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Using iGuide for Insurance Adjusting, and Restoration11828

Salt Lake City, Utah
SLCUT private msg quote post Address this user
There are lots of articles on using the Matterport in the insurance adjusting and restoration industry. However, I haven't found anything on using the IGuide.
Has anyone used the IGuide for Insurance/Restoration work?
Unless I am missing something, the faster scan time and the more accurate measuring would be more ideal then using the Matterport.

Am I missing something? Thoughts Pleas.
Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by SLCUT
Unless I am missing something, the faster scan time and the more accurate measuring would be more ideal then using the Matterport.

Your conclusion is likely correct: faster scanning and more accurate measuring.

That said, Matterport is now offering Xactimate - Matteport calls their service - TrueSketch™ & TrueSketch™ PLUS for Xactimate.

Insurance Claims: Matterport TrueSketch™ & TrueSketch™ PLUS for Xactimate

Another contender for insurance/restoration is Cupix. It's likely much faster/easier to capture that iGuide and the accuracy is likely on par with Matterport.

REscan is likely that far enough along in development to be an option, but I would keep an eye on this solution.

By the way, welcome to the WGAN Forum.


Post 2 IP   flag post
Salt Lake City, Utah
SLCUT private msg quote post Address this user
In talking to Matterport it sounds like they just pay someone to sketch it in Xactimate. And for a recent project I was working on it was going to be $700. As an adjuster I don't think we don't get paid enough to justify using that service very often, if ever.
My thinking is that I would use the floor plan sketch as un underlay image then go into the rooms and take the measurements for the ceiling height/design, windows, and cabinets. With the big win being able to do the sketch on my desktop rather than my laptop.
Whats the word on the street for durability or equipment failure with the different cameras. I am a little concerned about a problem after the warranty is up.

I am certainly going to check out Cupix. THANKS for the input.
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Ah! Makes sense.

In 5.5 years, there have only been a few Matterport camera failures in the WGAN Forum.

And, those are either battery died (because the MSP let the camera sit for a year without use) or calibration issue (had to be sent back to Matterport to re-calibrate); or, they dropped/knocked over the camera (on stairs).

If you decide to buy a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera, this may be helpful:

Drop and Spill Warranty Coverage for Matterport Pro2 3D Camera via Adorama

iGuide has a free webinar later today:

Live iGUIDE Camera Demo Thursday, May 7th at 5:30 PM EST

You might find these free WGAN-TV Training U courses helpful:


WGAN-TV - CUPIX for Newbies/CUPIX Versus Matterport with CUPIX Director of Sales Scott Anderson
WGAN-TV Using the Cupix SLAM (iOS) App (Beta) to Capture a Space in 3D
WGAN-TV How to Build a CAD Model using the Cupix Platform


WGAN-TV | Kevin J. Klage, Co-Founder at Planitar Inc. (iGuide Camera System)


WGAN-TV Matterport Meets Insurance Claims-Fire and Flood
WGAN-TV Matterport Meets Insurance Underwriting and Risk Management


Post 4 IP   flag post
Salt Lake City, Utah
SLCUT private msg quote post Address this user
With Matterport I would pay $69 mo. I would have access to gather measurements and images with no additional charge. Or I could pay another $15 per file IF i wanted them to draft the floor plan that I would then import and use as a underlay image (Which I doubt I will do).

With iGuide It sounds like I would have no monthly fee however, I would need to pay on every file a few cents per sqft and wait 24 hours to have access to the images and measurements. That said the the package would come with my floor plan that I could import into acclimate at no additional charge.

As much as I want to like the iGuide, I think paying $60 for a 3,000 sqft house vs. The Matterport Subscription its just not making sense from the adjusters point of view.

Granted I plan on utilizing the camera in every way i can to generate income once I have it.
Post 5 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
@SLCUT - yes being able to scan and get a floorplan is the simplest solution to an XM8 sketch. As you are aware carriers are inherently cheap. MP is primarily being used by PA's and high value claims / commercial. I suspect something to come of the MSS development. Beyond that, IA firms and carriers who won't pay you to fly a drone sure as H311 aren't going to pay you for scanning or hosting. ROFL. Licensed IA in 28 states here... but really moving away from that space because the ROI sucks and the carriers are horrible to work with/for and did I mention they are CHEAP to the point of silliness? Since the development of "virtual adjusting" it's just not worth carrying IA licenses to work 6 to 10 weeks a year. Screw that!

