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'COVID19' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Redfin: Nearly 40% Fewer Homes For Sale Now Than Pre-Pandemic DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Redfin Media Release --- Redfin Redfin Redfin Reports There Are Nearly 40% Fewer Homes For Sale Now Than Pre-Pandemic Inventory has posted its biggest decline in over a year, with homeowners hanging onto their comparatively low mortgage...
Video: Matterport Meets Architects Meets AEC Meets Healthcare DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Matterport: The Silver Lining of the Pandemic & Beyond | Video courtesy of JPT Architects, P.C. YouTube Channel | 3 May 2022 From the JPT Architects, P.C. YouTube Channel The Built Environment has recently become more accessible, collaborative and interactive than ever before with Reality Capture Technology in Matterport. Matterport is a powerful 3D mapping tool that scans a space and then...
Two Years Later: How the Pandemic Has Rocked the U.S. Housing Market DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The non-branded PSD version - to add your branding - is available free to WGAN Fan Club, WGAN Basic, WGAN Standard and WGAN Premium...
Stats: Two Years Later: How the Pandemic Has Rocked the U.S. Housing Market DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Your thoughts? Dan -- Want to post the above to social media - but without the WGAN branding? The non-branded PNG version is available - free - in the WGAN Sample Forms Library for WGAN Forum Members. The PSD version - to add your branding - is available free to WGAN Fan Club, WGAN Basic, ...
MP: Jellis Craig Leases 80 properties sight-unseen during a 3-month period DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): JellisCraig040721B | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 20 October 2021
How to Create Free Digital eGift Cards: Get Fees Waived on 1st $1,000 Sales DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Getting started with eGift Cards | Video courtesy of Square YouTube Channel | 19 August 2021
COVID-19's effect on virtual tours? ysabelc 2 4 yearsysabelc (168): We've had 51 responses from all over the world so far, thanks everyone! And the results have been really interesting. Some of it I was expecting, some of it's surprising to me. For example, it seems virtual tour makers in North America had an easier time on average than those in Europe during the pandemic, especially when it comes to getting new clients. At least based on the results we've had so far. ...
Home Prices Rose Twice as Fast in Car-Dependent Areas During Pandemic DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Media Release --- Redfin Home Prices Rose Twice as Fast in Car-Dependent Neighborhoods as Transit-Accessible Areas During the Pandemic Home prices in car-dependent areas are up 33% since before the pandemic versus 16% for transit-accessible neighborhoods, reflecting the rise in remote work and the declining importance of proximity to public...
COVID-19: Examples of eBlasts/Newsletters from Real Estate Agents DanSmigrod 9 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647):
Redfin: 63% - Record-high portion of homebuyers making offers sight-unseen DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Elite Agent (12 April 2021) Two-thirds of US homebuyers purchasing properties sight unseen, according to survey
Zillow:1 11% of Americans say they have already moved in the past year DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Well, I will say this much. I moved during the pandemic and sold the house that I had lived in for a long time. I found that high quality images and a Zillow 3D home tour were really useful in selling my home. At that time, Zillow 3D home did not provide floor plans and a matterport was also created. I believe that the floor plan was also helpful in attracting buyers.
Has the pandemic helped or hindered your Matterport trade? sandhun 5 4 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): At the beginning of the pandemic our business exploded. Since then we have been at higher levels since the pandemic but the demand has normalized quite a bit.
15 of 88 Offers for this Washington, DC house were sight unseen DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsAxis360Media (325): This is the paragraph I can’t help but notice. “The buyer, she said, is an investor who is likely to renovate and resell at an even higher price.” So this clearly indicates to me this sale, and many others will simply exacerbate our already overinflated housing bubble. It won’t end well for some of these investors. Worse I pity the fools rushing to buy overpriced properties with maybe their life savings.
CNN: 'It's crazy. There is no inventory.' DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV Live at 5: 7 Reasons Real Estate Agents Buy Virtual Tours with REALTOR® Brandon Doyle (@DoyleRealtor) Brandon is Team Leader at Doyle Real Estate Team with RE/MAX Results in Maple, Grove, Minnesota. | Thursday, 18 February 2021 @Dunetop For marketing tips: ✓ When there is low inventory ✓ When the house will sell anyway Please see: ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV 74 Reasons Real Estate Agents Buy Virtual Tours Dan
Matterport Video: How can retail evolve in a virtual world? DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): courtesy of Leica Geosystems courtesy of NavVis @Gerhard Thank you for your insight. My impression is that Matterport lacks capture solutions for retail stores (large spaces) such...
Google Street View (GSV) for business? AerialWayz 12 4 yearsAerialWayz (81): @Wingman, Thanks for the info.
Inman How the pandemic made us better, faster and more efficient DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (24 February 2021) How the pandemic made us better, faster and more efficient Despite all the negatives, last year did bring about rapid change that has benefited us in more ways than one. Here are the tech advancements, business practices and cultural shifts that should stay post-pandemic --- Free 90 day trial of Inman with this WGAN Affiliate Code
'Vaccine Likely to Add More Buyers/Sellers to Red Hot Real Estate Market' DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsMarkJohn (56): Not sure where you get a 99.7% survival rate from....most of the 120K deaths in the UK are in the older age groups. So a blanket figure like 99.7% is a dangerous read for anyone older..... You may want to talk to my cousin who is an anaesthetist in the UK National Health Service (i.e. free medical system) whose been fighting Covid in one of the local hospitals here since March 2020. I guarantee she'll tell you the opposite.... No vaccine is...
Question of the Day: What's it like re-inventing yourself due to COVID? DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsHome3D (4213): I recall once reading that the average American will have five careers, meaning significantly different job pursuits, in his/her lifetime. If that's still accurate, I have two more to go after this one in 3D/360. But I'm having a lot of fun, pushing boundaries and doing what I can to bring new forms of marketing to clients. when I'm presented with an interesting site to promote, I look for an opportunity to showcase it in some way I've never...
28% of USA wants to move to other USA City: Will your Market Gain/Lose? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Media Release --- Grab: Chart courtesy of Redfin Grab: Chart courtesy of Redfin --- To read the full report, please visit:...
Matterport Blog: Is sight unseen the future of selling homes? DanSmigrod 5 4 yearssandhun (112): An estate agent I have a good relationship with said the following: "property sells by a physical inspection, and sometimes less is more, as why view if they have seen everything already?" Having said that, he was impressed by the technology. Also, the following comment from the Redfin post makes a lot of sense. "Homebuyers who are searching for a home out of town and don't have the time or ability to view the home in...
Question of the Day: What one new thing are you learning during COVID? DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @HarlanHambright @Chemistrydoc @VTLV I was actually expecting something like - learn how to use a new camera, platform or 3rd party tool - but that's okay. :cool: Dan
Out-of-State Buyers via Matterport: Not In-Person Visit Says Broker DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsDeano (158): @home3d, that is a really nice interface/website. Is that a custom site you developed or is it some sort of plugin that creates property websites? Very nice work!
