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Video: Shop Talk 15: All about TruePlan™ | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 13 January 2021

to see the Matterport TruePlan™ (for Xactimate), please see this Matterport Support page (You can also download the TruePlan XKX file samples). Matterport Digital Twin courtesy of Matterport. Sign-up for Matterport TruePlan™ public Beta.

Transcript: Matterport Webinar: Matterport TruePlan™ (Xactimate)

Hi All,

Below is the transcript for Matterport ShopTalk #15 TruePlan™ webinar -- "Learn how to dramatically cut down - or completely reduce - sketching time and provide a more consistent sketch for restoration contractors and carriers to review" -- that was held on Wednesday, 13 January 2021 with:

Amir Frank, Matterport Marketing Content Manager
Elizabeth Fabozzi, Matterport Senior Product Marketing Manager
Kimberly Burdi-Dumas, Matterport Director of Insurance

Transcript (Video above)

Amir Frank:
Good morning or afternoon or late afternoon, depending on where you're joining us from. Thanks very much for joining us everybody, welcome to today's ShopTalk webinar. My name is Amir and let's go ahead and get started. Today we've got Elizabeth Fabozzi with us and Kimberly Dumars with us. And we're going to be talking all about TruePlan. So TruePlan is something well, I'll just go ahead and let Elizabeth get into it. Take it away Elizabeth.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
You got it. Thank you so much Amir. And again, good greetings to everybody try and cover all those different time zones. So superexcited to talk to you this morning about our new product called TruePlan. This TruePlan product is a product that's been in beta for quite a while here at Matterport and we are bringing it out of a closed beta into an open beta. And we will soon really promote this in a big launch. And so I just wanted to give you guys a little bit of information about it today, how you can get started using TruePlan, how you can register to gain access to this product and you know what it's used for. So let's get started.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So, what is TruePlan itself?? So Matterport TruePlan files are SKX files that restoration professionals and insurance carriers can easily import into Xactimate estimating software. So this is really for the insurance and restoration use case for restoration professionals, for insurance carriers, for adjusters and for estimators. With these files, restoration contractors, adjusters and estimators no longer have to measure and manually sketch losses. This saves valuable time so one can process insurance claims cost faster and a little bit more accurately.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So on the right hand side here, you're going to see two versions of the same file. The top picture there is a 2D floor plan view of what the TruePlan looks like inside the Xactimate product. And then the image below it is also a view of the TruePlan product within Xactimate, this is the 3D view of the TruePlan.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So a lot of you may be asking, "What is Xactimate? And why are you creating a product specifically around them?" And Xactimate is a tool used pretty heavily in the insurance and restoration industry. And it's used to help estimate the cost of a restoration project. It's a software that is able to associate the costs of specific line items in a restoration project. And it's able to associate these line items with the dimensional information that's produced within the sketch.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
And the Xactimate software allows customers to create basically a 3D representation of a property, which can be used to help estimate the cost. And what you would do is you would go into a home with maybe a laser measure and some graph paper, maybe an iPad and a camera, and you would go into a home that had experienced some maybe catastrophe like a fire or if got hit by a hurricane or a tornado. When something like that happens, you immediately Of course, call your insurance company, but who they will call or who you might call right away are these restoration contractors to help restore your house to what it was previous to the disaster.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
And what Xactimate estimators do is they go into these homes, and they try and collect as much information about that home as possible. So they're going to want to know all of the room dimensions, all of the area of the house that's damaged, they're going to want to know what types of windows there are, all to estimate the cost of how much it will take to really restore this home to what it was previously.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
This sketch is also used a cross between the contractor and the carrier to help the contractor explain what work had been done in order for them to get paid by the insurance company for the work they've done to restore your home.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So this is a traditional process where somebody would come in with a camera and graph paper and really collect all this information manually, and then take all of that information, go back to their desk, and try and translate all of this into the Xactimate software to from scratch, basically build out a 3D model.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Now, as you can imagine, anybody that's familiar with Matterport, we collect all of that dimensional data in our scans. So we go from this highly manual process to, if you actually scan with Matterport, you just have your completed scan, you press the order form right on your my.matterport account, within 24 to 48 hours, actually, a lot of times they're before 24 hours depending on the size and complexity of the property. But within 48 hours, you will receive a completed sketch for Xactimate. So a completed TruePlan product that you can simply import into Xactimate. So we go from a highly manual process to basically... If you've already scanned with Matterport and there are many, many uses for the restoration professionals and for insurance companies to take scans using Matterport, mostly for documentation purposes.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So this product just really enhances and levels us up in terms of the documentation we can produce for restoration and insurance professionals. So again, going from a highly manual process with individuals to a simple flow of order, download, import.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So, now that you know a little bit about what TruePlan is, I'm going to bring you to some pages on how you can register. [Register for Matterport TruePlan Public Beta]. So if you go to our support page or if you just type in Google Matterport TruePlan, it will bring you to our Support site here where you can read lots of information about TruePlan itself. And then if you are able to click right here, you'll be brought to a signup page, where you can use this to sign up for TruePlan and have it enabled on your account.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So once you have TruePlan enabled, you can easily order anytime on your account by simply going under this Media tab that many of you are pretty familiar with. This is how you get a lot of our derivative assets or things you can download from Matterport. We've got a new little icon here called TruePlan.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Got a little bit of information about TruePlan here. And then you would just press the Buy button and then you can go ahead and press Place Order. You'll see this switch to Processing. Once you have the spaces delivered or once it's already completed the TruePlan, you can go right back, sorry. You can go right back to the TruePlan icon here. And then you would just press Download. And then you can see over here on the left hand side, it opens into a zip file, I would then open that zip file and import that TruePlan into Xactimate.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
And then we get a lot of questions around how to actually do the import once you have the file on your computer. So I'm just going to play this quick video, it shouldn't be too long. Hopefully it's not too boring for folks, but it really helps explain how to import the TruePlan and what it looks like within the estimating software.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So, that's a little bit about Matterport TruePlan. I know we've got lots of time to discuss anything you've got questions about regarding TruePlan or anything else. So just as a quick summary here.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
TruePlan is a new product, it's a 3D file that we create specifically for Xactimate software to help restoration contractors, insurance carriers, really anybody involved in that claims process, to use this objective piece of truthful data to help estimate the cost of a project. And everybody gets the same objective information between the carrier, between the homeowner and the restoration contractor. So we're just superexcited to bring this product to market. I think, maybe some questions, ah, I don't know why this keeps playing, I'm so sorry.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
The last thing I wanted to cover is a little bit of pricing. So we are pricing based on the square footage of the property, that's how we are determining the cost. And then also the cost is slightly different between the professional and the business accounts. A way you can think of it is if you're going to be ordering maybe more than three or four TreuPlans a month on a professional account, it may be wise to elect to go to a business level subscription to reduce the cost of the TruePlan.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So that's all I have for you today, super-excited to answer any questions you may have. We've got our panelists on here that also help answer questions today. So let's get started.