P.S. I'm also XM8 L3.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Salt Lake City, Utah
SLCUT private msg quote post Address this user
If it doesn't take to long I am looking to use the camera to measure and photo jobs. With the idea of sketching and putting together my photo report once I am back at my desk top. I went into this thinking it would save time. However, reading it sounds like the Matterport is slow. Is the Matterport slow just by comparison to the iGuide or is it really just a slow process. That could defiantly be a deal killer.

I'm justifying the purchase of the camera with the hope of generating another source of income doing Real Estate Photography, and using it to estimate/sell remodel jobs.

I picked up a DJI Mavic Pro 2 Last summer. I did't get near the number of opportunities as I would have hoped doing roof inspections. But, I was able to do a few inspections because of it, so I figure its paid for at least some of its self. Maybe paired with the Matterport I will have a little more to offer
Post 7 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

By guess is that your ROI on any gear purchase is to (at least) cover the cost of the gear. For clarification, you are not buying the gear will the expectation of making a living solely from the new gear.

If I am correct, then your decision should be easier since - whether you choose Matterport, iGuide, Cupix or another platform, you just need to cover the cost of your gear: not that many shoots.

Does this help?

Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

on the iGuide webinar today, I asked Typer Fennell with iGuide if anyone is using iGuide Insurance Adjusting, and Restoration:

✓ yes. Several that he is aware of.
✓ measurement accuracy works in this space
✓ floor plans are delivered as .pdf, .dxf and .swg
✓ some iGuide Service Providers also deliver "after" tours

Post 9 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user

- Drones: Insurance companies are CHEAP. Roof inspections are high risk low reward flying for EagleView et al who want to pay you $50/inspection for taking up an hour or two of your time. Construction work pays better as does DroneBase and others. I don't fly for free.....

- Matterport: It's really ideal for state capture. Think contents on complex / commercial / flood. On regular wind/hail it's not going to help you or save time. It might be useful on a fire loss but that's under complex. I see it helping to facilitate everyone involved (PA, Attorney, Adjusters, Managers, Insured) to revisit the loss scene at the time of the inspection. This can help with memory (I swear I had a rolex that was smashed and on the kitchen counter), and it can help with scope creep (Your adjuster didn't note all the carpet had white paint dumped on it). I'm exaggerating a little, but there are plenty of scenarios where a 360 photo or space capture can be valuable in claims resolution.

There are also some scenarios around pre-loss capture to document the space and condition. I hear a few carriers are doing this in underwriting and in high net worth scenarios.... but again carriers are CHEAP. They make Realtors look like big spenders.....

So if I were working flood.... I'd take the time (an extra hour or two) to Matterport the claim and do some 360 photos. No, I can't put that in XM8, but I can go back and extract screenshots or 2D photos. I can also go back and work contents to help the insured get what they are owed. Nobody remembers all their items when making a list. I'd be using my own tool to increase the value of the activity to me while delivering a higher quality product/service. I've done that with my drone before on one-off vehicle claims. I wouldn't hesitate to do it on a property or flood claim.

One thing you can do is reach out to the bigger folks in your market who do Matterport and ask if they want to sub out the overflow work. It's not as good as having your own clients, but you can still both make money and it's great for experience.

Another thing that I'm doing to help grow my skillset is reaching out to friends in the AEC space and in various businesses with showrooms or public traffic to do a limited free scan.

Here's an example: I messaged a friend in my neighborhood who is the preacher at a neighborhood church. I explained what I'm doing and offered to scan the public area of the church and push it to Google Streetview. I'm not really a fan of giving things away, but he's been a terrific neighborhood asset. His church hosts our civic club meetings for free and they are constantly doing things to enrich the neighborhood. I need some experience to get my status with Google and it won't take me that long.

Similarly I reached out to a couple of friends who are influencers and that I've known for over 10 years...offered the same deal to them. I'm confident that it will lead to experience for me, my Streetview Trusted Pro status, and referrals to other prospects who would benefit from my services.

Lastly - an expansion on prospects and customers.