How is the COVID-19 lockdown affecting you in the United Kingdom? DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsMarkJohn (56): Hi Dan Technically the property market is still open for viewings in limited circumstances. But its too early to tell about demand from buyers. Obviously most people have other priorities at this point in time. It was great to see family (carefully in limited numbers for a limited over Christmas) but cases will probably continue to rise for a couple more weeks before dropping back (hopefully) due to the new lockdown kicking in. At least...
10 Tips for Running a Matterport Service Provider Business Amidst COVID-19 DanSmigrod 10 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @andriystrebkov Thank you for sharing your real estate photography meets COVID post with the WGAN Community. Dan
Free PPA Webinar: COVID PPP Relief for Photographers Tuesday, 5 Jan '20 DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): of eBlast received from Professional Photographers of America Wednesday (30 December 2020) night. Free PPA Webinar: COVID PPP Relief for Photographers Tuesday, 5 Jan '20 Hi All, Needs some economic relief? Professional Photographers of America (PPA) has a free webinar 4 pm ET this Tuesday, 5 January 2020 for...
Matterport Case Study: COVID Motivates Broker to create Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsron0987 (3499): Sales are still to hot in my area for agent to worry about 3d tours or pro photos I am am getting fewer calls from agents. I am focusing on builders or apartments that need to host a virtual platform.
Zillow: 46 Percent of renters wish more listings offered Virtual Tours DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Media Release --- Zillow Predicts Stronger Housing Market Across the Board in 2021 Continued frenzied demand, economic recovery and tech adoption expected to bring biggest annual home sales growth since 1983 SEATTLE, Dec. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The for-sale housing market showed incredible strength in 2020, and Zillow® predicts 2021 will be even stronger. Demand continues to grow, and is expected to surge in the cities as...
72% of Zillow Premier Agents expect to continue using these VTs after COVID DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Media Release --- Zillow Predicts Stronger Housing Market Across the Board in 2021 Continued frenzied demand, economic recovery and tech adoption expected to bring biggest annual home sales growth since 1983 SEATTLE, Dec. 21, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- The for-sale housing market showed incredible strength in 2020, and Zillow® predicts 2021 will be even stronger. Demand continues to grow, and is expected to surge in the cities as...
Brad Inman on the impact of COVID-19 on Home Searching/Buying are Changing DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, During Inman Connect Now this morning (Thursday, 17 December 2020), Inman Founder Brad Inman said: And we now know it is real, as people aspire to find and live in new locations, and now they have the freedom to do so. But home search is changing as a consequence. People aren't just looking at pretty houses, they're looking for new towns, new counties, new regions, new states, and even new countries. Working from home has...
WGAN Forum Member Newsletter of the Week: Kevin Dole with DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsVTLV (2922): Love it. Still trying to wrap my head around how Kevin pulls off 3D mapping in a budget friendly way.
University of Manchester (UK) Using Matterport for museums, galleries and.. DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Museum is the United Kingdom's leading university museum (part of The University of Manchester). Matterport scan by: Apollo3D University of Manchester (UK) Using Matterport for museums, galleries and cultural and heritage sites The University of Manchester (1 December 2020) 3D scanning technology brings...
Question of the Day: What COVID-19 precautions do you take on your shoots? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Wednesday, 2 December 2020: What COVID-19 precautions do you take on your shoots? Your thoughts? Dan P.S. This WGAN Question of the Day is inspired by the following in this WGAN Forum discussion:
Senior Care Authority Says Virtual Tours are Key to Families Seeking Care DanSmigrod 8 4 yearsrichardbollands (33): @3dshowcaseuk cracking job fella!
Video: Matterport for Residential Real Estate DanSmigrod 10 4 yearsWingman (4435): The subtitles were the hardest thing to do. I used some screen capture app that allows to do them after screen recording but realised there is no much I can do about the text size. I gave up and used Filmora to assemble, put music and make the subtitles. And even Filmora is quite easy to use their text features are a bit weird. Some text effects come with extensive customization options but some and this includes the subtitles have very limited...
Transcript: WGAN-TV Virtual Tour Super-Heroes at Your Service DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): (Continued ...) What precautions do you need to take? But obviously also trying to keep that in mind as you're developing some of these important, new expectations within this environment. - I don't know if you saw the show, but we did a Town Hall with a number of Matterport Service Providers. Was that part of your research or not? Did you happen to see that show? - It wasn't part of the analysis, but I do remember the show, yes. -...
WGAN-TV Live at 5: Virtual Tour Super-Heroes at Your Service, and ... DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): 85-WGAN-TV Virtual Tour Super-Heroes at Your Service: How Business communities Inspire Creativity to Mitigate Crisis with Texas Tech University Marketing PH.D. Candidate Kelley Cours Anderson, M.S. | Wednesday, 18 November 2020 Hi All, Thanks to Texas Tech University Marketing PH.D. Candidate Kelley Cours Anderson (@kcoursa), M.S. for being my guest on the show. Kelley is a WGAN Honorary Super-Hero for conducting research that has lead to...
Discontinuing 3D scanning after 4 years JohnLoser 4 4 yearsandreabortolot (199): Very sad to hear that! I wish to you and your wife all the best. Andrea
LCP360: 9 Virtual Tour Statistics You Need to Know DanSmigrod 3 4 yearswishing_well (74): I am surprised that Matterport's most recent public market research is dated 2017. This is the only professionally/socially validated research I can find shared by Matterport. Matterport marketing statistics I think it's a real shame Matterport don't distribute a few soundbite stats and keep them up to date every year as it's compelling information needed for customers coming to the technology for the first time. The stats I'm looking for...
71% of Forum Members see an increase in Virtual Tours as a result of COVID DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsHome3D (4213): To me, the surprising part of your survey is that 67% increased the marketing of their services. I should do that, but I've been afraid to do more marketing because I haven't the hours to handle more work. Since the beginning of 2020 I've done no marketing at all, and business is up a lot anyway. Mind you, I'm not proud of this, just the reality. Covid brought virtual tour awareness to the general public. Hmm, interesting. The virus...
UK: EG Propertylink Listings to use Matterport Capture Services Program DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, If you are a Matterport Service Provider in the United Kingdom, do you have thoughts about EG Propertylink listing service using the Matterport Capture Services™ Program? Dan
Nearly 8 in 10 Home Buyers are Taking More 3D Home Tours During COVID-19 DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsGlennTremain (2953): These are the stats we all need thanks Dan :-)
COVID-19: Examples of eBlasts/Newsletters from Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 23 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): received Monday, 2 November 2020
Question of the Day>Listing sold via Matterport: without an in-person tour? DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsSkeeter (452): Nice Job! Mahalo!