Okay, first question is, "Can the zip file be renamed and uploaded to my computer?" The answer is yes. You can rename it to the file, you can save it onto your computer so you have those live files there. And you also can just download them directly into there so.

Next question is, "Do I have to have a Matterport camera to use this, will a Ricoh work?" The fun answer to that is no. At this point in time, Matterport has decided due to the accuracy of different various products that we also integrate with that we are only extending TruePlan to current Pro 2 users at this point in time.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
And Pro 1.

Oh, and Pro 1 yes. "Does the sketch have doors slash window openings removed, square footage under cabinets, et cetera?" Okay, I'll take this one. So at this-

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Sorry, I was assuming if you're reading the question you can't take it so that's what I'm doing right now.

So we do mark doors and windows on your TruePlan. What we do not do is we're not measuring any soft goods at this point. So you're not gonna see, sorry. You're not going to see any cabinets, you won't typically see bathtubs or vanities, things like that, that you as the restoration contractor would still have to scan. And one of the reasons for that is the measurement accuracy portion of it. We still recommend that if you're going to do something as far as a bathtub replacement or a cabinet replacement, that you are still measuring those particular things in the field to make sure that you're getting that 100% accuracy, especially if you need to go back and reorder them in a future time.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Does this work on Xactimate version 20?

Yes, it does.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have, "What is the cost of a project in TruePlan?" I can just flash that pricing really quickly as well here. "Is it possible to download a different file format?" So from what I understand, no. So they come in SKX file formats right now and we plan to use that file format moving forward. It is a format that is accepted into Xactimate. Yes, so that's the answer.

Amir Frank:
Do you guys by any chance know if that file format is accepted in other applications or does that a format specific to Xactimate? It's not like a standard industry-

Yeah, at this point in time, my understanding is that it only works with Xactimate.

Amir Frank:

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have, "Is the price point per scan or a monthly fee?" So each individual sketch costs the amounts on the chart in front of you. Yeah, it's per sketch right now, not included with the software subscription. It's the same thing as a floor plan or a MatterPak, you buy them on a one-off basis based on what scan you have.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
"Will the [inaudible 00:15:14]camera work?" Yes, it will. Anything that provides dimensional data, it will work.

We have a, "How accurate is the sketch?" The answer for that is 99% accurate, just like a Matterport would be.

Amir Frank:
Within 1% and that goes back to what you were saying Kimberly with well, the other question that you had with if Ricoh is also something that's available and because those are only accurate to within four to 8%. That's why right now at this time until those become a lot more accurate, we can only accept Pro and Pro 2.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
For the purpose of this particular product, we need the accuracy to really be there which is why we haven't opened it up to the other third party cameras just yet. So, "Do insurance estimators already use Matterport in this way?" Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. So we have been in beta for two years now. So we've had lots and lots of customers from insurance carriers, to estimators, to manage repair teams, to restoration contractors. It's really a wonderful tool that's been used and leveraged for the past two years here at Matterport.

We got a fun one, "Are insurance carriers allowing the scan to be added as a line item and paying for it?" So here comes the fun question with Matterport. At this point, I can comfortably say that Matterport is being worked with seven of the 10 top 10 carriers within the industry, as well as multiple other ones across the globe.

