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How to Succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing (for Users and Matterport)9381

WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
WGAN-TV Town Hall - Matterport New Pricing (Thursday, 16 May 2019) with Matterport Chief Marketing Officer Chris Bell, Matterport Vice President of Product Management Damien Leostic.

Hi All,

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

In an expected way, Matterport New Pricing may have huge benefits to Matterport Service Providers with Classic Pricing.

If you have Matterport Classic Pricing, does the following work for you?

1. Keep your existing Matterport Classic Pricing account

[WGAN-TV Town Hall: Kevin Dole with @Home3D: ... what I'm requesting here in front of everyone else is give us at least one month's notice from when the announcement came last week for us to decide which of the classic plans we would like to be on going forward as an option to switching onto the new plan. If you're going to promise in advance a year's notice for something that could happen in the future, put something behind it. Put some ammunition behind it by giving us one month now to assess all of these options that we have as classic Matterport users.

Chris Bell: I think it's a fair suggestion.]

2a. If you do more than $69 in processing fees every month, add a Matterport Professional account ($69 month-to-month for unlimited processing) [WGAN-TV Town Hall: Dan Smigrod: "I'm at 300 models. Let's say my processing is costing me more than $69 a month. At $69 it would make sense to get a $69 professional account. Then process models with my new account and using the transfer feature, transfer those models back to my classic plan. ... I'm at 300 [models] and then I pay an extra $19 to have another 50 models a month in my account. Is that correct?" Damien Leostic: "Right."]
2b. If you do more than $69 in processing fees a month - sometimes – add a Matterport Professional account ($69 month-to-month for unlimited processing) and cancel (and repeat)
3. Process models in the new Matterport Professional account
4. Transfer models to your Matterport Classic account. It's free to transfer [WGAN-TV Town Hall: Dan Smigrod: "I hear we'll get at least a year's notice in terms of a change related to classic pricing. If that was to change, would that also be the case with transfer meaning we presently can transfer models for free. Can we count on at least the year that we'll be able to transfer models for free? Damien Leostic: "That's good."
5. Once you max out the hosting in your Matterport Classic account, pay $19 monthly to host up to 50 Matterport spaces (no limit on doing this) [WGAN-TV Town Hall: "Dan Smigrod: "If we're on a classic plan for $19 additional per month, we can host an extra 50 models. Correct?" Chris Bell: "Correct" ...]
6. For new client, start charging a monthly free for Hosting, Processing and Support. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)or Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).

My suggested hosting price points for residential real estate:

✓ $4.95 monthly or $49.50 if pre-paid annually
✓ $9.95 monthly or $99.50 if pre-paid annually
✓ $14.95 monthly or $149.95 if pre-paid annually

My suggested hosting price points for commercial real estate:

✓ $14.95 monthly or $149.50 if pre-paid annually
✓ $24.95 monthly or $249.50 if pre-paid annually
✓ $49.95 monthly or $499.50 if pre-paid annually

Tip: If you were going to shoot a commercial space for $1,000 under the Matterport Classic Pricing, consider charging consider charging $499 to shoot the Space and $49.95 monthly. In month 10 you will start to make more money that you would have charged the $1,000.

While it is unlikely that you will ever be able to increase pricing significantly on your existing Clients to switch to Matterport New Pricing, as long as Matterport Classic Pricing is in place, you should be okay.

With Matterport New Pricing, it's likely that you will need to change your business model to be charging significant monthly or annual Hosting, Support and Maintenance.

I typically figure:

✓ 1/3 of pricing is to cover costs
✓ 1/3 of pricing is to cover overhead
✓ 1/3 of pricing is the target for profit

The potential good news is that for anyone new-to-Matterport will start out with a business model that includes charging significant monthly or annual Hosting, Support and Maintenance. Since we are grandfathered in to the Matterport Classic Pricing, it means:

1. It's unlikely that new Matterport Pros can poach our existing Clients
2. We may have a competitive advantage because we can change our business model that includes charging significant monthly or annual Hosting, Support and Maintenance AND still have the benefit of Matterport Classic Pricing
3. This means new Clients may be a cash cow for us.

So, for example, in the scenario where you use to charge a Commercial Client a $1,000 and you now switch to charging $499 to shoot and $49.95 monthly, you start to make more money more money - beginning in month 10 - than you would have charged the $1,000.

