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CommentaryMatterport 2019 New PricingPredictions

Prediction: Matterport to End Classic Pricing by 31 December 202011381

WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Roger Staubch Hail Mary Pass | Video courtesy of GreenHornet9 YouTube Channel (18 November 2012)

WGAN-TV Town Hall - Matterport New Pricing (Thursday, 26 May 2019) with Matterport Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bell, Matterport Vice President of Product Management Damien Leostic. Transcript

WGAN-TV Live at 5: Matterport Ecosystem Town Hall (27 February 2018) More Info

Prediction: Matterport to End Classic Pricing – and Raise New Pricing – by 31 December 2020

Hi All,

Please note: my predictions can be wrong. For example, I thought Matterport would acquire GeoCV or invest in GeoCV. Instead, Matterport continues to sue GeoCV (and so far, has successfully marginalized their likely greatest potential competitor.)

With that disclosure ...

The pleasantly plump person is about to sing. (And, the audience is about to go nuts).

My prediction is that Matterport will end Matterport Classic Pricing when it launches Matterport direct scanning services – presently testing – by 31 December 2020. Additionally, I predict that Matterport will also increase Matterport New Pricing (2019) (which was announced on Thursday, 9 May 2019 and applies to Matterport customers on or after Thursday, 9 May 2019, except its enterprise customers.)

You may recall that when Matterport announced and launched Matterport New Pricing on Thursday, 9 May 2020, it also announced that Matterport clients that wanted to keep its – now known as Matterport Classic Pricing – could keep it indefinitely.

According to this Matterport Support page – last updated 25 August 2019 – “Will the classic plans ever go away? Our existing customers that prefer to wait to upgrade can keep their classic plans indefinitely. No action is required at this time.”

Turns out that indefinitely means “If you describe a situation or period as indefinite, you mean that people have not decided when it will end,” according to Collins online dictionary.

Well, I could imagine that Matterport has likely decided is that the time to change pricing – end Matterport Classic Pricing and increase the rates of Matterport New Pricing – is exactly the same moment that it decides to compete head on with Matterport Service Providers by launching its own Matterport direct to customer scanning service. (Matterport’s spin will likely be that it is not competing, but enabling Matterport Service Providers to focus on scanning rather than sales, marketing, accounting, post production, etc. And, that this will result in increased income.)

And, to make it easier for Matterport to compete with you, it will make it impossible for Matterport Service Providers to compete on price. Overnight, it will be much less expensive for your clients to get their Matterport scans (and photos and floor plans) directly from Matterport. Plus, the ton of Matterport 3D Tours that you have been hosting – using your Matterport Classic Pricing Plan – will now need to increase in price.

While you may refuse to transfer the spaces to your new competitor – Matterport – I could imagine that going forward, it will be very, very hard to retain your existing clients when Matterport says it will do it for much, much less. [Matterport’s spin will likely be that it can grow the demand for Matterport 24/7 Open House tours by lowering the price to real estate agents (while increasing the pricing that early adopter, entrepreneurial Matterport Service Providers had with Matterport Classic pricing.) Most Matterport Service Providers would likely conclude that Matterport New Pricing is already six times the cost of Matterport Classic Pricing: even before any potential price increase is announced when Matterport officially rolls out Matterport direct scanning services.]

Who Will Do The Matterport Scanning?

Many Matterport Service Providers that have been challenged about developing business will become the Uber drivers of Matterport scans – for Matterport – while you decide to either switch to a different 3D/360 camera and different 3D/360 virtual tour hosting software/platform.

While many We Get Around Network Forum readers are likely hoping that their savior will be the GeoCV 3D virtual tour platform, unfortunately, don’t hold your breath. Even if GeoCV wins the lawsuit - which I predict it will – it’s unlikely that GeoCV will receive even a $1 for defending its patents. Imagine the judge saying, “Congratulations GeoCV. You won. The jury says you get to keep using your patents.” So, unless a VC pours a ton of money back into GeoCV, it still could be a long-time for GeoCV to re-enter the market and claim its rightful place in the history of 3D/360 virtual tour platforms.

Okay. I digressed.

I could imagine that you are asking, “Why do I predict that Matterport will end Matterport Classic Pricing and increase pricing on its Matterport New Pricing (including processing, floor plans and MatterPaks)?”


