the right tool for the job. You will have way too many issues in an open space. The BLK360 would certainly work, but that is a very expensive (and slow) scanner. I don't have experience with the Z1 so can't really offer any commentary on that.
Post 2 IP   flag post
JonnathanAlgarin private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for the quick response! I had read before that its not great for open areas but I was not sure if that was a Matterport software issue or a camera issue. The more I look into this the more I'm leaning towards pitching the BLK360 as a company expense, considering it would a valuable tool for their buisness, albeit a slower scan.

My concerns with the Z1 is finding a place to hide from the scan on a roof I imagine would be difficult.
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Introducing Skydio 3D Scan™ | Video courtesy of Skydio YouTube Channel | 2 June 2021

Video: Introducing Skydio X2™ | Video courtesy of Skydio YouTube Channel | 2 June 2021

Video: Skydio 3D Scan Sneak Peek: The Dam | Video courtesy of Skydio YouTube Channel | 7 April 2021


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Would a Skydio 3D Scan to CupixWorks be a fast, practical workflow?

WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Skydio | CupixWorks


Post 4 IP   flag post
Repair Service
Gainesville, Florida
MatterFix private msg quote post Address this user
A lot depends on what the customer needs...visual model (pictures)?, do they want the dollhouse effect? or 3D data? and if 3D data, how much detail. Do you know what they want to do with the data you collect?
Post 5 IP   flag post
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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Is AEC Drone Data Capture with Skyward and Pix4D a fast, practical workflow?

--> Free Webinar: How to Create AEC Drone Data Capture with Skyward and Pix4D

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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: How do Land Surveyors uses Drone LiDAR technology? | Video courtesy of Indiana Drones YouTube Channel | 30 August 2021


Is this video helpful? It was published today (Monday, 30 August 2021).

Post 7 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Drone would be best and fastest resource. But the reality is what are you trying to gather data wise. There are other resources other than Pix4D. Are you only documenting for pictures or are you trying to turn a product over that you can getting measurements from.
Post 8 IP   flag post
JonnathanAlgarin private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks everyone, all the drone recommendations are great. We still would need a walkthrough of the roof where supervisors and project managers can view up close, pause and zoom into certain areas so high quality photos are crucial. They need to see construction progress of the roof up-close, seams, ventilation systems etc. They will not rely on tour measurements but they would be helpful for rough estimates.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Cupix Head of Product Strategy pcollart private msg quote post Address this user

I recommend you check out CupixWorks as opposed to CupixHomes, which is more automated and purpose-built for the AEC industry. Below are a few examples for your viewing pleasure!

Commerical Roof
- Captured with "Cluster-Shot" + MiSphere 360 camera
- About 100 pano images are captured per capture, which takes no more than 15 minutes
- Highlights time-line compare features.
- Ricoh Z1 is also supported by the way.

Roof in SSF
- Another roof capture via Cluster-Shot method with the MiSPhere 360 camera.
- Only a single capture (no time-line compare)

125,000 SF Warehouse
- Primary captured with "360-Video" method (i.e. open warehouse, entire site & drone footage). Small office areas, restrooms, MEP rooms, etc. were captured with the "Cluster-Shot" method.
- The entire time on site was under 4 hours!
- All data was captured with the Ricoh Theta Z1.

If you are interested in more info, please reach out to our sales team at


Note that I am part of the Cupix team!
Post 10 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I do not think you have many options if you want to do it as a Matterport tour. A pro2 won't work outdoor unless it is 30 minutes before Sunrise or 30 minutes after Sunset. The timeframe can be smaller depending where you are and how high the roof is. However during this time a Pro2 will work as good as inside.

If you use a Z1 Matterport advises that the accuracy with this camera can be +-8% That's just too much in my opinion if it is for construction purposes.