So the Matterport New Pricing got you to switch your business plan even while you benefited from grandfathered in Matterport Classic Pricing (which newbies do not get the same benefit).

Matterport has agreed to give us 12 months notice, if it mandates that Matterport Classic Pricing gets eliminated. (Plus, I will lobby them to give us 12 months notice because all early adopters built a business model based on Matterport Classic Pricing. I will also lobby Matterport for 24 months notice for Matterport Classic Pricing users if they decide to charge a transfer free which breaks the How to Succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing business model I am proposing to you above.

From the WGAN-TV Town Hall

Dan Smigrod: As long as transfer is free, then I am still at the, I want to say at $2 per additional model for hosting. Right now at 300 models in a $1,500 a year account, I'm paying $5 a year for hosting under the new plan that's going to be $29 or even as high as 48, depending on how you count going back to Leon's explanation. If you don't fill up the the account overnight and therefore you don't get the benefit of it. What I'm trying to ask is can I transfer my models pay for the $19 for another 50 models and still have the benefit of that lower original price for hosting?

Damien Leostic: I completely understand the use case. Sort of what you're saying is like, "Look, I see the benefits of the new plan and I'm going to go sign up for a new plan because I realize those benefits." It's a first step towards adoption and realizing the value of what you bring. Now the paradigm that you explained is value today. Yes, you can sign up two to plans. Oh sorry, sign up to the new plan and keeping your classic plan. You can transfer the models.


Dan Smigrod: Well, Damien, I need to push back a little bit because the transfer feature is presently part of the classic plan. It's a huge benefit to the existing Matterport service providers that have been around quite some time to say, "Oh well this would be a way that I am not capped with a number of models that I can host on my classic plan." If I really do have a thriving business and I'm processing with more than $69 a month, then it would make sense for me to add another account.

Dan Smigrod: Then at some point if you keep loading on membership benefits into the professional and business account, then maybe they would actually be a reason to switch. But in terms of keeping everybody happy who is a classic member, if you let us know that transfer would remain free for another year, then I think that scenario may resonate with a number of pros.

Chris Bell: Dan, I think it's a good suggestion. We're not going to make some feature and policy decisions on live TV, but we're going to go back and we're going to answer this question and we're going to answer it on your forum. Let's take it head on. I understand the use case. I also believe in my heart of hearts that as many of you start to use the new tiers and we start to add value to the tiers that you'll want to be at that level.

Chris Bell: But for now, I applaud the creative solutions to make what we have on the table work for your businesses today and I appreciate the flexibility. So if you're willing to work that hard to keep things in kilter for your business, I think it just shows a lot of passion for Matterport. So we'll do our part and go back and evaluate that exact question.

Dan Smigrod: That sounds great. ...


So, in an expected way, Matterport New Pricing may have huge benefits to Matterport Service Providers with Classic Pricing when following the process that I have outlined above.

What "breaks" the above is if Matterport eliminates:

✓ $19 monthly for each addition 50 spaces hosted
✓ charges for transferring models to Matterport Classic Pricing from Matterport New Pricing

Seems like if Matterport would commit to 24 months notice on these two items, the firestorm that we have seen in the WGAN Forum the last 10 days could actually result in Matterport Classic Pricing users succeeding faster.

One certainty is that our business models must change from a mentality of a shoot fee and a tiny fee for hosting to potentially less for shooting commercial spaces and likely substantially more for Hosting, Support and Maintenance.

What are your thoughts on the above strategy to succeed with Matterport Classic Pricing in a Matterport New Pricing world?


Post 1 IP   flag post
KfromPoland private msg quote post Address this user
Has anyone think that in Many Countries currency differences are different and in new Matterport Pricing model I would have to go much more high with my prices - Means Real Estate Agent will consider another way to do Virtual Tours and many, many Matterport Providers will have to shout down ther bussines ( I am one of them )
Post 2 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
If we keep telling Matterport that we are OK with their new pricing because we can keep the Classic plans, they will move forward with this nonsense, then soon enough they will remove Classic (what are you going to do about it then!?) and they'll win (or more likely lose it all).

