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Matterport Scan distance in Warehouse Aisles & will I need Alignment Tags?15161

brianbenjamen private msg quote post Address this user
I was wondering if anyone can provide suggestions as per photos (captioned below)regarding scan distance and if alignment tags will be required?
Will the differences in the aisles be sufficient that alignment tags not required

Around 30,000 ft total on 2 floors offices, shipping and warehouse space.

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Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
I'd suggest printing them out so you have them if need be, and try it without...
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Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
We find that these type of warehouse aisles permit scan separations of around 8-10 feet. Watch your minimap carefully as each new scan aligns and appears. Make sure the nodal point is where you expect it to appear and immediately delete and redo if it's not.

Walk the site before you begin and plan a route that's like a tree, meaning start with central, widest aisles of possible and then branching out to all the smaller ones. We find this yields better accuracy than circling the perimeter and then working your way inward. Goal is to keep the distance from the start point to the furthest tips of the path as short as possible. I.e, don't start in one far corner, start a fairly central position. If it needs to start against one side, make it near the middle of one of the longest sides. And be sure, before doing scan #1, that the camera is aimed along the axis of the longest direction of the building, so that the model appears fairly square to the iPad screen's longest direction.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I have been planning to shoot exhibition halls and figured out that I need 4 steps or about 3.6m between scans centres to overlap most of the previous scan. If fact it could be longer if you do not mind diamond shaped black spots because that what you need to overlap with every next scan.

The hall I have been planning to do is 46x12.5m so these are measurements for about 16 scans vertically(rows) and 3 scans horizontally(columns), total 48. If your space is not so wide and you can do one line of scans reaching all side walls you may need to go with 3-3.2m distance as for my hall a second and the third columns of scans will be adding a bit of data to whatever left uncovered in the previous column of scans.

As for April tags, I have never used them. I think a warehouse with different boxes on shelves should be alright without any tags.
Post 4 IP   flag post
jpierce360 private msg quote post Address this user
Everything mentioned here is correct.
If its not aligning correct, reduce the space between scans... if that doesn't work use the April tags.

But with the different boxes your alignment should be fine but keep an eye on the minimap as well.
Post 5 IP   flag post
brianbenjamen private msg quote post Address this user
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE for your responses
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Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
For a warehouse, I would definitely print the april tags. I think even just one at the end of each row would lock things down nicely.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I have done a convention centre today. It has taken me almost 12 hours. I will share my experience tomorrow.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Have a look at
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