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Explaining the difference between a virtual tour and a slide show11909

jacobpmac private msg quote post Address this user
I am in the middle of a fairly large email campaign. Before I shoot out an email I check the agents website in order to see whether or not they have a virtual tour.

I have received several responses notifying me that "they already have virtual tours". Upon further investigation I have come to understand that many agents qualify a "slideshow" as a virtual tour.

I no longer am going to accept that response when someone simply has a "slideshow". At times people take offense when you are educating them on a topic they assumed to have already understand.

Does anyone have any positive experiences overturning this objection?
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Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
Stop calling your product a virtual tour. Why not 3D Tour instead? Although inaccurate, the term virtual tour has been used to describe slideshows for over a decade. It’s easier, IMHO, for you to change than to try to unlearn all of the inaccuracies of the past.
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jacobpmac private msg quote post Address this user
I will implement that suggestion in all future correspondence.I better stop putting "360 virtual tours" in the subject line!!

How is business with your VRBO clients going? I was interested in a thread you were posting on a while back.
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Marshallartsmedia private msg quote post Address this user
Devil’s advocate mode: A virtual tour is any tour that’s not in reality. Much as we would want the phrase to refer to what we do. Id say a slideshow is a virtual tour, pants yes, but a VT all the same. Unless using depth mapping such as matterport, our VTs are basically slideshows but in 360 with better navigation plus some bells & whistles, but yeah basically a jazzy slideshow. They’re maybe 3d in models but not really a 3d presentation either because mostly we shoot monoscopic and don’t use stereoscopic VR tech. /Devils advocate mode

I’d say there’s no sharp distinction, more a spectrum of approaches from basic slideshow to 3D VR. How far you get along that line depends on client budget and your equipment.

I’d say just to show examples side by side on your website of a property shot both ways and ask clients which they would prefer to use to sell their property. You can always grab stills from the panos for the clients as well if the quality is better than an agents iPhone snaps.

I use all the same phrases as everyone else and have tried to make the distinction by talking about a 3d infrared scan tour (matterport) vs a 360 panorama tour (insta 360) And more recently struggling to distinguish 3D modelled tours (sketchup/vray) which can be stereoscopic if they want to pay for it.

Anyway people aren’t buying the name, they’re buying an experience and results. Sell that, call it what you like
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Ghagendorf private msg quote post Address this user
Use the most recent terminology 'Digital Twin'
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
24/7 Open House Virtual Tour
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

hi All,

WGAN Forum Related Discussion

Will you say Matterport Digital Twin going forward; or Matterport 3D Tour?

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jacobpmac private msg quote post Address this user
I think I will use 3D tour if I am explain anything in writing. It's easier for someone to visualize it.

If I am speaking about my services in person or on the phone I will use digital twin.
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WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

And some - like - call "it" a VR Tour!

Originally Posted by @Fmodjr1913

That's from the discussion:

Publish Matterport to Partners ( is working. is not)

This "it" conversation could make your head spin!

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