NO, the new unannounced pricing plans are NOT OK, and trying to find a loophole (a complicated and time-consuming one at that) is not the solution.
Post 3 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Firstly, I would question the "huge benefits" of the new pricing structure for MSPs

Basically, the huge benefits discussed actually boil down to.. "charge the customer more for your tours (but spread it out and they'll never notice)"... am i correct in that or did I read it wrong??

I pretty much agree with @archimedstudio that while it might be possible for many MSPs to change their business and pricing to try and somehow make this work, it's the complete lack of regard for MSPs that yet again comes out loud and clear from the actions of Matterport.

This is going to affect every current MSP and while it may be possible to make it work for some and move to a monthly hosting model, I know a couple of businesses in the UK who have already tried this previously and failed as clients weren't interested in a monthly subscription so their work dried up and they went back to a fixed fee.

There's a couple (or more) threads along these lines on here but my general feeling is that of distrust and I can't continue to build my business with a partner I can't trust.
Post 4 IP   flag post
KfromPoland private msg quote post Address this user
@Convrts I agree. I have tried this previously and failed with monthly/annual fees ( very small fees ) Nobody was interested in paying as subscription. ( Poland )
Post 5 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
So having watched the whole chat again, there's a lot of time spent avoiding addressing pretty straightforward concerns here.... specifically those raised by Ali from Turkey and it's issues such as these which concern me most.
The bulk of my clients require their models long term and the Matterport promise that "if we decide that we'll be stopping the classic plan we'll give you 12 months notice" does not give me any sense of long term security.
Post 6 IP   flag post
Fast Start
Peterborough, United Kingdom
angusnorriss private msg quote post Address this user
This from Matterport support on the MOUG Facebook site.

Post 7 IP   flag post
rzphotoman private msg quote post Address this user
After participating in the live forum, my gut feeling is that the only thing Matterport may do, to quiet down the roar from all the MSPs, is to offer a monthly payment plan for their two new top tiers. The fact that the pricing is still about 5-6 times higher for a large portion of us is the bigger issue. If it weren't we wouldn't be having this conversation. The fact is is that any of us that decide to stick to the classic pricing will have to switch at some point, and my guess is that it will be in less than 2 years. Matterport obviously needs to raise revenue now or they wouldn't have created this new costly pricing policy.

They kept saying they spoke to hundreds of users for input into their new plan but on this forum, and at the live forum, there weren't any to be found. When I questioned Chris on that, his answer was an explanation about how many hours they spent researching their clients data and processing habits to help in their decision making.

That tells me that they really never talked to any MSPs and they just used the data to determine how to maximize their profits. No way are they going to change that. They need the cash, and they know that the classic pricing plans will have to end soon for them to achieve their goals.

I don't agree with them...I think this new pricing and the way they dropped it on us may be the end of them. Too many un-knowns to know for sure, but like I said, it's just my gut feeling.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
I guess we'll see what happens in the next few weeks but I think it's going to take more than a monthly payment plan to restore the trust of a great many MSPs.

There are now other solutions out there which rival Matterport in terms of performance (GeoCV i'm talking about you) who could really establish themselves by offering disaffected MSPs another option.

I still love the Matterport system and am hoping that we hear something to restore our faith.

Re @Angusnorriss .... "indefinite" - "lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time"... it's a way of saying "yeah we don't really want to make any commitment on that right now"
Post 9 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
Let's all switch to GeoCV for the following reasons :
1/ give them the financial resources to continue and improve their product development (which is already awesome and almost on par with Matterport)
2/ allow them to hopefully lower their prices a bit
3/ allow them to fight their infringement case again Matterport

Fool me once (.OBJ not free anymore), shame on you. Fool me twice (TOS changes), shame on you again. Fool me three times (New pricing), it would really be shame on me for not doing anything...
Post 10 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @ArchimedStudio
If we keep telling Matterport that we are OK with their new pricing because we can keep the Classic plans, they will move forward with this nonsense, then soon enough they will remove Classic (what are you going to do about it then!?) and they'll win (or more likely lose it all).

NO, the new unannounced pricing plans are NOT OK, and trying to find a loophole (a complicated and time-consuming one at that) is not the solution.

I can not imagine that Matterport will cancel Matterport New Pricing. Can you?

