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Project for scanning a Castle14721

JaviMorales private msg quote post Address this user
Hi I'm new to the forum, I think it's a great idea to gather all together to share knowledge and experience.
So I've been working with the PRO-2 for nearly a year but now I've got a challenge that I'm not sure how to solve.

Next monday I'll have a pitch for scanning the castle of my hometown and it's an amazing opportunity. However I'm still going around on how to make it happen.

My first thought its to use a panoramic image of the compound, taken by a drone, and then link it to the matterport scans of the indoor areas, since the deadlines are going to be tight is the best option I could come up with.

The other option is to find and rent a leica BLK and use it to scan the outdoor area and then link it to the matterport scans of the indoors.

I would like to know your thoughts and suggestions if you have any.

Thanks in advance!

P.S The castle is about 34.000 sq metres and has different heights and slopes.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Cayman Islands
Harrycayman private msg quote post Address this user
do you need 3 d model of outside? If yes then BLK if no use matterport 360 as outside images

Post 2 IP   flag post
Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hello...perhaps some linked 360 panorama images would work, as you see here (using ThreeSixty Tours)?
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Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
I tend to agree with @rpetersn. Sounds like you could offer a mash-up of technologies. Matterport for the interiors, 360 for the exterior to give context to the scans. Depending on how big and accessible is the castle, the BLK may or may not be the best tool. Renting one could still be a learning experience regardless.

I'd explore the following:
- MP for interiors
- 360 for exteriors (both drone and terrestrial)
- Stretch goal: drone photogrammetry of the castle (some experts in this forum can chime in on the right software to use)
- Assembly of the experience in apps like or with hotspots opening the MP

P.S. I did scan an Italian castle myself some time ago. The exterior is beautiful and if I had access to a drone, I'd have taken the above approach.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
How much of outdoor do you need to scan? You can easily scan outdoor for 30 minutes before sunrise and 30 minutes after sunset. A pro2 camera will work the same way as indoor during this time.
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andreabortolot private msg quote post Address this user
You can use my drone anytime you like in the future. Just call me :-)
Post 6 IP   flag post
JaviMorales private msg quote post Address this user
Thank everyone for your answers!!

Originally Posted by rpetersn
Regarding the linking images is exactly what i though, I need to see the ones suggested by Quote:
Originally Posted by Tosolini
and decide which one suits better my budget and needs.

Originally Posted by Wingman
That's what I need to confirm with them on the pitch, deppending on the amount of outdoors space I will see, however i picture it more practical to do it linking the images to the indoor tours.

Originally Posted by andreabortolot
Thanks for the offering, I will take it into account, are you based in Spain or nearby? I'm working on the area of Alicante (Valentian Community).
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