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Publish Matterport to Google FREE11870

Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
For May Matterport are offering to publish your tours to Google Street View free of charge.
This is a saving of €15 for each tour here in Ireland and Europe with similar savings in Sterling and USD.
You get a choice of three publishing methods.
One is publish all the spins to Google, which is a bad idea for a large tour as it floods Google with a lot of connecting spins so the ones featured in Google search may be uninteresting.
The better choice is to choose your Highlight Reel images. This way Google features the best images on Google Search and Google Maps.
Google still publish all the spins to create a complete tour that visitors can navigate around.
As a long term Google Trusted Photographer I'm very impressed with the quality of the tour Google has created.
To explain a little, Google cannot publish the Matterport tour as its 3D and Google cannot show these, the navigation, matter tags, or the dolls house.
Instead Google reprocessed all the spins as 360s and stitches them together adding Google style navigation.
Google automatically adds floors if the original tour is multi-floor.
This is not available to real estate tours as Google will not allow private premises to be published on Street View.
However for business tours this has a sensational effect on the Google Business listing as the tour features in search results from Google who have 90%+ of the search market in Europe.
If you use something like Screen cast to create a video walk through of the original Matterport tour of 90 seconds or less this can also be published to the Google My Business listing where it adds SEO and shows up in search results.

Below are some of the tours we published this weekend.

Ennis Cathedral
clickable text

Shackleton Museum
clickable text

Portlaoise Church
clickable text

Maryfield Nursing Home
clickable text

The Boatyard Restaurant Dingle
clickable text

Portlaoise Parish Centre
clickable text
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Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the vote @meshimages
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Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the vote @DanSmigrod
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Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the vote @Garnetwest
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Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the vote @botticelli
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Basic Member
Noddy private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks for the tip Gladsmuir, and the links look great!

Just curious, do all churches and cathedrals have Google business listings..?
Post 6 IP   flag post
Gladsmuir private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @noddy,
Excuse the delay in answering your question!
In short, yes, every church and associated centre/hall will have a Google My Business listing.
Google My Business listings fall into two categories.
Auto-created – most listings are created by Google as ‘it’ spots a clump of inter-connected data.
Auto created listing’s start life as ‘unclaimed’.
As the data is unverified Google rank it lower on the scale.
Once someone claims the listing and verifies the content Google will rank the listing higher.
User-created – where an organisation or business opens a new business and creates a listing on Google My Business.
From the outset Google will trust the content and rank it like a claimed auto-created listing.
If you have a claimed. verified listing, you can correct any errors.
Issues that arise dealing with Google listings include:
Duplicate listings – delete.
Misplaced pins on Google Maps – correct
Wrong data – correct.
Lost passwords – where the listing was created/claimed by someone who is no longer around. This can be particularly challenging to sort.
Good luck!
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