The comfortable answer is you have to ask your adjuster at this point in time. There are three carriers at this point that have gone public with Matterport saying that we want all of Matterport on their scans and they're willing to pay for it. The other carriers are on an ask basis.

The other carriers that are currently using Matterport that have not announced it to the industry, they're still seeing it as their secret sauce. So it really just depends on what that adjuster is approved for. But you will be seeing some very future exciting announcements and partnerships and integrations within Matterport in 2021. I'm extremely excited with where we're going in the industry with this. So definitely more to come in the future with that.

Super exciting stuff.

Amir Frank:
Very exciting.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have one here says, "Will a Pro 2 Lite camera work?" Yes, the Pro 2 Lite will also work.

Sorry, they're coming in fast. We're trying to answer them.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Yes, they are.

Okay, I see one that says, "It seems quite expensive for the scope, would it be better to use a measuring tool and have your estimator do it? Is that pricing industry based?" So it just depends, right? There's a lot of different use cases for TruePlan. It just depends on how your office is set up? Is it the most cost effective thing for a thousand square foot house? Probably, probably not to be honest.

Now, is it cost effective when you're in a cut situation when you are short staffed, when you have a complex claim, right? So something with curved walls, spiral staircases, all of these are very, very difficult to sketch out. So a lot of it just depends on what it is that you're doing, how you're set up as an organization, but I think that it is absolutely a necessary tool for the direction that the industry is going. Currently, the way that it's set up it meets SLAs for different TPAs and different carriers. So a lot of it just depends on how your business is set up and what your use case is but especially when you get into those complex large loss claims, this is an excellent tool for that.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have a question here, Birdie, let me know that you want to add to it. So it says, "I take close ups and macro photos to show damage and add them to my document, can I do this in TruePlan?" So the beautiful thing is if you're scanning with Matterport as part of your documentation, you can add all of these 2D photos into the Matterport scan through MatterTags and really help show those close ups in areas of damage. So you can actually add all of this information within the Matterport scan itself and use the Matterport scan as a part of your documentation.

Okay, so we're getting the ones... "Which carriers have approved Matterport so we can communicate with those adjusters?" At this point, there're only three carriers that have gone public with Matterport. Those three carriers at this point are CIAB, Triple A and Nationwide.

"Have insurance carriers stepped up the use of TruePlan since COVID has affected the industry?" The answer for that is, absolutely. We are in the middle of a massive boom with Matterport and Insurance, so much so that we can hardly keep up. So great problems to have as an organization. Definitely one of the big focuses for 2021 is to reach out to those restoration contractors that currently have Matterport. And reteach them how Matterport is being used in the industry, re-educate and really show you how to get the most value out of Matterport with the carriers, with how they're using Matterport. And definitely when it comes to TruePlan, how carriers are asking for it. And when they're asking for a copy of the digital twin.

One of the best use cases for true predator industry on the carrier side is if you the restoration contractor do your final scan on this particular job. Now fast forward three years from now after the loss is completed and a cut comes rolling in and there is no house left, that carrier can then go back to your last scan, order a TruePlan years later on that and potentially rebuild that house approximately nine months faster.

So this is a fantastic use case for the industry as a whole with scanning, which is one of the reasons why we encourage so much for restoration contractors to do that final scan, right? Not only does it help you with the mortgage companies, but in the ecosystem of how Matterport's being used with the carriers, and specifically the TruePlan. The only people at the end of the day that benefit is everyone. So definitely a great, great product here.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have, "Will invoicing for TruePlan be billed monthly on Matterport invoice or separate so that your plan can be billed to the client?" So they will be billed on a monthly basis. But as you order the sketch we do, let me see if I can share my screen here. We do show you that the square footage of the property and you can use our pricing table to reference how much that sketch is going to cost. And then at the end of the month, you'll receive a downloadable invoice with all of the charges for TruePlan for that month. So you can use the square footage to pass up on a lump but it is on a monthly basis right now.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
I have, "Will TruePlan work outdoors?" No. This is for estimating the interior damage. Pretty much most of Matterport is really capturing indoor spaces.

"Will there be an option for the 2D floor plans to be provided in an SKX file?" So what you're talking about is the schematic floor plans at this point in time, we did not have that option, you can trace it as an overlay to Xactimate.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have, "Is it possible to download a different file format?" No, this is just an SKX file format right now.

So Matterport has different file formats depending on what it is, right? We have things like MatterPaks, we have our schematic floor plans. A lot of it just depends on what file format and what product it is that you're looking for. Chances are we probably have a surface offering for that, but not specifically to TruePlan. TruePlan is only on SKX.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
I have, "Do you have an example?" I can just share my screen real quickly, I can show you. So if you go to the support page for Matterport TruePlan, so there's a sample right here. So this is a home, it's a very complicated, very complicated home. So we're using it as an example of the power of Matterport TruePlan because we're able to sketch this entire property for you within 48 hours. So this is the reference. And then if you scroll down, you have two samples you can download here which relate to this model here. So you can go ahead and download those two samples, import them into Xactimate and see how the product shows up for you.