A Prospect is someone who sees the value in your product and has the ability to purchase it. A customer is a prospect that does business with you.

A prospect is not every realtor in my market. Some are broke (no ability to buy). Some don't get it. They think iPhone 3 photos that are out of focus and poorly lit/framed are good listing photos. Some are just cheap and won't invest in marketing their listings to maximize their book of business and commission. None of these folks are prospects.

Anyone who can fog a glass is not your prospect. By this measure IA Firms and Carriers are likely not prospects. They see the value but refuse to pay for it.

Which brings me to another of my favorite sayings. Price focused customers are rarely profitable.

I can't serve everyone... so why not focus on those who see value and are profitable to help?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Salt Lake City, Utah
SLCUT private msg quote post Address this user
I have already bought the Matterport, but had some issues out of the gate that I am hoping were just a series of unfortunate coincidences and not a sign of how the company and equipment really is. There is some room for giving Matterport the reason of doubt which is why I am not smearing the name.

(For whatever it's worth after getting a little pissy with Matterport, they have really stepped up and have been proactive in communicating and are exceeding the expectations they had set.)

However, the problems caused me to look into alternative cameras, just to see whats out there. I came across the iGuide which now has me wondering if I should make the switch. But given my situation I think the Matterport will be the better fit because of two factors.

1) I will have immediate access to the measurements for completing my work as soon as I get home vs. waiting 24 hours. Most Adjusters need to submit their report in 24 hours.
2) As long as I do at least 2 projects a month the monthly subscription would be cheaper then the pay per project that iGuide uses.
Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @SLCUT
1) I will have immediate access to the measurements for completing my work as soon as I get home vs. waiting 24 hours. Most Adjusters need to submit their report in 24 hours.

For clarification, Matterport processing time varies. Measurement is available after the model processes.

Post 12 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport seems to have horrible customer service... more like the "I don't know" and "I can't help" department. Said she would create a case... never did..... not surprised. Why let people like that answer the phone? Employees with that attitude should have been laid off.

Their MSP program is AWOL. Sent an email 2 weeks ago and no response. Customer "I don't know/ I don't care" department can't help with that either.

Basically it's a best in class tool with pretty good software and ZERO support. Marketing seems to be off painting pretty pictures with nobody backing them up.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Salt Lake City, Utah
SLCUT private msg quote post Address this user
Dan- thanks for the correction. So even the Matterport file needs to be ‘processed’(for sake of a better word)Before I can use the photos and measurements?
Post 14 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by SLCUT
Dan- thanks for the correction. So even the Matterport file needs to be ‘processed’(for sake of a better word)Before I can use the photos and measurements?

Yes. Correct. A more likely scenario is that you get back to your home/office at the end of the day. Upload your scan(s) and it's (typically) ready for you when you wake up.

While it's possible that you might get it back before you go to sleep, I would not promise same-day turnaround.


P.S. Looks like you can return the Matterport camera within 30 days of purchase, if you are having second thoughts.


4. Return Policy.

(a) Return Policy for Cameras Without Faults. One time only, You may, at Your expense, return to Matterport the first Camera purchased by You within 30 days of the date of the original shipment of such Camera to You, provided that such Camera is in the original packaging with the original receipt. If the Camera and original packaging are returned within this timeframe and confirmed by Matterport not to be damaged, Matterport will provide a full refund based upon the original payment method. You cannot return unwanted items after 30 days. The foregoing return right applies only to the first Camera purchased by You. Subject to those rights set out below regarding Cameras with faults, You will have no right to return any subsequently purchased Camera without the prior written consent of Matterport, which consent Matterport may grant or withhold in its sole discretion. For clarity: (i) any Camera obtained in a trade-in or upgrade transaction is not eligible for return under this subsection; and (ii) the limitations set forth in this subsection will not apply to any limited buy-back program offered by Matterport, and the written terms of such program provided by Matterport shall apply instead with respect to the return of Cameras subject to such program.

(b) Return Policy for Cameras With Faults. If a Camera develops a fault, You have the option of an exchange or refund if the fault occurs within twenty-one (21) days of delivery. If the fault occurs after such 21-day period, Your warranty rights are as set forth in Section 5. In all cases, Matterport reserves the right to inspect the Camera and verify the fault.

