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Ghagendorf private msg quote post Address this user
Hello all,

Most of my Matterport business is with architect/design firms and a mass scale homebuilder.

I don't do a lot of Realtor work but have been asked to speak to a group of Realtors. I am sure that I will be asked what apps (Zillow, etc.) allow you to post Matterport tours. Do you know which one will allow this?

Also, if I send a survey to the participants ahead of time, what questions do you suggest that I ask?

Thanks in advance,

Gordon Hagendorf
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WGAN Standard
Las Vegas
VTLV private msg quote post Address this user
Stick to winning listings by using Matterport over discount agents. For those agents who rely on holding open houses to gain new buyer leads, plan their launch of the home sale by scheduling their open house prior to or at listing time to then share the Matterport immensely during the event to show off the home to target those who could not come. Focus on the ability to win over parents who could be investing in the purchase who could now open up their wallets from a couple states away. Get into social media aspects of sharing 360’s.

The crowd will nod their head in agreement when acknowledging their desire for leads and hope to pick up more leads pushing brand value versus defending the product on unanswered subjects you don’t acknowledge in the presentation.
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Video: How to Make Money with Zillow 3D Home with with Zillow 3D Home with Zillow Sr. Director, Product Development, 3D & Computer Vision Josh Weisberg and Zillow Senior Development Manager, Mitch Dawson



Congrats on your business with architects/design firms and a mass scale homebuilder. That's great!

Originally Posted by @Ghagendorf
I don't do a lot of Realtor work but have been asked to speak to a group of Realtors. I am sure that I will be asked what apps (Zillow, etc.) allow you to post Matterport tours. Do you know which one will allow this?

Matterport seamlessly integrates with and

For Zillow, you can provide an MLS compliant link to include in your listing.

That said, for Zillow, I would encourage you to shoot a Zillow 3D Home tour (really is a 360º virtual tour) - with a Ricoh Theta V or Ricoh Theta Z1 - at the same time that you do a Matterport 3D Tour. You can easily and quickly shoot the Zillow 3D Tour (watch the video at the top).

Transcript: WGAN-TV How to Make Money with Zillow 3D Home

For the local MLS, you should be able to use a Matterport MLS compliant link to include in the listing. That could also be an MLS compliant link from Content Management Systems such as WP3D Models WordPress Plugin and CAPTUR3D (both provide skins/overlays and Single Property Websites).

BTW, in my WGAN-TV interviews with Matterport CEO Chris Bell and Zillow Sr. Director, Product Development, 3D & Computer Vision Josh Weisberg - two different shows [WGAN-TV Matterport | WGAN-TV Zillow] - I express interest in using Matterport to shoot and publish to Zillow 3D Home. It seams like both companies are interested in this. I'm not sure why this has not happened yet (but seems inevitable).

To help you with your presentation, you might want to check out the WGAN Sample Forms Library. You'll find sample Matterport presentations and marketing tools there. Access is free for WGAN Basic, Standard and Premium Members ( like you ) and free for WGAN Forum Members that provide a Sample Form. (I will private message you the password.)

Good luck with your presentation. Please let us know how it goes.

I encourage you to immediately begin with show and tell. A plus is using an iPad connected to a big screen TV to demo for a group. I always like to ask someone that has not experience VR to experience Matterport VR and tell the audience in real-time what's happening. It gets the audience excited, even if you are focused on Matterport on smartphones, tablets and desktops.

Definitely use the Matterport Showcase (iOS) app for your demo. You don't need to be connected to WiFi to use it, but you do need to pre-load your demo models.



Video: WGAN-TV Matterport CMO Chris Bell on How Matterport will Scale Exponentially (Thursday, 11 July 2019) Includes a discussion about potential Matterport to Zillow 3D Home integration.
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