WGAN Member Receives Media Coverage for Matterport 3D Tour of an Art Museum DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): tour courtesy of Justin Parr, San Antonio, TX San Antonio Current (2 October 2020) FL!GHT Gallery debuts 3D virtual tour for its latest exhibition, 'Tell Me It Haunts You Too' "The Matterport tour immerses the viewer into a seamless recreation of FL!GHT's Blue Star space, which can be navigated by click, much like Google StreetView. Visitors can access details about the artworks...
iGUIDE Virtual Showing for "Virtual Open Houses" andriystrebkov 3 4 yearsandriystrebkov (143): @home01 , absolutely, I just sent you a private message, we can definitely help you with it! Thank you, Andriy
Got clients that would like Video Chat on Steroids within Matterport Tours? DanSmigrod 4 4 yearsAgentRelay (52): Just a follow up on my post above, if any MSP wants to see AgentRelay in action or wishes to discuss how we can help grow their scans per client/make opening doors to new clients easier, please book in a Zoom call here: AgentRelay helps move Matterport from marketing to a day-to-day operational tool for managing initial agent-accompanied viewings, which should result in higher scanning...
Matterport Service Provider Remark Visions Featured on Boston TV Station DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab to LinkedIn post Hi All, Boston-based @KoaWare sister company, Remark Visions, is featured in this WCVB-TV news report (starting at 2:56) on house hunting during the pandemic. Congrats Alex @KoaWare and his Remark Visions team! What are you doing to get your MSP biz covered by local TV news about how...
One thing that you have innovated in your business as a result of COVID-19? DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsfotoguy (835): Do you have an example of your work? Sounds fascinating.
WSJ: "Millennials Help Power This Year’s Housing-Market Rebound" DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): The Wall Street Journal (27 August 2020) Millennials Help Power This Year’s Housing-Market Rebound "Millennials reached a housing milestone early last year when the group first accounted for more than half of all new home loans, and they consistently held above that level in the first months of this year, the most recent period for which data are available, according to The generation made up 38% of home buyers in the...
"House Tours Go Virtual and May Never Go Back" DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): The East Hampton Star (26 August 2020) House Tours Go Virtual and May Never Go Back '"Virtual tours are essential today," said Kim Hovey of the Hovey and Ritchey Team at Compass. "To be able to have access to a property at any time is key." Her team uses virtual tours for every house now," reports The East Hampton Star. '"The market for these tours may extend well beyond the coronavirus era, and they have...
Real Estate Agents Finding Sellers by Emphasizing Virtual Marketing (You!) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, COVID-19 has caused a shortage of homes for sale, according to this Inman article. For real estate agents to find more sellers, then need to emphasize their virtual marketing services. (That's you!!!!) Knowing that finding home sellers is a pain point for real estate agents during the pandemic, are you encouraging agents to emphasize their virtual marketing services? (That's you!!!) For more on this topic, please see...
"Zillow president: Digital real estate experience isn't a flash in the pan" DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDataventurer (521): Dan, I jumped on your offer here of a free 90-day trial of Inman! I did a quick "3D" search and found several articles with juicy quotes about the trend in the market. Thank you for providing this valuable perk for your members!
"Housing market skirts coronavirus crisis as sellers use 3D virtual tours" DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): CNBC (9 August 2020) Housing market skirts coronavirus crisis as sellers use 3D virtual tours to find eager buyers "While shelter-in-place orders shut down much of the economy, realtors stepped up their use of 3D virtual tours to sell houses," reports CNBC. "During the pandemic, Matterport has rapidly transitioned from being a niche product used by big budget groups in commercial and residential real estate to a standard...
NAR:35% of Realtors say sellers using virtual tours to help sell their home DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grabs courtesy of: 2020 NAR Flash Survey: Economic Pulse | May 16-18, 2020 National Association of Realtors (NAR) (May 2020) NAR Flash Survey: Economic Pulse Hi All, Are you using this statistic...
Redfin Video Targeting Home Sellers Include Matterport Open House 3D Tour DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Sell With a Local Redfin Agent for a Low Listing Fee | Video courtesy of Redfin YouTube Channel | 29 March 2020 Hi All, Redfin commercial (above) includes Matterport (without saying Matterport). From the Redfin YouTube Channel: "Your local Redfin real estate agent will price your home right, so you sell for more than the one next door. And because Redfin is America’s #1 brokerage site, we...
Median Home Price in USA is $311,300, up 2.8% from 2019, says Redfin DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsVTLV (2922): Available Inventory Down. Interest Rates Down. AirBnB Rentals Down. Need for larger space for home office Up. Baby Boomer retiring and downsizing Up. Number of Homeowners and Renters behind on Mortgage = ???? Save your Money :(|)
Question of the Day: Your best practices for scanning during COVID-19? DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @rzphotoman Any best practices to add to this discussion? Best, Dan
Idea: Custom Face Masks with your brand? (Or, your clients' brand?) DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @rzphotoman I noticed this (above) in a related WGAN Forum discussion. Branding? Dan
Question of the Day: Has COVID increased your Matterport 3D Tour Revenue? DanSmigrod 16 5 yearshomefinders3d (349): @rzphotoman Your package includes a video walk-through. Is the video a screen recording of the MP generated walk-through or an actual video walk-through shot by you? Also can you give an idea of your package pricing? Even a PM would be appreciated, if you don't want to share publicly. I am considering a package that includes a drone shot, walk-through and 8 or 10 DSLR shots. Thanks Bill
Scans and COVID: Are you asking? briangreul 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @briangreul Thank you for starting this discussion. @mib94 @fotoguy @MarkJohn Thanks for sharing ... Hi All, What pre-cautions are you taking? Dan
CNBC: "32% of U.S. households missed their July housing payments" DanSmigrod 11 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): are you as a WGAN Matterport and 3D provider just pushing a button and delivering or are you teaching your agents and business owners how to use what you made them to the fullest so they are seen as the progressive marketer, innovative and the virtual real estate real estate agent. You are getting boatloads of business but are using this time where you have their attention to lock them...
Video: Matterport Digital Twin Meets Commercial Construction During COVID19 DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @johnwheatley Thanks for asking. If you are interested in construction documentation, I highly recommend that you watch these three WGAN-TV Live at 5 shows: ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV How Matterport Pros can $$$$$ Scanning for "As-Builts" ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV-How to Make Money with Weekly Construction Documentation ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV Matterport Digital Twins for Facilities Management ✓ WGAN Forum Discussions Tagged: ...
COVID-19 Epidemic: Matterport Virtual Tours Enable a New Age of Real Estate DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): PropTech Consulting LinkedIn post Commercial Observer (6 July 2020) In the Wake of the COVID-19 Epidemic, Matterport Virtual Tours Enable a New Age of Real Estate
Question of the Day: Are Physical Open Houses happening now in your city? DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsWingman (4435): Things are back to normal for real estate at least in Queensland, Australia. Open houses are back with a restriction to have no more than 10 people at a time in a property.
