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Video: The BEST Pro Virtual Tours HDR Workflow: Theta Z1 from Zero to Hero12298

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DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: The BEST Pro Virtual Tours HDR Workflow: Theta Z1 from Zero to Hero | Video courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel | 19 June 2020

Hi All,

From CreatorUp YouTube Channel:

Have you bought a Ricoh Theta Z1 but are having problems in shooting and editing High Dynamic Range (HDR) 360 photos for professional Virtual Tours?

You are not alone!

There are no up-to-date and straightforward tutorials, paid or free, out there about the Dual Fisheye plugin, Adobe Lightroom, and Photoshop editing workflow.

So I am going to share my REAL professional workflow with you - you can become a TRUE real estate Virtual Tour professional in any shooting condition with Ricoh Theta Z1 and other 360 Cameras like Qoocam 8K or Insta360 One R.

0:00 - The finished 360 Photo you learn to create today
1:10 - Ricoh Theta Z1 no BS review from my Real Estate Clients
2:48 - How to Install hirota41d DualFisheye Plugin
3:54 - How to shoot with DualFisheye Plugin
5:58 - LATEST Theta Z1 Photo Editing workflow (2.10+) with Adobe Lightroom
8:31 - Remove Chromatic Aberration in manual mode
9:20 - Batch processing with RICOH THETA Stitcher (2.10+)
10:48 - Edit in Photoshop as Smart Object - no Seamline nondestructive editing
12:13 - Denoise with AI - Topaz Labs DeNoise AI
12:27 - 3D Spherical Panorama - everything you need to know
13:57 - Fix stitching problems w/o PTGui
14:23 - Bonus: Advanced Photo Editing Tutorial (for the REAL Pros)
15:03 - Use the Clone Source Panel for a better tripod removal
15:36 - Remove the camera from a mirror
16:14 - Paintings reflection & replacement tricks (MUST-HAVE cleanup skill)

➜ Get Ricoh Theta Z1:

Source: CreatorUp YouTube Channel

Your thoughts?

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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I actually think it can be applied to any 360 degree camera. Most of them has built in HDR but nobody's stopping us to turn it off and do some kind of bracketing shoots to combine them later.

I may try my Pilot Era for that next week just to see a huge difference between Pilot Era HDR mode and manually taken 3-5-7 shots and combining them in Photomatix.
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