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Cupix - 10 000sq.m Exhibition - 120 minutes10315

Joakim360 private msg quote post Address this user
I scanned the Offshore Technology Days 2019 exhibition halls in 120 minutes. Here is how I did it and how Cupix made it possible.

3D tour

Camera used: Insta 360 One X
Camera settings used: Automatic/Automatic – No custom settings
Camera mount: Helmet
Photo method: Standing still while taking a photo – moving and then taking a new photo.
Photos taken: 599
Time spent: 120 minutes

Post work:
1. Turning the image files from the camera into jpeg files.
2. Compressing the jpeg files

Cupix upload settings:
I uploaded 3 versions of the tour:
1. Uploaded each exhibition Hall as one section. Two big sections and no 3D mapping.
2. Same as 1. But with 3D mapping enabled.
3. Split each exhibition hall into two and then uploaded 4 sections. No 3D mapping

I went with number 1. These settings mapped most of the panos correct.
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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Wow, impressive!

We did a similar project almost two years ago. Unfortunately not with cupix, but with

clickable text ( probably takes some time to load)

Cameras used: 2 Insta360 Pro cameras and a Dji Mavic Air drone
Expo size covered: about 200.000 sqm
Photos taken: about 600 8K panoramas
Photos used in tour: about 400 panos
Settings: Automatic JPEG 8K
Camera Mount: Manfrotto carbon mt190cxpro4
Photo method: placing camera tripod, hiding, capture with mobile device, moving tripod to next position
Time spent: 18 hours (2 people 1 day plus 2h drone images)

Post work:
- Photo Editing - stitching and retouch (thank you @ArtisticConcepts for your support)
- Tour Editing in - about 400 panoramas - about 40 hours - unfortunately I made this decision for, but at that time - 2017/2018 - it was one of the fastest 360 platforms
- Hotspot links in about 1500
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks SO much for this GREAT idea starter.

Can you post a link to the Cupix Tour that you created?

Can you give us the "ingredients list" and "recipe" for creating the helmet mount that you used?


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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for sharing.

I am not able to get the tour to launch. I've been having some challenges with the last week or so. Does the tour link work for you?


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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod the link is working for me, but it takes more than a minute to load.

So sad to see how is disappearing quietly without any public notice.
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Joakim360 private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you @MeshImages that means a lot coming from someone thats been in the game for years. Your job is simply MASSIVE! How was the customer response on your project?

No problem

Here it is:

Helmet ingredient list:

1. Insta 360 One X
2. Koroao 1/4 Expansion Screw Adapter
3. Camera Hot Shoe Mount to 1/4
4. White Hardhat
5. USB charging cable
6. Battery pack to keep in inside jacket pocket

Drill a hole in the top of the hardhat so you can mount the Camera Hot Shoe Mount 1/4. Attatch the Koroa 1/4 Expansion Screw Adapter.

The Koroa 1/4 Expansion Screw Adapter is recomended to get more distance between the camera and the hardhat so the hardhat does not take up too much space in the images. This expansion also alows you to charge your Theta V or Theta Z1 if you use those.
Post 6 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@Joakim360 your job is even better!

The combination of cupix with your capturing helmet seems to be the best solution for 3D event documentation. But we need small people to get an even better image perspective 😂

Concerning your question: actually feedback from the client was positive, but we focussed to much on the capturing of the walking routes in the expo halls. We should have captured more details from the different show booths. That would be more entertaining for a broad audience.

Can cupix integrate something comparable to Multimedia Mattertags with weblinks integrated?
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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Screen Grabs Above: CUPIX offers 84 intuitive icons to help communicate what happens when you click on the icon such as video, audio, link, phone. (In contrast, Matterport has one tag: a circle)

Originally Posted by MeshImages
Can cupix integrate something comparable to Multimedia Mattertags with weblinks integrated?


CUPIX Runs Circles Around Matterport in 3D Tour Annotation

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WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
@Joakim360 @MeshImages

Can you describe how - and to whom - to pitch this use exhibit hall use case?

Post 9 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
@DanSmigrod We are working for both potential clients

- Promoters
- Exhibitors

Use cases are

- Documentation
- Promotion material (3D tour, photos, etc.)
- Digital distribution (followers and leads)
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user


Which use case(s) helps the client make more money?

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MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user

Promoters want to promote their event to a broad audience with promotion material and digital distribution. This digital audience can help them sell expo space for the next event for a higher price.

Exhibitors want new business. They are mostly interested in new leads and new followers on their digital communication channels. 3D tours can help them to leverage the high cost of participating at an expo with these digital multiplication effects.
Post 12 IP   flag post
RomainReparage private msg quote post Address this user
The perfect solution (not mentioning the midget one:oopsshould be to have a 360 camera that can shoot 180% make a pause and then shoot the other 180. Like that you can hide behind. Do you know if one model is doing that?
Post 13 IP   flag post
Joakim360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by romainreparage
The perfect solution (not mentioning the midget one:oopsshould be to have a 360 camera that can shoot 180% make a pause and then shoot the other 180. Like that you can hide behind. Do you know if one model is doing that?

The Theta Z1 and Theta V can do that with this plugin:
Post 14 IP   flag post
Joakim360 private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by MeshImages
Can cupix integrate something comparable to Multimedia Mattertags with weblinks integrated?

Yes, like @DanSmigrod posted, it can. But the 3D tags would not stay in place in a tour like this because there is no 3D mesh generated. I tried to map the panos with Cupix using the 3D mapping option but the result was not good enough. The panos were not aligned correctly due to amount of people moving between the shots.
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