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'Lightroom' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Forever-PC user seeking advice about PC vs MAC for Photoshop/Lightroom Dataventurer 9 1 yearDataventurer (521): @Wingman Thank you for your detailed comparo! You are reporting a huge difference in performance. I searched for the AMD 7950x processor on eBay and it's up around $500, just for the main chip. The RTX3060 is looking about $115 on eBay. How much was your motherboard? I haven't priced any and I'm wondering what kind of motherboard (price) would be needed to support the AMD 7950x processor. Thank you for taking time to contribute your...
My Impressions of the Apple Vision Pro Hopscotch 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | Matterport + Apple Vision Pro: Imagining the 3D/AR/VR/XR/AI Spatial Data Possibilities | Guests: Hopscotch Interactive CEO & Chief Media Officer Emily Olman (@Hopscotch) and Tosolini Productions Founder and Creative Technologist Paolo Tosolini (@Tosolini) |...
Photoshop comes with AI tool to remove from or add something to a photo Wingman 4 2 yearsWingman (4435): Tiktok is not my thing but youtube is ok. That's where I saw that video and went to try it after watching it. I guess nothing but it looks like it is more than just content aware fill.
Video: How to | My Editing Workflow for Real Estate Photos in Lightroom DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsGETMYVR (1941): Good video, never imagined you could edit so fast!
Video: How to Edit Photos in Lightroom Using AI (Save 75% of your Time) DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): How to Edit Photos in Lightroom Using AI (Save 75% of your Time) | Video courtesy of The Photographers' Mentor YouTube Channel | 25 October 2021 Hi All, Your thoughts regarding editing real estate images? Best, Dan
8 Lightroom and 1 Affinity Tutorials Added to Virtual Tour Pro | Save 15% DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Virtual Tour Pro: Available Now! | Video courtesy of Ben Claremont Vimeo Channel (29 October 2019) Virtual Tour Pro course by Ben Claremont Save 15 Percent on Virtual Tour Pro and Received 12 Months -...
Color correction for Oak Cabinets with Matterport snapshots Queen_City_3D 3 4 yearsQueen_City_3D (3159): @rzphotoman Thanks... that helps. I was playing with the Orange and Red panels, but I see that I was adjusting the luminance, not the saturation, so I wasn't getting it to where I wanted. Adjusting the saturation is definitely more effective.
Problem With High Resolution 2D Snapshots TheRealtor 14 4 yearstoddwaddington (541): Thanks, @DanSmigrod. I'm a MAC guy and it looks like this is a Windows recommendation but there are apps that might accomplish the same on MAC OS. But the idea of using full screen capture is an interesting one. I have a 27" 5K iMac. I just tried a full screen capture of one of my scans. Ended up being 13mb, larger than what MP exports. The quality of the image still doesn't match my standard high res images, but it is interesting to...
Video: How To Edit 360 Photos in Photoshop Like A Pro With Shanil Kawol DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): How To Edit 360 Photos in Photoshop Like A Pro With Shanil Kawol | Video courtesy of IVRPA YouTube Channel | 30 November 2020 From the IVRPA YouTube Channel: In this webinar, Shanil shows you how to edit 360 photos in Photoshop using consumer 360 cameras. You will learn how to prepare your photo for photoshop, how to colour grade your photo, how to remove the tripod from the nadir of your 360 photo, and...
Theta stitcher problem - help needed thereal360 9 4 yearsthereal360 (271): @DanSmigrod Yes they are helpful, but not the problem that I am expericing. I believe he is talking about using the DFE HDR option, where images are fused to one in camera. I did bracket option where i have 7 HDR's Theta stitcher seems very finicky I blended in LR. Manually megred a window with PS. made sure teh right dimensions are used and saved as tiff. Tried to stitch as plugin export and as in "edit in" menue in LR. Get the DNG...
Image retouching Ultimated1228 9 5 yearsfotoguy (835): I always pull MP to pull all of my images. Man of them I can fix myself if it minor. Anything else I send to Jon at PhotoSparc who is a member of this forum. If I need color fixes, fire in fireplaces, images on the tv screen, etc, he does the job quickly, efficiently and at a good price.
Video: Adobe Lightroom: Full 360 Workflow From Start To Finish DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Virtual Tour Pro: Available Now! | Video courtesy of Ben Claremont Vimeo Channel (29 October 2019) Hi All, Ben Claremont added Adobe Lightroom: Full 360 Workflow From Start To Finish video to Virtual Tour Pro course. -- If you are just getting started researching 3D/360 24/7 Open House virtual tours - or a seasoned Pro - you will succeed faster with Virtual Tour Pro Course by Ben Claremont. Save 15 percent on Virtual Tour...