Matterport has a history of making bid, bad strategic decisions.

Matterport is about to make another big, bad strategic decision to switch its business model by providing scans directly to those real estate agents – and big brands – that want them rather than referring the requests for scanning to either to Matterport Service Providers or to photography agencies or companies like IFTI PROvision Solutions that provides one order for multiple markets at scale.

Clearly, Matterport is already testing Matterport offering scanning services directly to real estate agents.

Matterport previously tried scanning directly; resulting in a firestorm from Matterport Service Providers as documented here:

Matterport now pricing their own 3D scan cost
Why I am participating in the pilot

I could imagine that Matterport will soon scale to offering more markets; then across the United States and around the Globe.

I could imagine that Matterport already has calculated the peak decibel level of Matterport Service Providers – screaming – when it rolls out direct to customer scanning and figures that it might as well do the price increase at the same time – because the WGAN Forum Community will have already lost its voice screaming at Matterport competing for our business; and insulting us by selling us a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera – only to make the only viable business for Service Providers are to be the Uber drivers of Matterport scans for Matterport.

By offering higher Matterport cloud prices – and ancillary services like floor plans – to those that own or buy cameras – anchor pricing – ordering scans directly from Matterport will look more appealing.

While this Matterport business model may work in the short term, in the long term it is a huge-huge-huge failure because no one will buy a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera simply to scan for Matterport. Matterport is delusional if it thinks it will continue selling cameras to Service Providers.

That said, I could imagine that many of you WILL use your existing Matterport Pro2 3D Camera to scan for Matterport during your down time, but it will no longer make sense for professional real estate photographers to offer Matterport 24/7 3D Virtual Tours to real estate agents. Instead, professional real estate photographers will opt for one of 50 other 3D/360 virtual tour cameras and one of 130+ other virtual tour software/platforms.

Matterport has amazing technology. The Matterport hardware and software teams have created magic. Matterport is a technology company that is successfully creating a digital moat. That said, I can imagine that the existing Matterport business strategy has not generated sufficient revenue for its venture capital back company, so Matterport is trying to pivot with a Hail Mary pass – to morph into a service company model. “in American football [a Hail Mary pass is] typically made in desperation, with only a small chance of success,” according to Wikipedia.

Recently, I received a desperate call from the head of marketing of a major, publicly traded real estate company. Her problem was that she had dozens of properties for lease or sale and the only way for potential customers to visit the properties was virtually – given the coronavirus (understandably).

When she called Matterport, she was directed to a sales person that wanted to sell her a camera. And, only when she pushed multiple times – that she wanted to engage someone to shoot the spaces – was she told to fill out the Find a Matterport Pro online form. When she completed that form - and did not receive a confirmation email that her form was received successfully (she tried multiple times) – and did not hear back from anyone in a week – she called the Matterport sales person back and was told that he could not help her other than to direct her to fill out the form.

Despite being on the phone with a decision maker from a publicly traded company that would likely have a ton of work for Matterport Service Providers, the Matterport sales person continued to push buying a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera and failed to seamlessly transition the lead (either to the Matterport Service Partner program or the Matterport team that is working on Matterport direct scanning services).

I share this story because I have heard similar stories multiple times over the years. Matterport has been obsessed with selling cameras when it should have been obsessed with sending ALL leads to existing Matterport Service Providers. Most potential customers likely just want a Matterport 24/7 Open House Virtual Tour - not to buy a camera. So, Matterport has incorrectly concluded that it should be the service provider instead of parsing out the leads.

As I shared in the story above, Matterport’s corporate culture is not service. It’s not in its DNA. Booking, scheduling, shooting and delivering Matterport scans is a messy service business; plus, many clients want photos, video, aerial, single property websites and other Add Ons. Delivering a service is not Matterport’s core competency; let alone Add Ons (that it does not offer).

So, not only will it fail miserably trying to reinvent the business model, it will aggravate, alienate, polarize and abandon thousands of existing Matterport Service Providers – the majority of whom will switch 3D/360 virtual tour hosting platforms – and potential Matterport Service Providers who will buy into virtual tour platform: platforms that have no desire to compete with its customers.

I thought a lot about not posting this prediction. If I am wrong about Matterport ending Matterport Classic Pricing and wrong about Matterport increasing rates, I may wrongly dent sales of Matterport Cameras, inspire Matterport Service Providers to switch virtual tour platforms and affect the employment of Matterport employees.