7 emerging real estate trends in the new normal (affected Matterport Pros) DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsdave3d (527): I've spoken to some folks from the New York area who said there was a lot of movement out of the city going on. I imagine this might have some demographic tie as some groups (millennials?) won't give up city living when their morbidity rates aren't significant. A lot of other inner city factors at work right now too. I'd think there may be a financial impact felt unevenly across income groups with lower income folks hit hardest (fewer first...
Chart: Pandemic Effect on Worldwide Residential Real Estate Sales DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Riding the Surge: Navigating Real Estate's Upheaval | Video courtesy of Mike DelPrete YouTube Channel | 15 June 2020 Hi All, Mike DelPrete gives an excellent overview of residential real estate during the pandemic and discusses virtual tours. From the Mike DelPrete YouTube Channel: Mike DelPrete presents clear insights and the smart strategies needed to navigate the massive changes occurring in real...
News Report: International And U.S. Markets See 50-75% Drop In New Listings DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Riding the Surge: Navigating Real Estate's Upheaval | Video courtesy of Mike DelPrete YouTube Channel | 15 June 2020 Hi All, Mike DelPrete gives an excellent overview of residential real estate during the pandemic and discusses virtual tours. From the Mike DelPrete YouTube Channel: Mike DelPrete presents clear insights and the smart strategies needed to navigate the massive changes occurring in real...
Inman: Why people are renting apartments by the hour>New 3D Tour Use Case? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsbriangreul (684): I thought motels were what people rented by the hour?
Inman: Real Estate Agents Pivoting/Adopting Virtual Tours powered by COVID DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Here's a discussion during Inman Connect Now online conference today (3 June 2020) related to virtual tours and related. I highlighted in case you want to skim. Dan Transcript Wendy Forsythe, Chief Brand Officer, Fathom Realty, Orange County CA Many trends that we've talked about here on the Inman stages across the country for a long time. And those are things like virtual tours, never had they been more important...
Compass CEO: Home Sellers are Asking, "How can you show it virtually?" DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Compass CEO: Home Sellers are Asking, "How can you show it virtually?" Hi All, "... clients are asking more than ever before, " How can you sell my home virtually? How can you market it virtually? How can you show it virtually? Thousands of people can see my home without having to actually put their feet in my home," said Compass CEO Robert Reffkin at Inman Connect Now online conference now today (Wednesday, 3...
Pay-Per-View service over Matterport 3D Virtual Tours now available! HomePlanNZ 13 5 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): Great news - we're now in our final stage of testing for version 2 of our Matterport Pay-Per-View (PPV) service. This version supports multiple currencies (any), the purchase of multiple e-tickets in one transaction, and a 'free demo' setup option that 3D Technicians can use to demonstrate the possibilities to venue hosts. Coming really, really soon!
13% of CA REALTORS put a contract on home without buyer actually seeing it DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsdenlee (208): Let's see what percentage of those transactions close before declaring virtual tour victory.
Brad Inman: Pandemic Ignites "Digital Spring" for Technology Transformation DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): courtesy of Inman Connect Now Brad Inman: Pandemic Ignites "Digital Spring" for Technology Transformation Hi All, The pandemic has ignited a "Digital Spring" for technology transformation - "probably more in two months than two years - said Inman Founder Brad Inman at Inman Connect...
Matterport Pro2 Camera Delivery time is 4-6 Weeks (as of 22 May 2020) DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, If you have recently purchased a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera, can you post here: 1. Date purchased 2. Date promised Thanks, Dan
Inman: Brad Inman Daily Dispatch - Emily Chenevert extols virtual tours DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): "In this Daily Dispatch, Brad is joined by Emily Chenevert, CEO of Austin Board of Realtors. This veteran of the Inman stage and Inman contributor extols the virtues of virtual real estate tours. It’s important right now to make the best virtual tour possible, she says, because so much business will be conducted...
Coronavirus Has Some Buyers Purchasing Homes Without Setting Foot Inside DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @DanSmigrod Makes sense. After-all, any buyer has at least 5 ways to cancel the contract and get their earnest money returned. So, get under contract to tie the property up, do your due dil and inspections, decide for sure you wish to proceed with the purchase. Everyone's happy!
Inman: 48% of homeowners halted selling plans due to COVID-19 in April DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (12 May 2020) 48% of homeowners halted selling plans due to COVID-19 in April [2020] --- "According to a Clever Real Estate survey of 2,000 Americans, 91 percent of owners and 97 percent of buyers in April either paused, canceled, or adjusted their buying and selling plans due to coronavirus," reports Inman. " A quarter of homeowners decided to cancel their selling plans for ‘the foreseeable future,’ a...
Inman: 8 tips for virtually prepping a home for sale DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (10 May 2020) 8 tips for virtually prepping a home for sale "8. Besides photos, consider video, aerial and 3D In today’s market, many buyers are making decisions from afar. The more options you use to showcase the property virtually from all angles, the better chance the property has to sell faster and for top dollar. This is why the way sellers prep their homes matters now more than ever," reports Inman. Save $20...
Inman: Redfin is furloughing 41% of its real estate agents DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (7 May 2020) Redfin brings back 14% of furloughed employees
Inman: Airbnb to layoff almost 1,900 people amid coronavirus struggles DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsGETMYVR (1941): The Founder of Airbnb is worth $4 billion, let's see who helps who. he could give every one of those employees $500,000 each and still have $3 billion left. Make me a billionaire and I'll show you how well I will take care of my employees.
Question of the Day: Sheltering in Place? Re-Open or Wait? DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsfotoguy (835): We are re-starting as of today. The reason for starting today is the Michigan governor is allowing garden centers, motorboating, landscapers, and a few other industries to re-open. Since I never expect her to say "real estate photography can now be done", I have to use my common sense. We don't fall under realtor status. So, again, my common sense tells me if people can go to garden centers than one photographer going into a home is...
Sell 3D marketing as tool top get buyers first to offer technology GlennTremain 1 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): this guy brought up a good point about using 3D to help get clients to the hot properties first during bad weather but because of COVID its a great hook to pitch to your agents because while buyers want to buy its the properties they can walk through now that will get an offer sooner
Ways to Grow Your Real Estate Photography Business Amid Corona Crisis andriystrebkov 6 5 yearsjacobpmac (68): @andriystrebkov I started my business in the midst of all this pandemonium.
Inman: Redfin launches self-guided tours for vacant properties DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsGETMYVR (1941): I hate to say it Dan. I really do. The more I see how websites and virtual tours ALONE sell the sizzle of real estate without an agent, the more I know the only reason people visit a listing in person or do a drive-by is to validate what they already saw online. The reason most listings do not sell is the price. Once price is right, anyone can sell it, such as an agent agostic website & virtual tour, sans the Realtor(R). Thus I can...