So the second and the last option will be to use a BLK360. According to Materport its accuracy can be +-0.1% comparing to 1% of Pro2 scans.
Post 11 IP   flag post
EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
The most comprehensive option would be a 3D photogrammetry model developed using DroneDeploy or Pix4D which can be uploaded to Sketchfab for online viewing (or, with the Premier Plan, loaded to the client's website). In Sketchfab, the 3D model can be linked (through annotations) to separate ground-based 360 tours which could be Matterport, CupixWorks, or other. The links can be position based.
Pix4D also provides ground-based documentation (in addition to their drone solutions) based on the iPad LIDAR.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Repair Service
Gainesville, Florida
MatterFix private msg quote post Address this user
@Pcollart - Cupix has come a long way! - do you have links to the projects you showed above? (not videos but actual projects). I'd like to explore in a little more detail. Thanks!
Post 13 IP   flag post
EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
Here's an example of a 3D model of a model home I did for a builder: The numbered annotations each link to a 360 tour in Asteroom. I originally had Matterport 360 tours but the client preferred labels on each room of the digital twin and Matterport didn't provide that at the time, so I switched to Asteroom.
The exterior model was originally developed using DroneDeploy but I wanted to improve the quality and switched to Metashape 3D software to merge the app. 300 photos that were taken with both drone (in the air) and DSLR cameras (from the ground).
Post 14 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@EaglePrecision the link is not working I keep getting an error message.
Post 15 IP   flag post
EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
Apologies - the model is over 6 months old and the client was not getting enough hits on his website where we put it, so he decided not to renew the hosting and I let that Sketchfab plan downgrade at the end of the period - so they disabled the model. I haven't done one of these recently due to other types of jobs, so I'm sorry that I can't offer you a sample at this time.
Post 16 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: See NavVis VLX in action on a construction site | Video courtesy of NavVis YouTube Channel | 1 September 2021


Is this helpful?

Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Drone LiDAR vs Photogrammetry | Epic Stadium 3D model | Video courtesy of Indiana Drones YouTube Channel | 29 July 2020


Is this helpful: Drone LiDAR vs Photogrammetry?

Post 18 IP   flag post
EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
The client just emailed me that he changed his mind and wants to continue hosting for another year. Here is the 3D model of his Palmetto II model home from the Liberty Homes & Buildings web site:
You will need to scroll down below the Matterport walk-through and then click Play on the 'Palmetto II Home Model by Liberty Homes by Chris@Eagle Precision Aerial 360'
Post 19 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

WOW! That's WAY COOL! Thanks for sharing!

(And, congrats on the biz for this client.)

Post 20 IP   flag post
JonnathanAlgarin private msg quote post Address this user
@eaglePrecision that 3D model is incredible.
& thanks everyone, you guys have been beyond helpful!

As to CupixWorks is there somewhere I can see the entire process from scanning on location to editing the scan? I'm leaning towards this being the solution for my roofing company client, I shared the video you posted here @pcollart ( ) with them and they really like this example but I want to understand it's features and process before I step into an in person meeting. Would love to see a live link that I can explore myself also if possible.

Thanks in advance!
- Jonna
Post 21 IP   flag post
EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
As others have pointed out, you need to more specifically define your requirements in order to select the best solution. I can tell you that the solution I proposed (the photogrammetry 3D model combining aerial & ground photos and annotated with links to 360 views) is a LOT of work; i.e., you have to charge a big price to make it pay!
Here's another 3D scanning option to consider:

BTW - all of these entail some subscription and/or software fees also.
Post 22 IP   flag post
JonnathanAlgarin private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by EaglePrecision
As others have pointed out, you need to more specifically define your requirements in order to select the best solution. I can tell you that the solution I proposed (the photogrammetry 3D model combining aerial & ground photos and annotated with links to 360 views) is a LOT of work; i.e., you have to charge a big price to make it pay!
Here's another 3D scanning option to consider:

BTW - all of these entail some subscription and/or software fees also.

I appreciate your input and think the options you proposed will come in handy in the future.
I did specify what my clients needs and @pcollart suggested CupixWorks which provides exactly what they need, weekly detailed progress documentation that can be scanned quickly and efficiently.
I'm asking for direction on where to find tutorials / videos / that better explain the process and features so I can confidently pitch it as an option.
Post 23 IP   flag post
Cupix Head of Product Strategy pcollart private msg quote post Address this user
@JonnathanAlgarin sorry for the late reply ... I had a couple of days off! Please reach out and I can get you in touch with our Customer Success team in your region.

paul <dot> collart <at>
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