I decided to go forward with publishing my prediction because this is exactly what I believe will happen and I feel that the WGAN Forum Community – those that are Matterport Service Providers or thinking offering Matterport 24/7 virtual tours to their clients – want to be able to make informed decisions.

Plus, it may not be too late for Matterport to change its course if the WGAN Forum Community is loud and clear what will happen if Matterport does move forward, as I have predicted.

If you work for Matterport, ask your leadership if my predictions are correct. If you agree with my conclusions, then you know that your may job ma be at risk if Matterport continues down this disastrous path.

If you plan to buy a Matterport camera, ask for price protection for at least one year: including, but not limited to processing, hosting and related services (floor plans, MatterPak, publish to Google Street View). If Matterport does not plan to make the changes that I have outlined, then it should be willing to make a commitment to you, if you are willing to still go forward with your Matterport Pro2 3D Camera purchase.

1. Will Matterport end Classic Pricing this year?
2. Will Matterport increase rates this year?
3. Will Matterport launch a direct scanning business this year?
4. Will Matterport compete with you?

What are your thoughts?


We Get Around Network and WGAN-TV
Atlanta, Georgia

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Post 1 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
As someone that has been getting jobs from Matterport for a long time now, I can tell you that yes, their payout is low. However, I have received many jobs to date from them. So I will keep doing them. I KNOW I'm doing Matterport a huge favor by doing these tours.

I KNOW how much money they make off me, and my payout is way less than most other contractors that send me jobs. I KNOW Matterport makes SOOOOO MUCH $$ off me in several ways. But I too make money. So I'm guessing there are many more like me in every major market that has appreciated the steady work from them.

Will I receive more work under this new program??? Probably. Will it make me angry if one of these jobs referred to me by them ends up being from a normal client??? I think that would mark the end of my relationship with them. Because in reality, what they will have had done in that moment is the WORST thing you can do in our world....STEAL YOUR CLIENT.

And that would be exactly what they did. My guess is that since they know they can't do all the other things that we do (aerial, photos, etc), I am guessing they try to sell complete photography packages too and continue to try and build relationships with local Photographers that will agree to the terms. So not only with they make more of a spread on Matterport, they will now try and make money on all the other services we offer too.

While they may not be able to do what we do....they can sell what we do and contract with us to get it done. That's my thoughts. Feel like I'm that's it!

Oh ..small additional comment...I have been working with my clients for a long time ...

I'd like to think that my extremely awesome service to each and every one of them over the years will mean something. I have many people that say they love me and my work and would never trust it to anyone else and they believe that my prices are fair.

They all say they would never use anyone else and love what I do for I have to believe that will win at the end of the day and they will stay on board.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
I recall a Facebook Live event with Dee and MP CEO RJ Pittman, where RJ promised a full one year heads up notice, should the old plans go away. I hope that promise still holds true.
Post 3 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod Absent a reply to the contrary from a Matterport corporate officer, no question your prediction is correct.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Marc private msg quote post Address this user
Well doesn't that make me feel a bit better but believe me, not any better for any of you out there who have been earning your livelihood on the back of the MP technology.

I've considered it and decided not to go down that path. In fact, I'd decided to not even enter the real estate photography market and stay with commercial property tours, mostly all a Google Street View tours with enhancements.

But now with our new world under the crisis, the commercial market's gone quiet. No surprise, I'm now getting calls from real estate agents wanting my services and I've just started booking them in.

It will not likely be a huge win as the real estate industry is also getting badly whacked by the crisis too. But here's the thing, I can do what I do, with a high-quality product and I don't have to depend on any other system or platform.

Agreed, the MP system has some very cool tech but in principle, for the most part, what they offer may not be actually any better than other VT hosting systems when it comes to closing deals.

So where am I going with this?

2 things...

1) If you're not already skilled up to shoot tours with a DSLR, it's time to be ready to do just that.
2) Demonstrate to your real estate clients how you can take them off the false merry-go-round that MP is locking them into. Explain to them how it's like getting locked into a contract with the likes of FB or similar and then, if the world shifts again, the pivot will hurt even more than another crisis.

I very much dislike using fear as a motivator or as a marketing/sales tactic. It's not very becoming. But we also have a certain duty and responsibility to at least offer some good advice to our clients.

