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AlignmentCapture AppiPhone SENewbiesRicoh Theta Z1Speed

iPhone processing SPEED on allignment process12479

Tjawi private msg quote post Address this user
Hi There,

I tried scanning a construction site (that do not have a lot of furniture yet, of course).

I noticed that the iPhone is working hard in doing allignment process. I would assume it takes 10 seconds in transferring the photo (Theta Z1), and it takes another 15 seconds for the iPhone to allign the incoming photo to the proper location on the 3D model. (It is a huge model, with more that 150 picture)

Anybody experience that using a higher end iPhone (or iPad) increase the processing time of this allignment process, significantly?

I used 2018 iPhone SE with 1,8Ghz and 2G RAM.

Please let me know. Thank you.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
have a look at this thread

It is not related to a Z1 but it shows that an Ipad Pro 2020 is about 30% faster with capturing from a Pro2 than the same done with an Ipad 5th gen.
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Axis360Media private msg quote post Address this user
I cannot stress how important an almost new device with as much memory as you can afford.
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Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
As I have mentioned in my thread you cannot take a full advantage of faster scanning with an Ipad Pro 2020 for one simple reason. The camera rotation speed does not depend on what device you are using. I believe it will be the same with any device. What you are gaining on is a speed of alignment for each scan when an Ipad Pro 2020 is used. If you are hiding, you just have less time to come back to your camera to move it to a new spot for scanning.

However with an Ipad Pro 2020 you can trim and mark while it scans and it does not significantly reduce time required for alignment like it does on slower devices. I have had situations where the more trimming lines I used the more time required to align each scan. It could go from 20 seconds to a minute or more.

So with a faster processor and more RAM you can finish a space with everything trimmed & marked as needed and you won't need to spend any time on it at your office.
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