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A Death at Matterport10069

lisahinson private msg quote post Address this user
is it true Dee was removed from MOUG - what are they thinking?

Post 1 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
Wow....just wow. According to LinkedIn, Kurt Dahlin is the Customer Support Mgr at Matterport since July 2019.

Dee is without rival in the tech support area.

Ia she still working at Matterport? Anyone??

Post 2 IP   flag post
HarlanHambright private msg quote post Address this user
Someone we know was passed over for this promotion. There is bullshittery going on at Matterport probably fueled by petty jeaolusy or envy or ignorance or something. This is speculation on my part, sorry. We must ALL flood Matterport with emails to get this affront to Dee and to the MP community at large rectified. Matterport as a company and we MP users would be much, much poorer without her unique capabilities. She wrote the scripts which allow multi model merges. She knows more about Matterport than Matterport. In all my digital life of some 30+ years, I have never, never I say, ever, experienced the level of service and commitment that Dee provides. I really feel like she's an integral part of my little company, like an employee who only shows up once a week or so. I send her little presents from time to time, as I know others of you do, to attempt to show my appreciation for her insights and saving my ass. We cannot allow Matterport to proceed with business as usual with this. Can someone please post email addresses for key Matterport management so we can all express our concern and disgust. Come on folks, this has risen to the level of a revolution.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Bon Secour, Alabama
Chemistrydoc private msg quote post Address this user
And asshattery as well - hope Mr Dahlin is monitoring this thread.

Dee is the REAL DEAL. She loves helping people, and she gets the job done! She doesn't just blow hot air or make the MSP feel like the problem is their fault (as the case with my latest interaction with support), she actually FOLLOWS THROUGH and FOLLOWS UP! I had a HUGE problem this summer with iPad / Capture App. Dee held my hand through several tense days, and at the end of that tunnel, all was working well again.

I for one will join any effort to make sure that this wonderful person is TAKEN CARE OF as she has taken care of US!

She is a shining star. I have encountered few shining stars at MP. 'Nuf said.

Post 4 IP   flag post
Sarnia, Canada
June private msg quote post Address this user
OMG Please tell me this isn’t so!!! Dee is the Rock Star of Matterport! 😢
Post 5 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
Unfortunately it is true. Sad state of affairs at Matterport. Dee was the pillar of customer service and a technical guru. Now that she's leaving there is no one there to do what she did and the worst part they don't even want to do what she did.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Yes, I can also positively and independently confirm. Dee was the heart and soul of Matterport, in my view, and someone who has a heart, feels what goes on around her. If they love their work but the environment becomes toxic, they have a difficult choice to make.

Let's all send our collective love to this woman who helped us when we needed her - Dee, the doctor of 3D. Wherever she lands next, I hope she is embraced by people who both admire her talent and reward her commitment. Our world needs as many Dee's as we can find.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately no more large models for us.
Post 8 IP   flag post
immersivespaces private msg quote post Address this user
Very sad day. Matterport literally just let their support department go. I hope she ends up at another VT company and we can all follow her.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@dee . Yes, she was a rockstar and helped me a lot on difficult models. This is going to be a major blow for Matterport because they don't know what they are loosing. She was just amazing at what she did and also just her customer support and speed she will reply was some of the best services I have ever received.

So now the burning question who at Matterport can do Dee's technical work? I need to know because have some big spaces that are coming up to scan ( 800 + scans per model), and will have to break the models up as the ipads cant handle the large scans anymore for some bizarre reason that took technical 2 months to figure out why the app was crashing.

So if anyone of Matterport can please clarify this because there is no way I am spending 3 days onsite scanning and then the models are useless.

I will just have to get another solution as this is really scary for me what is going on right now? How do you let a key staff member just go? She is a keystone to your support and technical, and you know what happens when you remove a keystone?
Post 10 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
Gerhard from what I understand there is no one at MP that can do what Dee did. Moreover, she was penalized for doing what she did. Our onky solution as of right now is to have big spaces briken down in several models. It's sad
Post 11 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Too many bad decisions at Matterport.

—First they took the obj file
—then the strange ecosystem thing
—then this no more monthly hosting credits on large models decision
-then the new pricing model with super expensive hosting
—and now they kick out their most important customer support and social media manager.

Sorry Matterport, but this is the wrong track.
Post 12 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@MeshImages @Oboldyrev Well lets us wait and see what Matterport replies on this thread. This is limiting what we can do and will hurt business for us. WHY WHY WHY ????

I have done a massive space for a client and we need to reshoot some of the spaces and get it stitched back in before we can invoice them. So what do I tell the client now? Sorry, Matterport will not work for what we have quoted you on and lose all their business. This is a joke.
Post 13 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
That's exactly it. I just did a 70000 squarw foot space and Dee stitched it up for me. What so I tell this same client with the next property. "Sorry, we are evolving backwards?"
Even though, to be fair, stitching was never part of the service. Dee was doing it because she knew how, and wanted to go above and beyond for us. But for crying out loud this is one damn important ability. Why not make it a part of the service.
Post 14 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@Oboldyrev I agree with you fully.

Hey Matterport why don't you charge us extra for the stitching. The clients are happy to pay. But the burning question is, is there anybody at Matterport that can do this. Oh yes, there is/was Dee.

I need to know as we signing a contract tomorrow with a very big client 40+ large spaces with outdoor.

