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Creating Duplicate in Matterport Cloud?11159

MarcelloM private msg quote post Address this user
Is it possible creating Duplicate in Matterport Cloud?
I need to duplicate Space without the need to re-do all Workshop edits like mattertags, start position, snapshots, highlight reel etc. The purpose is having two different spaces edited differently.

One space - the original - will remain as it is, the duplicate will have some different editing and should have a new URL.
If anyone has an idea or is it possible, please let me know!
Thank you!
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
@MarcelloM Not sure which plan you are on, Classic or New, from the standpoint of Matterport Processing costs, but isn't it as simple as re-uploading the captured tour into Workshop, then renaming? At that point, you have 2 spaces, presumably the same prior to editing, until you begin to modify one of them differently.
Post 2 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
It is as simple as @BryanScott mentioned. You can have as many copies as you need. You just have to upload for every copy.
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MarcelloM private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by bryanhscott
@MarcelloM Not sure which plan you are on, Classic or New, from the standpoint of Matterport Processing costs, but isn't it as simple as re-uploading the captured tour into Workshop, then renaming? At that point, you have 2 spaces, presumably the same prior to editing, until you begin to modify one of them differently.

Yes I know Bryan, thank you, but I do NOT want to to re-edit from scratch the new upload (raw) version: I just would to MODIFY the existing one generating a just NEW slightly modified one.
Finally I need to have on-line two different version with two different URL.
Any suggestion?
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Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
Marcello, you can contact MP support. They should be able to create a copy for you.
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bryanhscott private msg quote post Address this user
As @Oboldyrev just pointed out, Matterport Customer Support can and will handle for you. I just confirmed this with Tim at MP via chat.
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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Mpembed allows different versions for the same space, maybe this can already help you.

Otherwise MP support can duplicate models, but I am not sure, whether MP can duplicate the edits.
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