We have a question that says, "I'm a realtor that scans all listings if we have one scanned and then they have a flood or damage roll our scan before work for the adjusters to use it?" The answer is absolutely. One of the biggest things that Matterport suggests with a realtor if you're doing a house that ends up getting sold, is transfer that client. Set up your client with a free account, transfer that space over to your house purchaser so they have their property. That way if anything happens to them before. If they're out shopping and trying to purchase furniture, they can get dimensional accuracy within the room. There's many, many cases for Matterport, but I absolutely would suggest transferring that model to a free account over to your homeowner and have them set it up. That's why we set our free accounts up.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:

Amir Frank:
Especially if they live in Tornado Alley and flood zones, anything like that. Absolutely.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
It's another reason to choose you as an agent who offers Matterport, there's just so many other reasons for it to have that 3D model.

Amir Frank:

"Can the model be adjusted in the estimating software? For example, if the restoration includes an extension." So ideally, right, you've captured everything with the Pro 2 camera or with our pro camera as you're out there. But for some reason, if maybe you missed a room, or we need to modify a measurement or something, yes, you can change it on there. But part of the reason why we went with an SKX instead of an ESX file is that it's all trackable. So we can go back in, we can edit it as a carrier, as an adjuster, we can see the changes that you've made to that scan just to make sure that we are confirming measurement accuracy as we go in.

"So a free account does not work with the Pro 2 cameras." Yes, you're correct, but you can transfer the space to it. So while you can't scan a free account with a Pro 2, you can receive a transfer that was done to a free account.

Amir Frank:

Is the hourglass working? It's actually mercury so it tricked you. There's not actually a time in there. Let's see.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
"Just to confirm my earlier scans can be converted to this." So as long as you have a Pro 2 or a Pro series scan, and you have access to TruePlan on your account, either through registering through that little link I set on the support page or we may have already enabled you if we know your use case. You can order a TruePlan for any pro space no matter when it was created. So that's it, that's a good thing.

Amir Frank:
It's not for pro cameras uploaded going forward. This is for any pro camera scan modeling the system, as long as your account is enabled. And like Elizabeth said, if you just go and register, you'll be able to do it.

Okay, "How is Matterport working on including exterior measurements, we're currently using other programs to capture?" At the current moment, you can capture outside with your pro camera or with an extended version of a camera. But it's definitely not with the infrared, you have to turn that feature off and depending on the light level with it. That's our best suggestion. Or you can use things like your 360 models and link them in.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Yeah, you can click them outside the model, but correct me if I'm wrong, but they will not be included in any part of the sketch.


Elizabeth Fabozzi:

Amir Frank:
Right, Kind of in there as like a 360 view or something like that.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:

Amir Frank:
But correct me if I'm wrong guys. Every scan position in this model has to be captured with the Pro 2. If a single 3D scan position is captured with either an iPhone or a 360 camera. It's just like the floor plans, you won't be able to order it. It's like that just throws off accuracy and okay.


Elizabeth Fabozzi:
[inaudible 00:28:33]

One of the things I will say is if you end up doing 360 scans in it as well, handle all of your Pro 2, upload those or make a copy of it and delete the 360. So you have two versions of Matterport. One is just the pro scan that you can upload for our true sketch and then the other one is your actual Matterport with everything in it

"Transferring the space of the free account while the model still have all functions like MatterTags, labels, et cetera?" I believe so.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Said, "Sorry,[inaudible 00:29:03] Did I miss a BLK was okay?" Yes, you can get a TruePlan from a BLK product, anything that produces 3D data.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
"So when I do a crawlspace in an attic with normal background light, will it measure?" So our suggestion for crawl spaces and small spaces like that is to have a light. We have lights we suggest to actually place on the top of the camera, and you can actually place the camera inside of the crawlspace and then press scan maybe while you're on the outside and we're able to collect all that dimensional data. Anything that's collected with the Pro 2 camera will be reflected in the sketch.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have, "Is there any way to use TruePlan with losses bigger than 25,000 square feet?" So currently in our beta product, we are not offering sketches for above 25,000 square feet currently due to just the complexity and the speed of the offering of the product. So I will say, if you have a sketch that's above 25,000 square feet, reach out to our support team, ping them, see what we can do there. It would be a one off thing. We don't want to offer it again, just because of speed and complexity and making sure we can deliver everything in time. But ping our support team if you've got a massive loss or a large loss, and we'll do our best.

"Can the Pro 2 scans be combined with a Theta Z1 scans in the same space?" The answer is yes but not for a TruePlan.

Okay, he asked, "Is there a listing of the adjusters that I can collaborate with?" Oh, come on, you got to figure out your own adjusters. I can't give you all the answers, can we break?

