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360 Camera Processing Fees for Matterport Classic Cloud Plans10946

WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grab from Matterport eBlast received Friday, January 31, 2020


[Text and Graphic Below]


Happy New Year, and thank you for being a loyal Matterport customer. We wanted to inform you about an upcoming change regarding 360 camera usage in legacy cloud plans like yours.

As you know, Matterport started supporting space creation with a few compatible 360 cameras early last year. We noticed that you created some spaces with these cameras and are glad that you experimented with this new way of capturing your Matterport spaces.

Although we announced processing prices for 360 camera spaces last year, we decided to let our customers enjoy this new capability for free until now. Starting on February 1st, 2020, Matterport will charge processing fees for spaces captured with compatible 360 cameras used in the Classic Cloud Plans.

Newer Matterport cloud plans do not include processing fees. If you would like to avoid processing fees, please upgrade your account to one of these newer plans. Additional questions? Please visit the support page or contact our support team. []

Thank you for being a member of our community.

-The Matterport Team

Source: Matterport eBlast received Friday, January 31, 2020
Post 1 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
...and so it begins.
Post 2 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
It’s a little tricky in wording. 360 cams are supported however, they bill at $29 & $58 depending on small or large space size
Post 3 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
I swear these guys get off on dropping bombs in January.

Curious if they will start charging us on tours that currently have 360's from Compatible 360 Cameras added into existing tours.
*I just added a couple to a tour a couple days ago.
*Don't have access to an Ipad that died with Compatible 360 Camera shots in it.
Post 4 IP   flag post
izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
Zillow charges zero for their tours. My wife is a real estate agent. I set her up with a Matterport account and I only shoot for her now. I work for "free" but the fringe benefits are awesome. LOL
Post 5 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
One day notice -

am I supposed to thank Obama for this one?
Post 6 IP   flag post
Astroprojector private msg quote post Address this user
I am not sure I understand what it means. I opened an account at the beginning of Jan and upgraded to 5 spaces. Even though I have the Mettarport camera, I can only shoot with 360 cameras on this plan. I only shot one tour and have several more planned in the near future.

Does it mean now they are going to charge extra when shooting with that camera?
Post 7 IP   flag post
izoneguy private msg quote post Address this user
I think they are only charging if you are on a legacy plan.
Post 8 IP   flag post
virtualpro private msg quote post Address this user
I might be wrong but I think this only applies to anyone with a classic plan???
Post 9 IP   flag post
Astroprojector private msg quote post Address this user
yes, I figured it out. thanks
Post 10 IP   flag post
CLUB Member
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
lilnitsch private msg quote post Address this user
@virtualpro you are correct. These pricing updates only apply to classic plans.
Post 11 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
So, have both plans. Upload into the new plan, then transfer it to the classic plan once it's processed.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Seanpatrick private msg quote post Address this user
So what should a person like me do? I do about 4 to 10 home scans a month on the classic 49.99 plan with an Insta 360 One X?
Post 13 IP   flag post
virtualpro private msg quote post Address this user
Adapt or die as they say. You can take comfort in knowing that your Matterport competition will be asking the same questions. At least it is still a level playing field if you sell Matterport.
Post 14 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @ron0987
We do only a handful of Matterport tours so we stayed with the classic plan. We were notified the plan stays the same as long as we continue use our Pro2 camera, we no longer can use the Theta V or Z for free, there will be a processing fee evertime we do. They said if we switch to a newer plan the processing will then be free. Feels like they are pushing everyone over to the newer plans. Not happy, but just wondering what was going on with Matterport and why the change?
Post 15 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
Thank’s Dan for merging mine over. So my question is everybody doing enough scans to have the new plan. Or are people moving to other platforms?
Post 16 IP   flag post
ron0987 private msg quote post Address this user
@VTLV the one day notice also kinda bothered me too, it would have been nice to of had a warining.
Post 17 IP   flag post
virtualpro private msg quote post Address this user
Stay on the classic, only once you start going well into overages and scanning lots of models with over 100 scan points then it is worth getting a new plan.

Matterport has said that they would give one year grace from the time that they announce they are discontinuing the classic plan, plenty of time to get things sorted.
Post 18 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
Founder &
WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Originally Posted by virtualpro
Stay on the classic, only once you start going well into overages and scanning lots of models with over 100 scan points then it is worth getting a new plan.

Matterport has said that they would give one year grace from the time that they announce they are discontinuing the classic plan, plenty of time to get things sorted.

Well said!

Hi All,

Matterport Classic pricing applies to Matterport customers that have accounts on or before Wednesday, 8 May 2019.

Some related WGAN Forum Discussions

How to game the new Matterport Pricing
How to Succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing (for Users and Matterport)
Why I will stick with Matterport Classic Pricing
11 Reasons to Keep Matterport Classic (Old) Pricing


P.S. WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Matterport 2019 New Pricing Announcement
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