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'White Label' Topics

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WGAN-TV eBook | Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31665): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
WGAN-TV Podcast | Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31665): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
Transcript-WGAN-TV Intro HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform for Photographers DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31665): (Continued ...) --- And so the more steps we can take out of that process for them and so help them be effective, the better. And of course we want agents using those social media tools because every time they do, they're broadcasting your media out to the world, right? And it carries your link, carries your white-labeled URL. So when they share those things out, they're really sort of marketing you at the same time, right? A bunch of...
Intro to HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform/White-Label App for Photographers DanSmigrod 4 1 yearDanSmigrod (31665): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | Intro to HDPhotoHub All-in-One Platform and White-Label App for Real Estate Photographers | Guest: HDPhotoHub Founder and CEO Herb Dierks @Herb_HDPhotoHub | | Episode: 209 | Thursday, 8 February 2024 Hi All, Why does your real estate photography business need an all-in-one platform and a white-label app? Watch ...
New Year’s Photographer’s Wish - Am I dreaming? Home3D 4 1 yearron0987 (3499): @Home3D that sounds as mythical as a little old man that lives at the North Pole with small people whom have a huge Amazon production warehouse that build packages all year long. The little old man has ChatGPT create a list of places to go that can be accomplished in 24 hours with the assistance of some furry four legged friends one with a red spotlight. That leave’s December 24 at midnight and is back home like all good Amazon drivers by...
Question of the Day: Which 3D/360 Platforms Offer White-Label Hosting? DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsJoshMais (392): Hey! Show & Tour could also be a great solution for you to customize the tour's url with your own domain name. You would want to make sure to input the Matterport "MLS Ready" url into Show & Tour so that viewers won't be able to pull the original Matterport link. See an example below! url: [showtour][/showtour]
How To: Adding White Label Domains for your Tours Carson 1 3 yearsCarson (302): White label domains enables you to use YOUR OWN domain or sub domain to deliver a Matterport tour to your clients. This makes tours appear native to your company website, and allows for greater brand consistency. Check out the video to learn how
CAPTUR3D: Enable White Label Domains for Single Property Websites DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Hi All, Transcript (video above) Alex Hitchcock: Hi, there. This is Alex from the CAPTUR3D team. And in this video, I'm going to take you through the Whitelabel Domain URL Setup for your CAPTUR3D account. So the first step is to activate your API key within your Matterport cloud. So all you need to do is login to your Matterport, click Settings. And then under Settings, you can click the developer tools tab. Within here, you can click apply...
MP/embed Adds Custom Domain; Enhances Matterport MatterTags/Content Hosting DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): Grab from eBlast (please see below) [The following text is from an MP/embed eBlast received Sunday, 27 September 2020. To see the actual eBlast, please scroll down.] Dear MPEmbed users and subscribers, My name is Yann and I am the new Product & Customer manager at MPEmbed. As some of you might have heard,...
Is there a way to white-label Asteroom tours? thereal360 3 5 yearsthereal360 (271): ok, sounds good!
Metareal Update: Keyboard navigation, Custom player skins, etc. ysabelc 12 5 yearsysabelc (168): @ArchimedStudio New controls are: UP-Arrow / W / SPACE / ENTER - Step forward DOWN-Arrow / S - Step backward LEFT-Arrow / A - Look left RIGHT-Arrow / D - Look right R - Look up F - Look down You'll also need to republish your tour to update it to the latest version.
What's the best 3D/360 Virtual Tour Solution for a Museum? DanSmigrod 15 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): @gordons This likely will be very helpful to your museum: ✓ WGAN-TV: HomePlan Pay Per View Service for Matterport 3D Virtual Tours Dan
Cupix Deep Dive: All WGAN-TV Live at 5 Demo & Discuss Shows & Short Stories DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): [cupix][/cupix] CUPIX Tour shot with a Ricoh Theta V by @scott_cupix at the 2018 Google Street View Summit in June 2018. "I started shooting at 8:40am and finished at 8:43am," writes @scott_cupix in this WGAN Forum discussion. "The tour was ready by the time the doors opened just in time at 9:00am." -- WGAN-TV - Cupix for Newbies AND CUPIX Versus Matterport with CUPIX Director of...