Given that, I have outlined a practical, tactical way forward (above) for Matterport Service Providers to turn lemons into lemonade and 10 Things Matterport Should do for Matterport Service Providers.

If Matterport grandfathered in Matterport Classic Pricing for two years, would that make a difference for you?


Post 11 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by @Convrts
This is going to affect every current MSP and while it may be possible to make it work for some and move to a monthly hosting model, I know a couple of businesses in the UK who have already tried this previously and failed as clients weren't interested in a monthly subscription so their work dried up and they went back to a fixed fee.

I saw in a related discussion that you have received your GeoCV Kit. Regardless of which platform that you use, I encourage you to find a way to make recurring revenue work for you and your clients. The world is moving to subscription services.


Post 12 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Convrts
So having watched the whole chat again, there's a lot of time spent avoiding addressing pretty straightforward concerns here.... specifically those raised by Ali from Turkey and it's issues such as these which concern me most.
The bulk of my clients require their models long term and the Matterport promise that "if we decide that we'll be stopping the classic plan we'll give you 12 months notice" does not give me any sense of long term security.

If Matterport gave us two years notice on Matterport Classic Pricing going away, would that be helpful to you?

I agree that Matterport New Pricing is not designed for Matterport Service Providers that shoot for many Clients that have a need for long-term hosting (such as an event space, restaurant, retail store, etc.)

I wonder how Matterport is going to address this?

Post 13 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Thanks for sharing that screen grab.

Post 14 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
I agree that the New Pricing is here to stay Dan and your list of 10 things Matterport could do to make it less painful a pill for current MSPs to swallow is great.

If they took this on board then I think a lot of us would be a good deal happier and not only because of the finances of it. It's the lack of regard for current MSPs which has been so concerning if we're to continue rely on this as part of our business model.

We've been doing this since 2015 and, along with you guys, have witnessed a few things along the way which felt a little worrying but this, without some amendment, is really difficult to work with.
Post 15 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by rzphotoman
After participating in the live forum, my gut feeling is that the only thing Matterport may do, to quiet down the roar from all the MSPs, is to offer a monthly payment plan for their two new top tiers.

Thank you for participating in the WGAN-TV Live at 5 Town Hall discussion. Sweet to hear that your project has been shared and admired internally at Matterport.

Post 16 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Yeah Dan, I really wish we could sell clients on a subscription model!

It's something that we've tried a few times but it's stopped us getting jobs when other providers are offering a fixed fee, as clients see a Virtual Tour as they would a Photo... it's a one time fee. We've tried pushing the mattertag update model etc but have not had any success.

Also, a big selling point of GeoCV is self hosting and I know many clients will definitely want to self-host..... so it won't even be a hosting fee we're asking for so not even sure what we're asking them to pay a monthly fee for?

(There are a couple of other larger MSPs in the UK who I noticed revamped their websites to push the monthly model..... and then rebuilt them to return to fixed fee)
Post 17 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
If Matterport gave us two years notice on Matterport Classic Pricing going away, would that be helpful to you?

I agree that Matterport New Pricing is not designed for Matterport Service Providers that shoot for many Clients that have a need for long-term hosting (such as an event space, restaurant, retail store, etc.)

I wonder how Matterport is going to address this?


My main issue with this is that no matter what time scale we're offered there is going to come a time when all of these jobs, which we have completed years ago and been paid on the understanding that they will be available in the long term, will have to be moved to New Pricing and start to cost us a great deal if they are to remain live. This is absolutely terrible when we have historical sites and heritage spaces which are now potentially in jeopardy long term.(some of which are longer here in the physical world due to heritage funding cuts and only live in the Virtual domain) We cant go back to these clients and start demanding more money.. the contract has been fulfilled. It's like your Wedding Photographer coming back to you after 5 years and saying "if you don't start paying me a monthly fee I'm taking your wedding album back"

Sorry it's clear I don't know how to add quotes to my posts!
Post 18 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

"Hosting, Maintenance and Support" for ongoing Spaces (not residential real estate).

