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Zillow Considering Offering a Tool for Creating Digital Floor Plans12700

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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab 1: from Zillow Survey received Monday, 3 August 2020

Hi All,

Zillow is considering offering a tool for creating digital floor plans.

Here's how they describe their potential solution in a survey for Zillow real estate photographers that I received today (3 August 2020).

"Imagine that you were provided a tool that let you offer a digital floor plan (a two-dimensional home layout with square footage and dimensions - think a simplified architectural blueprint) as an add-on service to your clients," says the Zillow survey.

"This floor plan would automatically show on Zillow & Trulia and as a result would provide a prioritized placement for your clients on those two sites. You and your client would also be able to download an unbranded copy of this floor plan (without a Zillow logo) to share on the web and MLS," says the Zillow survey.

"Creating this floor plan would require panoramic scans of the home with a 360 degree camera (such as a Ricoh). For an average sized home this would take about 30 minutes, or an additional 15 minutes if you are already shooting a Zillow 3D Home (Zillow’s free virtual tour creation tool). After uploading the scans, Zillow would automatically construct a 2D floor plan and populate the client’s listing page with it within 2 business days," says the Zillow survey.

Once again a company asking an inappropriate question. Photographers should not need to disclose their pricing to tool makers:

"If you were going to offer this service yourself, at what price do you think you would offer it to your residential real estate agent clients as an add-on service?"

Since the floor plans are automatically added to Zillow - adding value to Zillow and the agent - Zillow should consider paying real estate photographers to create tours.

"Across all the residential for-sale listings you are hired to shoot, what % of listings do you think agents would be interested and willing to purchase floor plans for at the price you offered in the previous question?," says the Zillow survey.

Ha! And, Zillow wants to charge for the floor plans that add-value to the Zillow platform.

"Now imagine that Zillow was charging photographers a processing fee to create each floor plan. If the capture time required was the same as above (30 minutes, or 15 minutes more than with Zillow 3D Home alone) how expensive would this Zillow fee need to be for you to definitely not be interested in using this service?," says the Zillow survey.

Why do platforms think it is reason for them to ask how much we charge for our services?

Does this bother anyone else?

BTW, in the field for other feedback, I wrote:

1. Not appropriate for Zillow to ask what we charge
2. Floor Plans add value to Zillow platform. Processing should be free
3. Bigger value: Enable other platforms to publish to Zillow 3D Home
4. Enable other platforms to provide their floor plans to publish to Zillow



Screen Grab 2: from Zillow Survey received Monday, 3 August 2020
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Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

My first impulsive reaction is to say to them that they can keep the floor plans if they are charging folks to generate them. But, likely they have costs involved that are way above what they are for simply uploading photo media (including 3D).

I guess my answer to their marketing questions would be 1) hire someone to do market research instead of asking Zillow photographers to provide this; 2) the market will decide what cost their clients will ultimately bear.

The danger in this is that ANYONE can shoot a Zillow 3D Home, and with an iPhone as well (HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE RESULTS FROM iPHONE - MAINLY IN THE STITCHING, but also in the photography itself). They need to lock this down to people who can follow directions, as I can imagine that creating / developing floor plans will require more attention to detail than your average agent wants to invest even if she / he is already providing the input for a 3D Home tour.

I like that they want to remain "open sourced" (I can always show the difference between a well-shot Zillow 3D Home and one shot by an agent with a bad camera). Yet, for us to start providing them this level of market knowledge implies a partnership that has yet to be forged.


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