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Weird alignement1333

IBAdvantage private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys! We started our company last month in France, and i came across this weird "bug": we were scanning a tower, and while nothing seemed wrong on Capture app, when the processing ended the tower was "splitted". It seems the processing failed to understand that the stairs were longer due to similiraty between the floors. The stairs makes two turns, but he placed all the point on the first turn, reducing their length and resulting in a weird alignement(sorry if it is not clear enough).

Any idea on how i can avoid this in the future?

Thank you.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Regina, Saskatchewan Canada
Queen_City_3D private msg quote post Address this user
Maybe @HarlanHambright has a suggestion for you.

Your scan reminds me of his lighthouse scan which seemed to align properly:
Post 2 IP   flag post
CarlosFHdz private msg quote post Address this user
are you talking about when looking at the 3rd floor?

other than that, I don't see the alignment issue.
Post 3 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
The first thing when you shooting these very tight spiral stairs is to do far more scans. You might have even have to do every two stairs as the camera will definitely get confused as it has. Once you shoot these you can hid the additional scans in the Workshop once your done processing the job.
Post 4 IP   flag post
IBAdvantage private msg quote post Address this user
@CarlosFHdz I'm talking about the dollhouse, you can see that the differents floors of the tower are not aligned, which would make a really weird tower in real life!

@GarySnyder This is what i did. I made a scan every two stairs but they all appeared on the same spot when the processing was over so i hid them. Each stairs have two "floors" but he put all the scans on the first. Unlike the lighthouse @Queen_City_3D linked below, every floor was so similar i think the matterport software couldn't make the difference.

What if i myself add furniture to force the difference between floors? would that work?
Post 5 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
Should all the round rooms be stacked?
Post 6 IP   flag post
IBAdvantage private msg quote post Address this user
@HarlanHambright They should... but it misses half the stairs between the floors so that never happened. Do you have a link to your lighthouse showcase so i can see what i did wrong?
Post 7 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user

I scanned an octagonal room not long ago and MP misplaced locations. I think repeating elements confuses the sensors as there are no unique, distinguishing features. I cannot truly tell you what I did right.
Post 8 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
I think that also may be an issue with the sun bleeding through if you take a look at the image below you see where there's an issue with the capture. You should have a look at the Mesh as the sun light can play all sorts of issues with a job and on the top floor it's wide open to the sun. The dollhouse also shows black in one of the windows which can also mean your seeing the sun.

Post 9 IP   flag post
IBAdvantage private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder This client wanted some exterior/view footage on the properties so i warned them of the problems that may occur and tried to schedule the scanning when the sun was covered by coulds or late in the afternoon, unfortunately i can't decide of the weather... The view is a really big selling point of this property so i had no choice but to try. Also it was one of our first job so it's far from perfect. I though the black window was a trimming problem since sometimes i trim too close and delete the part of the window that display the view. Didnt though it was sun related i'll try to do some scan covering the direct sun light and hid them in workshop (i sometimes do night footage to complete the dollhouse and hid them afterwards).
However i can't see the problem on the picture you linked, isn't the whit blurry thing a point of the camera?

@HarlanHambright Your model is really cool, too bad we can't see the view, really frustrating to stay one step away of the last floor! I think you're right, if by any chance i have a similar job one day i'll try to put some colored panels with our logo to force the software to see the difference. I'll keep the forum in touch if this work.

On another note, anyone know if Y trimming or setting a max heigth in scanning is something soon to be implemented by Matterport? As you can see on the last floor there is a lot of artifacts almost ruining the doolhouse...
Post 10 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
Well done for one of your first jobs. If the sun is covered by clouds that still can be a problem as the IR will pass right through the clouds in many cases. You did you best and explained to the client the limitations of the camera and delivered and outstanding Showcase which then should be very happy with. They have to understand that you did indeed encounter and issue with the sun as you had warned them.
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