(c) Limitations. Your right to return a Camera set forth in this Section 4 shall not apply if: (i) a defect or fault arises because You failed to follow Matterport’s instructions as to storage, commissioning, installation, use and maintenance or good trade practice regarding the same, (ii) You alter or repair the Camera without the written consent of Matterport, or (iii) a defect or fault arises as a result of wear and tear, willful damage, negligence, or abnormal storage or working conditions.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Salt Lake City, Utah
SLCUT private msg quote post Address this user
Update. I figure the community would like to know where this saga ends, what my consensus is. So here it is.

I just got off another call with the nice people at iGuide. Again I can't say enough good about my overall experience working with them. I would have zero worries about customer service with iGuide.

As far as iGuide for insurance adjusting, I do not think that it makes financial sense.
As an adjuster most of the jobs we look at are smaller. Just a Kitchen, or just a bathroom. Maybe a basement family room. Being such small areas, rarely would I need to worry about paying more then the minimum $29.00+$15.00 for the iGuide Report. But, that is still roughly $45.00 per claim. Which would have me debating if I should use my 3D camera or do it the old way (sketching on site and taking some pictures with my phone). My gut tells me that the camera would stay in its case. Paying as much as 1/3 of my fee doesn't sound worth it in most cases. It is for this reason alone that I will be going with Matterport. The goal here is to buy a tool that I will use as much as possible.

Some of you reading this may be wondering "why the +$15?" well, in order to measure the missing 4 sqft of drywall or the cabinets you need to pay the extra $15. That feature doesn't come with the standard iGuide package.

To further explain my decision to stay with Matterport, allow me to provide the comparison.
With Matterport I will pay $70 per month. With that I have access to 25 files at any one time. I typically only need access to a file for a few days so the limited number of accessible files is not an issue. So even on the smallest jobs I can choose to use the Matterport without consideration of cost. With that said I will not get the floor plan sketch from Matterport (that would be an additional $15). But I will have access to all the measurements and the photos. Since Sketching on Xactimate is a breeze anyway I wonder how often I would actually use an underlay image even if I had access to it. So, I don't consider not having the floor plan a big loss.

One last thing. iGuide charges a 10% restocking fee on returns. I don't blame them but, I don't think I will be buying one just to compare.
Post 16 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
@SLCUT - I think for small items you should use XM8 Mobile and if you want 360 photos get a Insta360 or similar. I have a GoPro360 Fusion and it's okay, but not stunning.

You could also look at ReCap Pro - $40/mo and some minor processing charges. It will create 3D models from photos. I've been having some drama with MatterPak and ReCap trying to use Matterport's broken demo file. (No XYZ). It was however able to process the OBJ and photos into a model.

As for Matterport - it's really large/total loss, not dishwasher leak, etc. Not unless someone's going to pay for the time, processing, etc.

I had the opportunity to scan a home that was hit by a tornado. I'm not adjusting this, it belongs to a good friend. I have permission to use it as an example and for training. But it's something you'll be able to look at and understand.

In this particular case, windows blown out on two sides and glass shards *EVERYWHERE*.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Kitchener, Canada
Alex_iGuide private msg quote post Address this user
@SLCUT Thank you for honest feedback. For the use case of taking measurements and visuals within one room, I would think the new iPad Pro (and soon a new iPhone, I guess) are the most cost effective tools hardware-wise. Not sure about accuracy compared to your requirements, as I have not looked at it and all I can say that measurements will probably be based on 3D mesh and will be limited by how granular the mesh is.

As for the software, I think it would make sense for Xactware to start supporting Apple's new devices sooner rather than later, as there will be numerous other iOS apps that will be taking advantage of the new hardware.

iGUIDE was designed to be a very cost effective solution for mapping whole properties with floor plan and 3D tour generation, but for individual rooms it is probably not the right choice.
Post 18 IP   flag post
briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
I can vouch for the iPad Pro 2020 for measurements. The native Measure app is pretty cool. I'm pretty sure they are using the lidar device in conjunction with it for enhanced measurements. It's far more accurate than my iPhone 7+.

Admittedly the 7+ is getting old, but it still works. TCO= (cost-resale price) / duration of use.
Post 19 IP   flag post
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