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
All right, and we'll get to these off topic ones just a second. "Is the deliverable effectively, a rendering versus the point cloud you would get in the MatterPak? It's a bit different. So in theory, yes. It's a 3D amalgamation of the point cloud inside Matterport. But TruePlan specifically has a lot of nuances that are specific to the software that it imports into. But in theory, yes. It's a rendering of the 3D point cloud, but there's a lot more information that we need to input in there.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
All right, so we're back. So now we're at the non TruePlan question. So a little off subject. "After January 31, transferring files from new to classic plans will that be a firewall and cannot happen? or will there be a fee to transfer? If there is a fee, what is the fee?"

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I know this is a big question from a lot of folks out there. We did say that on January 1st, we're going to stop this transfer. But I don't unfortunately have any updates for you in terms of if we're changing that into a fee or anything like that. So look out for some communications from Matterport. We're highly sensitive to this policy. So please look out for information from us via email. We've got a newsletter coming out, maybe there'll be some information in there. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to update you guys on right now.

Okay, "Do you know if UK loss adjusters have started to use this type of offering?" So the awesome part about the SKX TruePlan files is that they work with exact Xactimate and all various products. The unfortunate part is not every carrier around the globe uses Xactimate. It's very much a US product with a little bit of sprinklings outside of the US there. So if they're using SKX or in SKX file, you can order it and use that with Xactimate. However, most of the rest of the globe is on a different format therefore, what you'll find, especially with [Sibility 00:33:13] is that the schematic floor plans work perfect for something like that, as opposed to SKX file.

"How is the blur tool coming along for release?" That's a fantastic question. I actually just got a couple of updates about that yesterday. So it looks like we're not far off. Do I want to give you a drop date? Absolutely not. Because with all things technology based, it is ever changing. But it looks like it is coming and fingers crossed, coming soon. So more to follow. And I'm sure that Amir will be doing another tech talk on that as it gets closer.

Amir Frank:
For sure.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
[inaudible 00:33:56] discussion with TPAs. Kimberly?

Absolutely. So if you've seen a few of the press releases that Matterport's done in 2020. You have seen that we have already started working with a couple of them. And very, very big press announcement coming in the next couple of weeks, which is a global press announcement with a major TPA player, could not be more excited about that. But until the press release happens, mum is the word. So be on the lookout, follow our blog and pay attention.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
It says, "I need to keep files Matterport scans for years because I do expert witness work. Where do I need to keep all the documents for five years? How can I download the scan to my computer?" So the beautiful thing about Matterport is we have an active and archive approach to Matterport scans. So the archived scans will not count against your total active spaces on your plan. So if you need to keep files for five years, just go ahead and archive them, they will be there as long as you have an account with Matterport. So you'll have all of those in archive in, say, five years or maybe however long you want to keep them on your account. They don't count to your active space limit.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So you can keep them as long as you want. And as soon as somebody wants to address something that happened maybe five years ago, you can activate that space and share it, you can order a TruePlan from it at that point, et cetera. So all the TruePlan files is a direct download to your computer. So that will be a hard download of the file, you can store that in an external hard drive or really any way that you store your current documentation. So you can archive that Matterport scan and then you hard download the TruePlan and you will have both of those assets for as long as you have an account with Matterport.

Amir Frank:
And also, if you happen to lose that TruePlan that you downloaded five years ago, it's always still going to be there with your archived.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
That's true. Once the TruePlan has been delivered to your account, there's a download button. So exactly what Amir said, you would unarchive, press the download button and boom, you have your TruePlan immediately.

Fun question from Kevin, "When can we expect the integration of the LIDAR sensors for the new Apple products to be usable with the Pro 2 camera hoping this will allow a transition for the using a pro to indoors to using LIDAR outdoors to generate spatial data for an entire area, not just indoors?" Okay, fun fact for you Kevin. If you go on to Matterport website on our beta, you will see the ability to join our iOS beta captures for the Apple, you can do them now. I have the iPhone 12, have been utilizing it with the new LIDAR that's come out. You definitely can scan outdoors with it. It's a fantastic night and day between an iPhone X non LIDAR versus the iPhone 12 with LIDAR, but at the moment, it's still mobile capture.

So being able to capture an entire house with the iPhone 12 Pro is, in my professional opinion as Matterport resident insurance expert, I do not see it as a viable solution for a whole house at this point in time. Still doesn't mean that you can't integrate some of these scans with your Pro 2 scan. But again, the new is the SKX. So you've got to duplicate it and do it both ways. But definitely something to join the beta for, test it out. The more information that we get as it comes in, the better our product will be so there we go.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
And Amir, I think this next one is for you. "So how do you use fly-through?"

Amir Frank:
Yeah. So I'm not really sure Paul what you mean by that. If you can expand a little bit, I'll be happy to answer your question. I feel like I haven't contributed nearly enough to this webinar. But yeah Paul, throw in a little bit more information. What do you mean by fly-through? Are you talking about creating the highlight reel and just using the walkthrough option, as opposed to the slideshow option? That's possible, I can show you how to do that. But yeah, just what you mean.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I have a question. So it says, "Do you ever do workshops to walk us through some of these new options that are new to us?" Yes, ShopTalk. So we have these recorded and available on our website anytime. I believe Amir, maybe last week or two weeks ago, you went through some of these new tools and I think I wasn't on ShopTalk.

