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.XYZBIMBLK360Capture AppIndustry

What depends on what? Accuracy depends on software or on 3D-scanner?11139

SamSon_NewSpace3D private msg quote post Address this user
What is the experience? The quality and accuracy depends on software? Will it be a good result a LEICA BLK360 scanning with Matterport Capture? Or I have to work with LEICA Software?
I need pointcloud.
What is the biggest place what you scanned with Leica BLK360 without stitching in one model?
Thanks for the answers.
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3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Hello SamSon,

By our experience accuracy depends on capture hardware.
According to Matterport's document, the accuracy of Pro2 Camera is 1% and it is 0.1% for Leica BLK360.
We suggest you do a test by yourself.
We can help you to generate mesh file or point cloud from your Matterport showcase link for your test.

PM for detail.

Thank you.
JuMP team from Beijing China
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ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@SamSon_NewSpace3D it actually can be both, you can have the best equipment like the BLK360 and depending on your software your accuracy can drop. I regularly use a FARO scanner and process it thru FARO Scene software and can tweak the processing to bring the accuracy up. But like @JuMP said you can only get as good as the accuracy of the equipment. I have little experience with BLK360 and if you just need a point cloud then I would use the LEICA software to create your pointcloud, then your only limitation would be your computers ability to process the large file size of pointcloud data. But if your need is the 3D walk thru than Matterport is a way to go but with limits. At the end of the day it depends what you need and are looking for.
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