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Prediction: Matterport to Cancel Matterport Service Partners (MSP) Program11367

WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Prediction: Matterport to Cancel Matterport Service Partners (MSP) Program

Hi All,

I could imagine that Matterport will cancel its Matterport Service Partner Program (MSP) Program soon and (attempt) to move MSPs to an internal contractor program (as discussed in the WGAN Forum).

Instead of generating potential leads for Matterport Service Providers, Matterport will keep the leads to either:

✓ attempt to sell cameras (something that it use to do before passing stale leads on to MSPs)
✓ pitch Matterport digital twins directly (and engage independent contractors to shoot 3D Tours)

My prediction is based on the following:

1. Matterport recruiting Pro Service Providers to compete against indepen…
2. Matterport Shoots Self in Foot Again (and Matterport Service Providers)
3. Will Matterport Scan Services Eviscerate Matterport Service Providers?
4. Should Matterport be in the Business of Buying Scans from MSPs?
5. When Matterport introduced its new logo, it did not introduce a new MSP badge
6. 2019 Matterport New Pricing discourages Service Provider business model (charge hosting)
7. MSP marketing materials that have not been updated since 2016
8. My discussions with Matterport Service Providers
9. A history of bad strategic decisions reminiscent of Kodak, Nokia, Blockbuster, MySpace

I could imagine that Matterport will soon (publicly) launch its Matterport direct scanning service. Presently, Matterport is (quietly) testing this service in some markets in the United States.

While it is likely that Matterport’s spin to join its Matterport direct scanning network will be ...

✓ more business
✓ do not have to develop business (no selling)
✓ no hosting or processing charges (upload to Matterport’s Cloud account)

… it’s more likely that Matterport Service Providers will ...

✓ experience a dramatic decrease in overall revenue
✓ see no potential for recurring revenue
✓ will be depressed by the thought of buying a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera without the desired ROI

What are your thoughts? Will Matterport cancel its MSP program?



P.S. Search for a Matterport Pro to work with directly: not via Matterport? Please see the:
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Post 1 IP   flag post
martel private msg quote post Address this user
The future for many businesses is up in the air. When we get on the other side of this virus, who knows what the landscape looks like. I have noticed a lot of people selling their camera's and leaving the business model.

It would be nice if they would reach out to MSP's and get some input and idea's about growing for the benefit of all.
Post 2 IP   flag post
bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
No imagination required for this prediction. Just look at the facts you laid out. Also interesting that, despite the fact there are multiple key Matterport personnel who frequent WGAN, there has been no attempt to explain themselves concerning their new business vertical of becoming the MSP of choice to replace the MSPs. No shame and nearly zero ethics. Congrats and nice move Matterport!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Morristown, New Jersey
foxwrth13 private msg quote post Address this user
Smart independent service providers will offer other services but also knowledge and experience on the best ways for clients to maximize their return on investment. How long will guys last doing homes on behalf of Matterport at bare minimum prices? Again As more options become available a good MSP will also be a good consultant that Realtors and others can depend on.
Post 4 IP   flag post
homefinders3d private msg quote post Address this user
The fact that they quit taking on new MSP's, changed their pricing to a model that financially penalizes you for producing more models (very strange lol) and are encouraging end users to use $400 camera - kind of say's it all.
Post 5 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
If MP is dumb enough to cease their paltry support for MSPs (yes, they could be) then I predict a wave of movement to and further sophisticated development among 360 tours. I'm just beginning (playing catch up) to learn 3DVista and am amazed at what this program can do. Learning curve is much higher, but if you're a professional photographer you pretty much have to become expert at Lightroom and Photoshop, right? And if you want a quicker straightforward process there's EyeSpy360, NodalView, MetaReal, Kuula and so many more. Forgive me for mentioning so few - I'm NOT saying these are uniquely the best.

Let's get real. Make up your mind. Do you want to be an Uber driver for Matterport (talk to those Uber drivers and ask how appreciated they feel) or do you want to be a 3D/360 artist delivering powerful and unique virtual experiences to clients and visitors who are amazed and appreciative?

The choice is yours. I know where I stand.

I guess I'm lucky. I bought into Matterport pretty early so I've definitely amortized the hardware and learned a lot in the process. Let's not look back, but forward. The age of virtual twins has barely begun.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
Interesting insight.

What I have noticed is:

1. The big MSPs play their cards close to their chest. Many have Matterport Dev licenses and recurring revenue streams they have developed over 4years* which they won’t give up. Unless they are held over a barrel to contract directly to Matterport to retain their dev license.

2. One or many MSPs Devs will launch a better experience, forfeiting their Matterport relationship but doing opensource for any camera as the ‘go-to’ platform.

3. Matterport will evolve as a niche to remain a Titan amongst players.

Reason I wrote this is because when the IOS/Android App Store game played out between mobile operators around 2008/9 there were other players including Nokia in the running. I helped navigate some of that stuff as a media strategist back in the day.