SPAR3D: Haunting 3D scans capture empty New York landmarks DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): COVID-19 Grand Central New York - NavVis M6 Point Cloud Fly-thru | Video courtesy of Mark K. YouTube Channel (20 April 2020) | 20 minute M6 scan capturing the iconic Grand Central Station main terminal in New York City during the Corona Virus Pandemic. Typically almost 1 million people visits this building a day... Barely any people were in the building during the time scan took place. Crisp fly-thru video was...
Inman: Compass cuts salaries 10 percent to 50 percent and admin staff hours DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (22 April 2020) Compass cuts salaries and admin staff hours - The move comes at the same time the company continues to add new agents, even during a market slowdown "Compass is cutting staff salaries after laying off roughly 15 percent of its staff, The Real Deal first reported Wednesday. The decisions to reduce salaries comes at the same time the company continues to add new agents, even during a market slowdown," reports...
COVID19 and Matterport Editing OneFineDay 5 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): not a problem
Received this morning: "You will be reported to [CO] state officials." pixelray 15 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Just saw Gov Polis' press conference. Looks like the order will end on the 27th, BUT, restaurants will remain as it is now. Looks like other businesses, like haircuts, will open with specific restrictions. Regarding real estate, 1 on 1 showing will begin again, but, no open-houses. In addition, some counties, including mine, have requested to use their own discretion to make the rules. a week, it looks like we will be able to go...
What happens when things return to normal? JCHAFE 6 5 yearsWingman (4435): BTW, I have forgotten to say that Matterport seems to start putting money in online advertisement. They are beating me with their paid ad on Google Search.
How The Coronavirus Craze Will Change The Real Estate Market Forever andriystrebkov 5 5 yearsBrokerBruce (281): I've been looking hard at going to the Richo Theta V1. Much quicker scans than he Matterport set up. Take a look at EyeSpy 360 which has some examples with the newer cameras. Their tours have some features that definitely up the game in the 360 / 3D world.Check out the post on this site about the Best Cameras for 2020.
Question of the Day: Phone ringing off the hook to order Matterport Tours? DanSmigrod 16 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): I am confused about which videos. Can you ask a different way? Thanks, Dan
Inman: bid for the property entirely from virtual tours DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsBrokerBruce (281): It works. One of my listings sold to an out of town buyer last spring. Solely on my Matterport tour. The first time they set foot in the home was at the walkthrough about an hour before closing.
Professional Photographers of America (PPA) COVID-19 Resource Web Page DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab: Professional Photographers of America (PPA) COVID-19 Resource Web Page Hi All, ✓ Professional Photographers of America (PPA) COVID-19 Resource Web Page Includes: ✓ Government Assistance Update ✓ Government Assistance ✓ Webinars and Resources ✓ Free Photography Education Dan
Video: Real Estate Photography and the Pandemic DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Real Estate Photography and the Pandemic | Video courtesy of Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel (12 April 2020) From the Nathan Cool Photo YouTube Channel: What's changing, how to stay safe, and what lies ahead in emerging and shifting markets. Here are some other essential links ... ✓ U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Advisory Memorandum on Identification of Essential Critical Infrastructure...
Property24: Should you be hosting virtual show houses during Lockdown? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Property24 (1 April 2020) Should you be hosting virtual show houses during Lockdown? What the experts suggest "Antonie Goosen, Founder and Managing Director of Meridian Realty agrees saying, “We live in the digital age, and it is incredible what can be done these days through online systems and platforms. Use it! This may just be a game-changer during the pandemic,'" reports Property24. "While a virtual open house solves...
Newsday: LI agents offer virtual tours to replace open houses amid COVID-19 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Newsday (20 March 2020) Long Island agents offer virtual tours to replace open houses amid coronavirus "How do you sell real estate in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic when people are advised to stay home and keep a safe distance from others? Some realtors have a solution — the virtual tour," reports Newsday. "At Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty, brokers can create 3-D walk-throughs with Matterport digital...
Inman: Keller Williams on taking virtual open houses from 'novelty to norm' DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (10 April 2020) Keller Williams executive on taking virtual open houses from 'novelty to norm' - Jay Papasan wants to help teach the entire real estate industry best practices on virtual tours and open houses "Jay Papasan, the vice president of learning at Keller Williams remembers a time when virtual home tours were a novelty. Today, with shelter-in-place orders across the country, virtual home tours are becoming the new normal...
REDFIN: 1 in 3 Home Tour Requests Are Now for Video Tours DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): Inman says the ratio was 37% before corona I expect it to be 55% by June
Requests for Matterport Service Providers Increasing Dramatically DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsHarrycayman (439): Hi I hope it changes here once the stay at home is over. No jobs, no calls nothing since March 17 harry
grocery stores virtual tour with mattertags Harrycayman 11 5 yearsinmerso3D (126): @HomePlanNZ I am behind a supermarket customer for a but for simple space. If the sale occurs, and you have not yet done so, I contact you to make a test. Regards.
Apple Video: Creativity goes on DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Creativity goes on | Video courtesy of Apple YouTube Channel (10 April 2020) Hi All, 97 seconds of inspiration from Apple. Be inspired. Stay healthy, Dan
Question of the Day: How are you reinventing your business ...? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsmartel (90): I did a small bike shop in 3-D and posted it on a Facebook group of cyclists. In less than 24 hours over 120 people have viewed the link. then this AM had a call from a guy that's wanting to sell his house on his own and wants 3-D tour!! Also reaching out to small business owners with no website presence and are currently shut down. Lots of interest.
Matterport Service Providers: What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) [Official Video] | Video courtesy of Kelly Clarkson YouTube Channel | 1 November 2011 Matterport Service Providers: What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger Hi All, When 19th century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said – and Pop Star Kelly Clarkson sang – “ What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger,” may have been prophetic...
Fire and Flood Mitigation & Remediation Business Dropped Off with COVID-19? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hello Owner of a Restoration business ( water/mold/etc mitigation and remediation), ✓ Has your restoration business ( water/mold/mitigation/remediation) dropped off as a result of the pandemic? ✓ Do you have one or more Matterport cameras that you would like to keep busy scanning? ✓ Want to scan 24/7 Open House Virtual Tours for real estate agents, but need all back-end stuff done? Find a Matterport Service Provider - in a...
Virtual Open Houses: Are you working with agents to provide this? realeshots 6 5 yearsrealeshots (146): I guess that depends on the rules in your area. Better to have one photographer shoot the home, in order to allow numerous others see the property, than allow people to view homes. Agents and anything RE related are considered essential here in MD.
