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EyeSpy360 is the virtual tour platform you don't know you're already using12463

WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
EyeSpy360 Tour by We Get Around Atlanta Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod


EyeSpy360 is the virtual tour platform you don't know you're already using

Inman (10 July 2020) EyeSpy360 is the virtual tour platform you don't know you're already using - The powerful touring app is already behind national virtual showing products for eXp and RE/MAX, and it has experienced 1,000% growth in just over one month

Hi All,

Inman likes the EyeSpy360 live video chat within the tour feature. Here is a small portion of the Inman article.

"...multiple parties can log in via its Live feature and jointly view, discuss and control a listing...," reports Inman.

"EyeSpy360 produces crisp dollhouse views with ceiling views and room measurements, as well as dynamic floor plans and exterior shots," reports Inman.

"... aspiring buyers or buyer’s agents can chat live with the listing agent as they click through the listing," reports Inman.

"Although EyeSpy360 isn’t as well-known in the U.S., its tech is behind two major real estate brands’ 3D tour products: eXp and RE/MAX in the U.S. and Canada. It’s also now part of Lone Wolf’s Marketplace, as well as the Californian Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) and the Greater Boston Association of Realtors (GBAR)," reports Inman.

Congrats to WGAN Member and @EyeSpy360 Founder and CEO Andrew Nicholls on this (glowing) Inman article.

EyeSpy360 website
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Free WGAN-TV Training Academy Course: EyeSpy360 Virtual Tour Platform

Free 90 day trial of Inman with this WGAN Affiliate Code
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briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
Not a fan.... very busy / flashy. Reminds me of MySpace. My reaction is to get it off my screen ASAP.

Nobody would tolerate being led through a house by the nose in person. They aren't going to enjoy it online either. Nobody wants to be "sold." They want to buy.
Post 2 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Boxborough, Massachusetts
toddwaddington private msg quote post Address this user
on my Mac, my mouse magnetically links to each 360. I have to "click" each image to engage and disengage. I found that annoying. Does that happen in Windows too? I checked out EyeSpy before taking the deep dive into Matterport.

Dan, what camera did you shoot this tour with? Although, I really don't want to jump at the chance to pay for another subscription, I have learned that flexibility and being able to work with various platforms will get me more work. One of our colleagues asked if I was Google Street savvy and I hadn't really done anything with that platform. I would have gotten a job out of it had I been a little more up to speed. I thought Google Street was "gimmicky" and didn't realize its legitimacy.

So, lesson learned. I've now published my Matterport models to Google Street View and plan to take a bunch of 360s around my town and get certified. Still trying to figure out how to link them to Google Business, but that will be next.

All this said, best to stay open (as you are, Dan) and see what's happening, what the trends are, and know that there is growth in all directions. Always a fan.

Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by @toddwaddington
Dan, what camera did you shoot this tour with?

I shot this EyeSpy360 tour example with a Labpano Pilot One 360 1-click camera. (WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Pilot One | Pilot Era

Post 4 IP   flag post
Andrew Nicholls
London, England
EyeSpy360 private msg quote post Address this user
@dansmigrod - Thank you for your kind comments re the article :-) I hope you are well and safe
Post 5 IP   flag post
jericreson private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by briangreul
I disagree - as a 35+ year veteran broker. My clients are loving this tour. And they appreciate being walked through the houses - because I bring value and insight. If they are serious about buying, they have serious questions, and they ask them as we go through the rooms. This enables us to move towards making an offer, or discarding the home, and moving on. So, I might not be so quick to decide what "everybody" is looking for in a product. You might just give this a look.
Post 6 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
I would fire you if you dragged me through a home in person and narrated the features to me. I would not be very amused with you if you did it in a web-meeting.

I expect you to help me find suitable homes based on a set of criteria. When we get to the home you should open it and let me walk around and make my own decisions. Then if I have questions I'll come back and ask you about them. At that point it's fine for you to ask if I saw ABC or to bring up other things you think are important. My view is that the agent is an expert resource....

It's the same way when I'm making other large purchase decisions. I don't like being "sold".... nobody does.

The MP approach facilitates exploring a house as opposed to having a bunch of flashy crap on the screen cluttering the GUI and being led through it.

What's at issue here is control. Do you let your buyer drive the process? or do you want to control the process?

There isn't a "right" or a "wrong" answer. Plenty of car dealerships insist on controlling the purchase experience. It's a miserable way to buy a car in my opinion. Other dealerships let the buyer control the process.
Post 7 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
As a long-time real estate agent, working with buyers, sellers and investor/landlords, I agree with @jericreson. Few clients require all that control, unless they are very experienced. Most leave it to the agent to make sure they don't miss anything important. The more experienced just use/need less time to decide on next steps, before proceeding to the next one on their list.

Whether in person, or using a 3D tour, I offer the driver's seat up either way and let them decide. For occupied properties, it is not usually considered wise or ethical to allow a buyer to wander through a property unaccompanied. If you've ever been accused of theft after a showing, you know why I say this. No issues at all for one that is unoccupied and devoid of personal property.
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