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Suggestions for filming a camp (indoor + outdoor)13335

Virtour private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Folks,

I imagine this community will have some great suggestions and figured I'd put out a feeler.
Our team has worked primarily filmed using Matterport in the commercial space and we're used to capturing large spaces (many of the offices are upward of 15k SF). We were recently approached by a sleepaway camp looking to utilize our services and I want to ensure we are presenting the best options available.

The campus is enormous - a combination of several dozen cabins/bunks, sports facilities, auditoriums, etc. Because each of these areas stands alone and you must walk outside to get around, a standalone Matterport tour will likely be a tough sell alone and not provide the experience the camp is looking for.

I've dug around on the forum for similar use-cases and have come across a few that stood out as possible directions to head:

1) @GlennAronwits's work on the Stillpoint Lodge project is interesting, although it appears that these are all individually hosted Matterport tours tied into ThreeSixty Tours. Is that the case? Are users able to walk around outside at all?

2) @rzphotoman's compilation of the Gray's Lake Village Center adds some nice features that the previous example did not have (ie. logos for pins vs the 360 tour symbol) although it seems like these are individual Matterport tours as well and there is no option to navigate around the grounds externally.

3) The luxury resort demo listed on the ThreeSixty Tours website is interesting - it's nice to have the pins populate in pop-up windows vs a new page but the same limitations exist here as well; the one view aerial shot of the resort appears to be the only way to navigate around visually.

4) I love the easy-to-use navigation on this Ticketyview listing: a dropdown of the different pins that expand to show the exact location when hovered over and an in-window viewer that gives the option of touring or navigating back to the map. But I'm not sure where this is hosted or what the options are beyond embedding pins for 3D tours.

In a perfect world, we'd be able to film Matterport tours inside all of the internal spaces without needing separate tours for each (there are probably 75 indoor spaces). Additionally, we'd love to have 1 main overview of the entire camp as the main landing page and include a select few pins (ie. Sports Facilities, Dining Area, Bunks, etc.), with the ability to navigate to those specific sections of the campus and see all of the granular visuals in those areas.

We're trying to balance fulfilling their needs as best of possible while keeping the cost reasonable enough that would make it affordable for the camp. Any suggestions for how to make that happen?

Appreciate any and all help!

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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank your details above. That's likely to be super-helpful to the WGAN Community to offer suggestions.

Some additional WGAN Forum discussions to review:

Transcript: WGAN-TV Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software for MSPs
✓ If you use 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro - or ThreeSixty Tours - Asteroom would be a great solution for cabins
✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Large

Free Training: WGAN-TV Training U in ThreeSixty Tours


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Virtour private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Dan - appreciate the links!
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EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
Have you considered starting with an aerial 3D model of the campus rather than an overhead 360 like all the others? A 3D map is a lot more interesting because it allows 360 views from any location and any angle on the map. It can be tagged to link to Matterport or any tour that can be shared with a URL link.
I have seen 3D models of university campuses but can't put my finger on one right now. Here are a few simple examples of 3D model properties with links to Matterport tours:
clickable text
clickable text
clickable text

But you don't have to be locked in to Matterport - here's a working prototype of a 3D model of a home I'm developing for a builder: clickable text - Tag #1 on the front door links to a Matterport dollhouse and tag #7 leads to an Asteroom dollhouse. Some of the other tags link to tours on Kuula. Tag #6 links to the Asteroom floor plan. In the final product, however, I plan to convert some of the tours to 3DVista so I can make the whole project look more consistent. The client has decided he prefers the Asteroom dollhouse. The conclusion is that I'm not locked into any one platform to deliver the solution - I can pick and choose the best features of each and the client gets to have a say in the final design.

I've been in discussions with a large senior living community with a similar requirement as the one stated. My proposal is to map their whole campus (about 20 buildings) into a 3D model with this approach. If I get the OK on that, I plan to use Pix4D to generate the 3D model(s) from drone and terrestrial photos and a combination of 3DVista & Asteroom for the interior/exterior 360 tours. Matterport is just too time-intensive and inflexible for such a large project.
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Virtour private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks @EaglePrecision - appreciate your chiming in.
The models that you shared are interesting and it's great having the ability to pick and choose between platforms.

If you're not able to capture the entire campus in one aerial model, is there a simple way to tie together several aerial shots into one interface that users can easily navigate between?

Thanks again!
Post 5 IP   flag post
EaglePrecision private msg quote post Address this user
Why wouldn't you be able to capture the entire campus in one aerial model? Pix4D, DroneDeploy and MapsMadeEasy all have capture apps that enable planning and executing large area flight plans with multiple individual flights (and battery changes) and their processing software, whether desktop (Pix4D) or cloud (Pix4D, MapsMadeEasy, DroneDeploy), can handle very large datasets. There are many examples in their sample galleries of large area flights (particularly orthomosaic maps). You can also query on Sketchfab for Pix4D 3D models, for instance, and you'll find a 3D model of the Colorado Convention Center and other large area models.
To answer your question directly, though, the answer is yes, if you know how to merge point clouds using the right software (e.g., Pix4D. For instance, I am currently merging three projects: one taken on the ground with a Canon DSLR, the second with a set of POI flights at three different altitudes and the third is a set of flights at a higher altitude flown in a double-grid pattern. If set up correctly, Pix4D will correctly align all the photos from all the projects into a single, accurately georeferenced project which can then be processed either into a 3D Model, a 2D orthomosaic and/or a digital surface model with contour lines). If planned and executed correctly, both relative and absolute measurements (including linear, area and volume) taken from the output can be correct within a couple of units (inches, sq. inches, cu. in.).
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