Again, the real estate photography space was always one I shied away from as it seemed to be a race to the bottom, just like many other forms of photography.

But if you can position yourself as a trusted advisor, a partner, a friend in the business, where you really care about your clients (the real estate agents), hopefully, you will retain their custom for the long haul.

Be well folks. The world has shifted - the 360 axis is spinning a little differently now and we're the ones who have to shine.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

I recall that claim by RJ as well - in fact, I saved it. I don't believe it. I don't believe anything they say. Their strategy is determined by their cash needs, and the rest of us are incidental. I've never seen such a company so strong in their tech be so completely incompetent in marketing strategy. I'm willing to consider any model, as long as I can rely on the terms and conditions. Right now, that's a complete jumble.

But, I give them one star out of five for corporate integrity, especially in their dealings with "MSP"'s


Post 6 IP   flag post
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Marc
1) If you're not already skilled up to shoot tours with a DSLR, it's time to be ready to do just that.

I agree that a tour taken with DSLR is much better and it removes the need to scan every 2-3 meters while allowing to show not just a property inside but also all outdoor features no matter where they are. However there are still some uncetan things.

a)we do not know what reaction we can expect from and in terms of showing them with listings on their website. We cannot even predict if it is going to work in their media section. REA Group is already playing their hidden agenda excluding 3D tours from their Digital Inspections and saying to their agents "you can do a video tour on your smartphone"
We can still have an option to add a link to a custom(Pano2VR for example) tour done with a DSLR camera to the property description but they may just start removing them. It seems they are feeling their mistake allowing Matterport tours in the first place but they cannot back up now and delete this feature. Some agents are using it and they will rant a lot. But nobody is stopping them to add any roadblock to any new technology.

b) Generally any DSLR custom tour will be more expensive than a Matterport one. If you are asked to do a custom tour say with 10 panormas the only thing your clients will see is how fast you do it while you are doing it on their property. They may not care at all that you need hours in your office to combine, stitch and build an actual custom tour. So if your price is going to be say even $80 AUD per manually taken spin that's $800. You will be beaten in a quote for sure by any Matterport Service Provider.

I hate that I have to pay for my ads with Matterport product awareness as I truly believe it is a Matterport job. But I hope at least that if I can get into real estate with Matterport or any type of virtual tours now I can built my business for the future where I need to spend very little on advertising my services and can expect jobs coming from the agencies I am currently talking about using the tours just to keep properties selling during the crisis.

And I agree on minimum or no outcome on selling any business tours now. I cannot even make up any phrase I say to any business just to show I can help them with a 360 business tour now. That market is dead for us unless there is some really narrow niche we just do not know about.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod You are so right with your predictions.

We as an MSP community need no to band together and isolate against the Matterport-19 that is infecting our business. The only way to do this is very very simple, is to isolate your camera for 2-3 months as per the WVTO guidelines (World Virtual Tour Organization). Wash your hands after you have safely stored it in a safe room in your home, lock the door.

This will be our only way to show this virus that we are the cure, and if we find a better vaccine we will use it and one day tell our children how we survived the M-19 and how we saved our business by banding together as a community and distancing ourselves from the virus. Sorry been isolated for too long now and the fridge is talking to me already.

They will need to also suspend all hosting fees for the next 3 - 12 months , or get a federal bailout. As some MSP's are going to be hard hit with this once the dust settles and we return to normality globally. Not being negative just realistic, as the writing is on the wall.

GeoCV is the cure. I have been waiting very patiently to get my camera / s ( need 5 urgently ) as their solution is the best on the market currently. Anton needs to win this, to raise funds for the company will be a no brainer and we know enough VC companies that will shower him with money. Because the way he structured his business model works.

Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by @pixelray
As someone that has been getting jobs from Matterport for a long time now, I can tell you that yes, their payout is low. However, I have received many jobs to date from them. So I will keep doing them.

Originally Posted by @pixelray
So I'm guessing there are many more like me in every major market that has appreciated the steady work from them.

Thank you for letting us know. Perhaps I am TOTALLY WRONG and that Matterport Service Providers will embrace business from Matterport.

(It would be particularly helpful to hear from the WGAN Community that WOULD LIKE to receive scanning business from Matterport.)