Amir Frank:
Oh, absolutely. Yeah, Check out our YouTube channel, it's flooded. I do everything I can to keep all the tools updated, all the guides updated. Put as much information about how to do all this in video format. So check out our YouTube channel. If you just go to

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
And then I have a question here about scanning large spaces. So we actually did an entire ShopTalk on scanning large spaces if you go to either our YouTube channel or our website, we have an entire ShopTalk covering how to scan large spaces. It says that, "Matterport suggest not to scan above 200 scan points." We suggest that because once you get over 200 scan points, there's a lot of chance for misalignments. There's a lot of chance for, especially if you're in a large repetitive space. There is a chance for the Matterport to missalign a little and those chances get a little bit higher as you go above 200 scan points.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Now this is a guide, it is a suggestion we say you should not. But if you know what you're doing in terms of using a Matterport camera, if you've been using it for years, and you know the nuances, you know how to check the Capture App, and ensure that all of your current scans are being placed in the right place, you can scan very large spaces in one continuous scan. You just need to be highly, highly vigilant on looking at your Capture App and ensuring that each of the scan locations is showing up on the right space on the Capture App. It will also take a really long time to process. So it may take maybe one, two, three days total to process all 1500 scan points into a single model.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So my suggestion is, if you're going to go above those 200 scan points, just be super vigilant looking at your Capture App and ensuring that the camera is following and collecting all of the right information and showing it to you on a Capture App the same way.

Amir Frank:
Yeah, and I would just like to add to that before I get back to Paul's question is that it's also the navigation experience for the end user. Let's say you're able to capture so many scan positions on your iPad, and it was actually able to process, and you've actually got a model, which is great. Now, what's the navigation experience going to be like? How slow is it going to be? It depends on the end users' computer and so on and so forth. ]

Amir Frank:
So depends on your use case, if you're not just going to share this monster house with the world. And it's more, for what we're using to Trueplan for. It's like internal in your company and you've got powerful enough computers, then yeah, maybe that's a reasonable solution. But part of the reason why we say the 200 is just to keep that experience from capture to experiencing. Walking through the space, the model continuous is just better, I guess.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Yeah. The number is to create a great experience across the board from the capture to the person viewing it. If I open up my iPhone, I don't know if I'll really be able to navigate through a 1500 standpoint facility. But if that's not your use case, then go for it.

Amir Frank:
Okay, so if I can just take a quick second to share my screen here, let's see. I'll answer Paul's question. "So how do you get a recording of your model?" I hope you should be able to see my screen here. So we've got this model and I want to go ahead and record it. A couple ways you can go ahead and do that is by first creating a highlight reel. So if you have this highlight reel, what you can do is just go and click on the first skin position or wherever you want to start your recording from. I'm on a Mac, so I would use QuickTime. If you're on a PC, I've heard that Icecream is a tool that's used frequently to record the screen. But basically, that's what you're doing, there's no way of saying download my highlight reel as a video just yet.

Amir Frank:
But for now, what you want to do is hit record on your screen recording application. I would go into full screen so everything, all this stuff on the outside goes away and just record the whole screen. Move this down a bit, hit play and just move my mouse out of the way. And that way, I can just record this as it's moving through here.

Amir Frank:
Alternatively, what I can do is just manually navigate this. So again, I'm just recording the screen. But instead of playing through the highlight reel, I can hit the letter P on my keyboard. And you can see up in the right corner here, you have a few more controls that you normally don't see and wouldn't have access to. So I can change the rotation speed and the transition speed, slowing the transition down or if you want to speed it up. And this allows me for the rotation speed, I want to slow it down. That'll give me a little bit better higher quality recording.

Amir Frank:
And so when I turn, you can see that it turns very, very, very slowly. But then in my editing application, when I go and piece this thing together, I'll go ahead and speed that up a little bit just to make it not as slow and annoying. The reason I record slowly is just to guess increase the frame rate and quality of the recording itself. So remember the letter P on your keyboard, change the transition and the rotation speed. It'll give you a little bit more control. When you use your keyboard to navigate. I use the letters W S A and D with my left hand and the arrow keys with my right hand. And I can just move through there like that.

Amir Frank:
Again, if I increase the transition time, you can see how that affects. Now the transition between the scan positions is much slower. And again, I would just go in and have a little bit more control in the editing application on how fast I actually want to be this slowing down before recording actually just improves image quality a little bit, that's all. Hopefully that helps with the whole slide through thing and you can just navigate your way as you would any model really, as you're recording it.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
I have a question here. "We do high rise losses and have trouble with doing more than three floors. What's the best way to continue scanning additional floors?"

So you heard of Apple tags. Apple tags are by far and away one of the best things that happened to Matterport. If you don't know what it is, jump on our website and take a look at it. Basically they're QR codes. A ton of times when you enter into something like restoration or you're doing high rise scanning or something like that all of your floors start to look the same. Picture like a hotel, when you get off of a floor, it's the same as the 13th floor as it is on the eighth. And the camera sometimes gets a little confused optically with what that looks like.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Yeah. And one thing is to once you're at the top of the stairs, take that last scan on the stairs, start a new floor and then take that first scan from that next floor almost in the same area as that last scan you took. So you're going to go up the stairs, take that last scan on the stairs, start a new floor and then scan on the back top level.

