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'Duplicate' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Cloning Matterport spaces schaferu 7 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): Unfortunately, even if a Matterport support staff were to duplicate the model all of the edits (mattertags, highlight reals, etc) would have to be re-done as it creates an entirely new URL Even back in the day when we had the Amazing Dee still at Matterport to merge models together she recommended not making any edits until after she had merged the 2 spaces together
Urgent: Duplicate Your Matterport model on iPad before doing Cortex Merging DanSmigrod 14 5 yearsRichardStanton (253): @PieroBortolot from my experience on two iPads if you put yourself back to the beta you should be good to go as of now if you still needed those jobs back. The change that they made appears to be a bit broader than just a fix for this issue. They changed the behavior of first load to do an asset assessment/load from the ground up. This apparently solves several issues. You could always then just downgrade again if you felt it necessary.
Creating Duplicate in Matterport Cloud? MarcelloM 7 5 yearsMeshImages (3050): Mpembed allows different versions for the same space, maybe this can already help you. Otherwise MP support can duplicate models, but I am not sure, whether MP can duplicate the edits.
Tip of the Week: How to Duplicate a Model WITH a Duplicate of Workshop DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): Hi All, From this WGAN Forum discussion: Dan
duplicate a tour fotoguy 3 6 yearsleonherbert (903): You can ask support to duplicate the model, there is no cost for the duplication, just give them the model number and they will pop it into your folder
Duplicate Tour in Workshop (reviving an old topic) stephdolloff 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31647): @stephdolloff Yes. WP3D Models would likely be the best solution, based on your description of the client’s needed. That said, it is likely that you could ask Matterport Support to duplicate the model for you. Dan