Examples of How Service Providers Can Work From Home (and Still Make Money) DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, WGAN Forum Related Discussion ✓ List of 3rd Party Services that you can offer without leaving your home Dan
eBlast: How Real Estate Transactions Are Getting Closed During COVID-19 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): eBlast received 8 April 2020 from Cook & James (Attorneys at Law) in Roswell, Georgia Hi All, This eBlast from Roswell, GA-based Cook & James (Attorneys at Law) may be helpful to forward to your real estate agent/broker clients. Your thoughts? Dan
Surviving COVID-19: An Atlanta agent tells her story DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsBrokerBruce (281): Thanks for that Dan. I shared it to our local Mastermind Group.
Inman: New York state clarifies: Home showings should only be virtual DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (3 April 2020) New York state clarifies: Home showings should only be virtual - After confirming that home showings were 'essential business' to New York Realtors on Wednesday, the Empire State Development Corp. clarified on Thursday that home showings should be conducted virtually '“Being an ‘ essential’ industry does not mean business as usual — business can only be conducted if social distancing and other public health...
Example of a Matterport Service Provider Blog Post about the Coronavirus DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Are you the expert - thought-leader - on whether Matterport Service Providers, real estate photographers and/or real estate agents are considered essential in your city or state? How are you keeping your clients and prospects informed about the Coronavirus? ✓ front page news? ✓ snipe across the front page of your website? ✓ new tab to a page ✓ blog post? The following is reprinted with the permission of San...
Question of the Day: how has the Coronavirus affected you? DanSmigrod 8 5 yearsHarrycayman (439): Hi Complete shutdown. Only essential services like grocery, pharmacy and gas stations allowed to open . WE are told to work from home so no scanning at this time Harry
Free! :30 24/7 Open House Real Estate Agent Social Media Marketing Video DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): Here is a new script to go after sellers AND for a broker or team to recruit for real estate agents joining their brokerage. Attn Home Sellers and Real Estate Agents Looking for a broker with progressive and timely marketing solutions... Knowing how to have a virtual open house with the agent live and able to talk to the buyers is crucial. It gives buyers special access and answers to questions without waiting. It also adds value to the...
REJournals: Virtual insanity-Or, how to tour an apartment during a pandemic DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, REJOURNALS (25 March 2020) Virtual insanity: Or, how to tour an apartment during a pandemic "Luxury Living Chicago Realty, for example, offers virtual tours for a number of its assignments, including River City in the South Loop, Wolf Point East in River North and Upshore Chapter in Uptown, among others. According to Aaron Galvin, Luxury Living Chicago’s CEO and founder, approximately 5 percent of their units have...
Redfin: What We’ve Learned So Far Running a Brokerage During a Pandemic DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, WGAN Forum Related Discussion ✓ Redfin Video Targeting Home Sellers Include Matterport Open House 3D Tour Dan
During coronavirus shutdown, real estate is deemed an ‘essential business’ DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsangusnorriss (747): The U.K. property market has been halted and estate agents have all closed. Moving firms cannot take new bookings to haul either. Each country is taking different measures for the same problem. We’ll see in the aftermath what economic choices worked best. I can see scanning as an essential service as it reduces the amount of essential workers who have to travel to a work location (construction, architects etc). I think real estate will also...
It’s taken a pandemic for agents to see value of 3D tours 3dshowcaseuk 3 5 yearsGerhard (1484): @3dshowcaseuk I feel like Pickle Rick 😂😂😂😂
I am a Matterporter in a state with a stay at home order; Am I essential? photosintheround 10 5 yearsWingman (4435): I must have mentioned that we have not been banned for providing our services or issued stay home always order for now, it is mostly a recommendation. But if we do I have no idea how we are going to survive.
PFRE: "Is It Appropriate to Be Prospecting for New Clients at This Time?" DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): You're welcome. Once we get the Virtual INTERACTIVE open house marketing out to your existing clients, posted in your google my business and other social media you and WGAN members that take action from Dan's findings should finally get the tables turned in getting business coming to them. Follow The Posts and use the offers you get here from membership and you will finally be in a great place. If you need help Dan has a lot of people that can...
COVID-19 Meets Matterport: Examples of Social Media Post DanSmigrod Jump to first page35Jump to last page 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647):
Video: Marketing Your Photography Business in a Time of Crisis DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Marketing Your Photography Business in a Time of Crisis | Video courtesy of Focus on Marketing - FREE Marketing for Photographers YouTube Channel (1 April 2020) Hi All, From the Focus on Marketing - FREE Marketing for Photographers YouTube Channel: Over the past week, I've had a lot of Photographers message me on both LinkedIn and Facebook to ask for a bit advice and guidance in dealing with the...
Inman: Compass is launching virtual agent services to keep agents in biz DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsHome3D (4213): Compass has sold itself from the beginning as "the technology real estate brokerage" so this is in keeping with their branding. Time will tell whether this is PR or they're really engaged. The real estate industry is entirely freelancers. Agents make money when escrow closes on a sale, and for the most part agents don't like spending their own money, their commissions, on marketing. If Compass is going to commit corporate funds...
Use this tool to search for all Matterport 24/7 Open Houses in Zip Code? DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsleonherbert (903): @mcuddy cool idea, it works if you use the city name as well, if you want to cast a wider net.
Real Estate Photography Podcasts (and Photography Podcasts)? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsandriystrebkov (143): "Shooting Spaces" and "Full Time Real Estate Photographer" are my personal best choices, something to listen to on my way to the office. I use Spotify for it, I am sure they are available on other major platforms. Would be interested to hear about other ones too!
My Virtual Open House Hack GETMYVR 14 5 yearsWingman (4435): I have checked it today and I actually like it. I do not like their prices though in terms of how many active tours they provide. They seem to follow Matterport example limiting users to 25 tours for $90/month However the good thing for me that they show their price in AUD so it makes it cheaper than Matterport.
Do you see any conspiracy against virtual tours in the following situation Wingman 7 5 yearscarloscardo (68): Wingman, Here's a point to add, FLOOR PLANS ARE IMPORTANT: I did a virtual tour and realized through the tour a dead spot in the master bathroom. IN one home they installed a smaller shower base and decided to frame in the shower wall around that, so there was an additional almost two feet of dead space inside a wall cavity that was easily knocked out to make the shower that much wider! Point is (not trying to preach to the choir) that the...
Inman: Is real estate 'essential'? That's open to debate DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Clearly a gray area when it comes to Matterport, photography, etc. Here in Colorado, Real Estate "transactions" are considered essential. The order specifically mentions some essential services under the LEGAL banner. I am assuming that mean closing agents, title companies, etc. You could argue that photography, etc. is a service provided to an essential business. It's certainly not clear....and I doubt you would get fined or...
For Matterport Service Providers that are Also Real Estate Agents/Brokers DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hello Matterport Service Providers that are Also Real Estate Agents, Please email me your real estate agent newsletter - and Matterport Service Provider newsletter - so that I can post it to the WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ COVID-19: Examples of eBlasts/Newsletters from Real Estate Agents ✓ COVID-19: Examples of eBlasts/Newsletters from Matterport Service Providers My email address: Your...
