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'Insta360 Pro' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
If You Could Only Pick 1 and Why JayInLA 13 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @JayInLA Which Which 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platform and which 360 Camera are great questions, EXCEPT the answer typically depends on for whom and for what use. For most WGAN Forum Members, here's the WGAN short list of: ✓ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real Estate These WGAN Forum resources may be helpful too: ✓ List of 140+ 3D/360 Virtual Tour Platforms and Single Property Websites for Real...
[R&D] Sharing the outcome of a multi-devices experiment Tosolini 5 5 yearsTosolini (4398): One last learning. Comparing the image quality of a tour done with the Z1 today with the same tour done three years ago with MP Pro1, the resolution of the Z1 seems superior than MP Pro1 (the dollhouse is not as clean though). Which makes me think that for regular spaces like a home, you can replace the Pro1 with the Z1 and travel much lighter.
Video: Professional 360º Cameras in 2019: Quick Guide DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Video courtesy of The 360 Guy YouTube Channel Hi All, The 360 Guy YouTube Channel discusses: ✓ Insta360 Titan (Coming Soon) - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Insta360 Titan ✓ Insta360 Pro 2 - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Insta360 Pro 2 ✓ Insta360 Pro - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Insta360 Pro ✓ Pilot Era: Coming Soon - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Pilot Era "Professional...
[R&D] Mapping for GSV during vacation trips Tosolini 6 6 yearsTosolini (4398): SiteTour360 Excellent marketing and custom setup. Thanks for the photos and links, I'm impressed by your overall organization.
3d Camera for pano tours Viewtech3D 10 6 yearsron0987 (3499): @CFster Nice shot.
Matterport Versus CUPIX Image Quality: Which 360º Camera for CUPIX? DanSmigrod Jump to first page51Jump to last page 6 yearsflexcopmusic (58): @CFster Once again great tips mate! appreciate that. Will upload first panos here ASAP
The right Google Street View Camera for 89 acre scan 3dvrwalkthrough 3 7 years3dvrwalkthrough (89): This is an outside tour
Segway + Insta360 Pro = High-Speed Google Street View Capture DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsleonvanzweel (521): @Metroplex Which model did you order?
[R&D] Bill Gates' home on Google Street View? Tosolini 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Tosolini Please do share the time-lapse too (when you can). Best, Dan
BREAKING: Insta360 Pro 2 VR camera debuts with in-camera stabilization Metroplex360 4 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @HelloPado The empire has zero tolerance for such product leaks. Violation of imperial NDAs result in being suffocated mid-air by the nearest Sith Lord. Watch out.
Insta360 Pro: 360º Photos for Real Estate / 360º Video for Events DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsmcuddy (186): I’ve got my first wedding livestream next week. Not an inexpensive endeavor!!! Firstly the insta microphones aren’t high enough quality for these events especially when you’ve sampled fan noise. I’ve gon for wireless mic on the groom for livecast and Zoom sound recorder for the recorded audio. Secondly, do a site can’t rely on public WiFi as it’s generally saturated at events and if you use corporate WiFi it will...
Insta360 Pro compass calibration Fieldwork 1 7 yearsFieldwork (1): I recently purchased an Insta360 Pro with the GPS module to do Google Street View captures. When I upload the capture per Insta's directions (which are not great), none of my 360s are oriented properly. Specifically North in the images is not a North compass heading. They are off 90 degrees. When I upload them, Google then links them together with the navigation arrows perpendicular to the route of travel. The 90 problem. Here's an...
[R&D] Using the Insta360 Pro for Google Street View Tosolini 6 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): @Tosolini I agree as it would be interesting to see how GSV processes the footage. If that was the case it would be far easier to create content for GSV.
Video: 360º Photo/Video Workflow: Production/Post/Distribution DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Video: Maximillian "Max" Richter IVRPA Tokyo 2018 presentation by Max with Insta360 on 360º Photo/Video Workflow | Video courtesy of IVRPA YouTube Channel Hi All, Here is the IVRPA Tokyo 2018 presentation by Maximillian "Max" Richter with Insta360 on 360º Photo/Video Workflow (to simplify workflow 10x): ✓ Shoot ✓ Post-Production ✓ Distribution Insta360 cameras...
GSV18 Video: Insta360 Presentation at GSV18 DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Video: Insta360 Senior Marketing Manager Michael Shabun presentation at the 2018 Google Street View Summit | Video Courtesy of Google Earth YouTube Channel Hi All, Here is the Insta360 at the 2018 Google Street View Summit in Mountain View, CA on Wednesday, 30 May 2018. Your thoughts? WGAN Forum Discussions tagged: ✓ insta360 ✓ insta360 One ✓ insta360 Pro ✓ GSV18 Best, Dan
NCTech iStar Pulsar versus Insta360 Pro DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsMeshImages (3050): We use the insta360pro because we create 3D Virtual Tour Experiences. But we are not happy with the image quality in low light situations.
Video: Capture Google Street View via Car DanSmigrod 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): :heart: it! A physical nadir on the roof the car. Brilliant. (Though, I must say, in the Insta360 Software, it is a global replace: easy-peasy.) Yeah. Weird that they did not put their best foot forward with the video orientation. Also something easy to fix in the Insta360 software. Best, Dan
Insta360 Pro V2.0-12K Photos for RE 360ºs DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsGerhard (1484): Insta 360 thank you
Insta360 Pro Review Bale100 14 8 yearsJamie (2037): Did anyone have issues connecting it via the ethernet? I've connected ok to a wifi, but ethernet is giving me dramas
Insta360 One | New 1-Click 360º Camera $300 DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): @DanSmigrod I just like them and put them places that a DSLR rig is too large or too heavy to carry. I have a few Theta-S cameras, most are trashed now and I don't see the V much with much evolution so spreading out the flock a bit. And the price of the Samsung is ridiculous not to get one or two.
Anybody played with the Insta360 Pro? Jake 21 8 yearsSiteTour360 (226): @srennick - thanks! I'm supposed to get mine in a couple weeks...I'll update with thoughts/comments soon after that.
Video: Insta360 at Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsBale100 (175): I took delivery a few days ago to offer something in parallel to matterport & drones that could be used in a live environment. Well made camera, presented in a Peli style hard case. Testing over the next week at various venues to create short VR videos; roof top bar live DJ, luxury villa presentation, Beach Club event. Main benefit of this camera vs Gopro omni (when comparing six lenses that work as one) is in camera stitching at 4k to...
Video: Google Street View Auto Ready Cameras DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Dan Did they say anything about how or when we will be able to upload new Street Views? Up until today we know that we can create virtual tours of different business but we never were able to upload "streets". As I previously said, this is really huge because the target market grows exponentially. I already have a camera that is compatible with this Auto Ready standard, so in theory could start selling this new service tomorrow...
Insta360 Pro: 360º Video Live Stream in 8K DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @360Verbeelding Please start a new thread about your experience working with Nokia OZO. It would be fun to hear about your use cases. Do you need someone to carry your bags in Florida? (Ice storm in Atlanta today.) Please start a separate thread with the burned out locomotive. Best, Dan