It all shakes down to who has the best, easiest thing to use and how they build a shared network experience. There is room for a few, but not many.

Apple leapfrogged the industry by 5 years but Microsoft caught up. Nokia evolved. Samsung transcended.

When it comes you and me it’s about choice. What niche will we go for?

I hope Matterport stick around. Their decisions suck sometimes and I am on the receiving end too but things can change. I like 3D Vista and EyeSpy looks good too.

@matterport - please remember that we are customers who can switch teams despite your cheap recruiting tactics at this time. Remember peanuts and monkeys on that one.

I remain a professional brand, currently with a Matterport camera and the camera does not define my brand. My ethics and expertise and imagination do. The camera can change any day.

There will always be customers for Matterport. It is a good product at the end of the day but they must evolve too.

As will we.

My 2pence from the U.K.


Stay Home. Stay Safe.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
MP canceled MSP program few months ago. They stopped taking on new MSPs and whoever was already in the program can stay there.
Post 8 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Now imagine it goes away: including no leads!

Post 9 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
I hope that Matterport won't cancel it.

But Matterport must realize that exponential growth can only be achieved with growing MSPs.

Matterport's aggressive email marketing to the customers of their MSPs is selling more cameras but not more scans.

Because it needs professionals to create great products with Matterport. And only great products will make the Matterport brand strong and lead to more scans and growth.

I bet there will be Occipital coming soon with a great app (or app update) for the iPad pro scanner and camera and maybe also integrating drones.

And then Matterport will suddenly face a serious competitor with a great technical platform.*

If then Matterport cannot keep the MSPs on their platform and loose the professionals to the competition, the professionals will start to create the great products on the competitor's platform.

If Matterport continues to undermine the businesses of the professionals, we will probably not see a Pro3 camera and Matterport will not reach 5.000.000 spaces.

*Occipital has a great portfolio with the canvas app which also integrates a CAD service, a great 360 mobile capture app and of course the structure sensor
Post 10 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
@MeshImages - and let's not forget what else Occipital has...

All the people, brains, innovation and supportive attitude that created GeoCV, which ran circles around what Matterport has delivered to professional 3D/360 creators.

The future is unwritten.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod I haven't gotten any decent leads in months. Wasn't counting on them anyway.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
Anyone know the Occipital timeline?

The Rocky Balboa of this ring?
Post 13 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
Occiptal also has PX-80
Keeping close eye on them.
Post 14 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Hi All,

Reminder that this Matterport webinar starts at 11 am ET today (Thursday, 16 April 2020).



Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

Screen Grab of eBlast sent to Matterport Service Providers [likely in Target Markets]

Matterport Recruiting Matterport Service Providers to Compete with MSPs

Hi All,

Above is the eBlast sent by Matterport Marketing today (Thursday, 9 April 2020) to recruit Matterport Service Providers to compete with Matterport Service Providers.

Thursday, Apr 16 from 8:00 - 9:00 am PST / 11:00 - Noon EST / 3:00 - 4:00 pm GMT.

Matterport Register Now Link

Below is a screen grab of the landing page that this link goes to.

Your thoughts?

By the way ...

I could imagine that Matterport will say that it's not competing with Matterport Service Providers because large accounts would not engage MSPs individually and that this business is only possible because Matterport is handling it directly.

I would not object if this was a 3rd party company or agency that was recruiting Matterport Service Providers for projects because they are not the same company that sells the camera and sets the rates for processing, hosting, publishing to Google Street View, 2D schematic floor plans and likely other services in the future.)

Plus, Matterport IS establishing benchmark pricing of what MSPs are getting paid. Never mind that Matterport is excluding the process, hosting, etc. because ... potential clients will just see the Matterport pricing and soon MSPs will be asked by their client to honor the pricing that Matterport is paying you.)

When Uber started out, they only offered rides form limo drivers. Eventually, Uber offered service from all drivers; thus, competing with those it said it would originally help.




Screen grab of the Matterport landing page for its Matterport Register Now link in the eBlast above


Body Text of eBlast

Last November, we announced that we were working with fellow MSPs and customers across industries to explore more efficient ways to support the growth we foresaw for scanning services. At that time, we projected that the demand for high-fidelity, professional scans would continue to rise among businesses and consumers in 2020.

The COVID-19 outbreak has accelerated the rollout of this new program to meet the urgent need for Matterport 3D scans from enterprise customers with regional or national reach.

We’re excited to tell you all about the new scan services program and answer any questions you will most certainly have.

Please join us on Thursday, Apr 16 from 8:00 - 9:00 am PST / 11:00 - Noon EST / 3:00 - 4:00 pm GMT.

We look forward to seeing you on the 16th to share the opportunities ahead of us.


eMail confirmation for attending this event
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