Question of the Day: Will RE agents embrace Matterport after COVID-19 ends? DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Expertise "Will real estate agents embrace 3D/360 Virtual Tours after the Coronavirus is behind us? Dan
Inman>Ways to digitize every stage of your sales funnel during the pandemic DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Inman (30 March 2020) Ways to digitize every stage of your sales funnel during the pandemic - The coronavirus pandemic is forcing agents to do much more of their previously face-to-face business over a computer. Here are a few novel ways to make it work "If you’re reading this, you surely already know about Matterport, which produces interactive views of homes. The company has also been around for years, but told Inman that...
Working for an exchange of services... Queen_City_3D 7 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): All - Barter can usually be a good thing. Consider though that there are tax implications to barter. We had a barter exchange club here locally - EVERY member ended up getting audited for TY 2018, some having to pay additional tax, penalty and interest. Don't know the particulars beyond that, just be careful and document, document, document. Best, Keith
Stimulus Package Highlights for Real Estate Photographers/Real Estate Agent DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, The following is reprinted with the permission of my trusted colleague, Flemming Business Services Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor Suzette Flemming. Dan --- 30 March 2020 Good Morning, I hope you are well. As an accounting professional, tax preparer, and member of the small business community, I strive to give the most concise and practical list of items for small business owners and/or taxpayers related to the...
A Matterport 3D Tour can save real estate deals trying to close on lockdown GlennTremain 1 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): Post this in your social media and email all agents. I have saved two deals in last 2 weeks because the agent did not know; used my advice and saved the deals. --- Have a deal closing during lockdown but can't find appraisers to go out and measure? If you had a Matterport 3D virtual tour done it automatically gives precise measurements. If you are the buyers agent ask seller agent and it might save the deal ---
EGI: Agents prepare for shift to virtual viewings over coronavirus DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Creating Matterport 3D 24/7 Virtual Open House Tours is a recurring theme all around the globe: ✓ 24 March 2020 - Agents prepare for shift to virtual viewings over coronavirus - Agents have been preparing to conduct property viewings completely virtually, in anticipation of the government-mandated lockdown to prevent the spread of coronavirus. "Firms that have been gearing up for this include agency DeVono Cresa, which...
Chinese Buyers: 11% of international real estate investment in US in 2019 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Barrons (23 March 2020) Virtual Reality’s Role in Global Real Estate Market Expands Due to Coronavirus "Chinese buyers, like other international and domestic buyers, are now relying more than ever on virtual tours. In February, there were about 350,000 virtual tours per day by Chinese real estate agents and buyers, which was about 35 times the amount of virtual tours in January, according to SupChina, a global news site...
If you can choose your spouse online, you can choose your house online Ghagendorf 4 5 yearsandriystrebkov (143): Very true, right on!
California Real Estate declared ‘essential service’ Home3D 2 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): This is straight from CAR (california association of realtors) released yesterday
"What You Need To Know About Expanded Unemployment Benefits For COVID-19" DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Making sense of the Senate's coronavirus stimulus bill for real estate agents
Virtual tours in the time of COVID-19 ysabelc 6 5 yearsysabelc (168): @andriystrebkov Just the silver lining we need during these times :D times of Covid-19... lucadeal 1 5 yearslucadeal (162):
Transcript>WGAN-TV Town Hall-Matterport Service Providers Coping with COVID DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Photography for Real Estate (26 March 2020) POLL: Will The Pandemic Impact Your Terms Of Service? Dan
New MLS Virtual Tour Rules fotoguy 4 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): @Home3D I find myself doing some training with others
Virtual viewings 3dshowcaseuk 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @3dshowcaseuk @GETMYVR WGAN-TV Live at 5 uses Zoom (paid account). I use it frequently for video chats. Please note: ✓ even with a paid Zoom account, if there is no activity for 40 minutes, the Zoom chat stops. ✓ on the free Zoom account, they have been waiving the 40 minute limit Dan
Video: How to Keep Business Going During Coronavirus Lockdown DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): 360 Live Stream: How to Keep Business Going During Coronavirus Lockdown & Best Camera in 2020 | Video courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel | 24 March 2020 Hi All, From the CreatorUp YouTube Channel: Several major cities in the United States and around the world are in complete lockdown. Instead of being defeated, you can use Virtual Reality technology and 360 livestreams to continue operating and...
Video: My wife has Coronavirus! Stop Scanning or you will kill people DanSmigrod 9 5 yearsangusnorriss (747): @Kumar thank you!
WGAN-TV Town Hall: Matterport Service Providers Coping with COVID-19 DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): WGAN-TV Town Hall: Matterport Service Providers Coping with COVID-19 | Coronavirus Hi All, Thank you to these WGAN Forum Members for participating in the WGAN-TV Town Hall: Matterport Service Providers Coping with COVID-19 (above): Kevin Dole @home3d Los Angeles Ross Zanzucchi @RZPhotoMan 3D RoomScapes Grayslake, IL Colin Forte @Hometakes Hometakes W. Palm Beach,...
Question of the Day: Are Matterport Pros "Essential" per Homeland Security? DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsfotoguy (835): I'm afraid not. Michigan goes on lockdown tonight at midnight I can do outside photos and drone photos but not inside. Yes, easy to skirt the rules but the more we all stay home, the faster life will get back to normal.
Question of the Day>Will Open Houses Cease? Replaced by Virtual Open House? DanSmigrod 17 5 yearsGFHoge (162): Here is another recent article. Stay Well.
Script: Pitching Matterport to Real Estate Agents in lieu of Open Houses DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Open thread to view post.
A message from Matterport CEO RJ Pittman about COVID-19 | Coronovirus DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsHome3D (4213): Yes, Matterport should offer free or discounted processing and hosting during the crisis. That would put heart ahead of profits and, by doing so, likely generate more customers and good will to carry forward when the crisis resolves.
How PropTech is helping to keep business going during COVID-19 Outbreak DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Here in an excellent round-up of how Matterport digital twins help empower business transactions during the Coronavirus. Below are some of the highlights. I encourage you to read the entire Matterport blog post here. While no one wants to be exploitive of COVID-19, reminder that you - a Matterport Service Provider - solve a real, immediate problem for real estate agents and their home seller clients (and for home buyers). You are...
Video: How Do I Create Social Media Content during Crisis #COVID19 DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647):
WSJ: Coronavirus is Forcing Real-Estate Agents to Adapt...Sink or Swim? DanSmigrod 9 5 yearsRobRealEstate (15): The "virtual open house" I want to hold is obviously to do our best to expose the property to as many potential buyers as possible under the current circumstances. The interaction would be awesome too.
