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Ricoh Theta Z1 Assisted Alignment via Matterport April Tags?12164

Atriux private msg quote post Address this user
Hi Guys ,
New to the forum .
I read on MP website about assisted alignment for big spaces & repetitive situations thru QR codes aka April Tags .
Was wondering, if the 360 cameras ( theta Z1 in this case )can read them?
Although inside , i had no problems , outside is a different thing. I tried and is getting messy with the scan alligments using 360 pics 3D conversion thru Cortex. I have latest updates & firmware.
I'm making a showcase for furnished & vegetation outdoor roof deck ( 5K SF ) in a residential building .
Scheduled in 2 days! . Any input is appreciated.
Thank You .
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RichardStanton private msg quote post Address this user
With 360 alone that's going to be a rough one. I have experimented with machine tagging on spherical conversions and they either don't work or at least have not been effective for me. The most consistent solution I have found is good old fashioned geometry.

I do not know the space, but if you can work with the client to set out some solid hit geometry (angular faces, no black or shiny objects, etc.) near crucial bridging scan points I have found very effective. Generally speaking picking objects that are a hit in at LEAST two scan points can be sufficient.

Less than that and it is not much of a help. Another huge suggestion is to make sure you point the "front" of your camera toward any object you are seeking the best fix from (by front I mean whichever side of the two hemispheres acts as the front for default orientation, for the Insta360 One X this is the side with the control buttons for instance )

If you don't know which is the primary or front hemisphere you can either work it out quickly looking at a live view, or just make sure that you don't have an important object for alignment on the seam line, this will almost always cause your alignment to go to hell.

Last, be as consistent with your alignment as you can be, it's not so much an issue for other spaces, but up there you are going to want each overlap to be as similar as possible (which means keeping the horizontal orientation of your camera consistent if possible). Also don't be afraid to take a scan, watch the mini map and get an idea of what kind of point cloud you have forming around you.

If you see few or no hits in all directions you probably will need to adjust something physical around you, or your location.

Every environment is unique of course, but I hope some of this will be useful in your endeavor!
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Atriux private msg quote post Address this user
Richard , that's good input ( TY ) . If the April Tags are not reliable, why we have assisted alignments option on MP app ? ( the QR tags are accurate 99% according to the developers )
I know about the orientation / hemispheres ) and keeping track on that . I calculate the space . Around 5K SF should give me 100 shots aprox . Also some shots on higher elevation need be ( where ?) . Is that correct assumption ?
See a floor plan of the space with the marked shots .

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RichardStanton private msg quote post Address this user
That's very admirable pre-work @Atriux! Sorry what I meant regarding assisted alignments is that I have only attempted to use them a few times while using a 360 camera as the primary scanning device - and those few times did not go well. I have used it many times with the Pro II and have not had any issues. I do not believe I have EVER tried using tags with a 3D conversion. I try to avoid 3d conversions at all costs no matter what I am using due to it generally pulling my entire model out of alignment slowly when I do. If the tags work your plan looks like it could work, but the reality of the site may very well throw you off of your game plan due to other environment variables like mirrors. I'm not quite sure what you meant about the elevation question, though, did you mean where should the tags be placed if you are scanning from multiple elevation levels? If so, generally speaking, I have not had any issues with variance in height as long as the tags are well within visible range and are outside of the Nadir. If you your elevation changes are high enough to skew the image though, you will likely have issues - it would be similar to trying to place the tags on a slanted surface - they typically do not work as it deforms the code. You can experiment with floors and ceiling in those cases to potentially get around those issues. (well not ceiling in your case it sounds like) If I were a betting man, however, I do not think you will get out of there with only 100 scans. But environmental chaos is what we live for! Good luck, and feel free to message me etc. if you have any questions, or ask here.
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