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Matterport caught red-handed pitching to my client10701

Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
@aiMbakckwards - (this may blow-up across social media)

So I was in my client’s office and the phone rang.

It was Matterport. The 3rd call and 6 emails sent by Matterport in 6months.

Their offer: a Pro2 camera paid in instalments and interest free.


2 days free on-Site training for any members of staff at their U.K. offices and then send you out to scan for yourself?

Why use me?

Well my client is an established real estate agent in London. I’ve completed over 40 properties over 2 years. They are delighted and content with my service.

They have told Matterport that but you continue to hassle them.

I asked Matterport last year to back-off.

They haven’t.

Now don’t get me wrong I like competition, I like providing value and play fair but this is totally out of order.

We have enough competition between 3D operators and freelancers competing on price and service without the worry that our very own hardware provider is trying cut us out.

It’s like going over the top from a World War 1 trench, dodging the enemy and then being shot in the back by your own men as soon as you claim new ground.


How did you get their data? They didn’t opt-in for emails from you. It’s violation of GDPR to cold call and send emails like that.

If you want their business then pitch for it. Let’s organise a date, invite a load of operators and join in fair and square and we’ll see who wins.

Your behaviour is totally out of order.

If you make one more attempt I’ll march into your U.K. offices with my client, a data compliance officer and my client and we’ll see how the day goes shall we?

If you have an ounce of respect for this community then do me the favour of contacting me and explaining yourself. No one’s too big for that.

You’ve been warned. Play fair.
Post 1 IP   flag post
Ianx private msg quote post Address this user
I Second that!
Post 2 IP   flag post
Rik private msg quote post Address this user
This is very scary !!!!
Post 3 IP   flag post
Rik private msg quote post Address this user
Also, just recently I discovered that if you click on their logo in the showcase, right down below, you immediately goes to their website where they offer you a free discount and show all our the prices, which are our cost prices.

So, we know with who we are dealing with.

Thank you Matterport!!!
Post 4 IP   flag post
Kumar private msg quote post Address this user
All MP camera owners must start demanding full white labeling option. This would never end otherwise.
Post 5 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
If you read past treads on this forum this is nothing new as it's been going on ever since MP bought Virtual Walkthrough which was over 3 years ago. I warned then that MP was doing this to my own clients. Everyone who contributed to MP's success can only blame themselves as this has been documented over and over again on this forum.

What buyers of the MP system don't understand is that each and every MP sales person needs to hit their quota of monthly sales and the best place to look for leads is the models of customers which are all generated by the faithful MSP's. These are what is refereed to in the industry as hot leads as they have a high rate of being closed since they are already using MP models and paying whatever the MSP is charging them for a completed job. Each and every MSP are lead generators for the MP sales team and the only way to stop MP from approaching your clients is to stop using MP which is what I've done.

MP is ventured backed and all it and it's investors think about is growth and the easiest way to growth is off the back of MSP's. Yes MP's sales pitch is "it's so easy a monkey can do it" and the "streets are paved with gold" but what they don't tell you is that each and every model you generate is another sales lead for the MP sales team. That is why you have no choice but to use MP for your rendering and hosting. Modern day PC's could easily render the the models you shoot and certainly you could easily host you own models but MP wants a full overview of everything you produce including the exact location of your models.

When I and the other original MSP's began our journey with MP we were told that we could white label our models and even develop our own players that was before the big hitter VC's got involved. Be forewarned this problem will not go away as MP like all companies need to see increased growth and that falls to their sales teams around the world who are constantly looking for sale opportunities and the easiest way to find these opportunities is the daily stream of models generated by MSP's.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Fan Club
Perth AUS
schaferu private msg quote post Address this user
This is entirely unacceptable Matterport. In fact, I have never heard of such a thing in my entire business career of over 35 years.
I spent $1000+ this week travelling for cold calling/prospecting with hundreds of miles travelled, resulting in a couple of free scans given away to land new client groups.
Now that the sample tours are live for them (with their name of course), do I have to worry that you contact them directly to undermine (sabotage?) all the effort?
One is a hotel group, another one a very large shopping Center group. Long term business for us across the country, in advanced conversation.
That would downright p... me off, not to talk about my wife, whose wrath you probably like to avoid ((-:
Angus, I am with you on this one.
If necessary, let’s put a stop to this via Privacy Laws, surely that is a massive violation.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder I understand Gary. It's not new news either.

The Sales guys are just doing their job but the ethics of it annoy me.

Next time I pitch to an estate agent I'm going to invite Matterport to the meeting. They'll see the difference of how an MSP sells and wins business and a hardware provider and how it is so important to know your customer.
Post 8 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@angusnorriss I hope your are successful.