Matterport Coronavirus (#COVID19) DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab: Matterport website | posted on on Friday 20 March 2020
New York Gov. Cuomo Orders All Workforce in State to Stay Home [Sun 22 Mar] DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Grab: Source: Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering via The Wall Street Journal (20 March 2020) Hi All, The Wall Street Journal (20 March 2020) [New York] Gov. Cuomo Orders All Workforce in State to Stay Home "New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered all nonessential businesses to close and...
Inman: Virus prompts nearly 25% of all sellers to adjust how home is viewed DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, INMAN (12 March 2020) Virus prompts nearly a quarter of all sellers to adjust how home is viewed - A survey released Thursday by the National Association of Realtors indicates sellers are cancelling open houses and requiring interested buyers to wash their hands and remove shoes ----- Keep in mind that this survey was release Thursday, 12 March 2020. Imagine what this percent is likely to be today (Friday 20 March...
INMAN: Bright MLS debuts coronavirus response program DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, Inman (20 March 2020) Bright MLS debuts coronavirus response program "The new program, however, reverses that policy for the time being — meaning that consumers could potentially see much more detailed imagery without first contacting the listing agent. The logic behind the switch is similar to that cited by agents everywhere who are switching to virtual tour options: Social isolation has become the rule during the...
PFRE: 10 Ideas to Be Productive in Your Business During COVID-19 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Photography For Real Estate (PFRE) Blog (19 March 2020) 10 Ideas to Be Productive in Your Business During COVID-19 Social Distancing Hi All, Additional ideas? Dan
Virus causing Matterport call to action GlennTremain 3 5 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): This would be unlikely as it would conflict with their relationship with
Inman: "Need a virtual tour solution now? Here are our top picks" DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsEricTsai (171): Thanks for sharing Dan! We are honored to be featured on Inman again as we continue to ramp up our operation here in the US.
How to connect a Ricoh Theta Z1 to Livestream to Facebook Live? DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, I noticed this question in this WGAN Forum discussion: [/b] Dan
Inman: Redfin cancels open houses due to coronavirus concerns DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Redfin 3D Walkthrough [Matterport] | Video courtesy of Redfin YouTube Channel (10 February 2015) Inman: Redfin cancels open houses due to coronavirus concerns Hi All, Inman (17 March 2020) Redfin cancels open houses due to coronavirus concerns - CEO Glenn Kelman: 'The whole industry has been talking about going virtual for a decade' '“The whole industry has been talking about going virtual for a...
Inman: Agents: It's time to stop holding open houses DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman: Agents: It's time to stop holding open houses Hi All, Inman (18 March 2020) Agents: It's time to stop holding open houses - In response to the recent coronavirus outbreak, brokerages have to do what they can to exercise safety. So, here's why our firm suspended open houses — and why yours should, too "As always, technology is available to partially solve the matter. We should, as tech-savvy professionals, educate our...
Free PPA Webinar: Navigating Unfamiliar Territory & Finding Your Focus DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): from PPA Hi All, Here is the link to get free courses from Professional Photographers of America (PPA). Be safe, Dan
Inman: Northwest MLS halts open houses amid coronavirus crisis DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (17 March 2020) Northwest MLS halts open houses amid coronavirus crisis - The Washington-based multiple listing service has disabled the open house feature in its tech platform, meaning agents won't be able to input, search or view open houses Hi All, "Northwest MLS (NWMLS), a Washington-based multiple listing service that serves more than 30,000 real estate professionals, announced Monday that it was disabling its open house...
Inman: Coronavirus drives adoption of virtual tours (and Video) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Inman (17 March 2020) Coronavirus drives adoption of video tours Hi All, While no one wants to be exploitive of COVID-19, reminder that you - 3D/360 Virtual Tour Service Providers - solve a real, immediate problem for real estate agents and their home seller clients (and for home buyers). You are helping people! “Instead of showing 10 houses in a day,” the agent said, “all you have to do is show them the video. Then if they...
San Francisco "Shelter in Place" Order Stops Matterport Service Providers DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): grab of eBlast received Tuesday, 17 March 2020 Hi All, Are you in a "Shelter in Place" COVID-19 order area? Dan
Facebook offer ad grant for businesses affected GlennTremain 1 5 yearsGlennTremain (2953): Use for you and tell your clients During these unprecedented times, Facebook is allowing small businesses to apply for ad credit grants. This is going to be extremely helpful for some of the hardest hit industries, like restaurants, health and beauty, gyms, etc. If you are in this industry or are an agency that runs ads for these industries, be sure to apply! 👇🏼
Atlanta Agent Mag: What’s the coronavirus effect look like for real estate? DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsWingman (4435): I will share it here if anybody orders it. It is already on my website as a service for COVID-19 Response.
Question of the Day: What COVID-19 MP scanning precautions are you taking? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): @DanSmigrod Hand washing when I arrive at property, wearing booties, being aware of hard surfaces, and hand washing prior to leaving property. There's precious little else to do. KF
Question of the Day: "I wear mask, gloves and booties while Matterporting?" DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): @DanSmigrod Haven't gone that far yet - I always wear disposable booties when I work. Recently, I bring a small duffel bag that has liquid soap (Mrs Meyers Cleaning Day) and paper towels. As soon as I enter the property, I ask to use the washroom and conspicuously wash hands. I think I'll keep the practice even after this crisis passes. Stay safe! Keith
COVID-19 Meets Facilities Managers and Construction Managers DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647):
Matterport jumps on the Coronavirus bus leonherbert 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @leonherbert It's likely that we all agree that Matterport needs to champion creating demand: whether it is VRBO owners, real estate agents or general contractors. Obviously, as Matterport Service Providers, we would prefer that Matterport create the demand with the call-to-action to engage a Pro. On a tactical note, I am super-surprised Matterport would use that geeky, spider-web artwork to (try) to communicate an immersive, walk-around...
EyeSpy360: Corona Virus Contingency Plan and Offer DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsHome3D (4213): Very astute promotion. Our local office of one of the nation’s largest brokerages has just notified its agents to discourage the holding of broker and public open house events for the near future. This technology is what is needed as a safe alternative, which serves everyone - homeowners, agents and potential buyers.
WSJ: "Coronavirus Looms Over Crucial Spring Season for Housing Market" DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsWingman (4435): Similar situation in Australia
"Beam me up, Scotty" in the age of COVID-19 Home3D 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @Home3D A We Get Around banner from 2014 includes the line, " Beam me in, Scotty!" Dan
Question of the Day: How is COVID-19 virus affecting your Matterport biz? DanSmigrod 13 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Open thread to view post.
coronavirus proof marketing GlennTremain 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Glenn, Glad to hear that you out of the hospital. Best, Dan
Why Pitch 24/7 Matterport Digital Twin Open House DanSmigrod 4 5 yearsWingman (4435): I do not think it can stop anybody. People still leave their normal lives going to work, shopping and parks. If it turns into something really ugly so people prefer to stay home nobody will be buying properties.