Amir Frank:
Yeah, I will definitely be making a video about this. I've got some experience with scanning like fire escape style staircases, which are absolutely identical from floor to floor. Consistency is a hundred percent key. Having Apple tags is super important. Yeah, and don't skip stairs.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:

Amir Frank:
Scanning every three stairs, I know it seems like it's going to take forever and it adds is critical, you really want that next scan position to be pretty well overlapped with the previous scan position. The way capture works is it defaults to trying to initially align with the previous scan position. And if it can't do that, then it starts looking at everything on the floor. And that's when you can run into trouble because it's going to identify the similar scan from a floor below and it's going to merge those floors. So scanning every three steps. I know with the tripod legs it's easy to just pick it up, go up five stairs, to the next landing. And just place it there. Try to avoid that. Make sure you scan every three steps and you won't run into any problems, hopefully.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So I misunderstood Paul's question and it was about the new Matterport Labs fly-through option. How to set that up. Point eight, point [inaudible 00:48:10].

Amir Frank:
All right Paul. I honestly haven't played with Matterport Labs so if you guys touched on that a little bit. I haven't gotten a chance.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
I unfortunately have an update on that. But we'll make sure we prioritize it for the next upcoming ShopTalk, we apologize. So Patrick's following up here. So the issue he's having is when he's entering an elevator to go the next floor, so that's your problem there Patrick. Unfortunately, when we go in an elevator, there's no connection between the floors.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So the best way to do high rises is to do that entire hallway and then go through the fire escape or whatever the stairs are, and then scan the stairs between the two floors. That will help the camera understand that you're actually vertically going up. If you're just taking scans and then going to an elevator and then doing the next one. What's going to happen is something we call pancaking, which nobody likes. Which is when the software smashes the two levels together.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So my advice is to go to the fire exit or this wherever the stairs are and complete your scans of those stairs and then start a new floor. Once you get there and scan that entire floor as well. So try to avoid using the elevator and go ahead and scan the stairs.

Amir Frank:
And alternatively, Patrick just want to throw in one more thing here. It depends on how far apart your floors are, right? If you don't need 20 floors between the ground floor and the top floor that you're scanning. You can have just two separate models and what people have done is they'll put a mater tag at the elevator or the stairs or whatever or both with a link to the other model. So you can just warp there to the 20th floor and you don't have to scan 20 floors worth of stairs. So that's another option is just by linking between two different models.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
But do note that if you have those models as separate, you will be ordering a TruePlan per model, if you're ordering TruePlans at all. So if you want a TruePlan for the entire high rise, you're going to have to use that scanning the stairs thing, but if you're just using it is a documentation tool to show the adjuster or whoever's looking at it what the space looks like, you can absolutely go ahead and use the trick that Amir said with matter tags and avoid scanning the stairs.

Have another one, "Is there a way to remove Apple tags from the finished scan after it's uploading?" So Chris, good news and bad news. Currently, no. In the future, once we start doing the manual blurred process, you will be able to go back afterwards in this scan and blur out April text, so it'll just look a little fuzzy as you're walking through it and you want to actively see the Apple tag itself.

Okay, "Sometimes it gets a bit tricky in dark places and going through doors that can't really be propped open any tips on those two problems?" Yeah, two great tips. One, have a doorstop definitely in your-

Amir Frank:
Always carry doorstops.

Yeah, definitely in your toolkit for Matterport. The second one is lighting, especially when it comes to insurance and restoration is always a tricky tool. I have seen some fantastic setups lately with the cameras on. So most people at this point, if you're getting a light with Matterport, they have the single light that sits on top of the unit, I've actually seen some expanded versions specific for restoration lately, or you're taking two cameras on top of each other on top of the Matterport. And so it's literally tilted at an angle. So the light on the bottom is getting everything up and the light on the top is getting everything down. So as the camera rotates, you're getting full lighting exposure throughout that space. So definitely recommend two lights on top of it with our Matterport approved lighting.

Amir Frank:
I think we have some accessories in our support pages also that yeah. Let me try and find it.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
I have an interesting one up here. It says, "I just started researching adding 360 virtual reality sound capture with an appropriate microphone for ambient sounds to give a super realistic sensitive feel, any guidance on this?" I have not heard about anybody doing this yet. So it's exciting. One of the beautiful things about ShopTalk is you get a cue into some of the cool things that our customers are doing. So I will bring this back to my team. Let them know that some people are looking into this and then see if we can put out any guidance around it. But I have not heard about this at all. But superexcited to research it. So thank Ian for bringing that up.

Amir Frank:
Yeah, if you just go to And in the search bar, just put in lighting, you'll get to a page that says Lighting Equipment for Dark Environments. And there's a list of accessories with links where to buy them and even a video that was put together that shows how this stuff is all pieces together and works.