But there's and old saying that "once a dog has tasted meat it's very hard to make him go back to eating vegetables" and that's the problem here. The MP sales team have always look to the models you and everyone else produce for leads as they must hit their monthly targets or get fired.

I truly hope you succeed. Please keep us up to date on your success and good luck.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
@GarySnyder thank you Gary. I just think there is a better way that they could align with MSPs to enhance the service offering. Everything is negotiable.
Post 10 IP   flag post
GarySnyder private msg quote post Address this user
@angusnorriss I really do wish you luck on this.
Post 11 IP   flag post
KeithMitchell private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport was criticized on their YouTube channel when they introduced the Ricoh Theta V. MSP’s were upset because they invested in the big cameras only to have their market share reduced by those who would buy these lower priced cameras. I defended them saying that there was a different market for the lower resolution cameras and MP needed to do that to stay competitive.
But this, culling new prospects from your base customers’ client pools, is pretty low class in my opinion.
I’m happy that I bought the Theta Z1 and use a different hosting service now.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Shakoure private msg quote post Address this user
Ditto. Early this year, I lost a national client to MP in this manner right before signing a major contract for multiple corporate properties. It's like a business partner quietly hitting on a girl/guy you're dating.

If we as MSPs unwittingly create qualified leads for them, we should get referral payments.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
Sorry to hear that.

It’s like being married to a really unfaithful partner!
Post 14 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
I have a question for this thread group... (naturally I share the practical and ethical concerns expressed above)

For the residential real estate market, what platforms do you feel are most closely equivalent to Matterport in the eyes of your clients? The only platform I'm aware of that is really comparable is GeoCV, which was actually better in most ways though it lacked an automated (moving) Highlight tour. But it has an identical dollhouse, is retouchable, can add aerial panos, exterior 3D and has white label.

I have many clients who actually prefer NodalView to Matterport due to its great color, outstanding HDR, ability to incorporate aerial panos, is fully retouchable and provides persistent photographer branding. It lacks a dollhouse, though a dollhouse can be added for an additional 3rd party fee. (Dollhouse displays only walls and floors, furnishings are smashed flat to them.) It has additional unique features as well.

What platforms are others using over MP and why?
Thanks for sharing!

Post 15 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
@Home3D, no doubt GeoCV was much better but that's in the past for most of us.

As for what I am using:

1) A Matterport Pro2
2) A Theta Z1(looking for a replacement) or a Sony a6000 on a Mecha e1. As for the software I use Pano2VR.

That second option with a Sony a6000 is just less advanced GeoCV for me as I can build any tour I want, host it anywhere I want and integrate anything I want. The only drawback comparing it with GeoCV is I have to combine brackets, stitch and align each pano. However its great advantage I can just upgrade my camera with something like Canon 5Ds(r) and jump from 57MP to almost 100MP in a resolution.

The disadvantage the 2nd option over a Matterport Pro2 is that I cannot display Pano2VR tours on two major listings websites in Australia and I can only use it for business tours. That applies to GeoCV too as it is not a part of media allowed on these two websites. Nobody in Au has ever "pushed" these two websites to accept GeoCV and I don't think anybody will ever do. It may be possible to include a link to GeoCV/Pano2VR tour on these websites in a listing description but they won't let you to display a GeoCV/Pano2VR tour in a listing media section.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
BTW, have you seen a post on MOUG from a russian MSP about Matterport banned him on USA sanctions right now? Be careful as GeoCV residing now in Russia and it may affect you too.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Changesin3d private msg quote post Address this user
I notice that although invited the Matterport Rep did not say a word about this.... Interesting.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Penebel IDN
WayanMatt private msg quote post Address this user
Good luck for a comment from their side ...
Post 19 IP   flag post
Changesin3d private msg quote post Address this user
I also find it very interesting that no one has tied the new "Privacy Policy" to this discussion as they now seem to be saying that they have the right to make all the contacts why want. There seems to be real confusion if they are talking about our rights as MSP or if they are talking about the rights of all the property owners of the scans.

It is very interesting in their re boot / AKA Rebranding that there is no mention of Matterport Service Partners, either the opportunity to become one or that the network exists.

I encourage everyone to visit the rebranded site to see you are now called a "scan provider, and that if you are someone who in interested in getting a scan they tie the person making the inquiry to the exact same Privacy Policy that they are wanting to tie prior Matterport Service Partners to.

This will not work with CCPA in my opinion, that will be news after the first of the year.
Post 20 IP   flag post
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