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iPad Mini 5 and Madea works at Matterport Support11669

briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
Hey gang,
New to Matterport. When I got my camera a couple of weeks ago I started out scanning my 2300 s/f house on my iPad Mini 5. No issues. It's not listed on the out of date "supported devices" list at

I called Matterport Support and finally got through to Madea's understudy.... not nearly as talented, but every bit as rude and unpleasant. In between her telling me, "I don't know" and "I can't do that." I got zero useful information out of her. She had no idea by the way what the relationship between 100s/f scanned and memory utilization was on the average house. It's always great when the tech support people are fully qualified to be an underwater lawn ornament and not much else.

Undeterred I went to Apple's website to try and find some real data.

Here's what I came up with:
iPad Mini 5 CPU A12, 3GB ram and 64 or 256GB of storage.

iPad Pro 10.5: A10x 4GB ram
iPad Pro 12.9 2nd Gen: A10x 4GB ram
iPad Pro 12.9 3rd Gen: A12x 4GB ram (6gb with 1TB storage)
iPad Pro 12.94 4th Gen: A12Z 6GB ram

Now, Matterport does list the iPad 7th Gen... which is an A10 processor and 3GB of ram.
The CPU in the 7th Gen iPad is 56% to 47% of the performance of the A12 - per

The only way I know with my IT background to compare systems is to look at the actual performance data and component capabilities. Apple does a good job of obsfucating performance data so you only get shiny marketing slop.

I'm not opposed to upgrading, I just need a rational justification for it. I'd also like to get my scanning business going first. At this point the only issue I see is the amount of available storage, which is limited on the particular mini5 I own. I don't plan to keep every scan on my device forever.
If I have to re-scan there will be a cost associated unless it's my goof. Has anyone else run into issues and if so what are they?
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rastas private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah... everytime I've called Matterport I got the sense that the person on the phone was bothered by having to talk to someone, and that they just wanted to hang up as quickly as they could. Wish I can help with ipad question, but im sure somebody here will have an answer.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I compared Ipad Pro 2020 to Ipad 5th gen. See this thread

The difference is about 10-12 seconds but that difference is only coming from a state of the camera rotation finished to the state where you can scan again. So a camera spin does not depend on what ipad you are using however aligning and ability to trim a model while scanning is definitely faster on Ipad Pro 2020.

So you do scan faster with Ipad Pro 2020 but you need to be fast with coming back to a camera, moving it to a new spot and start a new scanning. If you cannot do it then only ability to trim, mark windows/mirrors during scanning is what you will get better and faster with Ipad Pro 2020. COrtex seems t worked better on IPad Pro but I still see very little benefits from it if you scan around an internal space and close to it.

As for the storage space, I have about 50 models stored on my Ipad 5th(128GB). It takes about 80GB in storage but I must say that I have about 5 models with more than 400 scan points each. Still I do not recommend to go for 128GB storage. It seems to be too low if you are really palining to do a lot of scanning. It will run out quite fast and there is no 100% working solution to back up some and remove them from iPad.
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Cincinnati, OH
leonherbert private msg quote post Address this user
@briangreul The massive advantage to upgrade is that you will almost instantly know if two scan points have aligned. With my mini I would be two scans ahead and find that 2 scans back did not align so I would have to go all the way back. I noticed a big improvement in overall performance with updating to the pro. The simple fact that you have more screen space is helpful as well.
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briangreul private msg quote post Address this user
@leonherbert Which mini did you have? I'm finding the Mini5 to be pretty snappy.
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