Good tip from Oliver who says, "Use a light ball on top." I actually have no idea what the heck that is. I'm going to go back and take a look at that, thanks.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
So we are at time.

Amir Frank:
So Well, thank you very much. This was pretty incredible. Clearly, we're going to have Elizabeth and Kimberly back on to answer more questions. That was a lot of fun. I know I learned a lot because I really don't know very much about TruePlan feature. So it's super exciting. I love hearing all the new stuff that's coming out.

Amir Frank:
Okay, so thank you very much to everybody who attended and participated, we will have a recording of this available after the webinar. So if you missed any of it or want to go back and revisit the presentation that Elizabeth or any of the questions you will be able to and you'll probably get an email with that link after we're done here. And with that said, thank you so much to Kimberly, to Elizabeth. I really appreciate all your efforts and time you spend with us today.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:
Well, we love coming on and we love chatting directly with our customers. It's always fun and let do a good time and lots of insights. So I want to thank everybody who joined us today as well.

Amir Frank:

Thank you, thank you.

Amir Frank:
And yeah, with that, we'll go ahead and sign off. So appreciate it. We will have another ShopTalk in two weeks and hope to see you then. Thanks everybody, take care.

Elizabeth Fabozzi:

Amir Frank:
Good bye.
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Matterport digital twin of a house file. Matterport tour courtesy of Pearland, TX-based A Public Adjuster Group LLC (Randell Smith)

Matterport TruePlan Xactimate Sketch courtesy of Omaha, Nebraska-based Property Damage Estimating Services Owner @Jacek Kazimierz Latarewicz

Property Damages Estimating Services | Contact Us

WGAN-TV MSPs: Understanding Matterport & Xactimate for Insurance Adjusting

Hi All,

How does a public insurance adjuster and restoration contractor use Xactimate and Matterport to help clients receive an accurate estimate on their insurance claim?

Why does this matter to Matterport Service Providers? (1. accurate measurements; 2. eliminates sketching a space by hand; 3. eliminates photos; 4. saves money/time related to travel)

Now that Matterport offers its TruePlan Service to create Xactimate models, Matterport Service Providers have a powerful tool to offer for insurance claims of properties that have experienced fire and flood damage.

Find out much more on WGAN-TV Live at 5 on Thursday, 28 January 2021 when my guest is: Omaha, Nebraska-based Property Damage Estimating Services Owner Jacek Kazimierz Latarewicz (@Jacek):

WGAN-TV | MSPs: Understanding Matterport & Xactimate for Insurance Adjusting

Learn the lingo and value propositions from an experienced Xactimate insurance estimator so that you can develop new business with:

1. Public Insurance Adjusters (PAs)
2. Renovation and Remediation companies
3. Insurance companies
4. Law Firms (litigation of property damage)
5. Claim consultants for insurance companies ($1+ million claims)
6. Other companies that find the Matterport TruePlan Xactimate helpful

Jacek will walk us through an Xactimate plan and a Matterport digital twin of a house fire to show how the Xactimate and Matterport tour are used for insurance claims (and why these tools are much better than just photos for documenting claims).

Jacek has 20+ years of experience using Xactimate to help policy holders get the most money back on an insurance claim by having an accurate estimate and previously worked as a Senior Xactimate Estimator estimating insurance claims.

I met Jacek in 2016 when he helped my wife and I in Atlanta with insurance adjusting for water damage in our home (when we were not getting as much money as we thought we should have from the insurance company).

Shortly afterwards, that lead to me doing a Matterport digital twin of a flood damaged home (below) and described in detail in this WGAN Forum discussion (and video below):

Video: Matterport Space Meets Water Damage Insurance Claim

WGAN Forum Related Discussion

Transcript: Matterport Webinar: Matterport TruePlan™ (Xactimate)
Transcript: Matterport Insurance Claims: Flood/Fire Remediation/Restoration
Transcript: WGAN-TV | How to (Easily) Add Lights to Matterport Pro2 Camera
Transcript: WGAN-TV: Matterport Meets Insurance Underwriting and Risk Mgmt

WGAN Forum Discussions Tagged

Insurance Adjusters
Insurance Claims Settlement

What questions should I ask Jacek on this WGAN-TV Live at 5 show?



Video: Matterport Meets Insurance Documentation (11 June 2016) | Video courtesy of WGAN-TV YouTube Channel | WGAN-TV Live 5 guest - Omaha, Nebraska-based Property Damage Estimating Services Owner Jacek Kazimierz Latarewicz - in blue shirt in the center.

Matterport digital twin of a flood damaged home by We Get Around Network Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod
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Video: Matterport TruePlan in 30 Seconds | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 6 April 2021
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Very nice Dan.
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Video: Matter Hacks | TruePlan Integration with Xactimate (+Holiday Pricing for TruePlan) | Video courtesy of Actionable Insights YouTube Channel | 2 December 2021


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Save $125 on Actionable Insights Matterport Certification (AIMC) 4-Hour, Online, Self-Paced Training Course for Property Insurance Claim Documentation and receive a free 12-Month All Access Pass to
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