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[R&D] Sharing the outcome of a multi-devices experiment10520

Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
Today the Seattle Museum of Flight granted us special permission to access the interior of an old B-29 bomber. We spent several hours capturing all sorts of immersive media with the unique goal to get better at this digital craft.

We tested the following equipment: Ricoh Theta Z1 (for Google Street View and Matterport 3D tours), Insta360 Pro (for 360 photos), GeoCV (virtual tours), Leica BLK360 (for exterior 3D tours and point clouds using Autodesk Recap), Ubiquity6 (3D scanning app using iPhone camera), Insta360 Go (for summary video).

Here are some learnings:


We scanned the cockpit using just a few points. We set the resolution to High and the images can be zoomed in greater detail. Download here the OBJ file.


We used it to scan the cockpit with MP and to take some photos for Google Street View (GSV). Using the GSV app, the photos went live in a matter of hours. My next step is to learn how to connect them together from the app. Check here some unedited Z1 photos of the cockpit.


We captured several photos inside and outside the plane, to compare the quality with the Z1. Download here some unedited photos of the exterior, as well as some stereo images of the interior


We ran out of time for this test, so we only captured a few spots. We feared that the reflective surface of the plane might be an issue, but it turned out OK. We'll likely continue the scan at another time trying to capture also the area above.

We also scanned the interior using Autodesk Recap in high density.
Download here the point cloud files.


A few days ago the startup Ubiquity6 released an app Display.Land to 3D scan spaces using just your camera phone. We tested it today and it has some promise.

Insta360 Go

Finally we tested the Insta360 Go wearable camera as a fun way to document the day. We purchased it to explore its potential for home video tours and other storytelling initiatives. Enjoy!
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andreabortolot private msg quote post Address this user
That's an amazing mesh up!! Congrats..You're always two steps ahead. See u soon!
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Wow! Thank you for sharing the various solutions that you used with the B-29.

When you can't have thousands of people walk through this historic air-craft, so many options to let them virtually experience the space.

Got a favorite?


Post 3 IP   flag post
Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user
@dansmigrod We originally scanned the B-29 a few years back with the Pro1 and the image quality was OK. We haven't done it again with the Pro2, but I was very pleased with GeoCV quality. Also the Museum of Flight prefers being in control of their own media, so the option of self hosting is very appealing to them.
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Bellevue, Washington
Tosolini private msg quote post Address this user

One last learning. Comparing the image quality of a tour done with the Z1 today with the same tour done three years ago with MP Pro1, the resolution of the Z1 seems superior than MP Pro1 (the dollhouse is not as clean though).

Which makes me think that for regular spaces like a home, you can replace the Pro1 with the Z1 and travel much lighter.
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