Video: The BEST Pro Virtual Tours HDR Workflow: Theta Z1 from Zero to Hero DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsWingman (4435): I actually think it can be applied to any 360 degree camera. Most of them has built in HDR but nobody's stopping us to turn it off and do some kind of bracketing shoots to combine them later. I may try my Pilot Era for that next week just to see a huge difference between Pilot Era HDR mode and manually taken 3-5-7 shots and combining them in Photomatix.
Video: Theta Stitcher 2.10 Supports HDR-DNG with Dual Fisheye Plugin 2.8 DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsron0987 (3499): Thank you for the input. Do you have a sample to show?
Question of the Day: What is your workflow for numbering images? DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsbriangreul (684): Lightroom has a setting in the export function that lets you rename and sequence the images. I typically drag key images to the front of the album and then use the export function. I also set the tags to include the address, agent, MLS listing, and any other pertinent data I think I might want to index by in the future. When I export I use a rather long file name: Address-MLS-Agent-Number Example: 123-MainSt-7890987-SallySells-1 I think this...
If You Could Only Pick 1 and Why JayInLA 13 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @JayInLA Which Which 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platform and which 360 Camera are great questions, EXCEPT the answer typically depends on for whom and for what use. For most WGAN Forum Members, here's the WGAN short list of: ✓ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real Estate These WGAN Forum resources may be helpful too: ✓ List of 140+ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real...
How to export panoramas from RICOH Theta Z1 instead of double fisheye? realeshots 2 5 yearsJanHamorsky (180): I am not sure but I suppose you should change the camera settings to JPEG format instead of DNG (RAW). DNGs are exported to LR not stitched while JPEGs are exported as equirectangular (flat) images...
Help MLS Northwest Photo settings. ron0987 9 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): Yeah, I provide full res and web sized at the 1800 x 1200
Video: How to improve the Color Brightness/Saturation of a Matterport Tour DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): WGAN Standard Membership Benefit of the Week --- WGAN-TV MPEmbed-an Overlay for Matterport Showcase with FounderDeveloper Chris Hickman-Short Story #409- Custom Image Filters Hi All, A WGAN Member writes: "... new to Matterport using the [Ricoh Theta] Z1, how can you edit in Lightroom? I shot a sample tour yesterday and it’s really blown out and I’d love to be able to post process it, but how can l? In this WGAN-TV Short...
Error HDR stitching Lightroom via Ricoh Theta Stitcher johnstro12 3 5 yearsjohnstro12 (5): Thanks mate :) ;)problem solved :O :angel: :beer:
ErrorStitching HDR with Lightroom and Ricoh Theta Stitcher - Ricoh Theta Z1 Henri 3 5 yearsHenri (1): Thanks, it works!
Help with the Ricoh Theta Stitcher & Lightroom plugin. Pau 4 5 yearsPau (58): Hi @Enri DO NOT select "Auto Align"
NEW>Edge Aware 360 Photo Editing in Photoshop & Lightroom-Seamless Workflow DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): NEW Edge Aware 360 Photo Editing in Photoshop & Lightroom-Seamless Workflow | Video courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel (16 Sept. 2019) Hi All, From the CreatorUp YouTube Channel: "Do you create or want to create professional-looking 360 Virtual Tour that stands out from the crowd? Then you need to master this edge aware 360 photo editing workflow I am going to show you in this in-depth...
How to I respond to this!? 3SixtyNow 5 7 yearsjasondavidpage (205): I'm guessing there was a misunderstanding between what the agent thought he was getting and what he actually received. I don't know how many times I've had an agent call asking about virtual tours only for them to just mean a slideshow of still photos. That being said, try to appease this client and then fire him. Anyone who comes back the way he has is not someone you want to work for and will ruin your day every time you work for him (plus...
SUCCEED FASTER - Lightroom February Update! Metroplex360 3 7 yearsleonherbert (903): Like every thing that involves image processing I think it is always important not to skimp on your GPU. Get as much ram as you possible can. It does not matter how fast a piece of software is, if the hardware is the bottleneck that could potentially be the limiting factor. I use Lightroom a lot and I always look forward to improvements.
Affinity Photo Vs Lightroom VTLV 12 7 yearsHelen (769): Although I have no experience with this. It's advertised as a free open source alternative to lightroom. clickable text
NEW - Adobe Photoshop - 3D Panorama Editing Metroplex360 11 7 yearsDaK (181): Well, I found a solution to the terrible gif like rendering. When exporting the pano, refuse to "submit to the man" and choose png instead of the default jpg as the file type. This will give you a much higher quality export. At least it did in my case.