Originally Posted by @pixelray
Will I receive more work under this new program??? Probably. Will it make me angry if one of these jobs referred to me by them ends up being from a normal client??? I think that would mark the end of my relationship with them. Because in reality, what they will have had done in that moment is the WORST thing you can do in our world....STEAL YOUR CLIENT.

In the long-term, doesn't this seems inevitable?

For example, hotels were thrilled to get incremental business from hotel discount sites. Before COVID-19 coronavirus, the migration of hotel bookings via discounters created a challenge for hotels. Plus, they no longer owned the relationship.

Originally Posted by pixelray
...I have been working with my clients for a long time ...I'd like to think that my extremely awesome service to each and every one of them over the years will mean something. I have many people that say they love me and my work and would never trust it to anyone else and they believe that my prices are fair. They all say they would never use anyone else and love what I do for I have to believe that will win at the end of the day and they will stay on board.

I am rooting for you! (And the rest of the Community.)

Post 9 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Tosolini
I recall a Facebook Live event with Dee and MP CEO RJ Pittman, where RJ promised a full one year heads up notice, should the old plans go away. I hope that promise still holds true.

Originally Posted by @Chemistrydoc

I recall that claim by RJ as well - in fact, I saved it. I don't believe it. I don't believe anything they say. Their strategy is determined by their cash needs, and the rest of us are incidental. I've never seen such a company so strong in their tech be so completely incompetent in marketing strategy. I'm willing to consider any model, as long as I can rely on the terms and conditions. Right now, that's a complete jumble.

But, I give them one star out of five for corporate integrity, especially in their dealings with "MSP"'s

@Tosolini @Chemistrydoc

Ah! Yes!

WGAN transcribed that video:

Transcript: Matterport CEO RJ Pittman on Facebook Live Thursday-9 May 2019


Dee Johnson: Christa says, I would love my notification question answered.

Dee Johnson: I can answer that for you, Christa. We have said that we will give you at least one year's notice if anything changes. And we stand by that. Right, RJ?

RJ Pittman: Yeah, sorry. I was just looking at that one, can you...

Dee Johnson: She wants to know how much advanced notice they'll get if anything is to change to the classic plans and we have said, we will give everybody at least one year's notice.

RJ Pittman: Yep, that's correct.


@Tosolini @Chemistrydoc

It would be nice if RJ reiterated that promise: one year notice if/when Matterport Classic Pricing will go away.

It would be great if I am WRONG-WRONG-WRONG in my prediction that Matterport will kill Matterport Classic Pricing by 31 December 2020.

Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @bryanhscott
@DanSmigrod Absent a reply to the contrary from a Matterport corporate officer, no question your prediction is correct.

It would be nice if Matterport CEO RJ Pittman reiterated his promise that Matterport will give one year notice if/when Matterport Classic Pricing will go away.

Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Marc
Again, the real estate photography space was always one I shied away from as it seemed to be a race to the bottom, just like many other forms of photography.

But if you can position yourself as a trusted advisor, a partner, a friend in the business, where you really care about your clients (the real estate agents), hopefully, you will retain their custom for the long haul.

Be well folks. The world has shifted - the 360 axis is spinning a little differently now and we're the ones who have to shine.


If Matterport does as I have predicted, the race to the bottom trophy will go to Matterport.

I use to do 360s via DSLR. Seems like we are getting very close to 360º 1-click cameras to be equal in quality. Certainly, the workflow with a 360º 1-click camera is much faster.

Stay healthy,

Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thank you always for your detailed, thoughtful analysis and your helpful answers for the Community.

Hopefully, when we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, your services will be in demand.

Post 13 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Gerhard
@DanSmigrod You are so right with your predictions.

Hopefully I am totally wrong with my predictions about Matterport Class Pricing going away and totally wrong about Matterport price hikes; including their Add Ons.

Originally Posted by Gerhard

Thanks for sharing.

When Matterport reads all the posts here - and the related Matterport Competes with MSPs discussions – I could imagine that it still concludes it is a tiny, vocal portion of the MSP Community that push back on Matterport's plans to provide scanning directly to clients.

Perhaps I am WRONG. Perhaps we are only a tiny, vocal portion of the MSP Community.