Post 19 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Convrts
My main issue with this is that no matter what time scale we're offered there is going to come a time when all of these jobs, which we have completed years ago and been paid on the understanding that they will be available in the long term, will have to be moved to New Pricing and start to cost us a great deal if they are to remain live. This is absolutely terrible when we have historical sites and heritage spaces which are now potentially in jeopardy long term.(some of which are longer here in the physical world due to heritage funding cuts and only live in the Virtual domain) We cant go back to these clients and start demanding more money.. the contract has been fulfilled. It's like your Wedding Photographer coming back to you after 5 years and saying "if you don't start paying me a monthly fee I'm taking your wedding album back"

Yes. I agree. You can not go back to existing Clients. Their pricing was based on the Matterport Classic Pricing. Going forward with new Client, all Matterport Service Providers will need to re-event their business model around the Matterport New Pricing. (Even if you switch to GeoCV, Cupix, etc., I still encourage you - everyone - to move towards a subscription business model.

Post 20 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

"Hosting, Maintenance and Support" for ongoing Spaces (not residential real estate).


Love the phrase!

I will be certain to add that to out long term packages (where we are hosting)

But what if we're not hosting? (a la GeoCV)

I've got 6 jobs lined up for the GeoCV camera next week and each one jumped at the offer when I mentioned self-hosting (because the other option they had was Matterport providers and this is a better option)
Post 21 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Convrts
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

"Hosting, Maintenance and Support" for ongoing Spaces (not residential real estate).


Love the phrase!

But what if we're not hosting? (a la GeoCV)

"Maintenance and Support"

Originally Posted by Convrts
I've got 6 jobs lined up for the GeoCV camera next week and each one jumped at the offer when I mentioned self-hosting (because the other option they had was Matterport providers and this is a better option)

That's awesome! Please do start new discussions in the WGAN Forum to share your GeoCV experience.

Congrats again on the new biz. Based on the self-hosting sounds, like you a creating a Blue Ocean Marketing strategy by making the competition irrelevant.


Post 22 IP   flag post
Convrts private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod
Originally Posted by Convrts

But what if we're not hosting? (a la GeoCV)

"Maintenance and Support"

Originally Posted by Convrts
I've got 6 jobs lined up for the GeoCV camera next week and each one jumped at the offer when I mentioned self-hosting (because the other option they had was Matterport providers and this is a better option)

That's awesome! Please do start new discussions in the WGAN Forum to share your GeoCV experience.

Congrats again on the new biz. Based on the self-hosting sounds, like you a creating a Blue Ocean Marketing strategy by making the competition irrelevant.



I'll be sure to post about the experience and send links to the tours!

We'll still be using our Matterport camera, as it's difficult to beat, but I definitely feel that there is a great deal of potential in the GeoCV offer.

Thanks again Dan, you've been a great source of ideas, information and motivation for all of us MSPs during this difficult time..... what a wonderful community and resource you have built!!
Post 23 IP   flag post
3D Renderings
AEC Elevation Drawings
Montreal, Québec
ArchimedStudio private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by DanSmigrod

I can not imagine that Matterport will cancel Matterport New Pricing. Can you?

I actually can imagine Matterport can go back, like they did with their TOS a few months ago. OR, they can adjust either or both:
- the price per plan
- the number of models allowed per plan

New pricing suggestion I would consider:
Pro : 50 models $79
Pro plus : 100 models $149
Business : 200 models $279
Business Plus : 400 models $479
Re-raise the price of the camera to whatever level you think is reasonable and profitable (without dropping the sales number).
Include MatterPaks (or at least the .OBJ that used to be FREE!!!) in Business and Business Plus.
Post 24 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

Ah! Cool! Excellent. Simply by increasing the amount of models hosted to the new plan.

Perhaps, Matterport could do this just for those that were Clients before 9 May 2019 to thank early adaptors?

Perhaps there is a way for Matterport to take the # of models that we each have and migrate those as active models with no charge for the number of models that we had on 9 May?

Post 25 IP   flag post
WGAN Forum
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WGAN-TV Podcast
Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by Convrts
Thanks again Dan, you've been a great source of ideas, information and motivation for all of us MSPs during this difficult time..... what a wonderful community and resource you have built!!

Thank you for your super-kind note. Much appreciated. Wouldn't be possible without WGAN Members like you posting and the nearly 13,000 Visitors monthly - many of which are researching 3D/360º Platforms/Cameras - that provide the audience that enable us to have a soap box to stand on ...


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