MP/embed Adds Custom Domain; Enhances Matterport MatterTags/Content Hosting13167
![]() Founder & WGAN-TV Podcast Host Atlanta, Georgia |
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![]() Screen Grab from eBlast (please see below) [The following text is from an MP/embed eBlast received Sunday, 27 September 2020. To see the actual eBlast, please scroll down.] Dear MPEmbed users and subscribers, My name is Yann and I am the new Product & Customer manager at MPEmbed. As some of you might have heard, MPEmbed has a new management and development team dedicated to support our community and to continue improving our platform. Since getting on board two months ago, efforts were mainly focus towards fixing some issues, and improving our customer support. We are now widening our focus to new features and capabilities. Here is an overview of what is newly available and upcoming. New features ✓ You can now customize your Mattertags with different icons colors, opacity and edit the Mattertag content. Upcoming improvements: Wider style and list of icons. Upload of own icons. Scalability (waiting on Matterport to add the ability on this one) You can access this feature from our "Mattertag Panel" ✓ MPEmbed is now fully compatible with Matterport's new Password protection feature ✓ We added a Google Analytics acceptance button for end users. You can access this feature from the "Analytics" tab ✓ We added the option to chose a compact "Detail Panel" where the details info is presented in clickable icons as oppose to the Matterport style panel. You can access this feature from the "About Panel" tab. ✓ You can now input a custom logo link on page load. You will find this feature in the "Branding" tab and Upcoming features for Q4 2020: ✓ Custom Whitelabel domain- Available now in beta. Contact us if interested to partake. ✓ New ways for Mattertags behaviors with our own billboard pop-up. ✓ Add your own Mattertags ✓ Upload and host of custom files for: Logo, Background Music, video and documents for Mattertag content. ✓ External 360s viewer ✓ Custom actions integration on pano position to allow video and audio trigger when entering pano. ✓ Remote control with Livestream. ✓ Remaking of our Text to Speech feature. ✓ Improvement of the account page interface: Order floor plans. Add collaborators ✓ And much more....please don't hesitate to submit your feature requests. Here is a list of known bugs: ✓ Background music does not autoplay in some mobile browsers mainly Safari but is very random and often depends on the model of the device used. This is browser issues blocking audio autoplay. ✓ Minimap does not expand on Safari ✓ Text to speech as issues with some genders in some of the languages. Also there are issues with voice pitch varying in different browsers. Problem is with our Text to Speech provider. ✓ Mattertag panel cannot be shown first with Highlight Panel has a linked space in it. Investigating Issues with the detail panel when an MPEmbed space is integrated with WP3D. ✓ We understand that we are in need of better documentation on how to use all our features. So we are in the process of updating our documents and will be releasing new tutorial videos soon. ✓ In the meantime I offer anyone that is having difficulties understanding how our features function a 30 minutes live tutorial. Just make the request at Thanks Yann --- Hi All, The actual eBlast appears below. I did a copy and paste of the text (above) so that I could bold some of the text. ✓ All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: MPEMBED WGAN Training U (in ✓ MP/embed) ✓ WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport): includes MP/embed WGAN Standard and Premium Members ✓ Free use of MP/embed Premium Basic via WGAN Rebate Form Private Message @DanSmigrod for password ✓ Free use of WP3D Models WordPress Plugin (MP/embed is compatible with WP3D Models) ✓ Free use of WordPress Hosting Pro powered by Ionblade (WP3D Models needs WordPress) ✓ WGAN Standard Membership Benefits as shown in the WGAN MarketPlace Best, Dan ![]() ![]() ![]() eBlast received Sunday, 27 September 2020 |
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