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Wish List: Trim the Ceiling1083

RenderingSpace private msg quote post Address this user
I know Matterport is really trying to make their platform easy enough for any non-techie to use but it would be great to add a "clean-up" mode in the Workshop to essentially "Photoshop" the dollhouse and floor plan views.

As much as I love the concept of the Dollhouse view, for those of us who are OCD or have a perfectionist bone, it's enough to drive me crazy when things get wonky.

Take for example, this tour which has a skylight that just ruins the whole thing.

Being able to trim vertically would definitely improve the quality of this scan along with many others.
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Shane private msg quote post Address this user
@RenderingSpace I had no idea that this would happen with a skylight. I'll be eagerly waiting to hear of any solutions that may be presented.
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Jamie private msg quote post Address this user
I'd like an option to have separate displays for individual scans being turned on and off. Example would be if you scan outside a house and can't see inside. If an option existed to toggle the outside on and off would be nice
Post 3 IP   flag post
Wandsworth U.K.
RobinLycka private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, totally backing you on the Y-axis trim, I scanned an office space and you can see a lot of "artifacts" sort of hanging above the area due to ventilation and stuff in the ceiling. As a step 1 it could potentially be solved by setting an allow max height parameter. So if the room is 10´ high, you could trim it at 8´to avoid objects above that level. This will only work with single level flat ceiling properties though.

Step 2 would be adding a UI to actually trim in dollhouse mode, but even with my limited knowledge of programming I´m pretty sure this is a really complex thing to code, hence the above suggestion would probably be easier to start off with.
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Dennis_N private msg quote post Address this user
It would be cool if Matterport allowed for a 3D model to be re imported after editing in an external app, and be used as the doll house view.
I don't see much coding needed for this.
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Property3dNZ private msg quote post Address this user
I've previously chatted with MP about this issue they call it "Space Junk" and I was told that this is something they are continuing to work on to try and fix... that conversation was about 4-5 months ago!
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Frisco, Texas
Metroplex360 private msg quote post Address this user
Same here. The 'Space Junk' needs Y-axis trim! It doesn't look good!
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RenderingSpace private msg quote post Address this user
Here's a good example of why you'd want to trim the ceiling. The dining room ceiling is one gigantic mirror! Impossible to trim.
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