Post 14 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user

I fear that you're right. If everyone were a member here (rather than of one of the myriad Facebook groups), you would have a much greater shot at having a real voice. I can tell you that this is the only forum where nuts and bolts issues are discussed, and where real help is sought and given. The rest are just feel-good spots for the el-cheapo's of the MP world, IMHO. They will likely be the first to jump on the Matterport Scanning Services.

Be well -

Post 15 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Chemistrydoc

I fear that you're right.

I could imagine that it is now up to Matterport to decide if its strategy to offer scanning services outweighs the risk of Matterport Service Providers - and potential Service Providers - bolting for other 3D/360 virtual tour platforms. And, outweighs the risk of national and international photography agencies and companies offering Matterport at scale (they will pick other virtual tour platforms too).

We are at a seminal moment in the history of 3D/360 virtual tour photography.

Respectfully, I believe Matterport is making a big, strategic mistake offering scanning services directly.

Their energy should have been spent in support of agencies and companies that can handle multi-market orders at scale and to Matterport Service Providers.

Unfortunately, Matterport never had a culture of embracing its customers.


P.S. Thank you for your kind words about the WGAN Community ...

Originally Posted by @Chemistrydoc
I can tell you that this is the only forum where nuts and bolts issues are discussed, and where real help is sought and given.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

Hopefully, when we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic, your services will be in demand.


Going to be hard with these type of guys like the one commented on my facebook ad

Nobody has forced him to comment under my ad but he has come and started lying. And it was 100% correct data taken from Matterport analytics that he was trying to call a lie with his wordings.
Since he lied and then ignored my requests to provide any data to support his claims I decided to remind him what he is really worth. Never saw him again after my last comment. I actually offered him a private chat after his initial comment but he ignored my idea to chat privately and posted his second reply publically. That's when it became clear that he was commenting only to push others away from any virtual tour idea.

I do not see anything wrong with agents collecting leads at inspections but it should be this way and this way only. The first priority of any agent should be a professional help to sell a property with a minimum stress, fast and for the best price. If an agent can still collect leads along without preventing them to do it that way that's ok. However if an agent denies their vendors or hide from them the tools that help to achieve their vendors goals just because an agent cannot collect many leads that's totally unprofessional, unethical and these agents should not be in this profession at all.
Post 17 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for sharing.

Post 18 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
@Wingman That 28-year veteran agent sounds like a managing broker I used to hang my license under a while back. "Give me great still photos for under $250 and that's all I need!" He's 66 years old and has been in the biz for at least 40 of them.

Classic case of, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks," because they know everything already. No question that guy has never been in the same room as Millennials talking about real estate media. But, you know, even if he was, he would still stick to his guns until he has no business and Covid-19, among other reasons, is the reason why.

Those type of agents have been successful despite themselves, but the market is changing. At some point, he will be like so many other relics who have refused to change, because they have all the answers - just ask them!
Post 19 IP   flag post
WGAN Basic
pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
@wingman....I just had to leave a comment there.
Post 20 IP   flag post
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by bryanhscott
@Wingman That 28-year veteran agent sounds like a managing broker I used to hang my license under a while back. "Give me great still photos for under $250 and that's all I need!" He's 66 years old and has been in the biz for at least 40 of them.

You just need to see that conversation. Even after @pixelray joined it was still going nowhere. He just came to damage my or any Matterport business. It is not that he just wants to do photos, he is simply against matterport even though he has said a couple of nice things about the tour shown in my ad. Btw, it is a simple and basic tour by any means. I have much better examples but the idea has been to show that
it is not just for luxury.

And at some point he started to tell that we put people in some kind of trap forcing them to buy this pointless media and wasting their money.
Post 21 IP   flag post
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pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
I have never in my life ran across someone like that. This "28 yr veteran" made all these claims about Matterport being a gimmick and waste if time and money and said we needed to stop "forcing" people to buy it. Yet he also claimed he "offered the product" to his clients. Very bizarre and demeaning contradicting human. I fought the good fight with this glad he isn't my realtor...I'm guessing he also fought the use of the internet when it came along
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
@pixelray @Wingman I am sure we have all been in a "debate" with someone; family, friend, or acquaintance, who has to be right at all costs. I have a brother-in-law, who would not admit to being wrong even if it was slapping him in the face. This "veteran" agent is that guy.

You could run a focus group using specs provided by this agent, only to learn what we already know, and this mental giant would say the results were skewed.
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