Question of the Day: Will Matterport offer a white-label solution? DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @ron0987 I definitely agree that waiting for the lawsuit to be settled is a good idea.
Open Architecture 3D Tour via Home3D, DroneDeploy, GeoCV, & WP3D Models Jonathan_GeoCV 3 6 yearsrpetersn (2013): Great work, as usual, from the Home3D team! Thanks for sharing. :)
Everything GeoCV can do - in two minutes Home3D 22 6 yearschermle (4): I just had an interesting conversation with someone that had knowledge of GEOtv status and it didn't sound good, as in all engineers have left and it was looking like Geo was going to loose their lawsuit with matterport Has anyone hear anything that perhaps has a bit of verifiable positive news
How much would you charge for doing a job with GeoCV as the next sample? Pau 14 6 yearsPau (58): Thanks for the reply @Jwbuckl I have an iPad Air 2 Pro wifi 64GB iOS 12.4
WGAN-TV: How is GeoCV different from Matterport? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV GeoCV FAQs with GeoCV Co-Founder and Anton Yakubenko-Short Story #482 - How is GeoCV Different Compared to Matterport? Hi All, In these WGAN-TV Short Stories (#482, #483), GeoCV Co-Founder and Anton Yakubenko summarizes the differences between GeoCV and Matterport. How else do you see GeoCV being different than Matterport? The full WGAN-TV episode appears below. Best, Dan P.S. Matterport apparently thinks GeoCV...
Video: GeoCV White-Label - Branding Opportunities for you and your clients DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV Short Story #515: GeoCV White-Label branding opportunities for you and your clients Hi All, GeoCV white-label service enables branding opportunities for you and your clients. In this WGAN-TV Short Story #515, Los Angeles-area Kevin Dole (@Home3) shows how he uses these branding opportunities; including additional opportunities within WP3D Models WordPress Plugin. Best, Dan
Update email from GeoCV today Home3D 3 6 yearsMikhailBombin (21): Hi Kevin. No, you didn't miss that on a forum, as we don't announce updates here, only in a mailing list. Though it may be a good idea too. We really apologize for that, but it seems like a couple of features were announced a bit untimely. We found a bug in the process of downloading the data for offline viewing and self-hosting, so it can't be done through the editor right now, only through the request to the support team. I really hope we...
GeoCV Beta release - UNLIMITED PLAN, WHITE LABEL, SELF-HOST, OWN COPYRIGHT AntonYakubenko Jump to first page51Jump to last page 6 yearsAntonYakubenko (686): This is TBD, but you can always downgrade if any future plan works best for you. That's actually very interesting. I wonder what we can do together that 200 homes out of 2000 would have a 3D tour, and then 2000 out of 2000? I doubt 3D tours solution price is the barrier, because on such a scale our unlimited plan should be ideal. Why realtors are not ordering more 3D tours? What we can do to change this?
White-Label Needed imad 3 6 yearsMiguelea (75): I think you are aiming at a wrong clientele. Big clients have big budgets and can buy pretty any new technology under 10.000$ based on feeling. They don't need a reasonable business model for it. My sweet spot is in the middle. I am aiming at clients that are not big enough to buy it themselves but big enough to buy my service continuously. And of course MP is so user friendly that anybody with 5000$ can start MSP. So only scanning service...
CUPIX Launches White-Label Player for First 100 to Order DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV - CUPIX White-Label 3D Tour Player Solution with CUPIX Director of Sales Scott Anderson
WGAN-TV CUPIX White-Label Player DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31665): WGAN-TV Short Story #129-How to get the CUPIX White-Label Plan Set Up
How Matterport Can Regain the Trust of MSPs? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsGerhard (1484): @DanSmigrod Is it Christmas in February already??? Dear MP, We can explain. 1. Give us the legal ownership of our content that we own and is legally ours. 2. And whatever Dan wants 3. Keep your unicorn Unfaithfully Yours MP Community