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Didn't realize how badly Matterport treats us til I started writing13757

Expertise private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport needs to learn at some point... that you cannot just keep jerking customers around like they do. I have NEVER in my life been jacked around like this ever, ever. It is their M.O. at this point. I’m sure that their pitch to Venture Capital was that they planned to be DISRUPTORS, upending the real estate photo business! And they have succeeded… TO DISRUPT MY REAL ESTATE PHOTO BUSINESS, REPEATEDLY.

Let’s review-
In the beginning… you had just the “Classic” plan. And you had one camera, then they rolled out the Pro 2 camera. No problem. Everything was square. I paid $3500 for the camera, I signed up for a 300 scan hosting plan and we were all on the same page.

But, soon the the Disruptions started.

DISRUPTION #1- When cheap 360 cameras started rolling out Matterport announced that PROCESSING WAS FREE for 360 cameras. So, we rolled out cheap Matterport scans using Ricoh Thetas to try to grow our local market share. But, before too long Matterport reversed course and began to charge charge DOUBLE ($39) to process 360 camera scans! We had no choice but to put the 3 Thetas we had purchased on the shelf and drop that product. Time/money wasted, business DISRUPTED.

DISRUPTION #2- Then we had the fiasco that is Matterport Capture Services. We signed up right away, jumped thru a bunch of hoops. We were sold a bunch of BS about how this would be a high volume deal. And, right on cue- Our first "order" came days later, and it was a RUSH (Top Priority!!!).
Matterport:"Builder needs 10 scans COMPLETED in 3 business days from today, can you help us out?"
Me: Sure, we can do it.
We dropped everything and committed one photographer and one MP camera for 3 full days. This was during the hectic early days of COVID, making it doubly difficult. We were swamped with Scan business. It was DISRUPTIVE. I asked my contact at Matterport if we could expect multiple jobs like this in the coming months. I wanted to plan ahead. NO response. Regardless- We decided to buy another Pro2, to help with coverage. Guess how many scans we have been assigned thru Matterport Capture Services in the 8 months since? ONE scan.

DISRUPTION #3- As mentioned earlier, we invested in a 300 scan Classic plan from Day 1. We worked hard to grow our customer base and volume. So, eventually we bumped up against the 300 scan limit. We began to delete older, unneeded scans. This worked ok for older scans because Matterport was willing/able to restore deleted scans quickly and with no fuss when needed. RIGHT UP UNTIL THEY DECIDED THEY WOULD NOT DO THIS ANYMORE. This decision was a huge DISRUPTION, and of course this massive screwing came without warning or a proper announcement. I realized they were trying to force people to switch to the “new” hosting plans. So, we bought a subscription for a new plan after determining that we could process on the new plan, transfer to the 300 scan classic plan for “hosting” and then archive back on the “new” plan.

This leads us to…
DISRUPTION #4- the Classic Plan/New Plan fiasco. Like hundreds of other volume MSPs we owned, paid for, maintained 2 hosting accounts. Why? BECAUSE MATTERPORT CREATED AN ENVIRONMENT WHERE THAT WAS THE BEST WAY TO STAY COMPETITIVE. WE PLAYED THE GAME BY THE RULES THEY CREATED. AND NOW- THAY HAVE ONCE AGAIN “FLIPPED THE BOARD” like a 12 year losing at Monopoly.

I have never, ever been a Matterport basher, rarely complained. But seriously, guys?

Here’s my thing: if you need more revenue, find more customers and/or raise your prices gradually. That is not DISRUPTIVE. We can deal with gradual cost adjustments, but constantly jerking me around like this? It’s abusive and insulting. And frankly, it’s dishonest.
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briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
The problem is they stopped letting companies (camera owners) in the MSP/MSS program.

There is plenty of MSS work. I stay busy 5 days a week doing it and make nice money. Unfortunately, I only get crickets and form letters when I beg Matterport to let me in. I'm usually 1 to 3 levels down on these deals, which means I work for peanuts per square foot.

Best part is when I contacted support about an issue with a 28K s/f model they were like, "wow that's one of the best models I've seen."

So what's developed is a layer of middlemen who don't actually run cameras but broker the deals between matterport and the camera operators. Shrug.

The trend is more requirements and lower pay on these jobs. While I'm grateful for the revenue, I wouldn't call it a stable or growable market.
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
I do bash Matterport on regular bases, in some cases it’s out of pure frustration. I use lots of technology and MP is the only company that does very little to work collaboratively with its user. When the company I worked for bought a Faro laser scanner, there was tons of support. They had seminars, conferences, I met software developers, engineers for Faro and other user. It felt like it was a collaborative effort to make the product better. All involved parties listed listened. If I pointed out something the engineers were not aware of from a users perspective they either pointed out I was wrong or why it did not do what I was trying to do, or big shocker they listened to the input from a user perspective and made changes. It was what I had been use to in over twenty years using different technologies, then I run into the Matterport business model and always totally perplexed on what they do. Most recently the blur tool show us it can be done and I have not seen it. The list is long and I have said this in the past if I could sell my MP Pro and the Pro 2 cameras for what I invested in them I would probably move to Iguide. Just my frustration again Matterport.
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