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'Alignment' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Video: How to Avoid Scanning Errors DanSmigrod 1 7 monthsDanSmigrod (31647): Video: How to Avoid Scanning Errors | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 4 September 2024
Matterport Fluke or Fixed alignment tool? ron0987 1 2 yearsron0987 (3499): Ok, just a little background. Hired to scan 9 smaller homes for contractor to remodel. A majority of these are 900 sqft to 1700 sqft. So only need scan to produce diagram/floor plans for him, basically down and dirty trying to get in and out. So using Pro 3 I was not that worried about alignment issue so trying to blow thru it. These units so small and old, only one door and only 30โ€ threshold. About 50 scans in total. Because...
Matterport Tour with "Wooden Leg" ThinkLab 5 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @DanSmigrod Perhaps I looked too quickly. I did not see even 2-4 cabin types scanned. Dan
BLK360 + Pro2 in one tour, how to combine both? Wingman 17 4 yearsHarrycayman (439): I only use iPad. but i don't see why the Matterport capture app on iPhone wont work.
Matterport alignment news!๐Ÿ‘๐ŸผThey are working on some new stuff Skeeter 3 4 yearsWingman (4435): They will most likely be able to fix it. I was receiving all kind of confusing support emails when I asked them to fix big misalignment problems in my Convention Centre 3D tour. It varied from "we working on it" to "sorry we cannot fix it" and sometimes these support replies were coming with 1-2 hours difference. However they have fixed it very well at the end.
Matterport Scan distance in Warehouse Aisles & will I need Alignment Tags? brianbenjamen 9 4 yearsWingman (4435): Have a look at
How to fix scans showing up on wrong floor in my Matterport Tour? adc1967 14 5 yearsadc1967 (79): Hello, First of all I want to thank all the time people above spent assisting me. I read every bit of advice. I see that Castaway nailed it with the stair scans. Plus, the earlier advice of carrying heavy duty door jams is a great idea. The thing I learned is to have the doors to stairwells open throughout. Plus, do a few more scans than normal (I can always hide). Anyway, my scan is in the stitching pipeline (I called MP) and it could be...
iPhone processing SPEED on allignment process Tjawi 4 5 yearsWingman (4435): As I have mentioned in my thread you cannot take a full advantage of faster scanning with an Ipad Pro 2020 for one simple reason. The camera rotation speed does not depend on what device you are using. I believe it will be the same with any device. What you are gaining on is a speed of alignment for each scan when an Ipad Pro 2020 is used. If you are hiding, you just have less time to come back to your camera to move it to a new spot for...
Ricoh Theta Z1 Assisted Alignment via Matterport April Tags? Atriux 4 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): That's very admirable pre-work @Atriux! :) Sorry what I meant regarding assisted alignments is that I have only attempted to use them a few times while using a 360 camera as the primary scanning device - and those few times did not go well. I have used it many times with the Pro II and have not had any issues. I do not believe I have EVER tried using tags with a 3D conversion. I try to avoid 3d conversions at all costs no matter what I am using...
Alignment Problem with Ricoh Theta Z1 misho73 14 5 yearsprofx (4): I have also run into similar issues that you had. One thing I noticed that causes alignment issues with the Ricoh Theta Z1 is when the white balance or color of the light in the room changes. I have also run into similar issues that you had.
Help please with aligning the Cupix tour to the BIM model Joakim360 10 5 yearsJoakim360 (125): I'm very happy with the end result :)
Alignment issues JAX1979 7 7 yearsmcuddy (186): Another UK user I worked with had this, was a hardware issue. MP replaced the camera.
On the 12th day of Christmas VTLV 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas. Happy holidays, Dan
Video: How to Avoid Alignment Errors DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, If you are just getting started with Matterport - or thinking about buying a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera โ€“ this Matterport created video will be helpful to avoid alignment errors and misalignment. In addition to how to avoid, the video helps you understand what causes alignment errors and misalignment. Video: Coping with Alignment Errors and Misalignment | Video courtesy of Matterport Looking...
Cursor problems (blue circles). FuturePhotography 10 9 yearsFuturePhotography (13): Yep, tried restarting and closing all the tabs. Here is a link so you guys don't think I am making this up ;). Thanks. It took me a total of three days to do both villas, the still photos and I had a little fun with the drone. Still working on editing all the material into one good video. I can feel you Queen_City! In the summer we have 50 C which is just as bad! Here is a picture from my outdoor scan in 48 C heat! ...
Several Alignment/Stitching Issues thebiggerpicture 8 9 yearsthebiggerpicture (13): All very good points here. Thanks @GarySnyder, @ArchimedStudio, and @danmorell for the feedback. I agree with Matt in terms of attention to detail. With over a decade of experience in print design, branding, web development, and photography, I've learned the details expose strengths and weaknesses. That said, I totally understand the technology is cutting-edge and I'm still getting familiar with maximizing potential and respecting limitations....
Edit the model chdsi80 15 9 yearsfranmts (181): Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Great work!
overlapping rooms in preview qmutton 11 10 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Hi guys, I made this work in 2 separate times In the Capture App it was created an overlapping in a room, as shown in the picture As you can see from the images, result two doors between the two rooms, in the floorplan and in the dollhouse In the showcase I can't go through the door and I can't go from room to room and the rings are on the wall What should I do to fix this? (in the same palace, on 2nd floor I had another overlapping...
Camera and Spirit Level PieroBortolot 22 10 yearsron0987 (3499): So can someone attach a photo of the new setup. I was wondering what the fuss was but new mount explains the issue. Ron
banister alignment PieroBortolot 19 10 yearsdfellars (52): I have not had chance to speak with Matterport yet, but after going through some of my old scans and I think I know the problem. It is not where it stitches the 6 images together, but where the 3 images that make up each of those six images are stitched together. The Matterport camera is actually 3 separate camera units, each with three sensors. The higher resolution showcase images have to be stitched together top to bottom, before they can...