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JuMPMirrorsRemove Mirror

Try JuMP-MIRROR to remove camera from your mirror11970

3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Hello friends,

About two years ago, we have an idea to use a visual mirror to reflect the image behind the camera in the real mirror.
You can refer the old post below:
We only make a POC page to show the possibility at that time.

And today finally we make a working DEMO here for you to try this idea, sorry for the long delay.

JuMP-MIRROR-v0.8 is a trial version and free for WGAN members to try and use. (Chrome only, tested under Win8.1 64bits laptop.)
It can generate 4K x 2K Panorama output now, but the final release of JuMP-MIRROR-v1.0 will support the high quality 16K x 8K Panorama output for sure.

Would you please feed back? So that we can make the final release better.

Below are some screenshoots in detail:
1st line: Original / Result / Zoomed Result
2nd line: Original with Mirror Mask Points / Transparent Visual Mirror Show / Masked Visual Mirror in RED (Red area will be covered by visual mirror.)

If you want to get the full resolution screenshoots and the output Panorama result please PM me.
Or if you get any trouble when using our JuMP-MIRROR-v0.8 please PM me either.

Thanks @Bernardhhi to provide the DEMO showcase that we can make a sample result.

Thank you.
JuMP team from Beijing China
Post 1 IP   flag post
Garnetwest private msg quote post Address this user
Post 2 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@Garnetwest Thank you.
JuMP-MIRROR-v0.8 is a special tool that can make the camera remove work become very easy to every one.
Every one can do it in 1~2 minutes without using photoshop.

We welcome every one to try.

If you get any trouble when using it, please PM me the showcase link.
We will find the "camera in mirror" points and make a DEMO result for you.
Post 3 IP   flag post
RomainReparage private msg quote post Address this user
thanks Jump, I'm glad with the results

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hamid167 private msg quote post Address this user
How we can get a jump mirror?
Post 5 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@hamid167 There is a link in the top post please click "JuMP-MIRROR-v0.8"

Or visit:

Use mouse click on one of your pano (from any folder) hold left mouse key and drag / drop it to the page of, when your pano shown on the page, you can start to use JuMP-MIRROR-v0.8 (follow the keys notes on the top in white).

BTW you may not familiar with the steps of camera remove, you can just leave your showcase link here, better with a deep link so that we can get to the "camera in mirror" location directly.
We can make a DEMO for you, and we will post a guide for your case so that you can know how to use it to get better result.
Maybe you need try some times to get a better result.

The result that @RomainReparage show here is the 2nd try. It is better than the 1st result.
Post 6 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@Wingman We found a camera in mirror in your "Midwater" showcase.
So we use our JuMP-MIRROR-v0.8 remove the camera to make a sample here: (Red area was replace by visual mirror)

Sorry we can't remove the tripod this time.
The table behind the tripod is too close to be projected.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP Hello genius, i tried to remove the camera by myself but it seems it needs some experience, could you please try to do it here.

i added a mattertag with the deep link to know the location.

Thanks a lot.
Post 8 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@AhmedAttia The "Camera in Mirror" in your showcase hBnkb7qRSvc is really a challenge.
There are two mirrors at both sides of the camera. Thank you for reply this sample to us.
Here is the original pano:

We do two times remove work to get below result:

Below are the steps one by one:
1st side original

1st side visual mirror mask

1st result

2nd side original(use the 1st remove result as the input pano)

2nd side visual mirror mask

2nd side result

Post 9 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@AhmedAttia quick tip for hotel rooms. Lower camera to doorknob height or just above. This will make the room appear bigger. Just make sure at the bathrooms that it doesn't show below the basins as the plumping sometimes shows.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@Gerhard thanks a lot for this tip, but will this provide a normal walkthrough experience as it will not be in the normal eye-level!!??
Post 11 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Cairo, Egypt
AhmedAttia private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP how the updated panos will be inserted in the original 3D model to update the tour?
Post 12 IP   flag post
Kumar private msg quote post Address this user
this is a neat trick.. i try do it in principle the same but in paint shop... @Jump I seem to fail to get through the work flow. could you please try on this image and also screen record the workflow?

how are you pricing this tool?

Post 13 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@AhmedAttia Sorry for late reply, currently put an updated pano back to Matterport showcase will cost you a lot. But you can download all panos from your Matterport showcase and rebuild the tour on other tour plateform. Maybe Cupix or EyeSpy360.

@Kumar Go your sample pano, we will make a workflow with your sample pano.
But it will take some time, it is a busy week to us.

About the price: currently it is a trial version, we don't have a plan now.
We will make the decision when the final release.
Could you please provide some suggestion?
Post 14 IP   flag post
Kumar private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by JuMP

@Kumar Go your sample pano, we will make a workflow with your sample pano.
But it will take some time, it is a busy week to us.

About the price: currently it is a trial version, we don't have a plan now.
We will make the decision when the final release.
Could you please provide some suggestion?

Take your time... Plans - I most welcome 'pay as you go or one time buy' than fixed subscriptions
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