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AdvicebugCapture AppScanningUpdating Map

MP Capture app "Updating Map" hanging13338

BrendanB private msg quote post Address this user
Hi all!

Has anyone experienced an issue with "Updating Map" appearing in the MP Capture app and the map remains blank indefinitely during normal scanning operations (not copying scans between floors or anything like that).

I've got a colleague on site at the moment with this issue and can't complete the space. Using app version 4.0.2.

Any feedback or known workarounds would be very, very welcome!
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Nadir Patch
and MP2Edit
Lima, Peru
tresdepro private msg quote post Address this user
Restart both devices
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BrendanB private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @tresdepro, have restarted the iPad a few times (but not the camera) with no success. Will try your suggestion.
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Nadir Patch
and MP2Edit
Lima, Peru
tresdepro private msg quote post Address this user
Let us know how it goes

Good luck

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BrendanB private msg quote post Address this user
Hey @tresdepro,
Unfortunately we had to re-scan the space from the start. Just couldn't get the "updating map" problem to resolve itself. Job is done, but cost us a few hours... would be interested to know if anyone else has had the same issue recently.

Thanks for your help Angelo!
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WGAN Standard
Boxborough, Massachusetts
toddwaddington private msg quote post Address this user
@BrendanB, so sorry for your frustration. I've had issues where the scan sort of "freezes" in the middle or capture doesn't recognize or other. I usually start with the camera. Power down, then allow it to power up. So far that has done the trick.. I haven't had to restart my iPad. I have closed out of the app and reopened. But, usually powering off the Pro2 does the trick.
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