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'Predictions' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: 2025 is the Year of A.I. for Real Estate Photographers DanSmigrod 6 3 monthsGlennTremain (2962): @DanSmigrod I did but chatgpt is not all encompassing like google is. It has limits that google does not for my industry as 99% of clients uses google during their search. I am going to make a video about your video soon. Great stuff
6 Reasons Why Matterport Will Launch Project Genesis Monday (3 June 2024) DanSmigrod 4 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31671): Matterport Post on LinkedIn Monday, 23 September 2024 Hi All, Looks like my prediction was "only" four months off :cool: Best, Dan
2020 is the year of Google Street View Blue Line Map Updates by Pros DanSmigrod 10 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31671): WGAN-TV | How to Publish to Google Street View from Matterport; +10 GSV FAQ Pro Tips for Common Problems (Solved) | Guest: Wingman Media Brisbane Owner Michael Lysov | | Thursday, 18 July 2024 | Episode: 222 | WGAN Forum Member Name: @Wingman [streetview][/streetview]Google Street View Tour with Multiple Floors | Published via Matterport GSV Add On | Tour by: Wingman Media...
7 Redfin Predicts for 2024; Includes New listings will tick up DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31671): Redfin Media Release --- courtesy of Redfin Redfin (5 December 2024) Redfin Predicts 2024 Will Be the Year Homebuyers Catch a Break, With Home Prices Falling and New Listings Rising Highlights from this Redfin News Prediction 1: Home prices will fall 1% Prediction 2: New listings will tick up Prediction...
Video: Insta360 X4: Ben Claremont's Predictions! DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Insta360 End of Season Sale via Insta360 Store
Why I believe Matterport will announce something big on Tuesday, 8 August DanSmigrod 10 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Please see this WGAN Forum discussion for examples of what can be done with the Matterport SDK: ✓ List: Matterport Partners and Additional Value-Added Solutions Hi All, I was wrong. Matterport did not announced something big on Tuesday, 8 August, 2023. Dan
How to Get a Mortgage Loan in Three Days with Matterport Spatial Data DanSmigrod 10 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Hi All, Looks like my prediction on February 3, 2017 - 5+ years ago (see 1st post above) - has come true: ✓ The New York Times (21 March 2022) Remote Appraisals of Homes Could Reduce Racial Bias | Desktop appraisals, in which an appraiser never meets a homeowner, could reduce discriminatory practices, such as undervaluing homes owned by Black people. The majority of appraisals on home purchases in the United States can now be ...
Matterport to start accepting Matterport Axis orders via shopping cart? DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): @Kiter100 ✓ Matterport Axis Smartphone Rotator Now Available for Purchase Dan
Zillow CEO: "Virtual 3-D tours & remote, digital closings will be the norm" DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsbriangreul (684): He's smoking crack and engaging in "sales talk." He fantasizes about virtual agents (AI) and transactions as easy as subscribing to NetFlix. Not happening. Agents still have a role to play, Buyers will want to inspect the house, negotiate on the findings, and be engaged with their agent, in person. Meanwhile Zillow will shape shift a few more times, burn more investor money, and see if it can actually become profitable.... like a...
Question of the Day: What are your predictions about Virtual Tours in 2021? DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsHome3D (4213): Know one knows when, but one day the housing price bubble will deflate again. It may be triggered by mortgage defaults or another event but meteoric rises in property values always have a limit. When this occurs, the sellers’ market will decline and agents will need to better promote properties. For us, the greatest shift is that more of the general public understands virtual tours and their value. Slowly but surely the aggregators are...
How do we see the 3D Virtual Reality Future - where we right? carloscardo 2 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): I so agree with your original thoughts and your expanded view. Thanks for sharing. Businesses, restaurants, hotels, schools - it's so perfect. Persuading them is harder, but I am building up a good set of examples. There is also high demand for tours of yet to be built properties.
Prediction: Matterport to Cancel Matterport Service Partners (MSP) Program DanSmigrod 15 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): Open thread to view post.
Prediction: Matterport to End Classic Pricing by 31 December 2020 DanSmigrod 23 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @pixelray @Wingman I am sure we have all been in a "debate" with someone; family, friend, or acquaintance, who has to be right at all costs. I have a brother-in-law, who would not admit to being wrong even if it was slapping him in the face. This "veteran" agent is that guy. You could run a focus group using specs provided by this agent, only to learn what we already know, and this mental giant would say the results were...
Prediction: Matterport + NCTech LASiris VR DanSmigrod 16 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @DanSmigrod - Quick things: - No other platform touches Showcase on presentation. - Windows and MacOS dominate Linux (re: open platforms). I'm not sure that open platforms win in all fields. - I agree that allowing download of the imagery at full resolution is a good move to simply open up more use cases (and add revenue!!) - I look forward to Matterport opening their platform to more cameras. Their adoption of the BLK was fast,...
Matterport to GSV Launches 23 Jan 2018? DanSmigrod 28 7 yearsLeventeSolczi (58): Matterport need a few months... I asked 3 important thing on phone, when M. call me on phone: Buy a new camera, but i needed answers: 1) When will be repaired the MAC safari light issue? - no answer 2) when will we be able to publish GSV - a few months... :)))) remember: the spring of 2017 almost one year 3) when will we get the new firmw. update? - please contact support. I spend a lot time about looking for the answers
Will Matterport Add Publish to Google Maps? DanSmigrod 21 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31671): @rwpriest Here are two different solutions for Matterport Spaces to Google Street View: ✓ MP2SV ✓ Howner's MP2GSV Best, Dan