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WP3D Models

corrupt image on wp3d?9820

fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
This is the first time I've encountered this issue and thought this might be the fastest way to get a solution. I use WP3D and when I try to post the tour to my facebook all I get is my logo instead of the house image. I tried the facebook debugger and it tells me the image is corrupt. I tried uploading a new image and I get the same issue. Advice?
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Missoula, MT
rpetersn private msg quote post Address this user
Hi @fotoguy!

Please do remember that the best way for us to help you with WP3D Models is to use our Support Form.

We ask this because:

1) Support is part of what you pay for when you have a WP3D Models License
2) Troubleshooting specific issues almost always require seeing an example URL, or providing a screenshot, etc.

Facebook's debugger tool is very valuable but can return cryptic and/or misleading responses at times, especially with messages that refer to "corrupt" images, etc.

It sounds like the specific Model you're referring to doesn't currently have a social image properly assigned. We're happy to help and look forward to seeing your support ticket come through!


Ross @ WP3D Models.
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fotoguy private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you and I certainly will reach out. I just thought I might get a quick solution here from someone who has experienced it so I could get it posted. Next step would be support.
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