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I am a Matterporter in a state with a stay at home order; Am I essential?11333

photosintheround private msg quote post Address this user

I live in a state with a stay at home order....but.... Real Estate is considered critical. They have listed appraisers, inspectors, closing agents, and title companies as essential/critical.

Photos/Matterports are very important right now, under the circumstances. Just not sure if they are legally "essential" since Realtors can, technically, do them without a professional photographer.

One of my clients thinks that this is the exact time that you NEED professional help.

Any thoughts from others in states with similar restrictions?


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coulee360 private msg quote post Address this user
In Wisconsin we are in stay at home with Real Estate and real estate services considered essential. Along with appraisers, inspectors, etc. According the the Wisconsin Realtors Association Real Estate Photographers, Virtual Tour Providers aren't included but we aren't excluded either. We are in a gray area.

Until told otherwise, I'm still going out as I'm getting contacted by agents almost daily.

I would try to check with your states Realtors Association or local association for guidance.
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DouglasMeyers private msg quote post Address this user
They are 100% right. Any cop who pulls you over and does not understand that we are helping the situation by keeping people at home and viewing other homes from their stay at home ordered home (you get it...) Ask that cop if he wants his parents at home safe viewing a home that is closer to him and his kids that they are going to be taking care of one day soon and lets see what his answer is to that.
Go out there and get that business and just be safe.
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
Until such time as Marshall Law is declared, I am not concerned over any sort of scrutiny by local police enforcing any sort of "Stay At Home" request. And, were I you (regardless of the State where you live and work), I wouldn't sweat it.

According to a local Realtor Board, media providers for listings, are considered essential. So is picking up take-out at nearly every restaurant within a 100 mile radius of where I live.
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pixelray private msg quote post Address this user
It's amazing what it took to get people to embrace this technology! Wonder if they will continue to do these tours when all this is over??? Who's taking bets?!?!
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fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
I guess I view things a bit differently. I am in a stay at home state. As our governor told us, "don't try to skirt the law". My virtual tour is not essential right now. I would like to see some stats on how many people are even thinking of buying a home during this pandemic. More than that though, I feel it would irresponsible of me to go into somebody's home, possibly be asymptomatic but still spreading the virus. They are finding the virus lives on different materials for different lengths of time. I put my coat on a chair and I spread it to a chair. The same goes for the owner or whoever has been in the house recently could have left germs for me. I see more and more people dying. I have a granddaughter this is possibly positive but they are so far behind on testing, she won't know for a week.

The more we stay at home, the quicker we can get this over with but there are always the people that say "they don't mean me!" YES, they mean you. It's my opinion that the virus and people dying take precedent over photographing a house at this time. No photographer is worth possibly giving someone a death sentence.

My son is a firefighter and first responder. You get in an accident on the way your “safe” shoot. You are carrying the virus. His job is to save you not worry if he will catch a virus. He catches the virus from you and saves your life. Yup, you are essential.
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BrokerBruce private msg quote post Address this user
Fotoguy I have to agree with you. People aren't taking this seriously. On one of our local Realtor Facebook Groups one made the comment he did 10 shoots last week. Our MLS has been averaging 150 new listings a day. Take a friggin time out and save some lives! The dollar isn't the important thing.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by pixelray
It's amazing what it took to get people to embrace this technology! Wonder if they will continue to do these tours when all this is over??? Who's taking bets?!?!

If you put some effort to teach these agents how they can get more vendors by offering it I am sure many will keep using them. They should at least see from this "COVID-19" situation that tours will give them more time, more buyers and better price results.

The only thing that is missing without education from your side how they can overcome a problem of a dried up list of leads of all who come to inspect it after a tour.

I have stanning statistic from one tour I did a few month ago. The house was old deceased estate. The tour for it had 2700 impressions, 550 visitors and 450 unique ones. It is about 5 times more than any real open home will collect over 8-12 open homes inspections running once a week for 3 months.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by fotoguy
The more we stay at home, the quicker we can get this over with but there are always the people that say "they don't mean me!" YES, they mean you. It's my opinion that the virus and people dying take precedent over photographing a house at this time. No photographer is worth possibly giving someone a death sentence.

I agree with you 100%, nobody should think they can get out because of... However I cannot afford to stay home because I am the only income generator for a family of 5.
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
I must have mentioned that we have not been banned for providing our services or issued stay home always order for now, it is mostly a recommendation.

But if we do I have no idea how we are going to survive.
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