So doing Matterprt with BLK360, and there is a massive problem with Matterport and BLK. We did a trial and there was no way the Matterport and the BLK would work side by side on the same model, going from interior to exterior. Just gave a ton of errors. Switched everything on and off, rebooted but nothing wanted to work. So will need the tours to be stitched in otherwise this solution is worth nothing, and my partners will have to cancel the BLK they have ordered. Becuase will just be another expensive doorstop

And the spaces are amazing, Matterport would love them in their portfolio and also the brand... but looks like no one is responding to this post again. Please, we need answers people.
Post 15 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
If I had a magic wand and one wish, I'd wave it, and Matterport's C-suite team would be transformed into a harmonized choir of creative innovators dedicated to providing all the services its subscribers, and subscribers' clients, need and want - in the peaceful knowledge that doing so would lift their platform heavenward. And they would also create the 'Dee Johnson Award' presented annually to the MP employee voted by MSPs as most valuable.
Post 16 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
I am starting to doubt anyone from Matterport will respond to this.
Post 17 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@Oboldyrev yeah I can see that. Just funny the CEO chimes in when it suites him. And still can't give straight answers.

Looks like I am taking my clients elsewhere as this is not the best solution for them. Maybe 3 years ago but not anymore it is dated. Like an Instamatic camera.
Post 18 IP   flag post
Gerhard private msg quote post Address this user
@matterport can someone please answer us. Emailing support does not help any more, as it does not exist. Sent 5 emails no reply whatsoever. But when I addressed it to Dee got a reply the same day even if we were in different time zones.

I have clients to keep happy and new contracts to sign. If the stitching can't be done anymore its game over.

Good luck creating your 100, 000,000 spaces won't happen. That is roughly 237,000 per day, now let us say the average MSP scans three a day that is 79,000 MSP world wide. If you can't even get the basics right.

But I think it is important to have a dream or a pie in the sky, the problem is you can't eat the pie.
Post 19 IP   flag post
Brooklyn, NY
Oboldyrev private msg quote post Address this user
Post 20 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
This was just posted in the Matterport Official Users' Group on Facebook:

To: Members of the MOUG Community
From: Richard Heintze, Director of Customer Support

To all of our MOUG Members:

My name is Richard Heintze and I am the Director of Customer Support here at Matterport. I am writing to affirm Matterport’s commitment to this vibrant community of users, enthusiasts, and professionals here on MOUG.

I want to assure all of you that Matterport will continue to monitor and moderate MOUG discussions as a member of the community. However, I would also like to ensure that everyone is aware of the process for submitting inquiries about Matterport products and services. This process will ensure that our support and sales teams receive your requests and respond to them in a timely manner.

All inquiries about purchased Matterport hardware, software, and services should be directed to:

All inquiries about buying or upgrading Matterport products should be directed to:

Matterport’s customer teams will respond to all sales and support inquiries for our products and services within 48 hours or less. Depending on the nature of the request, we will determine and advise you of the timeline necessary to satisfy your inquiry.

The vast majority of the 7,813 members of our professional community here on Facebook routinely help one another and share knowledge/best practices that enhance business opportunities. We want this exchange to continue and look forward to your continued participation.

I have read and followed many customer success stories here on MOUG and have also gained valuable insights in terms of areas where our products and services may have room for improvement. It is my sincere hope that we can continue to provide and enhance a safe space for discussion here on Facebook.
Post 21 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
Still waiting on the official word about stitching support.
Post 22 IP   flag post
jellofan private msg quote post Address this user
@Jwbuckl Any official word yet? If you look at MOUG, as well as other MP-related FB groups, you'll see that this is a major concern for many MSPs. If we cannot count on stitching then we cannot count on MP.
Post 23 IP   flag post
PeterMcCready private msg quote post Address this user
Dee dug me out of many a hole over the years, a shining beacon in the world of technical support, a sad state of affairs indeed...
Post 24 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user

Post 25 IP   flag post
San Francisco
Jwbuckl private msg quote post Address this user
Matterport just posted an official statement regarding stitching on its Official Users' Group page (MOUG). I am reposting it here:

Hello MOUG Members:
Matterport is updating our customers about new and pending requests to combine multiple Matterport spaces into a single space.

Combining Matterport spaces is an unsupported technique requested by customers via customer service channels. A manual editing technique has been used to complete each request that can take several hours, depending upon the size and scope of the request.

The volume of requests for combining spaces has grown from an occasional request for a special project, to the steady, high volume of requests we receive today from customers who are depending on the technique to complete their day to day work.

To resolve the backlog of customer requests for combining models, Matterport is taking the following proactive steps:

-Training service staff to increase production capacity and clear the current backlog.
-Reviewing all use cases related to these requests to inform future product directions.
-Proactively contacting customers who regularly request combining spaces.

Given the current backlog, we expect requests to combine spaces will take up to four weeks to complete.
We realize these steps above may have an impact on your business. Matterport considers this an important issue and is treating it with high priority. We are working to finish existing requests as quickly as possible, and to keep MOUG users up to date as we work to reduce the completion time for future requests.

Richard Heintze
Director, Matterport Support
Post 26 IP   flag post
WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
That’s a good start to acknowledge consumer demand.

I like seeing updates Announcements vs Shut Down responses.

Thank you @Jwbuckl
Post 27 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
Hard times without Dee Johnson.

It took Matterport support more than 80 (!) hours to send me this answer.

@Matterport, we are in the photography business, we must deliver. I cannot wait days to deliver this answer.

Post 28 IP   flag post
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